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Because passing the bar is everything.

Rev. 08.25.2021
Table of contents

UBE Alabama.......................... 2 UBE Kentucky........................19 UBE North Dakota...............36

UBE Alaska ............................. 3 Louisiana................................20 UBE Ohio............................... 37

UBE Arizona ........................... 4 UBE Maine..............................21 UBE Oklahoma.....................38

UBE Arkansas......................... 5 UBE Maryland.......................22 UBE Oregon..........................39

California.................................. 6 UBE Massachusetts............23 Pennsylvania.........................40

UBE Colorado..........................7 Michigan.................................24 UBE Rhode Island................ 41

UBE Connecticut................... 8 UBE Minnesota.....................25 UBE South Carolina............42

Delaware.................................. 9 Mississippi.............................26 South Dakota........................43

UBE District of Columbia....10 UBE Missouri.........................27 UBE Tennessee.................... 44

Florida....................................... 11 UBE Montana........................28 UBE Texas..............................45

Georgia....................................12 UBE Nebraska......................29 UBE Utah................................46

Hawaii...................................... 13 Nevada...................................30 UBE Vermont........................ 47

UBE Idaho............................... 14 UBE New Hampshire.......... 31 Virginia....................................48

UBE Illinois..............................15 UBE New Jersey..................32 UBE Washington..................49

UBE Indiana ...........................16 UBE New Mexico.................33 UBE West Virginia...............50

UBE Iowa................................. 17 UBE New York......................34 Wisconsin................................51

UBE Kansas............................18 UBE North Carolina.............35 UBE Wyoming.....................52

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BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 2

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
BARBRI Bar Exam Digest

From the U.S. bar exam preparation experts

This digest contains bar exam information for each U.S. jurisdiction including
the typical bar exam format, subjects tested, bar exam and MPRE scoring,
deadlines, fees, reciprocity and more.

Please note that bar exam information is subject to change without notice. We
always recommend that you check your state’s bar examiner’s website for the
latest information, updates and changes.

We’ve invested in bar prep innovation and optimization for over 50 years.
That’s why every minute you invest increases your chances of passing the bar.
More licensed attorneys have passed their bar exam with BARBRI than all other
bar prep courses combined.

BARBRI. Because passing the bar is everything.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 1

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Alabama

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Alabama Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 260 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Applicants may transfer an MBE scaled score of at
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., least 140 achieved in another jurisdiction if taken
100 questions in the p.m.). within 25 months prior to the next scheduled exam.
Applicant must have passed the bar exam and be
Subjects tested admitted to practice in the transferring jurisdiction
MBE subjects
Carryover of MBE score
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
An applicant who has failed the bar exam in Alabama
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
but achieved a scaled score of at least 140 on the
Property, Torts
MBE, may carryover that MBE score to a future exam
MEE essay subjects within 25 months of earning that score
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Carryover of Written Test Score
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
An applicant who has failed the bar exam in Alabama
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
but achieved a scaled score of at least 140 on the
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
MEE and MPT, may carryover that MEE/MPT score to a
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
future exam within 25 months of earning that score.
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Admission on motion
Multistate Performance Test
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
“Closed universe” practical questions using
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
reference material supplied by examiners.
the six years preceding application. Additional
MPRE requirements apply.
A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE is required for
Admission by UBE score transfer
admission. Must take the MPRE within 25 months prior
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
to, or 25 months after, successful bar examination.
least 260 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
jurisdiction may apply for admission based on that
Filing deadlines and fees
score. The admission of the applicant must be finalized
Applications must be filed by October 1st for the
within 25 months of the date the transferred score was
February exam and January 1st for the February exam.
No late filing is allowed. earned. Additional requirements apply.

• Bar Exam application fee: $575* Additional information

• UBE score transfer or reciprocity Before being admitted to the practice of law in
application fee: $875* Alabama, all applicants shall complete an online
course on Alabama law. The course consists of eight
*A law student non-registration fee of $250.00 is (8) online learning modules covering the following
assessed to any applicant who has not previously subjects: Alabama Constitution; Alternative Dispute
submitted a law student registration or previously Resolution; Civil Litigation; Criminal Law; Family Law;
paid the non-registration fee. The law student non- Real Property; Torts; and Wills & Trusts/Probate. Bar
registration fee is addition to the application fees above. Examination applicants will be given access to the
course approximately 7 – 10 days after administration
of the bar examination.

Alabama State Bar

Tel (334) 269-1515

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 2

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Alaska

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Alaska Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 280 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Alaska does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 280 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding five years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Alaska Bar Association
Multistate Performance Test Tel (907) 272-7469
“Closed universe” practical questions using Web
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
admission. Must have taken the MPRE within the past
8 years.

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be filed by December 1st for the
February exam and May 1st for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $800

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 3

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Arizona

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Arizona Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 273 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Arizona does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
the five years preceding application. Additional
Property, Torts
requirements apply.
MEE essay subjects
Admission by UBE score transfer
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
least 273 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
jurisdiction within the preceding five years may
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Article
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial
requirements apply.
Code plus all MBE subjects

Multistate Performance Test Additional information

“Closed universe” practical questions using All applicants must take the Arizona Law Course prior
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes, and other to admission. The course includes approximately six
reference material supplied by examiners. hours of video instruction along with supplemental
materials and knowledge checks.
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
Arizona Supreme Court
admission. The passing MPRE score must have
Tel (602) 452-3971
been earned within 2 years prior to, or 5 years after,
successful bar examination.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by October 31st for
the February exam and by March 31st for the July
exam. Late application deadlines, with an additional
fee, are November 30th for the February exam and
April 30th for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $580

• Late filing fee: $100
• Character report fee: $300
(not applicable to UBE transfer or AOM applicants)
• Administrative fee: $160
• UBE score transfer: $675
• Admission on motion: $1800

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 4

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Arkansas

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Arkansas Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Arkansas does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Subjects tested
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the five years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Arkansas State Board of Law Examiners
Multistate Performance Test Tel (501) 374-1855
“Closed universe” practical questions using Web
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes, and other programs/bar-exam
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar. Applicants may take the MPRE
up to three years prior to, or within one year after
passing the bar exam.

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be filed by November 15th for the
February exam and April 1st for the July exam. No late
filing is allowed.

• Bar exam application fee: $1,000

• Admission on motion: $1,500
• UBE score transfer: $1,500

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 5

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MBE score is 50% of the total score, while the
The California Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. written portion accounts for the other 50%. A passing
score of 1,390 or greater on a 2,000-point scale
Day 1 Three 60-minute essay questions (in the a.m.).
is required based on the combined scores of the
Two 60-minute essay questions and one 90-minute
California Performance Test, the essay questions, and
Performance Test (in the p.m.).
the MBE.
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 Reciprocity
questions in the p.m.). Acceptance of MBE score
California does not accept an MBE score from an
Subjects tested exam taken in another jurisdiction.
MBE subjects
Admission on motion
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
California does not provide for admission on motion.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Examination is required of all applicants. Attorneys
Property, Torts
who have been licensed in another jurisdiction for
California Essay subjects four years may be eligible to sit for the attorney exam
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership, (written exam only).
Corporations, and LLC), CA Civil Procedure, CA
Community Property, CA Evidence, CA Professional The State Bar of CA Office of Admissions
Responsibility, Remedies, Trusts, CA Wills and Los Angeles (213) 765-1500
Succession, plus all MBE subjects San Francisco (main office) (415) 538-2300
California Performance Test
“Closed universe” practical questions using
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes, and other
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 86 on the MPRE is required
for admission.

Filing deadlines and fees

The typical timely filing deadline for applications is
November 1st for the February exam and April 1st for
the July exam. Late filing is typically allowed, with
additional fees, until January 15th for the February
exam; and June 1st for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $677

• Attorney exam application fee: $983
• First late filing fee: $50
• Final late filing fee: $250
• Appl. for determination of moral character: $551

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 6

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Colorado

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Colorado Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 276 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Colorado does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the five years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 276 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Passing
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
UBE scores earned more than three years, but less
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
than five years prior may qualify if applicant has been
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
actively engaged in the practice of law for at least
Multistate Performance Test two years immediately preceding the application.
“Closed universe” practical questions using Additional requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. Additional information
Practice with Professionalism Course
Colorado requires exam applicants to take a six-
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
hour “Practicing with Professionalism” course prior
admission to the bar. The MPRE score will be valid
to admission to the bar. On-motion and UBE Score
if it was achieved at an examination taken not more
transfer applicants must complete the course on
than two years prior to the date an application for
professionalism within six months following admission.
admission is filed.
Colorado Supreme Court
Filing deadlines and fees
Office of Attorney Admissions
Timely applications must be filed by November 1st for
Tel (303) 928-7770
the February exam and by April 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
December 1st for the February exam and May 1st for
the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $710

• Late filing fee: $200
• Admission on motion: $1,800
• UBE score transfer: $810

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 7

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Connecticut

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Connecticut Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Connecticut does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant has
MBE subjects
engaged in active practice of law as principle means of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
livelihood for five of the ten years preceding application.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Additional requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at least
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another jurisdiction
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
within the preceding five years may apply for admission
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
based on that score. Additional requirements apply.
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Connecticut Bar Examining Committee
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Tel (860) 706-5135
Multistate Performance Test Web
“Closed universe” practical questions using
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE or a grade of “C” or
better in an ethics course at a law school approved by
the Bar Examining Committee is required.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by October 31st for
the February exam and by March 31st for the July
exam. Late application deadlines, with an additional
fee, are November 30th for the February exam and
April 30th for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $800

