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Peter Paul Academy of Vizal Incorporated

Vizal San Pablo, Candaba, Pampanga
Faith, Excellence, Service

A Study on the Effects of Extracurricular Activities in Building Camaraderie among the

Selected Junior High School and Senior High School Students of St. Peter Paul
Academy of Vizal Inc. (S.Y. 2022-2023)

Submitted by:
Ryzen S. Gatchalian

Submitted to:
Edna S. Manlapaz, Ph. D.

“Extracurricular activities are usually described as activities that are not belong to
academic curriculum but are offered by an academic institution.” This research will be
focused on knowing the effects of extracurricular activities in building camaraderie
among the students. Extracurricular activities are to be done in class or out of school
based on the demands and convenience of extracurricular activities. Extracurricular
activities are unique from unorganized and unsupervised public activities such as
interacting or enjoying activities with friends. Instead, they are structured structurally
and contain supervision by teachers and under careful supervision, extracurricular
activities could focus on group, interaction, management, and other public skill-building
and beneficial growth for the members. The supervision of extra-curricular activities
enforces positive development for adolescents because it provides guidance for the
students with supervised extracurricular activities, students are guided towards
appropriate behaviors and activities while being challenged to help develop
competencies and confidence.
Human beings learn many things by doing or experiencing. Students who excel
in extracurricular activities may improve themselves for real situations. Students
sometimes cannot find opportunity to be open with teachers at college. And, language
teachers know that participation of lessons is the key factor for better learning. Thus,
students get disciplined and act well in real situations by joining extracurricular activities.
There are different opinions of what is considered an extra-curricular activity. A few
examples of activities outside the school day may include pro-social activities such as
dances, team sports, and performing arts, while in-school involvement activities may
include intramurals, and academic clubs. Different levels of activity involvement and
participation may positively impact future success for those who participate. Research
also indicated that both the type of extracurricular programs and level of participation
may impact the individuals' development.
Participation in an extra curricular activities, facilitates students to achieve better
academic performance through acquiring life skills and attitudes. Participation helps
students to acquire organizational, planning and time-management skills. It also helps
students to develop attitudes such as discipline and motivation; and to receive social
rewards which influence personality characteristics. It enhances students’ self-concept,
which in turn mediates positive effects on other academic outcomes. It also promotes
personal initiatives such as setting personal goals, evaluating what is needed to attain
goals, and then actively acquiring the abilities and resources to achieve goals.

 To know the reasons of students why they chose to join in an extracurricular

 To identify the good or bad effects of extracurricular activities to the academic
performance of the students.
 To determine the effects of extracurricular activities among the students in
building camaraderie.
A Study on the Effects of Extracurricular Activities in Building Camaraderie among
the Selected Junior High School and Senior High School Students of St. Peter Paul
Academy of Vizal Inc. (S.Y. 2022-2023)

Name: ____________________________ Grade level:________

Age: ___________ Gender:___________

Direction: Answer the following questions based on the instruction given. Don’t leave

any questions unanswered.

1. Are you engaged in sports activities of the school?

______ Yes ______ No

2. What type/types of sports activities you are interested in?

______ Volleyball ______ Basketball ______ Badminton

______ Table tennis ______ Chess

3. How many sports activities have you participated in?

______ 1 ______ 3 ______ 5
______ 2 ______ 4

4. Are you an honor student?

______ Yes ______ No

5. Do you think that sport activity you are engaged in, helps you to build relationships
with other students in SPPAVI? State you reason.

_____ Yes _____ No


6. Are there any instances in which you prioritized your extracurricular activities instead
of your studies?

______ Yes ______ No

6.1. If yes, how?


7. What are the reason/s why you choose to join in sports activities?

_____Friendship _____Academic incentives _____Exercise

8. Do you think that there are times that extracurricular activities became a barrier for a
student to have a well-balanced time for learning lessons?

______ Yes ______ No

9. How do you handled and balanced the schedule for trainings and events related to
your sports and the time for your study?

10. How will you rate your experiences while you are joining an extracurricular activity?
With five (5) being the highest and one (1) being the lowest.
5 4 3 2 1
I find friends that I think can help me to build relationship
with other students
I am enjoying my time while I am playing sports
I learned how to have a strong personality while doing
I learned to become a responsible student in balancing
my time for study and sports
I learned to appreciate camaraderie because of my

11. What positive effect have you got from participating in the sports activities?

_____ Promote mutual feeling between classmates and improve the communication
_____ Widen the horizon and increase the knowledge
_____ Improve the practical ability
_____ Entertainment
_____ Enrich one’s life
12. What negative effect do you think too much sports activities have?

_____ Waste the study time

_____ Lead intense interpersonal relationship
_____ Make people feel tired
_____ Some activities have little value

13. Are you satisfied with the management of the activities?

_____ Yes _____ No

14. Your assessment of your extracurricular life?

_____ Very Satisfied _____ Neutral _____ Very Dissatisfied

_____ Satisfied _____ Dissatisfied

15. How do you feel after the activities?

_____ Satisfied _____ Tired

_____ Relaxed _____ Nothing
_____ Satisfied _____ Dissatisfied
_____ Very Dissatisfied

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