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1st Unit : 2nd Bimonthly

5. This laxative is sometimes recommended for

promoting postpartum lactation.
1. AntidiarrhealAntidiarrheal is contraindicated to what
condition? A. Milk of magnesia

A. Dehydration B. Sorbitol

B. Systemic toxiciity C. Domperidone

C. Bloody diahrea D. Betanichol

D. High fever

6. Acid-base disturbance observed in patient taking

2. VasodilationVasodilation elicited by small doses of
histamine is caused by the activation of this receptor: Ans. Metabolic Alkalosus

A. H1

B. H2 7. Instead ofof histamine this substance is used to

diagnose bronchial hyperreactivity in patients with
C. H3 suspected asthma.
D. H4 A.Succinylcholine

3. ErgonovineErgonovine maleate is given to stimulate C.Methylcholine
uterine contraction after the placenta has been
delivered through? D.Methalcholine

A. IntrarectalIntrarectal

B. IntracervicalIntracervical 8. Cause of vasodilation of the above question

C. Intramuscular A. - - - -

D. Intravenous B. NO release

C. ACE inhibitors

4. Aside from being an anxiolytic what isnthe use of D. Norepinephrine inhibitors


A. Appetite suppresant
9. Serotonin derived from amino acid
B. AntiAnti emetic
Ans Tryptophan

D. Migraine
10. Activation of these receptors results to increased 15. Serotonin is synthesized from amino acid:
something hydrolis and IP3
A. Histidine
A. H1 receptors
B. Tryptophan
B. H2 receptors
C. Phenylalanine
C. H3 receptors
D. Cysteine
D. H4 receptors

16. Serotonin is synthesized with this amino acid:

11. Contraindicated inin patients with heart failure due
to fluid retention.
17. Antidiarrheal that prevents GI bleeding

B. Osmotics
18. H3 agonist reduces the release of this
(Sorry kalimot ko sa uban choices)
neurotransmitter in various sites in the brain and
Peripheral nerve endings.

12. Bromocriptine is indicated for: A. Dopamine

A. Migraine B. Acetylcholine

B. Postpartum bleeding C. Glutamine

C. D. Norepinephrine

D. Prolactonemia (or was it Hyperprolactinemia) *basta

mao na siya answer
17. This drug has to be reabsorbed prior to it reaching
its target site

13. InIn allergic rhinitis, h1 antagonists are second line A. Sodium bicarbonate
drugs only. First line drugs are:
B. Sucralfate
A. Anti viral
C. Omeprazole
B. Decongestant
D. H2 blocker
C. A...

D. Steroid
18. One of the ff is not stimulated in the parietal cell in
the release of acid into the gastric lumen


B. Histamine

C. Acetylcholine
D. Pepsin

26. BetaBeta blocker more effective for GI bleeding

19. Commonly used for complete colonic cleansing A. Metoprolol

before GI endoscopic procedures
B. Atenolol
A. Milk of Magnesia
C. Carvedilol
B. Lactulose
D. Nadolol*
C. Senna

D. Polyethylene glycol
27. Which PPI is has less drug-drug interactions

20. Acid/base disturbance of antacids

28. The substancee that causes "shut down" of acid are
metabolic alkalosis located in these cells

A. ECL cells

21. InIn the blood, serotonin is found in B. G cells

A. RBC C. D cells


C. Platelets

D. Clotting factors 29. The substance that causes "shutting down"


22. "Switching off"

30. LaxativeLaxative that is also used to promote

postpartum lactation
23 Lactulose is churva from what condition?

B. Bethanecol
24. Acute gastroenteritis is stimulated via what vomiting
center. C. Milk of magnesia

Basta that was the gist. 😊 Sorbitol

25. WhatWhat substance can cause gangrene that can 31. Cromolyn MOA
lead to leg amputation

- Ergot Alkaloids
32. Subs responsible for d switching off of acid secretion *
comes from the cell

A. Parietal cells
38. Anti parkinsonian is especially blah blah sorry i
B. Ecl forgot

C. G cells A. Fexofeno

D. D cells B. Hydralazine

C. Mecli..

33. Ergot alkaloid used to treat uterine contraction

A. Acetylcholine 39. Bismuth properties other than mucosal protective

B. Epinephrine
A. Anti microbial
C. Oxytocin
B. Prostaglandin secretion

C. Bicarbonate secretion
34. Anti diarrheal drugs are not given to patients with.
Except D. Mucus secretion

Ans. Dehydration

40. False of H2 antagonists:

35. CYP2c19 inhibition by PPI can decrease the efficacy Ans. Suppress fasting gastric acid secretion
of this drug in pt with MI

A. Omepraxole
41. Anesthetic effect of Diphenhydramine is due to:
B. Esomeprazole
A. Blocking of H1 receptors
C. Clopidogrel
B. Inhibits Ca2+ release
D. Cilostosil?

D. Blocking of Na+ channels

36. Injection of histamine antagonist for severe
42. Ergot alkaloids can also be used to control
postpartum bleeding but the preferred agent is:

37. 80/90% of serotonin are present in what cell of GI
B. Oxytocin
A. Parietal
B. Peripheral
B. Betanechol

43. Is dopamine antagonist C. Milk of magnesia

A. D. Sorbitol




44. Vasodilation small doses

A. H1 receptor

B. H2 receptor

45. Most effective PPI with minimal CYP2C19 inhibition

a. Esomeprazole

b. Pantoprazolem

c. Reberprazole

d. Omeprazole

46. must be absorbed first before reaching site of

action.A Omeprazole B.Sodium bicarbonate. C.H2
receptor antagonist D. Sucralfate

47. MostMost ofof h1 are short duration, except





48. LaxativeLaxative sometimes recommended to

promote postpartum lactation

A. Domperidone

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