• Late filing fee: $100
• UBE score transfer: $750
• Admission on motion: $1,800

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 8

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

July 25-27 The scaled written score is weighted 60% and the
Delaware does not administer a February exam. scaled MBE score is weighted 40%. A total scaled
The Delaware Bar Exam is a 2 1/2-day exam held score of 145 (out of 200) or higher is required to pass.
Day 1 Four 45-minute Delaware Essay Exam questions
Acceptance of MBE score
in the AM and four in the PM.
Delaware does not accept an MBE score from an
Day 2 Half day including two 90-minute Multistate exam taken in another jurisdiction.
Performance Test (MPT) questions.
Admission on motion
Day 3 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Delaware does not provide for Admission on motion.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100 Examination is required of all applicants.
questions in the PM).
Additional information
Subjects tested In Delaware, students must also complete a clerkship
MBE subjects of five months for admission.
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Clerkship requirement
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
To become licensed in Delaware, all applicants must
Property, Torts
complete a five-month clerkship in Delaware, under
Delaware essay subjects the supervision of a qualified Delaware attorney who
Agency, Corporations, Criminal Law (including must certify the clerkship has been completed. The
Delaware Criminal Code), Equity, Partnerships, five-month requirement constitutes 21 forty-hour work
Procedure (State and Federal), Trusts, UCC, Wills, weeks and may be aggregated. Applicants can initiate
plus all MBE subjects the clerkship process while they are still enrolled in
law school. There is a checklist of mandatory legal
Multistate Performance Test
activities and tasks to be completed during the
“Closed universe” practical questions using
clerkship, which is available from the Delaware Board
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
of Bar Examiners’ website.
reference material supplied by examiners.
State and Federal Background Checks
Students must undergo both a state and federal
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required
background check, which should be started as early as
for admission.
possible, as they can take up to 90 days to complete.
Filing deadlines and fees State and Federal Background Checks
Timely applications must be filed by April 1st. The late Students must undergo both a state and federal
application deadline, with an additional fee, is May 1st. background check, which should be started as early as
possible, as they can take up to 90 days to complete.
Bar exam applications filed on or before April 1st
• Not admitted in another jurisdiction: $700
Delaware Board of Bar Examiners
• Admitted in another jurisdiction: $800
Tel (302) 651-3940
Bar exam applications filed after April 1st but
on or before May 1st
• Not admitted in another jurisdiction: $1,400
• Admitted in another jurisdiction: $1,600

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 9

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE District of Columbia

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The District of Columbia Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Bar Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE or D.C. Bar Exam score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, An applicant who received an MBE scaled score of 133
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., or higher on a prior MBE, taken within 25 months of the
100 questions in the p.m.). present exam, may waive in the MBE score and take
only the essay exam. An essay score of 133 will then be
Subjects tested required to pass the D.C. exam.
MBE subjects
An applicant who received a scaled essay score of 133 or
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
higher on a prior D.C. Bar Exam (taken within 25 months
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
of the present exam) may waive in the essay score and
Property, Torts
take only the MBE. A scaled MBE score of 133 will then
MEE essay subjects be required to pass the D.C. exam.
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Admission on motion
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
A member in good standing of another U.S. state or
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
territory may be admitted without exam if applicant has
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
engaged in active practice of law for at least five years
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
immediately preceding application.
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
An applicant may also be admitted without exam if
Multistate Performance Test
applicant received a scaled MBE score of at least 133
“Closed universe” practical questions using
on an exam upon which applicant was admitted in
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
another jurisdiction, achieved a scaled score of 75 or
reference material supplied by examiners.
better on the MPRE, and has a J.D. or LL.B. from an
MPRE ABA accredited law school.
A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE is required
Additional requirements apply.
for admission.
Admission by UBE
Filing deadlines and fees Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Typically, timely applications must be filed by least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
December 15th for the February exam and by jurisdiction within the preceding five years may
May 3rd for the July exam. Late applications may be apply for admission based on that score. Additional
filed within 15 days from December and May closing requirements apply.
dates. Deadlines are subject to change, please
confirm the application period for your exam with the Committee on Admissions
Committee on Admissions. Tel (202) 879-2710
• Bar exam application fee: $232
• Admission on motion or UBE score transfer: $418

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 10

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MBE and Florida essay/multiple-choice scores
The Florida Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. are each weighted 50%. The scaled scores of both
Day 1 Three essay questions (a.m.) and 100 multiple- sections are averaged to determine if the applicant
choice questions {p.m.). has achieved a passing score of 136 or higher. If
applicant only takes one part of the exam a score of
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
136 or higher must be achieved on that part.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m.,
100 questions in the p.m.).
Subjects tested Acceptance of MBE score
MBE subjects Applicants may transfer an MBE scaled score of at
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ least 136 achieved in another jurisdiction if taken within
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real 25 months prior to the next scheduled exam.
Property, Torts Admission on motion
Florida essay subjects Florida does not provide for admission on motion.
Articles 3 & 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Examination is required of all applicants.
Business Entities, Chapters 4 & 5 of the Rules
Regulating the Florida Bar, Contracts, Criminal Law, Florida Board of Bar Examiners
Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Family Tel (850) 487-1292
Law, Federal Constitutional Law, Florida Constitutional Web
Law, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, Florida Rules
of Criminal Procedure, Florida Rules of Judicial
Administration, Professionalism, Real Property, Torts,
Trusts, Wills & Administration of Estates. Equitable
aspects of all subjects tested
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
admission. MPRE scores are accepted only if the
MPRE and the general bar exam are taken within 25
months of each other.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by November 15th for
the February exam and May 1st for the July exam. Late
filing deadlines, with additional fees, are December
15th and January 15th for the February exam; and June
1st and June 15th for the July exam.
• Law student registration filing fee: $400*
*Discounted Law Student Registration fees of
$100-$350 are available to students who file early.

• $600 for students who filed

Law Student Registration
• $1000 for students who did not file
Law Student Registration
• First late filing fee: $325
• Final late filing fee: $625

Attorney applicants pay graduated fees based on

the number of years admitted to the bar. Fees range
from $1,000 for those admitted less than one year to
$3,000 for those admitted over 15 years.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 11

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Fitness application fees:

February 22-23, July 26-27 • Filed prior to law school graduation: $400
The Georgia Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. • Filed within 1 year of law school graduation: $600
• Filed more than 1 year after law school grad: $700
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test • One-day attorneys’ exam: $900
(MPT) questions (a.m.) and four 45-minute essay • Late fitness application filing fee: $400
questions (p.m.). • Two-day bar exam application filing fee: $442
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, • One-day attorneys’ exam apl. filing fee: $378
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., • Late exam application filing fee: $200
100 questions in the p.m.). Scoring
Scaled MBE and scaled essay/performance test
Subjects tested
scores are combined to determine if applicant has
MBE subjects
achieved a passing score of 270 or higher. Applicant
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
must achieve a scaled score of at least 115 on the MBE
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
to have their essays and MPT questions graded. A
Property, Torts
combined score of 265-269 will result in re-grading of
Georgia essay subjects essays and MPTs.
Business Organizations, Family Law, Federal Practice
and Procedure, Georgia Practice and Procedure, Reciprocity
Non-Monetary Remedies, Professional Ethics, Acceptance of MBE score
Trusts, Wills and Estates, Uniform Commercial Code Georgia does not accept an MBE score from an exam
(Articles 2, 3, & 9), plus all MBE subjects taken in another jurisdiction.

Multistate Performance Test A one-day Attorneys’ Exam, testing only the essay/
“Closed universe” practical questions using MPT portion of the Georgia Bar Exam, may be
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other offered to attorneys of other jurisdictions meeting
reference material supplied by examiners. certain criteria. A score of 135 is required to pass the
Attorneys’ Exam.
A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE is required Admission on motion
for admission. A member in good standing of a reciprocating
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
Filing deadlines and fees has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Bar Exam applications are only available to applicants the seven years preceding application. Additional
who hold a valid Certification of Fitness to Practice requirements apply.
Law, which has a separate application and deadlines.
Georgia Office of Bar Admissions
Filing deadlines for the Application for Certification
Tel (404) 656-3490
of Fitness to Practice Law are the first Wednesday of
July (timely) or October (late) for the February exam;
or the first Wednesday of December (timely) or March
(late) for July.

Filing deadlines for Bar Exam applications are the

first Wednesday of January preceding the February
exam; or the first Wednesday of June preceding the
July exam. Late applications are accepted within the
following 30 days of these deadlines with payment of
an additional fee.

All filing periods close at 4:00pm Eastern Time.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 12

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MBE is weighted 50%. The individual remaining
The Hawaii Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. items, which consist of 6 MEE questions, 2 MPT tasks,
and a locally developed Hawaii Legal Ethics Examination,
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
are all equally weighted for a cumulative total of 50%. A
(MEE); two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
score of 134 (out of 200) or higher is required to pass.
questions (MPT); Hawaii Legal Ethics Examination, a
30-minute, 15-question-multiple-choice-exam.
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Acceptance of MBE score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., Hawaii does not accept an MBE score from an exam
100 questions in the p.m.). taken in another jurisdiction.

Admission on motion
Subjects tested
Although Admission on motion is not generally available,
MBE subjects
Hawaii allows it on specific and limited grounds.
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Additional information
Property, Torts
Hawaii legal ethics exam
MEE essay subjects The Hawaii Legal Ethics Examination consists of 15
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; multiple-choice questions. It was developed by the
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), Hawaii Board of Examiners and is based on the Hawaii
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates Rules of Professional Conduct (HRPC). Hawaii allots
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), 30 minutes for this exam component administered
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform on Tuesday morning. Do not confuse the Hawaii
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects Legal Ethics Examination with the NCBE’s Multistate
Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) or the
Multistate Performance Test
mandatory Hawaii Professionalism Course conducted
“Closed universe” practical questions using
by the Hawaii State Bar Association.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.
Hawaii Board of Bar Examiners
MPRE Tel (808) 539-4977
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE within two years Web
before or within one year after the Hawaii bar exam is bar_exam
required for admission.

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be received by November 1st for the
February exam and April 1st for the July exam. No late
filing allowed.

• Bar exam application fee: $500

Does not include NCBE HAWAII Character

and Fitness Application Fee

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 13

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Idaho

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Idaho Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 272 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Applicants may transfer previous MBE scaled score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 from another recognized jurisdiction if taken within
questions in the p.m.). 37 months of the date of exam (Board recommends
transferred score be at least scaled score of 136).
Subjects tested
Admission on motion
MBE subjects
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant has
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
engaged in active practice of law for three of the five
Property, Torts
years preceding application.
MEE essay subjects
Attorneys who have actively practiced three of the
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
five years preceding application in a non-reciprocal
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction are not required to take the MBE.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Additional requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Admission by UBE score transfer
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Multistate Performance Test least 272 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
“Closed universe” practical questions using jurisdiction within the preceding 37 months may
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other apply for admission based on that score. Additional
reference material supplied by examiners. requirements apply.

