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Hydrologic analysis is undertaken to provide basic inputs for the design of attendant
minor drainage structures as well as countercheck for the adequacy of existing cross-
drainage structures in the project road. The main objective of the analysis is essentially
the estimation of the peak flow rates or runoff originating from high ground or
catchment area in the project site. The study is performed in accordance with the
standard engineering practice and methodology and generally consists of the analysis of
available rainfall and streamflow data supplemented by field reconnaissance survey.
The data are processed, analyzed and evaluated accordingly to arrive at design flow
parameters based on designated return periods.


All pertinent data including short duration rainfall and topographic maps were obtained
from the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA), Water Resources Center (WRC) of the University of San
Carlos in Cebu City and the National Mapping Resource Information Agency
(NAMRIA). These were further supplemented with information gathered from relevant
technical publications by private and government agencies with regards to the socio-
economic and infrastructure development of the project area.


Streams or natural waterways were identified from topographic map of scale 1:10,000.
Corresponding catchment areas are delineated using an imaginary line, which usually
runs along the highest points (ridges) of the surrounding area. Figure 4.1 shows the
delineated catchment areas of the waterways crossing the Naga-Toledo Road (Section
2: Jct. Lutopan - Jct. Poog Section) while Figure 4.2 shows the delineated catchment
areas for Sections 3 and 4 (Jct. Poog to Toledo City). Figure 4.3 shows the delineated
catchment area for Balud Bridge in Section 3.


Excess runoff in the region is generally caused by rainfall associated with tropical
cyclones. Runoff is that portion of the precipitation that makes its way toward stream
channels or waterways. Runoff from a catchment basically depends on several factors,
which include:

 rainfall intensity,
 area and shape of catchment,
 steepness and length of the slope being drained,
 nature and extent of vegetation or cultivation, and
 the condition of the surface and nature of the subsurface soils.

The calculation of the peak discharge for a given return period constitutes one of the
essential steps required to obtain proper design of drainage structures.

The estimation of the design flood for a particular project would basically depend upon
the following factors:

 type and extent of the data available,

 project feature to be designed, and
 size of the catchment area.

Considering the above factors the discharge can be calculated using the commonly used
procedure the Rational Method. The Rational formula was used for areas less than 20

4.5.1 Rational Method

The Rational method is the most common method for peak flow calculation
especially for small drainage areas less than 20 km 2. It consists of selecting
appropriate values of runoff coefficient. The fundamental idea behind this
method is that the peak rate of surface outflow from a given watershed is
proportional to the drainage area and the average rainfall intensity over a period
of time just sufficient for all part of the watershed to contribute to the outflow.
The proportionality constant is supposed to reflect the watershed characteristics,
such as imperviousness, geology, vegetation and antecedent moisture. In its
simplest form, the formula is expressed as;

Q = 0.278 CIA


Q = discharge, m3/s
C = runoff coefficient, dimensionless
I = rainfall intensity, mm/hr
A = drainage area, km2

The following assumptions are considered in the application of the formula.

 rainfall occurs at uniform intensity over the entire watershed

 rainfall intensity occurs uniformly for a duration at least equal to the
time of concentration of the watershed
 return period of the peak discharge is the same as that of the rainfall
a) Time of Concentration

In drainage design, the time of concentration is usually taken as equal to

the storm duration, t. The time of concentration is the time required for a
particle of water to flow hydraulically from the most distant point in the
watershed to the outlet or design point.

The time of concentration is estimated from basin parameters using the

Kirpich formula,

Tc = 0.0196 L 1.15 H -0.385


Tc = time of concentration, minutes

L = length of main channel from point of interest to
the most remote point, m
H = difference in elevation between the point of
interest and the most remote point, m

b) Runoff Coefficient

The runoff coefficient, C is defined as the ratio of the peak runoff rate to
the rainfall intensity. It is one of the critical and difficult decisions to
make in order to efficiently employ the rational formula. This selection
depends on many parameters such as topography, land use, infiltration
rates and watershed configuration.

A simple guideline for the determination of the discharge

coefficient C in the formula is presented below:
Type of Land Slope Infiltrability of the soil
High Medium Low
< 5% 0.30 0.50 0.60
Arable Land 5 – 10% 0.40 0.60 0.70
10 – 30% 0.50 0.70 0.80
< 5% 0.10 0.30 0.40
Pasture Land 5 – 10% 0.15 0.35 0.60
10 – 30% 0.20 0.40 0.60
< 5% 0.10 0.30 0.40
Forest 5 – 10% 0.25 0.35 0.50
10 – 30% 0.30 0.50 0.60
U.S. Soil Conservation Service 1972.

The value of C adopted for the cross drains ranges from 0.35 to 0.70.

c) Design Flood Frequency

Drainage works are usually designed to dispose of the flow from a storm
having a specified return period of frequency. Design frequency, as used
is the frequency with which a given event is equaled or exceeded on the
average, once in a period of years.
It is not economical to design drainage structures to discharge the
maximum flood which may occur. The selection of the design flood
frequency is primarily a function of the magnitude of the investment to
be protected. Based on studies and criteria of the DPWH on drainage
structures the following design frequency is applicable to the project.

Structure Return Period

Bridge 50 yr
Box Culvert 25 yr
Pipe Culvert 10 yr
Roadside Canals 2 yr


The calculated peak discharges for the culverts are summarized in Tables 4.1 and 4.2
for Section 2, and Sections 3 to 4, respectively. The numbering of the catchment areas
indicated in the figures corresponds to the Stationing of the structures shown in Tables
4.1 and 4.2.

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