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an initiative of PARCO Wellness Program Bulletin No. 78


Smog is a type of air pollutant. The word “smog”, derived from two words Smoke
and fog, refers to smoky fog, its opacity and odor. This kind of visible air pollution
is composed of nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide and ozone, etc. Smog in and around
cities is derived from coal, vehicular & industrial emissions, forest & agricultural
fires and photochemical reactions of these emissions.”

Lahore, Faisalabad and Gujranwala, the most populous and polluted cities of
Punjab, are facing the worsening issue of smog which returns every winter with a
greater intensity.

Adverse Health Effects of Smog

Smog may cause:

 Irritation and redness of eyes.

 Pain, redness and sore throat.
 Allergic Rhinitis (Flu) and Pneumonia.
 Acute breathlessness in people who are known cases of Asthma.
 Cough and chest infections.
an initiative of PARCO Wellness Program Bulletin No. 78

Risks of accidents: Smog interferes with natural visibility and irritates eyes. As a
result, it may prevent the driver or flight controller from reading important signs
and signals thereby increasing the probability of road accidents or even plane crash.

General Precautions
Certain precautions can help you better plan outdoor activities and prevent the
effects of air pollution (smog).

 Avoid travelling on roads during the time of smog.

 Keep your doors and windows closed and stay inside during smoggy weather.
 Avoid exercise particularly during early morning and late evening.
 People suffering from asthma and lung diseases should wear face mask and
carry their inhaler with them.
 Avoid congested areas of roads where you may get stuck in traffic
Jams and keep car windows closed.
 Do not smoke, especially indoors.
 Slow down and do not drive faster than your vision.
 Keep enough distance from other vehicles to ensure enough reaction time
to control your vehicle.
 Turn on all vehicle lights.
 Drive less instead walk and/or use public transportation whenever possible.
 Do not change lanes or overtake other vehicles.
 Watch out for slow moving and parked vehicles.

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