Idaho State Bar
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
Tel (208) 334-4500
admission. The passing score must be achieved either
prior to the bar exam, or within two administrations of
the MPRE after successfully completing the bar exam.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by October 1st for
the February exam and by March 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
November 15th for the February exam and April 15th
for the July exam.

Bar Exam Application Fees:

• Student applicant fee: $600
• Attorney applicant fee: $800
• Late filing fee: $200

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 14

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Illinois

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Illinois Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
to pass.
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute Multistate
Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Acceptance of MBE score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 Accepts MBE score of at least 141 if within 13 months
questions in the p.m.). and from a jurisdiction in which applicant passed the
entire bar exam.
Subjects tested
Admission on motion
MBE subjects
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Property, Torts
the five years preceding application. Additional
MEE essay subjects requirements apply.
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Admission by UBE score transfer
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
jurisdiction within the preceding four years may
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
requirements apply.
Multistate Performance Test
“Closed universe” practical questions using Illinois Board of Admissions to The Bar
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other Tel (217) 522-5917
reference material supplied by examiners. Web

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar. The MPRE can be taken at any
time but admission to the bar is contingent on passing
the MPRE.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by September 15th
for the February exam and February 15th for the July
exam. Late filing deadlines, with additional fees, are
November 1st and December 15th for the February
exam; and April 1st and May 15th for the July exam.

• Timely bar exam application fee: $950

• First late bar exam application fee: $1,150
• Final late bar exam application fee: $1,450

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 15

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Indiana

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with the
The Indiana Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT 20%. A
Exam (UBE). total scaled score of 264 or higher is required to pass.

Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam Reciprocity

questions and two 90-minute Multistate Admission on motion
Performance Test questions. A member in good standing of another U.S. state
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m.,
the seven years preceding application. Additional
100 questions in the p.m.).
requirements apply.
Subjects tested Admission by UBE score transfer
MBE subjects Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ least 264 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real jurisdiction within the preceding five years may
Property, Torts apply for admission based on that score. Additional
requirements apply.
MEE Essay Subjects
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Additional information
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
Applicants may take exam prior to graduation if
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
they have fewer than five credit hours to complete,
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
are within 100 days of graduation, have completed
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
two hours of Professional Responsibility and have
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
completed all requirements for admission to the bar.
Multistate Performance Test
Applicants for admission to the Indiana bar based on
“Closed universe” practical questions using
the UBE, whether administered in Indiana or in another
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
jurisdiction, shall also be required to complete the
reference material supplied by examiners.
Indiana Law Course, a jurisdiction-specific component,
MPRE within six months after admission
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for to the Indiana bar.
admission to the bar. The passing score must be
achieved within two years before or after the date the Indiana Board of Law Examiners
applicant passes the bar exam. Tel (317) 232-2552
Filing deadlines and fees
Timely applications must be filed by November 15th for
the February exam and by April 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
November 30th for the February exam and April 15th
for the July exam.

• Timely bar exam application fee: $250

• Late bar exam application fee: $500

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 16

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Iowa

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-24, July 26-28 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Iowa Bar Exam is a 3-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE) with a mandatory orientation session and 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
mandatory applicant registration. to pass.

Day 1 Mandatory Orientation Session and Mandatory

Applicant Registration.
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Iowa does not accept an MBE score from an exam
Test questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute taken in another jurisdiction.
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
Day 3 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, A member in good standing of another U.S. state
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
100 questions in the p.m.). has engaged in active practice of law for five of
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Subjects tested requirements apply.
MBE subjects
Admission by UBE score transfer
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Property, Torts
jurisdiction within the preceding two years may apply
MEE essay subjects for admission based on that score. Passing UBE
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; scores earned more than two years, but less than five
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), years prior may qualify if applicant has been actively
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates engaged in the practice of law for at least two of the
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), three years immediately preceding the application.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform Additional requirements apply.
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Additional information
Multistate Performance Test
Applicants may take exam prior to graduation if a
“Closed universe” practical questions using
degree from an ABA accredited law school will be
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
received within 45 days after the first day of the exam.
reference material supplied by examiners.

MPRE Iowa Board of Law Examiners

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE must be on file Office of Professional Regulation
before the applicant is allowed to sit for the bar exam Tel (515) 348-4670
(by April 1st for the July exam and November 1st for Web
the February exam). Scores will be accepted for three admission-by-examination/bar-examination-
years after the date the MPRE is taken. registration

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be filed by November 1st for the
February exam and by April 1st for the July exam. No
late filing is allowed.

Bar exam application fee: $800 or $550*

*Visit the Iowa Board of Law Examiners’ website for

complete details.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 17

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Kansas

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Kansas Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Accepts MBE score of at least 125 from another
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., jurisdiction if from a concurrent exam or from an exam
100 questions in the p.m.). within 13 months prior to the current exam, provided
that the applicant passed the entire exam in the
Subjects tested transferring jurisdiction and must never have failed a
MBE subjects Kansas Bar Examination.
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Admission on motion
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Property, Torts
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MEE essay subjects has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; the seven years preceding application. Additional
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), requirements apply.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
Admission by UBE score transfer
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Multistate Performance Test apply for admission based on that score. Additional
“Closed universe” practical questions using requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. Additional information
Applicants may take bar exam prior to graduation
provided applicant graduates within 30 days after the
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE must be on file with
bar exam.
the Clerk of the Appellate Courts before the applicant
is allowed to sit for the bar exam (by June 15 for the
Kansas Board of Law Examiners
July exam and by January 15 for the February exam).
Tel (785) 296-8410
Filing deadlines and fees
Timely applications must be filed by October 1st for
the February exam and by March 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
November 1st for the February exam and April 1st for
the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $700

• Late filing fee: $200
• Admission on motion or UBE score transfer: $1,250

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 18

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Kentucky

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Kentucky Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam
to pass.
questions and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions.
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Acceptance of MBE score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100 Kentucky does not accept an MBE score from an exam
questions in the PM). taken in another jurisdiction.

Admission on motion
Subjects tested
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
MBE subjects
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Property, Torts
requirements apply.
MEE essay subjects
Admission by UBE score transfer
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
jurisdiction within the preceding five years may
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
requirements apply.
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects

Multistate Performance Test Additional information

“Closed universe” practical questions using Applicants may take exam prior to graduation
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other provided applicant has completed degree
reference material supplied by examiners. requirements prior to exam although degree may not
have been conferred.
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for Kentucky Law Component (KLC)
admission to the bar and must be achieved before Prior to admission, applicants to the Kentucky bar must
sitting for the exam. complete the Kentucky Law Component; an online CLE-
style course.
Filing deadlines and fees
Kentucky Office of Bar Admissions
Timely applications must be filed electronically by
Tel (859) 246-2381
October 1st for the February exam and by February
1st for the July exam. Late application deadlines, with
additional fees, are November 10th and December
10th for the February exam; and March 10th and May
10th for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $875

• First late bar exam application fee: $1,125
• Final late bar exam application fee: $1,375
• Admission on motion: $1,500
• UBE score transfer: $875 - $1,200

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 19

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 21, 23 and 25, July 25, 27 and 29 Each of the nine essays are worth 100 points. Code
The Louisiana Bar Exam is a 3-day exam made up of subjects carry twice the weight of Non-Code subjects.
nine separate essay exams. The exam is a Monday, A total weighted score of 650 (out of 900) or higher is
Wednesday, and Friday exam; the Multistate Bar Exam required to pass.
(MBE) is not used.
Day 1
Admission on motion
• Civil Code I 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Louisiana does not provide admission on motion.
• Civil Code II 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Examination is required of all applicants.
• Civil Code III 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Day 2 Additional information

• Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure Louisisana Law Students: Every prospective applicant
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. for admission to the Louisiana Bar enrolled in law
• Torts 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. school in Louisiana is required to participate in the Law
• Business Entities 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Student Registration Program (LSR) in the fall of the
second year of law school. See for
Day 3
deadlines and fees.
• Constitutional Law 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
• Criminal Law, Procedure & Evidence Louisiana Supreme Court Committee
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Bar Admissions
• Federal Jurisdiction & Procedure Tel (504) 830-5463
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Subjects tested
Code essay subjects
Civil Code I (Persons, Community Property, Property,
Acquisitive Prescription), Civil Code II (Successions,
Donations, Trusts), Civil Code III (Liberative
Prescription, Obligations, Contracts, Sales, Leases,
Civil Law Security Rights, other Civil Code III topics),
Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure and Torts

Non-Code Essay Subjects

Business Entities, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law,
Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Federal Jurisdiction
and Procedure

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by November 1st for the
February exam and by February 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
December 15th for the February exam and May 15th for
the July exam.

Bar Exam Application Fees:

• Registered LA law student: $750
• First time applicants: $875
• Late filing fee: $750

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 20

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Maine

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The total score is 50% MBE scaled score and 50%
The Maine Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar converted essay score from Day 1. A total scaled score
Exam (UBE). of 270 or higher is required to pass.

Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test

questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Acceptance of MBE score
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Maine does not accept an MBE score from an exam
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, taken in another jurisdiction.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m.,
Admission on motion
100 questions in the p.m.).
A member in good standing of another U.S. state or
Subjects tested territory may be admitted on motion if applicant has
MBE subjects engaged in active practice of law for three of the
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ five years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects Maine Board Of Bar Examiners
Tel (207) 623-2464
Multistate Performance Test
“Closed universe” practical questions using
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required
for admission.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be received by December
20th preceding the February exam and by May 20th
preceding the July exam. Late applications will be
accepted up to 7 days late with payment of an additional
$150 late fee. Late applications will also be accepted 7-14
days late with payment of an additional $300 late fee. No
applications will be accepted more than fourteen days
following the application deadline.

