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Name of Participant: BRENDA P. MAROLEÑA

Current Position: Secondary School Principal – I


Cluster: 2

Division: Ormoc City Division

Region: VIII

DepEd’s Vision and Mission is our guiding principle in this endeavor towards lifelong
learning. It is but our goal to develop holistically diverse learners with the 21 st century skills
as we dream of Filipinos who passionately love our country and whose values and
competencies enable them to realize their full potential. These objective can be realize if
school and instructional leadership will be intensified and carried to the maximum. That the
needs of the students and teachers are provided to intensify teaching and learning and
making lessons for students more interesting and making environment conducive to learning.
In our mission as stewards of the institution and as instructional leader it is a great challenge
for us to provide the primary needs of our students and teachers thus, making teaching and
learning process a very fulfilling and rewarding endeavor.


Problem 1. Lighting and Ventilation in 20 identified classrooms both in the JHS

and SHS.

What is your problem?

The primary problem that is of priority and needs immediate attention is on the lighting and
ventilation of 20 identified classrooms. Majority of the classrooms are not well lighted and
ventilated thus making it not conducive to learning.
When does the problem happen?
This problem already has been experienced by majority of teachers conducting classes
in this 20 classrooms identified before my transfer here last January 3, 2018.

Where does the problem happen?

The rooms of the the LGU Building, SHS Building and (Old) DPWH Building

Who are affected by the problem?

The students and teachers occupying the 20 classrooms, more or less 800 students.

Problem 2: Continuous supply of water for hand washing facilities and comfort

What is the problem?

The supply of water for the (4) hand washing facilities in school and (17) comfort
rooms is not continuous and enough to maintain the functionality and cleanliness of the said

When does the problem happen?

The problem already exists even before my stay at this station last January 3, 2018.

Where does the problem happen?

At the school premises and classrooms.

Who are affected by the problem?

The 1508 officially enrolled students and 59 teachers, 1 guidance counselor, 3 ADA’s.

Problem 3:

The Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in every quarter is below that 75 % standard.

What is the problem?

MPS below 75 % 3rd PT
When does the problem happen?
January 15, 2018 submission of MPS

Where does the problem happen?

At Linao National High School

Who are affected by the problem?

1508 students


Problem 1:

After 6 months of implementation of the project, it is expected that all identified

classrooms are well lighted, and properly ventilated. With this project, teachers are then
motivated to conduct classes that is conducive to learning. The students will also be
interested to attend and participate during class hours.

Problem 2:

After the implementation of the project, it is expected that there is continuous supply
of water for all hand washing facilities and all comfort rooms. This is also to ensure the
functionality and cleanliness that said facilities through the provision of the said project.

Problem 3:

To raise the Mean Percentage Score in every quarter based on the standard which is
75% is the primary objective of this project. Teachers should adapt a teaching style suited to
the learners needs. He/she may adapt localization and indigenization of the curriculum to
give more emphasis on a topic and that students can connect the lesson to their actual life
situations at home. Teachers may also apply pedagogies that are of importance to the
teaching learning process.

Problem 1:

If problem on lighting and ventilation will be solve the whole school will be benefited with
the 1508 students that are officially enrolled and 59 teachers, 1 guidance counselor and 3
ADA’s. We can expect a well motivated and interested students and teachers carrying out
their lessons in an environment conducive to learning.

Problem 2:

The realization of problem 2 will also ensure the cleanliness and sanitation of the school.
With continuous supply of water, the functionality of the hand washing facilities will be
intensified and maintained to its maximum.

Problem 3:

Solving problem 3 is also of utmost concern since teaching and learning is of prime
importance. Our main clientele are our diverse learners. Achieving 75% MPS is the standard.
With proper application of pedagogies, teaching style, and with proper and intensified
intervention done, we can expect that we will meet our target.

The realization of the said projects will contribute to achieving DepEd’s Vission and Mission,
since our primary concern in the department is to produce quality and lifelong learners, with
the 21st century skills developed towards global competitiveness.

January 16, 2018

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