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Sharples 1

Travis Sharples

Mr. Placke

Theology 2

13 December 2022


What we believe about God matters because it shapes our lives. He has given us so many

things to be grateful for. Including the environment that surrounds us, the choices we make on a

daily basis, and the strength we need to conquer anything that comes our way throughout life.

God created our environment consisting of light, sky, land, seas, plants, trees, sun, moon,

stars, fish, birds, animals, and humans. All of these things are essential to our everyday lives.

Without them our life would not be complete.

God gave us the ability to make decisions. We have the choice to choose good or evil no

matter what situation we are involved in. The things we do, the places we go, and the people we

surround ourselves with place a major role in determining our choices. So it’s always a wise

decision to choose good over evil.

God has given us an unbelievable strength and courage through Jesus Christ our lord. He

makes us realize even when things get hard, we can get through anything. He is there for us no

matter the situation or circumstance we face.

Sharples 2

Our beliefs help us become the best possible version of ourselves. Be a good person, make

the best decisions possible, and be strong and courageous always. God has given us this

wonderful gift. All we must do is believe in him.

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