Bar exam application fees:

• Student applicant fee: $600
• Attorney applicant fee: $650 plus NCBE fees
• UBE score transfer: $900 plus NCBE fees
• Admission on motion: $900 plus NCBE fees

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 21

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Maryland

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Maryland Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
(MPT in the a.m.) questions and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Maryland does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam. (100 questions in the a.m., 100 taken in another jurisdiction.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission without examination (OSA)
Subjects tested A member in good standing of another U.S. state
MBE subjects or territory may be admitted without examination if
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ applicant has engaged in active practice of law for three
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real of the five years preceding application, or for more than
Property, Torts ten years overall. Additional requirements apply.

MEE Essay subjects Admission by UBE score transfer

Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), apply for admission based on that score. Additional
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform requirements apply.
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Additional information
Multistate Performance Test Maryland Law Component (MLC)
“Closed universe” practical questions using Individuals seeking admission to the Maryland bar
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other must complete the Maryland Law Component (MLC)
reference material supplied by examiners. prior to admission. The MLC consists of a series of
MPRE outlines covering Maryland law and a 50-question,
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required open-book, multiple-choice exercise covering the
for admission. outline materials.

Filing deadlines and fees Maryland Board of Law Examiners

Applications must be filed by December 20th for the Tel (410) 260-3640
February exam and by May 20th for the July exam. Web

• Bar exam application fee: $400

• UBE score transfer: $400
• Character questionnaire: $350
• Admission on motion: $700 plus NCBE fees

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 22

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Massachusetts

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Massachusetts Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Massachusetts does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam. (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Subjects tested
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE Essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Additional information
MPT Massachusetts Law Component (MLC)
“Closed universe” practical questions using Every person filing a Petition for Admission to the
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other Massachusetts Bar is required to pass the Massachusetts
reference material supplied by examiners. Law Component (MLC) as a condition for admission.
The MLC is a 50-question multiple choice exam on key
distinctions and essential highlights of Massachusetts
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required
law and procedure. The exam questions are based
for admission and must be achieved prior to the
on substantive outlines provided by the Board of Bar
bar application.
Examiners covering ten topic areas.
Filing deadlines and fees
Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners
The petition for admission by examination must be
Tel (617) 482-4466
filed at least 75 days prior to exam.
• Exam petition fee: $815
• Laptop fee: $75
• UBE score transfer: $815
• Admission on motion: $1,015

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 23

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 25-26, July 26-27 The essay score is scaled to the MBE with each
The Michigan Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. weighted at 50%. A total scaled score of 135 or higher
is required to pass.  
Day 1 Fifteen Michigan Essay Exam questions (nine in
three hours in the a.m. and six in two hours in the p.m.).
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Acceptance of MBE score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 Applicants may transfer an MBE score earned in the
questions in the p.m.). preceding three years from a reciprocal jurisdiction
provided that the applicant passed the entire bar exam
Subjects tested in which that MBE score was earned. All applicants are
MBE subjects required to sit for the essay portion of the Michigan
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ exam and must achieve a passing score as determined
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real by a combination of the scores of the two portions of
Property, and Torts the exam.
Michigan essay subjects
Admission on motion
Agency, Conflict of Laws, Constitutional Law,
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Contracts, Corporations, Creditors’ Rights (including
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Mortgages, Garnishments, and Attachments),
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Criminal Law and Procedure, Domestic Relations,
the five years preceding application. Additional
Equity, Evidence, MI Rules of Professional Conduct,
requirements apply.
Partnerships, Practice and Procedure (Trial and
Appellate, State and Federal), Real and Personal
Michigan Board of Law Examiners
Property, Torts (including No-Fault), Trusts, Uniform
Tel (517) 373-4453
Commercial Code (Negotiable Instruments, Sales,
Secured Transactions), Wills, Workers’ Compensation
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by November 1st
for the February exam and by March 1st for the July
exam. Late application deadlines, with an additional
fee, are December 15th for the February exam and
May 15th for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $400

• Late filing fee: $100
• Admission on motion: $800
plus NCBE Character report fee

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 24

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Minnesota

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Minnesota Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 260 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Admission by MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, May be admitted without exam if the applicant received
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., a scaled score of at least 145 on the MBE taken as a
100 questions in the p.m.). part of and at the same time as the essay or other part
of a written bar exam given by another jurisdiction, was
Subjects tested successful on that bar exam, and was subsequently
MBE subjects admitted in that jurisdiction. Applicant must submit
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ evidence of the score and a completed application
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real within three years of the date of the qualifying exam
Property, Torts being used as the basis for the admission.
MEE essay subjects Admission on motion
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates has engaged in active practice of law for three of
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), the five years preceding application. Additional
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform requirements apply.
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Admission by UBE score transfer
Multistate Performance Test Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
“Closed universe” practical questions using least 260 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
reference material supplied by examiners. apply for admission based on that score. Additional
requirements apply.
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
Additional information
admission to the bar.
Applicants may sit for the bar if coursework has been
completed 30 days prior to the exam, the applicant
Filing deadlines and fees
has fulfilled all requirements for conferral and the
Timely applications must be filed by October 15th for
applicant will be awarded a J.D. within 120 days
the February exam and by March 15th for the July
following the exam.
exam. Late application deadlines, with an additional
fee, are December 1st for the February exam and May
Minnesota State Board of Law Examiners
1st for the July exam.
Tel (651) 297-1857
• Bar exam application fee: $600 Web
• Late filing fee: $200
• UBE score transfer: $1,150
• Admission on motion: $1,150

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 25

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Exam appl. update fees for registered law students:
February 25-26, July 26-27 • Timely filing fee: $550
The Mississippi Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. • Late filing Fee: $750
Exam fees for appl. not registered as law students:
Day 1 Six essay questions drafted by the state Board, • Timely filing fee: $850
one 90-minute Multistate Performance Test (MPT) • Late filing fee: $1,050
question and six Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) questions. (Above fees include a $25 application form fee)
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., Scoring
100 questions in the p.m.). The MBE is weighted 40%, the six state essays are
weighted 30%, the MEE is weighted 15%, and the MPT
Subjects tested accounts for 15% of final score. A total score of 132 (out
MBE subjects of 200) or higher is required to pass.
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Reciprocity
Real Property, Torts Acceptance of MBE score
An applicant who has taken the MBE, either in
Mississippi essay subjects Mississippi or in another jurisdiction, within the
Administrative Law, Bankruptcy, Business immediately preceding 20-month period may elect to
Organizations (including Corporations, Partnership, utilize the scaled score which they achieved on said
and Agency), Conflict of Laws, Domestic Relations, previous administration of the MBE in lieu of retaking
Federal Income Taxation, Federal Jurisdiction and the MBE during current Mississippi Bar Examination.
Rules of Civil Procedure, MS Constitutional Law,
Practice and Procedure of MS Courts, Professional Admission on motion
Conduct and Ethics, Uniform Commercial Code, Wills, A member in good standing of reciprocating
Estates, Trusts and Future Interests (including basic jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
federal tax consequences), plus all MBE subjects (Prior has engaged in full-time practice of law for no less
to exam, Board indicates to all applicants for that exam than five years preceding application. Additional
which subjects will be tested on the six essays drafted requirements apply.
by the Board)
Mississippi Board of Bar Admissions
Multistate Performance Test Tel (601) 576-4620
“Closed universe” practical questions using Web
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE is required for
admission. This score must be achieved within 24
months before, or 12 months after, passing the bar exam.

Filing deadlines and fees

Law student registration is required. For complete
details contact the Mississippi Board of Bar Admission.

Timely bar exam applications, or application updates

for those previously registered as law students, must
be filed by September 1st for the February exam
and February 1st for the July exam. Late application
deadlines, with an additional fee, are November 1st for
the February exam and April 1st for the July exam.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 26

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Missouri

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE with
The Missouri Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE weighted 30% and
Exam (UBE). the MPT weighted 20%. A total scaled score of 260
or higher is required to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Applicants may transfer an MBE scaled score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., achieved in another jurisdiction if taken within 19
100 questions in the p.m.). months prior to the next scheduled exam, provided
the applicant passed the entire bar examination in
Subjects tested one administration in the transferring jurisdiction.
MBE subjects The applicant cannot have previously failed the bar
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ examination in Missouri.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Admission on motion
Property, Torts
A member in good standing of reciprocating jurisdiction
MEE essay subjects may be admitted on motion if applicant has engaged
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; in full-time practice of law for five of the ten years
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), preceding application. Additional requirements apply.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
Admission by UBE score transfer
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
least 260 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
jurisdiction within the preceding five years may
Multistate Performance Test apply for admission based on that score. Additional
“Closed universe” practical questions using requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. Additional information
Missouri Educational Component Test (MECT)
All applicants for admission by bar examination must
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
take a Missouri Educational Component Test (MECT).
admission to the bar. Applicant must provide proof of a
Successful completion of the MECT shall occur
passing score within one year after the date of written
no earlier than the date of submission of the initial
notification of having passed the bar exam.
application to take the bar examination and no later
Filing deadlines and fees than one year after the date of written notification to
Timely applications must be filed by October 1st for the applicant of passing the bar examination.
the February exam and by March 1st for the July exam.
Final late application deadlines, with additional fees, Missouri Board of Law Examiners
are December 31st for the February exam and May Tel (573) 751-9814
31st for the July exam. Web

Bar exam application fee, based on postmarked or

online submission date:

• Timely deadline: $910

• First late deadline: $1,035
• Second late deadline: $1,215
• Final late deadline: $1,470

Reduced fees are provided to students who applied

for character and fitness report as 1L or 2L.

• Admission on motion: $1,240

• UBE score transfer: $1,240

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 27

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Montana

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Montana Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Montana does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Subjects tested
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Additional information
Multistate Performance Test Montana Law Seminar (MLS)
“Closed universe” practical questions using All applicants must register and attend the Montana Law
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other Seminar (MLS) prior to admission. The MLS is offered
reference material supplied by examiners. the Thursday following the February and July bar exam.
The MLS is a Supreme Court required course that will
focus on the structure of the legal system in Montana
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
and the unique aspects of Montana law.
admission within either 3 years prior, or 9 months after
successful completion of the Montana bar exam.
State Bar of Montana
Tel (406) 442-7660
Filing deadlines and fees
Applications must be postmarked or hand-delivered
by October 1st for February exam and by March
15th for the July exam. Late applications will not be
accepted without a Court Order approving late filing.

