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VOCABULARY/voukaviulery/= vocabulario Angry/engry/= enojado(a)(s)

Vocabularies/voukaviulerys/= vocabularies Hungry/jangry/= hambriento(a)(s)

Subject/sabyect/= sujeto(a) Jane/yein/, nombre

Pronoun(s)/pronaun(s)/= pronombre(s) Great/greit/= geniales

And(end)= y Nice/nais/= lindo(a)

The/di/= el, la, las, lo, los, Ok= bien

Verb(s)/verb(s)/= verbo(s) Thirsty= sediento(a)

Be/bi/=ser/estar Ready= listo(a)

To/tu/= a

Full(s)/foll(s)/= lleno(a)

Form/form/= forma

Full form= forma complete


I am i´m

It is it´s

He is he´s

She is she´s

You are you´re

They are they´re

We are we´re

For example:

I´m happy/ Jhon and I/ We´re happy

You´re sad/ You and Tom/ You´re great

Bob- he´s angry/ The cat is hungry/ It´s hungry

Jane- she´s cool

Negations/negeishons/= negaciones
I´m not(única forma)

You aren´t/ you´re not

She isn´t/ he´s not

It isn´t

We aren´t

You aren´t

They aren´t

Questions/kuestions/= preguntas
Short answers

Am I happy? Yes, you are/ no, you aren´t

Are you sad? Yes, I´m sad/ no, I´m not sad

He angry? Yes, he´s angry/ no, he´s not angry

is She ok? Yes, she`s ok/ no, she´s not ok

It nice? Yes, it´s nice/ no, it´s not nice

We hungry? Yes, we´re hungry/ no, we aren´t hungry

are You ready? Yes, you´re ready/ no, you aren´t ready

They thirsty? Yes, they´re thirsty/ no, they´re not thristy

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