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My favorite technological

Vinyl record

Name: Máximo Silva.

Date: 23/05/2023

Name of the gadget: Vinyl Record
Name of the inventor: This was a device invented
by Thomas Edison, was an American inventor who held a
world record for patents, born in the year 1847.
When and where was created?

The vinyl record was created in the United States in 1877.

Who can use this gadget?

anyone can use this device

Name their main parts

1. Phonochasis.
2. Turntable.
3. Pitch adjustment
4. Traction.
5. Tone arm.
6. Phono pickup
7. Capsule
Whats the main function?

Its operation consists of extracting and amplifying the

music contained in a vinyl record, more specifically in a
spiral groove recorded on it.
Is it something really important for

The sound of the turntables is unique and unmatched! The

nostalgic feeling. The experience of having a vinyl record in
hand is 1000 times greater than downloading an mp3 file or
Especially for someone who has a unique ear for music.
Why did i choose to talk about this gadget?

I decided to talk about this device because I really like music

and it is something very interesting for me.
Thank you so much

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