• Student applicant fee: $155

• Attorney applicant fee: $410
• Late filing fee: $100
• Exam fee: $310
• Montana law seminar fee: $155

Exam fees are not refundable. Applicants may wait until

they have been certified by the Commission on Character
and Fitness before submitting the exam fee.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 28

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Nebraska

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Nebraska Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Nebraska does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Subjects tested
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the five years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Nebraska State Bar Commission
Multistate Performance Test Tel (402) 471-3092
“Closed universe” practical questions using Web
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other admission-practice-law
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar. Scores must be on file by
November 1st for the February exam and March 1st for
the July exam, otherwise a $100 late fee applies. An
MPRE score is stale three years after its publication
date. A passing MPRE score must be submitted within
one year after passing the bar exam or the applicant
will not be admitted.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by November 1st for
the February exam and by March 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
December 1st for the February exam and March 31st
for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $515

• Late filing fee: $150
• Admission on motion: $950
• UBE score transfer: $950

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 29

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-24, July 26-28 MBE (weighted 1⁄₃) and written scores (weighted ²⁄₃)
The Nevada Bar Exam is a 3-day exam. are combined for an overall passing score. In order to
pass, an applicant must have a total scaled score of 75
Day 1 Six 60-minute essay questions.
or higher and a converted score of 75 or higher on at
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, least three written essay questions. This equates to a
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100 passing score of 140 on a 200-point scale.
questions in the PM).
Day 3 One 60-minute essay question and two 2-hour
Acceptance of MBE score
Nevada PTs.
Nevada does not accept an MBE score from an exam
taken in another jurisdiction.
Subjects tested
MBE subjects Admission on motion
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ Nevada does not provide for admission on motion.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real Examination is required of all applicants.
Property, Torts
Admission of house counsel
Nevada Essay subjects Attorneys interested in limited practice, who are
Agency and Partnership, Community Property, exclusively employed for a single government entity
Conflict of Laws, Corporations, Persons and Domestic or for a single corporation qualified to do business in
Relations, Remedies, Uniform Commercial Code Nevada, whose business consists of activities other
(Articles 2 and 9), Wills, Estates, Trusts, pleadings than the practice of law may apply for certification
and practices under both the Nevada Rules of Civil under Nevada Supreme Court Rule 49.10.
Procedure and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
• Application filing fee is $250
plus all MBE subjects. Both fundamental legal
principles and Nevada law are tested and may Foreign law school graduates
embrace more than a single subject Foreign-educated applicants, and other non-ABA law
school graduates, may seek a functional equivalency
Nevada Performance Test
certification in order to apply for admission to the State
“Closed universe” practical questions using
Bar of Nevada.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.
MPRE Tel (702) 382-2200
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE achieved within Web
three years prior to, or three years after, successful
completion of the NV bar examination is required
for admission.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by October 1st for
the February exam and by March 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
December 1st for the February exam and May 1st for
the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $755

• Attorney applications: $1,055
• Late filing fee: $550
• Laptop fee: $150

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 30

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE New Hampshire

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE,
The New Hampshire Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar with the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the
Exam (UBE). MPT 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is
required to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, New Hampshire does not accept an MBE score from
multiple-choice exam. (100 questions in the a.m., 100 an exam taken in another jurisdiction.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state or
Subjects tested
territory may be admitted on motion if applicant has
MBE subjects
engaged in active practice of law for five of the seven
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
years preceding application.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Property, Torts There are special rules for admission by motion by
Maine and Vermont attorneys who have passed the
MEE essay subjects
ME/VT bar and are engaged in the active practice in
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
ME/VT for no less than three years prior to the filing
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
of the motion.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Additional requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Admission by UBE score transfer
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Multistate Performance Test least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
“Closed universe” practical questions using jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other apply for admission based on that score. Passing
reference material supplied by examiners. UBE scores earned more than three years, but less
than five years prior may qualify if applicant has been
actively engaged in the practice of law for at least
A scaled score of 79 on the MPRE is required
two years. Additional requirements apply.
for admission.

Additional information
Filing deadlines and fees
Completion of practical skills course required within
Applications must be filed by December 1st for the
two years of admission.
February exam and by May 1st for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $725 New Hampshire Office of the Clerk
Tel (603) 271-2646

New Hampshire Board of Bar Examiners

Tel (603) 224-8806

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 31

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE New Jersey

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The New Jersey Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, New Jersey does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 exam taken in another jurisdiction.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
New Jersey Board Of Bar Examiners
Multistate Performance Test Tel (609) 815-2911
“Closed Universe” practical questions using Web
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE or a grade of “C-” in
an approved law school course on ethics is required
for admission.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by October 31st for
the February Exam and March 31st for the July Exam.
Late application deadlines, with additional fees, are
November 15th and November 30th for the February
exam; and April 15th and April 30th for the July exam.

• Timely bar exam application fee: $675

• First late bar exam application fee: $950
• Final late bar exam application fee: $1,200
• UBE score transfer: $675
• Admission on motion: $1,500

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 32

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE New Mexico

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The New Mexico Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 260 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, New Mexico does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission by motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating state
Subjects tested
may be admitted on motion if applicant has engaged
MBE subjects
in active practice of law for five of the seven years
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
preceding application. Additional requirements apply.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Property, Torts Admission by UBE score transfer
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
MEE essay subjects
least 260 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
requirements apply.
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Additional information
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
All applicants for admission must take the one-day
Multistate Performance Test Class in New Mexico Law organized by the New
“Closed Universe” practical questions using Mexico Board of Bar Examiners prior to admission.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by the examiner. New Mexico Board Of Bar Examiners
Tel (505) 271-9706
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar. Passing score must be achieved
within five years prior to first application for admission
or within one year of passing the exam.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by September
20th for the February exam and by January 20th for
the July exam. Late filing deadlines, with additional
fees, are November 2nd and December 2nd for the
February exam; and April 2nd and May 2nd for the
July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $500

(applicants within one year after law school
graduation) $1,000 (all other applicants)
• First late filing fee: $200
• Final late filing fee: $500
• Admission on motion: $2,500
• UBE score transfer: same as bar exam appl. fees

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 33

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE New York

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The New York Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute Reciprocity
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.). Acceptance of MBE score
New York does not accept an MBE score from an
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
exam taken in another jurisdiction.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m.,
100 questions in the p.m.). Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating state
Subjects tested
may be admitted on motion if applicant has engaged
MBE subjects:
in active practice of law for five of the seven years
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
preceding application. Additional requirements apply.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Property, Torts Admission by UBE score transfer
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
MEE essay subjects
least 266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
requirements apply.
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Additional information
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
New York Law Course (NYLC) and the New York Law
Multistate Performance Test Exam (NYLE)
“Closed universe” practical questions using Applicants must complete the New York Law Course
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other (NYLC) and the New York Law Exam (NYLE). The
reference material supplied by examiners. NYLC is an online, on demand course consisting of
approximately 15 hours of videotaped lectures with
embedded questions. The NYLE is a 50 item, two-hour,
A minimum scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is
open book, multiple choice online exam administered
required for admission to the bar and must be
at select dates and times throughout the year. The
achieved within three years before or after passing the
passing score for the NYLE is 30. Applicants can take
New York bar exam as measured from the date the
the NYLC and NYLE up to one year before or three
applicant sat for each examination.
years after sitting for the UBE. Applicants must complete
the NYLC before they can register for the NYLE.
Filing deadlines and fees
Apply online at between November 1 Pro Bono Hours: All applicants, except those on
and November 30 for the February exam and between motion, must complete 50 hours of qualifying Pro
April 1 and April 30 for the July exam. Bono work prior to filing an application for admission.
• Bar exam fee: $250 Skills Competency and Professional Values: All
(foreign trained applicants: $750) applicants must establish they have acquired skills and
• Bar exam laptop fee: $100 professional values necessary to practice law. See
• New York Law Exam (NYLE) fee: $27 Sec. 520.18 of the Rules of the Court of Appeals.
payable to Examsoft
• New York Law Course (NYLC) fee: None New York Board Of Law Examiners
Tel (518) 453-5990

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 34

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE North Carolina

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The North Carolina Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Bar Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, North Carolina does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for four of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the six years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE Essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Additional information
Multistate Performance Test North Carolina state specific component
“Closed universe” practical questions using All general and transfer applicants must successfully
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other complete the North Carolina State-Specific
reference material supplied by examiners. Component which is an online course provided by the
North Carolina Board of Law Examiners covering six
subject areas of law. Each subject area is presented in
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
a one-hour video followed by three quiz questions, all
admission to the bar and must be achieved within
questions must be answered correctly before moving
24 months before, or 12 months after, sitting for the
to the next subject.
bar exam.

North Carolina Board of Law Examiners

Filing deadlines and fees
Tel (919) 848-4229
Timely applications must be filed by the first Tuesday
in October for the February exam and by the first
Tuesday in January for the July exam. Late application
deadlines, with additional fee, are the first Tuesday in
November for the February exam and the first Tuesday
in March for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $850 or $1,650

if licensed in another jurisdiction
• Late filing fee: $250
• UBE score transfer: $1,275 or $1,500
if licensed in another jurisdiction
• Admission on motion: $2,000

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 35

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE North Dakota

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The North Dakota Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 260 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Applicants may be eligible to apply for admission
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., based on a MBE scaled score of at least 150 if taken
100 questions in the p.m.). as a part of and at the same time as the essay or other
written bar examination given by another jurisdiction
Subjects tested that did not use the UBE on the date of the applicant's
MBE subjects examination; and has been admitted to the bar of the
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ jurisdiction in which the MBE examination was written.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real Scores are accepted for up to two years form original
Property, Torts administration. Additional requirements apply.
MEE essay subjects North Dakota does not accept transferred MBE scores
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; from an exam taken in another jurisdiction in order to
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), sit for only the essay portion of the exam.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
Admission on motion
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for four of
Multistate Performance Test the five years preceding application. Additional
“Closed universe” practical questions using requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
Admission by UBE score transfer
reference material supplied by examiners.
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
MPRE least 260 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for jurisdiction within the preceding two years may
admission to the bar and must be achieved no more apply for admission based on that score. Additional
than five years prior to, or 2 years after, receipt of requirements apply.
application for admission.
North Dakota State Board of Law Examiners
Filing deadlines and fees Tel (701) 328-4201
Law student registration is required; for complete Web
details contact the North Dakota State Board of Law Board-of-law-examiners/bar-exam-application

Administration of the February bar exam is dependent

on ten or more applicants. Timely applications must be
postmarked by November 1st for the February exam
and by March 15th for the July exam. Late application
deadlines, with additional fees, are November 15th
and December 1st for the February exam; and April
15th and May 15th for the July exam.

