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Sharples 1

Travis Sharples

Mrs. Davis

English 2

22 October 2022

From The Benchwarmer to The Star

Underdog or maybe benchwarmer is a better term to describe my last year of little league

all-stars. It was 2019, we played a total of four games until we got eliminated. I only played eight

of twenty-four innings. It was upsetting to me, but I made sure to make the most of it when I got

a chance.

The first game I sat there clinching my fists as the sixth inning went by. Our team won so

it was exciting, but I felt as if I wasn’t part of it. Everyone was saying, “Great game Travis!”, as

I’m thinking to myself, I did nothing to contribute. It definitely didn’t feel good, and I was

determined to never feel that way again.

As the second game approached, I found out that I wouldn’t be starting, but if we were

up, I would probably get in for an inning or two. The game ended up being a close one and we

ended up losing. I still hadn’t seen the field yet. At this point in time, I thought I would never get

playing time since we had to win the next two games to move on. (Core 1)

With my goal of starting the next game, I tried my hardest in practice. It was a long

couple of days of practice before the third game though. Finally, it was game day and again I was
Sharples 2

sitting the bench. In the fifth inning we were down five to six. They had no choice but to either

me or another kid in because of the rules. (Core 3) The coaches chose me. When they did, I knew

I could do whatever it takes to get on base, but I could tell the coaches weren’t confident in me.

With much nerve and excitement, I walk to the plate as the crowd screams in good hopes.

(Core 6) The bases were loaded, and the other team had just brought a new pitcher in. The first

pitch was a ball. The second pitch was straight down the middle, and I made perfect contact with

the ball and then BOOM! GRAND SLAM right over the center field fence! The crown screamed

as all my teammates gathered at homeplate to congratulate me. It was the best feeling ever not

because I was happy but because I finally felt like part of the team. (Core 4) The fourth game I

was standing on the field for six whole innings. The feeling was so awesome that it didn’t matter

to me that we ended up losing that game and that all-stars was over. (Core 5)

There is always an opportunity to turn an underdog into a champion. To go from a

benchwarmer to a starter is something I will never forget. If a person works hard and stays

determined, they only need one moment to prove themselves. Do not sit, stand tall and keep

swinging even when no one believes in you.

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