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Limay Polytechnic College

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The Teacher and the Community, School Culture,

and Organizational Leadership

Chapter 11: School Policies

and their Function; Effective
Policy Formulation and
Implementation in School
and Community Partnership

Nelson O. Enaje
Mr. Ivan Gail R. Yarra

May 2023
Chapter 11: School Policies and their Function; Effective
Policy Formulation and Implementation in School and
Community Partnership
A. Introduction- Topic/Discussion

Importance of Policies

Schools in partnership with their community have their own picture of what they want to be (vision
statement) and so must offer services and must do what they are supposed to do (mission statement) in
order to realize what they envisioned themselves to be. For these to happen, policies must be in place.
Observance of these policies ensures everyone in the school community to tow the line. If conditions are
ideal like when all members of the school community are perfect-school heads, teachers, students, parents,
non-teaching personnel and other members of the outside community- there may be no need for a policy.
The truth is conditions in the school community and in this world are far from ideal and persons that make
the school community are far from perfect and so the need for policies.

One may wonder as to why the Department of Education has issued very stringent policies and guidelines
for PTAS in matters of collecting contributions. Even engaging in any partisan political activity within
school premises is written as one prohibited activity. There must a history to that.

Perhaps malversation of funds and other forms of abuse happened in the past. Schools' policy on the
grading system is important for everyone concerned to know how grades are computed. Both students and
parents know how grades are derived objectively. Percentage weights for each component are clear.
Teachers are guided in their assessment practices. The grading policy ensures objective assessment
practice. Without the grading policy, grading may become highly subjective.
Similarly, if there are no policies on students' tardiness and absenteeism, students may just come in late
or absent. The policies on students' tardiness and absenteeism certainly will curb tardiness and
absenteeism to ensure learning.
What is DepEd Order No 8's 2015 all about?
DepEd O R D E R No. 8 s. 2015. -an ongoing process of identifying, gathering, organizing, and
interpreting quantitative and qualitative information about what learners know and can do.

What are the bases for grading based on DepEd Order 8 S 2015? Components of Summative Assessment
Summative assessments are classified into three components, namely,
1. Written Work (WW),
2. Performance Tasks (PT), and
3. Quarterly Assessment (QA). These three will be the bases for grading. What is DepEd Order 54 S 2009
all about?
DepEd Order No. 54, series of 2009 also states that “all PTA activities within the school premises or
which involve the school, its personnel or students shall be with prior consultation and approval of the
School Head”.
The said order further stipulates certain prohibited activities for the PTA, including “engagement in any
partisan political activity within school premises”.
We continue to recognize and value the partnership of the community, our parents, our teachers, and our
school administration in ensuring the delivery of quality basic education for all of our learners.
B. Theoretical Framework- related theory Educational policy theory can form the basis of sound
management decisions and classroom practices, leading to coherent and effective educational programs
and systems. Multiple dimensions and theories can provide school leaders with new insights and
perspectives on various aspects of educational policy. Policy evaluation helps to improve educational
effectiveness by systematically examining the structure of the curriculum, instruction, assessment
processes, and the benefits to stakeholders (Diamond, 1997)

C. Pros’ Citation - support the narrative Policy is generally an intent, a set of rules and principles,
adopted for ease of governance within an organization. It is fundamentally important for organisations to
have implementable policies, as it forms a linking pin between the school management, teachers, students,
parents, and the rule of law. An organisation without policy is an organisation without control. -Dr Sami
ulla M.
D. Argumentation - argue/against the narrative
Education Policy Quotes For those of you that are unaware, failure is an option. If you really want to be
that school district that removes failure from the equation, then you as a district are failing your students.
Students need to understand that failure is part of life—it happens. And whether you like it or not, they
will have a much more difficult time when they get out of school succeeding because you as a school
have never let them experience failure, nor have you given them the opportunity to know what it means to
learn from that which they did not the first time understand. Fröderick Frankensteen
E. Conclusion - I learned that policies are important because they help a school establish operating
procedures, create standards of quality for learning and teaching, and set out expectation and
accountability. Without these, schools would lack the structure and function necessary to meet the
educational needs of students. Furthermore, the community, stakeholders, teachers, principal, and
education department have a vital role in how to implement policy, especially as future educators. We are
the implementors of the policies or curriculum. Implenting policies help give learners appropriate and
relevant content with the application of the learner's environment in order to make learning real. It helps
to ensure that the set goals and objectives are achieved. It enables effective and proper assessment and
evaluation of the curriculum.
F. Recommendation - I recommend the following:
1) Teachers are the primary im-plementors of the policies and curriculum in the classroom.
2) Strengthen the relationship between the teachers and the community/stakeholders.
A) Meeting once a month for evaluation
B) Activities or team building’
3) Not every policy is applicable to any individual school.

G. References

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