• Registered law students: $150

• All other students: $550
• First late filing fee: $100
• Final late filing fee: $150
• Admission on motion: $400
• UBE score transfer: $400

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 36

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Ohio

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Ohio Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Bar Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Ohio does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Subjects tested
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the ten years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
MEE essay subjects Admission by UBE score transfer
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at least
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another jurisdiction
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
within the preceding five years may apply for admission
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates based on that score. Additional requirements apply.
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform Additional information
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects Ohio Law Component (OLC)
Multistate Performance Test All applicants for admission by exam or UBE score
“Closed universe” practical questions using transfer will be required to take the Ohio Law
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other Component and earn a passing score of at least 80%
reference material supplied by examiners. prior to admission. The OLC is an online, open-book,
25-question exam prepared and maintained by the
Board of Bar Examiners. The OLC subject outlines are
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
on the Office of Bar Admissions website.
admission to the bar.

Board of Bar Examiners

Filing deadlines and fees
Supreme Court of Ohio
Law student registration is required; for complete details
Tel (614) 387-9340
contact the Ohio Board of Bar Examiners.
Timely bar exam applications must be filed by November
1st for the February exam and by April 1st for the July
exam. Late application deadlines, with an additional fee,
are December 10th for the February exam and by May
10th for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $452

• Late filing fee: $100
• UBE score transfer: $750
• Admission on motion: $1,500

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 37

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Oklahoma

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with the
The Oklahoma Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT 20%. A
Exam (UBE) total scaled score of 264 or higher is required to pass.

Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions

and two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
Acceptance of MBE score
Oklahoma will accept an MBE score only if from a
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, concurrent exam.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100
Admission on motion
questions in the PM).
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
Subjects tested
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
MBE subjects
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
requirements apply.
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
Property, Torts Admission by UBE score transfer
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
MEE Essay Subjects
least 264 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
apply for admission based on that score. Passing
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
UBE scores earned more than three years, but less
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
than five years prior may qualify if applicant has been
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
actively engaged in the practice of law for at least two
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
years. Additional requirements apply.
A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE is required for Oklahoma Board Of Bar Examiners
admission to the bar and applicants must meet the Tel (405) 416-7075
MPRE score requirement within one year of passing Web
the bar exam. The MPRE minimum passing score will
increase to 80 effective January 1, 2022.

Filing deadlines and fees

Law student registration is required; for complete
details contact the Oklahoma Board of Bar Examiners.

Timely exam application deadlines are September 1st

for the February exam and February 1st for the July
exam. Late application deadlines, with additional fees,
are October 1st and November 1st for the February
exam; and March 1st and April 1st for the July exam.

• By registered law student: $650

• All other students: $1,150
• First late filing fee: $50
• Final late filing fee: $150
• Attorney application fee: $1,250
• UBE score transfer: $1,250
• Admission on motion: $2,000

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 38

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Oregon

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Oregon Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 274 or higher is required
to pass. 
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Oregon does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 274 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may apply
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
for admission based on that score. Passing UBE scores
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
earned more than three years, but no earlier than July
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
2017, may qualify if applicant has been actively engaged
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
in the practice of law for at least two of the preceding
Multistate Performance Test three years. Additional requirements apply.
“Closed universe” practical questions using
Admission of house counsel
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
An attorney employed by a business entity
reference material supplied by the examiner.
authorized to do business in Oregon, who has
MPRE been admitted to practice law in another state,
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for federal territory or commonwealth, or the District
admission within 36 months prior to applying for of Columbia, may be admitted to practice law by
admission, or while application is pending. following the procedures set out in Rule 16.05.

Filing deadlines and fees Oregon State Bar

Timely applications must be filed by November 15th Tel (503) 620-0222
for the February exam and April 15th for the July Web
exam. Late application deadlines, with an additional
fee, are December 15th for the February exam and
May 15th for the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $750

• Late filing fee: $350
• UBE score transfer: $750
• Admission on motion or house counsel: $1,175
• Investigation fee: $425*

*Applies to attorneys who have previously been

admitted, or have a pending application, to the
practice of law in any other jurisdiction.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 39

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
Pennsylvania (UBE effective July 2022)

2022 bar exam Filing deadlines and fees

February 22-23, July 26-27 Timely applications must be filed by October 30th
The Pennsylvania Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. for the February exam and April 16th for the July
Beginning July 2022, Pennsylvania will administer the exam. Late filing is allowed with increasing fees. Late
Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). application deadlines for the February exam are
November 15th, November 30th and the final deadline
February 2022 Day 1 Two 45-minute Pennsylvania
is December 15th. Late application deadlines for
Essay Exam questions, plus one 90-minute
the July exam are April 30th, May 15th, and the final
Performance Test (PT) question in the AM, four
deadline is May 30th.
45-minute Pennsylvania Essay Exam questions in
the PM. Bar Exam Application Fees:
• Timely filing fee: $650
July 2022 Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam
• First late filing fee: $800
questions and two 90-minute Multistate Performance
• Second late filing fee: $1,100
Test questions.
• Final late filing fee: $1,500
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the AM, 100
February 2022: Applicants need a combined
questions in the PM).
minimum scaled score of 272 or higher to pass the
exam. The combined essay and PT scaled score count
Subjects tested
as 55% of the total score and the scaled MBE is 45%
MBE subjects
of the total.
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real July 2022: The Board of Law Examiners does not
Property, Torts intend to change the passing score required for the
bar exam once the UBE is adopted. Generally, for UBE
February 2022 Pennsylvania Essay Subjects
jurisdictions, MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the
Business Organizations (including Corporations,
MBE, with the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and
Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies and
the MPT 20%. The scores are combined to determine
Professional Corporations), PA Civil Procedure, Conflict
if the applicant has achieved a passing score.
of Laws, PA DUI Law, Employment Discrimination (Title
VII, ADA and ADEA), Family Law, Federal Income
Taxation, PA Evidence, PA Rules of Professional
Acceptance of MBE score
Responsibility, Trusts and Decedents’ Estates, U.C.C.
Pennsylvania does not accept an MBE score from an
Article II Sales, Wills plus all MBE subjects
exam taken in another jurisdiction.
July 2022 MEE Essay Subjects
Admission on motion
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
A member in good standing of a reciprocating jurisdiction
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), Conflict
may be admitted on motion if applicant has engaged
of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates (Decedents’
in active practice of law for five of the seven years
Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Article 9 (Secured
preceding application. Additional requirements apply.
Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial Code plus all
MBE subjects Admission by UBE score transfer
An amendment to the Pennsylvania Bar Admission
Pennsylvania Performance Test (February 2022) /
Rules has been proposed which would allow
Multistate Performance Test (July 2022)
admission by UBE score transfer. If adopted, it would
“Closed universe” practical question using instructions,
allow admission to the bar for applicants who have
factual data, cases, statutes, and other reference
earned a passing UBE score from other jurisdictions
material supplied by examiners.
no more than 30 months preceding application.
MPRE Additional requirements will apply. If the amendment is
A scaled score of 75 on the MPRE is required adopted, the Board anticipates accepting applications
for admission. the week after the July 2022 bar exam.

Pennsylvania Board Of Law Examiners

Tel (717) 231-3350

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 40

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Rhode Island

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Rhode Island Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Bar Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Rhode Island does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 exam taken in another jurisdiction.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
Rhode Island does not provide for admission on
Subjects tested
motion. Attorneys who have engaged in active
MBE subjects
practice of law for five of the preceding ten years, and
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
satisfy all other requirements, may apply for admission
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
on examination under Article II, Rule 2(a), and will only
Property, Torts
be required to sit for the essay portion of the exam.
MEE essay subjects A passing scaled score of 138 or higher on the essay
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; portion is required for admission.
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
Admission by UBE score transfer
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
Applicants who have obtained a passing score on a
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Article
Uniform Bar Exam taken in another jurisdiction within
9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial
the preceding two years may apply for admission
Code plus all MBE subjects
based on that score. The passing score required is
Multistate Performance Test 276 for exams taken prior to February 2021, and 270
“Closed universe” practical question using instructions, for exams taken February 2021 or later. Additional
factual data, cases, statutes and other reference requirements apply.
material supplied by examiners.
Additional information
Applicants must complete a one-day “Bridge the
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE is required for
Gap” program offered by the Rhode Island Bar for
admission and no more than 5 years old before taking
admission. Ten CLE credits, including two Ethics
the bar exam.
credits, are required commencing the second July 1
after the attorney is admitted. Attorneys admitted for
Filing deadlines and fees
three years or more in another jurisdiction at the time
Applications must be filed by December 1st for the
they are admitted to the RI Bar are exempt from the
February exam and by May 1st for the July exam.
Bridge the Gap requirement.
Attorney applications must be filed by September 1st
for the February exam and by February 1st for the July
Clerk, Supreme Court of Rhode Island
exam. There are no extensions or late filings.
Tel (401) 222-3272
• Non-attorney exam fee: $975, Web 
plus $25 NCBE application fee
• Attorney exam fee: $975,
plus $500 NCBE character report fee

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 41

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE South Carolina

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The South Carolina Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Bar Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 266 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
South Carolina does not have any form of reciprocal
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, admission with any other jurisdiction.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100
Acceptance of MBE score
questions in the p.m.).
South Carolina does not accept an MBE score from an
Subjects tested exam taken in another jurisdiction.
MBE subjects
Admission on motion
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
South Carolina does not provide for admission on
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
motion. In narrow situations, a special application may be
Property, Torts
made by a dean or tenured professor at the University of
MEE essay subjects South Carolina or Charleston School of Law. Additional
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; requirements apply.
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), Conflict
UBE Score Transfer
of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates (Decedents’
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at least
Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Article 9 (Secured
266 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another jurisdiction
Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial Code plus all
within the preceding three years may apply for admission
MBE subjects
based on that score. Additional requirements apply.
Multistate Performance Test
“Closed universe” practical questions using Additional information
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other Course of Study on South Carolina Law
reference material supplied by examiners. Applicants for admission to the South Carolina Bar
are required to complete the Course of Study on
South Carolina Law as a requirement for admission.
A scaled score of 77 on the MPRE is required for
Applicants will be provided log in credentials to
admission to the bar. The score must be from an
access the course by the SC Bar after the application
administration of the MPRE that occurred within three
for admission is accepted. The online course contains
(3) years of the date on which the application for the
a series of eleven video modules on major areas of SC
admission is filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court.
law, each followed by multiple choice questions.
Filing deadlines and fees
Timely applications must be filed by August 31st for SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH CAROLINA
the February exam and January 10th for the July exam. Tel (803) 734-1080
Late application deadlines, with additional fee, are Web
September 30th for the February exam and January
31st for the July exam.

• Timely exam filing fee: $1,000

• Late exam filing fee: $1,500
• UBE score transfer: $1,000

Applicants who have been admitted in another

jurisdiction for one year or more must pay an
additional fee of $750.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 42

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
South Dakota

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 25-26, July 26-27 An applicant must pass each portion of the examination.
The South Dakota Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. A general average of 75% or higher on the combined
MPT, MEE, and Indian law portion of the examination
Day 1 Five 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
shall be deemed a passing score on that portion of
and one 30-minute Indian Law Essay Exam question
the examination. A scaled score of 133 or higher shall
(MEE/ILEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
be deemed a passing score on the MBE portion of
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.),
the exam. An applicant may receive additional points
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, on their MBE score, not to exceed three additional
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., points, based on their score on the combined MPT,
100 questions in the p.m.). MEE, and Indian law portion of the examination as
follows: 80 to 84 percent, one point; 85 to 89 percent,
Subjects tested two points; and 90 percent or more, three points.
MBE subjects These additional points may not be transferred to an
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ examination administration other than the one in which
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure. Real they are obtained. An applicant who has failed only one
Property, Torts portion of the exam may reapply to sit for only the failed
MEE essay subjects portion. However, a passing score on one portion of the
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; exam is only valid for two years.
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), Conflict
of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates (Decedents’ Reciprocity
Acceptance of MBE score
Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), Article 9 (Secured
Applicants may transfer an MBE scaled score of at
Transactions) of the Uniform Commercial Code plus all
least 135 achieved in another jurisdiction if taken
MBE subjects
within two years prior to the next scheduled exam,
Indian Law provided the applicant passed the entire bar
Basic principles of Federal Indian Law, including but examination in the other jurisdiction.
not limited to Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction, the Indian
Admission on motion
Civil Rights Act, the Indian Child Welfare Act, and the
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. Tribal laws or customary
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
laws are not tested
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Multistate Performance Test the five years preceding application. Additional
“Closed universe” practical questions using requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. South Dakota Board Of Bar Examiners
Tel (605) 773-4898
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar. South Dakota accepts previous
MPRE score if achieved within 28 months prior to next
scheduled exam.

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be postmarked by November 1st for
the February exam and by May 1st for the July exam.
There are no extensions or late filings.

• Bar exam application fee: $450

• Laptop fee: $100
• Admission on motion: $650

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 43

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Tennessee

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Tennessee Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Tennessee does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
Subjects tested A member in good standing of another U.S. state
MBE subjects or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real the seven years preceding application. Additional
Property, Torts requirements apply.

MEE Essay subjects Admission by UBE score transfer

Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests), apply for admission based on that score. Passing
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform UBE scores earned more than three years, but less
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects than five years prior may qualify if applicant has
been actively engaged in the practice of law for at
Multistate Performance Test
least three of the preceding five years. Additional
“Closed universe” practical questions using
requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. In-House Counsel
A lawyer who is admitted to the practice of law in
another U.S. jurisdiction or is a foreign lawyer who is
A passing score of 82 on the MPRE is required for
employed as a lawyer by an organization, the business
admission and must be achieved within two years of
of which consists of activities other than the practice
successful completion of the bar exam.
of law, and who has a systematic and continuous
presence in this jurisdiction, shall register as in-house
Filing deadlines and fees received
counsel within 180 days of the commencement of
Applicants who complete their applications on or
employment as a lawyer.
before the initial deadlines of December 1st for the
February exam and May 1st for the July exam will be
Additional information
notified of any deficiencies before the final deadline to
Tennessee Law Course (TLC)
provide the applicant opportunity to correct.
Applicants seeking admission to the Tennessee Bar
Complete applications must be received by the final must complete the Tennessee Law Course (TLC)
deadlines of December 20th for the February exam prior to admission. The TLC is an online course on
and May 20th for the July exam. Late applications will Tennessee-specific law that will take approximately 7.5
not be accepted. hours to complete.
• Exam filing fee: $625
Tennessee Board Of Law Examiners
• Re-examination fee: $450
Tel (615) 741-3234
• Laptop fee: $100
• UBE score transfer: $625
• Admission on motion: $1,100

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 44

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Texas

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with the
The Texas Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar Exam (UBE). MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT 20%. A
total scaled score of 270 or higher is required to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
and two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Texas does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam. taken in another jurisdiction.

Admission on motion
Subjects tested
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
MBE subjects
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Property, Torts
requirements apply.
MEE Essay Subjects
Admission by UBE score transfer
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
jurisdiction within the preceding two years may apply
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
for admission based on that score. Passing UBE
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
scores earned more than two years, but less than five
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
years prior may qualify if applicant has been actively
Multistate Performance Test engaged in the practice of law for at least two of the
“Closed universe” practical questions using preceding three years. Additional requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. Additional information
Applicants may take exam prior to graduation from
an ABA accredited law school, provided applicant
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
is within four semester hours of completing all
admission to the bar and must be achieved no more
requirements for graduation.
than 2 years after passing the bar exam.
Texas Law Component (TLC)
Filing deadlines and fees An applicant to the Texas bar must successfully
Law student registration is required; for complete details complete the Texas Law Component (TLC) prior to
contact the Texas Board of Law Examiners. admission. The TLC is an online course provided by
the Texas Board of Law Examiners consisting of a
Timely applications must be filed by September 1st for
series of video lectures, each followed by a series
the February exam and by February 1st for the July exam.
of “hurdle questions” testing comprehension of the
Late application deadlines, with additional fees, are
previous lecture.
November 1st and December 1st for the February exam;
and April 1st and May 1st for the July exam.
Texas Board of Law Examiners
• Student application fee: $150 Tel (512) 463-1621
• Attorney application fee: $700 Web
• Exam fee: $150
• First late filing fee: $150
• Final late filing fee: $300
• UBE score transfer: $150

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 45

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Utah

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Utah Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Utah does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in full-time active practice of law for five
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
of the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Passing
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
UBE scores earned more than three years, but less
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
than five years prior may qualify if applicant has
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
been actively engaged in full-time practice of law
Multistate Performance Test for at least at least one-half of the time period since
“Closed universe” practical questions using earning the score. Additional requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. Utah State Bar
Tel (801) 531-9077
A scaled score of 86 on the MPRE is required prior to
admission to the Bar.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by October 1st for
the February exam and by March 1st for the July exam.
Late filing deadlines, with additional fees, are October
15th and November 1st for the February exam; and
March 15th and April 1st for the July exam.

• Student applicant: $550

• Attorney applicant: $850
• First late filing fee: $100
• Final late filing fee: $300
• Admission on motion: $850
• UBE score transfer: $550 if not admitted in another
jurisdiction or $850 if admitted in another jurisdiction.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 46

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Vermont

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Vermont Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Vermont does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 taken in another jurisdiction.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state may
Subjects tested
be admitted on motion if applicant has been actively
MBE subjects
engaged in the practice of law for no less than five
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
of the ten years immediately preceding the filing of
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
the application. Alternatively, applicant may qualify if
Property, Torts
admitted in New Hampshire or Maine and has been
MEE essay subjects actively engaged in the practice of law for no less than
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; three years immediately preceding the filing of the
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), application. Additional requirements apply.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
Admission by UBE score transfer
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Multistate Performance Test apply for admission based on that score. Passing
“Closed universe” practical questions using UBE scores earned more than three years, but less
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other than five years prior may qualify if applicant has been
reference material supplied by examiners. actively engaged in the full-time practice of law for at
least two. Additional requirements apply.
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE, no earlier than
Vermont Board Of Bar Examiners
three years before taking the bar exam, or one year
Tel (802) 859-3000
after being notified of passing the UBE, is required
for admission.

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be filed by December 1st for the
February Exam and May 1st for the July Exam. Late
applications must be accompanied by a written
request to the Board seeking permission for late filing.
The late filing request must demonstrate extraordinary
circumstances to justify late filing and may be denied.

• Bar exam application fee: $300

• Late filing fee: $50
• Admission on motion: $800
• UBE score transfer: $525

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 47

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MBE score (weighted 40%) and the essay score
The Virginia Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. (weighted 60%) are combined to determine if applicant
has achieved a passing score of at least 140.
Day 1 Nine essay questions plus 10 multiple-choice
questions with emphasis on Virginia law. The morning
(a.m.) session consists of 5 essay questions and the
Acceptance of MBE score
afternoon (p.m.) session consists of 4 essay questions
Applicants may transfer an MBE scaled score of 133 or
plus the 10 multiple-choice questions.
greater, taken within the preceding 3 years, to be able
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, to sit for only the essay portion of the exam.
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100
For attorney applicants who hold an active license to
questions in the p.m.).
practice law, are in good standing, and passed the
bar exam in a jurisdiction other than Virginia; no MBE
Subjects tested
score is required. These applicants can take only the
MBE subjects
essay portion of the exam and will need to achieve
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
a minimum passing score of 64 raw points out of a
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
possible 100.
Property, Torts
Admission on motion
Virginia Essay subjects
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Contracts, Domestic Relations, Professional
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant has
Responsibility, VA Civil and Criminal Procedure,
engaged in full-time active practice of law for three
Business Organizations, Evidence, Real and Personal
of the five years preceding application. Additional
Property, Creditor's Rights, Federal Practice and
requirements apply.
Procedure, Torts, Criminal Law, Local Government Law,
Uniform Commercial Code (Articles 2, 3A & 9A), Wills, Application for admission without examination with
Trusts and Estates character and fitness questionnaire $2,500

Board Of Bar Examiners
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
Tel (804) 367-0412
admission to the bar and must be achieved within two
calendar years of the time the candidate passes the
Virginia bar exam.

Filing deadlines and fees

Applications must be filed by December 15th for the
February Exam and May 10th for the July Exam. There
are no extensions or late filings.

• Bar exam application fee: $575

• Character and fitness fee: $575

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 48

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Washington

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Washington Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Washington does not accept an MBE score from an
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., exam taken in another jurisdiction.
100 questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of another U.S. state
Subjects tested
or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the five years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding 40 months may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Additional information
Multistate Performance Test All applicants for admission as a lawyer must pass
“Closed universe” practical questions using the Washington Law Component (WLC); minimum
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other passing score is 80% correct. The WLC is comprised
reference material supplied by examiners. of online materials and an online multiple-choice
test based on areas or subjects of law that are
specific to Washington State. The Board of Bar
A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required
Examiners is responsible for the content of the WLC
for admission to the bar. The passing score must
and shall publish the Washington state specific
be acquired no earlier than three years prior to,
materials for applicants.
or no later than 40 months after, the date of the
administration of the UBE in which the applicant
Washington State Bar Association
achieves a passing score.
Tel (206) 443-WSBA or (800) 945-WSBA (9722)
Filing deadlines and fees
Timely applications must be filed by October 5th for
the February exam and by March 5th for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
November 5th for the February exam and April 5th for
the July exam.

• General applicants: $585

• Attorney applicants: $620
• Late filing fee: $300

An additional NCBE investigation fee may apply.

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 49

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE West Virginia

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The West Virginia Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Two 90-minute Multistate Performance Test
questions (MPT in the a.m.) and six 30-minute
Multistate Essay Exam questions (MEE in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Applicants may transfer any MBE scaled score
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 achieved in another jurisdiction if taken within 13
questions in the p.m.). months of the current exam, provided the applicant
successfully completed the entire bar examination in
Subjects tested the other jurisdiction.
MBE subjects
Admission on motion
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
Applicants may be admitted without exam from
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
jurisdictions with admission standards substantially
Property, Torts
equivalent to those of West Virginia. Applicant must
MEE essay subjects have engaged in active practice of law for five of
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership; the seven years immediately preceding application.
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies), Additional requirements apply.
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
Admission by UBE score transfer
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Multistate Performance Test apply for admission based on that score. Additional
“Closed universe” practical questions using requirements apply.
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
reference material supplied by examiners. West Virginia Board Of Law Examiners
Tel (304) 558-7815
A scaled score of 80 on the MPRE within 25 months of
successful completion of bar examination.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by November 1st for
the February exam and by April 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
December 1st for the February exam and May 1st for
the July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $500

• Attorney bar exam application fee: $800
• Late filing fee: $200
• UBE score transfer: $750
• Admission on motion: $2,000

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 50

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 22-23, July 26-27 The written portion is scaled to the MBE with the MBE
The Wisconsin Bar Exam is a 2-day exam. weighted 50%. The written component of the exam
may include performance on the MPT, the MEE, and/or
Mandatory registration: On the Monday before the
locally developed essay questions. The composition
examination, applicants are required to attend a
and weight of these subcomponents may vary by
mandatory registration.
exam administration. A total scaled score of 258 or
Day 1 The exam may include parts of the Multistate higher is required to pass.
Essay Examination (MEE) and the Multistate
Performance Test (MPT) and may also include questions Reciprocity
prepared by the Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners. Acceptance of MBE score
Applicant may transfer scaled MBE score of at least 135
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question,
if within 37 months and from a successful exam taken
multiple-choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100
no more than 60 days before the J.D. was conferred.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
Subjects tested A member in good standing of another U.S. state
MBE subjects or territory may be admitted on motion if applicant
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/ has engaged in active practice of law for three of
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real the five years preceding application. Additional
Property, Torts requirements apply.
Wisconsin essay subjects
Additional information
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
Applicants may take exam prior to graduation if
Corporations, Limited Liability Companies and
degree received within 60 days after exam.
Sole Proprietorships), Commercial Paper, Conflict
of Laws, Family Law, Personal Property, Professional Admission by diploma privilege
Responsibility, Sales, Taxation (Federal), Trusts and Under diploma privilege, graduates of the University
Estates (Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future of Wisconsin Law School and Marquette University
Interests), and Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of Law School are admitted to the practice of law by
the Uniform Commercial Code, WI Civil Procedure complying with the terms of SCR 40.03 — their school
plus all MBE subjects certifies their legal competence and the Board of Bar
Examiners certifies their character and fitness for the
Multistate Performance Test
practice of law.
“Closed universe” practical questions using
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other
Supreme Court of Wisconsin
reference material supplied by examiners.
Board of Bar Examiners
MPRE Tel (608) 266-9760
The MPRE is not required for admission to Web
Wisconsin bar.

Filing deadlines and fees

Timely applications must be filed by December 1st for
the February exam and by May 1st for the July exam.
Late application deadlines, with an additional fee, are
January 1st for the February exam and June 1st for the
July exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $450

• Late filing fee: $200
• Admission on motion: $850

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 51

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
UBE Wyoming

2022 bar exam Scoring

February 25-26, July 26-27 The MEE and MPT scores are scaled to the MBE, with
The Wyoming Bar Exam is a 2-day Uniform Bar the MBE weighted 50%, the MEE 30% and the MPT
Exam (UBE). 20%. A total scaled score of 270 or higher is required
to pass.
Day 1 Six 30-minute Multistate Essay Exam questions
(MEE in the a.m.) and two 90-minute Multistate
Performance Test questions (MPT in the p.m.).
Acceptance of MBE score
Day 2 Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), a 200-question, Wyoming does not accept an MBE score from an exam
multiple choice exam (100 questions in the a.m., 100 taken in another jurisdiction.
questions in the p.m.).
Admission on motion
A member in good standing of a reciprocating
Subjects tested
jurisdiction may be admitted on motion if applicant
MBE subjects
has engaged in active practice of law for five of
Constitutional Law, Contracts/Sales, Criminal Law/
the seven years preceding application. Additional
Procedure, Evidence, Federal Civil Procedure, Real
requirements apply.
Property, Torts
Admission by UBE score transfer
MEE essay subjects
Applicants who have obtained a scaled score of at
Business Associations (Agency and Partnership;
least 270 on a Uniform Bar Exam taken in another
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies),
jurisdiction within the preceding three years may
Conflict of Laws, Family Law, Trusts and Estates
apply for admission based on that score. Additional
(Decedents’ Estates; Trusts and Future Interests),
requirements apply.
Article 9 (Secured Transactions) of the Uniform
Commercial Code plus all MBE subjects
Wyoming State Bar
Multistate Performance Test Tel (307) 432-2105
“Closed universe” practical questions using Web
instructions, factual data, cases, statutes and other bar-admission/
reference material supplied by examiners.

A scaled score of 85 on the MPRE is required for
admission to the bar.

Filing deadlines and fees

The timely filing deadlines are the third Friday in
November preceding the February exam and the
third Friday in April preceding the July exam. No
late filing is allowed. Dean’s certificate of law school
completion may be filed at a later date as graduation
is required to be able to sit for the exam.

• Bar exam application fee: $600

• UBE score transfer: $600
• Admission on motion: $600

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 52

Bar exam information is subject to change without notice. Please verify with bar examiner’s office.
Simply the best, most
effective bar prep ever created
BARBRI has helped more students achieve their dream of becoming a licensed
U.S. attorney than all other courses combined. Here’s what a few had to say.

BARBRI was an essential part of my success on those exam days. From day one,
BARBRI was a great primer to subjects I’d forgotten. The progress tracking tools kept me
engaged throughout the study process. I was blown away by the MBE Review lectures;
those professors knew exactly what to expect on the bar. I definitely put in the work, but
the course was worth every penny!
— Sean Tate, University of Texas School of Law

BARBRI is spot-on in its MBE practice questions and practice essays. It’s
shockingly accurate. This speaks to BARBRI’s experience and longevity. On the MBE —
and I can speak to three administrations in three different states — BARBRI has clearly
figured out what the bar exam questions look like and the patterns you’ll encounter.
— C. Thea Pitzen, Emory Law

After taking the BARBRI course for Pennsylvania and New Jersey, I was confident
that BARBRI would also help me pass the Delaware Bar Exam and I was correct! I was also
thrilled to find out that I received a 162.5 (scaled) on the MBE this July. Since I was also
working full-time while studying for the bar this time, I really credit BARBRI for keeping me
organized and on track with studying.
— Melissa Green, Drexel School of Law

Because I trusted in BARBRI and followed my Personal Study Plan, I owned the
bar. After seeing incredibly smart, successful law students fail the bar, I knew I needed
BARBRI to pass on my first try. BARBRI’s unique Personal Study Plan is amazing. Each
day, the plan tells you exactly what to do. If I was caught up on assignments I did extra
practice essays, practice MPTs or practice MBE questions. Some days were a little shorter
and some were longer, but I never had a single late night studying for the bar exam with
BARBRI. BARBRI gave me the structure, knowledge, and tips to own the bar, and I did!
— Sarah C. Jewel, University of Arkasas School of Law

BARBRI Bar Exam Digest 53

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