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8B Unit test

Vocabulary 3 Complete the blog with the superlative form of

the adjectives in parentheses.
1 Choose the correct alternatives.
Hi everyone,
1 I feel angry / tired when people leave trash It’s Monday, so it’s 1_____________________
(boring) day of the week. And today I had Math and
2 I get fed up / scared when I watch a horror
Science classes. Mr. Thomas, the Science teacher,
movie late at night! is 2_____________________ (funny) teacher in the
3 I feel excited / confident when my birthday is
school, but Math and Science are
coming every year! 3_____________________ (difficult) school
4 I feel happy / bored when I get a good grade subjects for me. And it gets worse: I have two tests
at school.
tomorrow! I’m not 4_____________________
5 I get bored / happy when the weather is terrible
(amazing) student in the class, so I am studying
and I can’t go out. a lot. Mom says 5_____________________
6 When I think I look nice, I feel confident /
(important) thing is to relax. And she says that
tomorrow afternoon, we can go to a café after
7 I feel annoyed / sad when I don’t see my school and I can order 6_____________________
grandparents for a long time.
(expensive) thing on the menu! She is, I tell her,
8 I feel embarrassed / excited when I say the 7_____________________ (nice) mom in the
wrong answer in class. world … (most of the time ☺).
9 I get tired / scared when I study all day. ___ / 7
10 I feel embarrassed / nervous before I do
4 Complete the sentences with the comparative
a Math test. or superlative form of the irregular adjectives in
___ / 10 parentheses.

Grammar 1 You’re _________________ (good) than me

at singing!
2 Write simple present sentences. Use the
comparative forms of the adjectives. 2 That’s _________________ (bad) horror
movie ever!
1 George and Billy / lazy / me.
3 Which city in Australia is _________________
2 Action movies / exciting / comedies. (far) from Sydney?

______________________________________ 4 Friday is _________________ (good) day of the

3 Roses / beautiful / sunflowers. week for me.
______________________________________ 5 The weather today is _________________ (bad)
4 Music / easy / Math. than yesterday.
______________________________________ 6 Moscow is _________________ (far) from here
5 Luke / thin / Oliver. than Paris.
______________________________________ ___ / 6

6 Planes / fast / trains.

7 Your hands / big / my hands!
___ / 7

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

8B Unit test

5 Complete the sentences about Carl and Bruno Writing

with (not) as ... as and the adjectives in
parentheses. 7 Write a paragraph about how your life now is
different from your life when you were 6 years
Carl Bruno old. Use the ideas below.
age 11 12  life (easy / difficult / simple)
height 1.55 m 1.50 m  school (interesting / important / difficult)
 your appearance – height (tall), hair (long / short)
weight 43 kg 43 kg
 your feelings (worried / tired / happy)
shoe size 41 43
English test results 90%, 91% 90%, 91%
1 Carl ___________________________________ _________________________________________
____________________________ Bruno. (old) _________________________________________
2 Bruno _________________________________ _________________________________________
______________________________ Carl. (tall) _________________________________________
3 Carl ___________________________________ _________________________________________
__________________________ Bruno. (heavy) _________________________________________
4 Carl’s feet ______________________________ _________________________________________
___________________________ Bruno’s. (big) _________________________________________
5 Bruno’s English test results ________________ _________________________________________
___________________________ Carl’s. (good) _________________________________________
___ / 5 _________________________________________
Communication _________________________________________
6 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in _________________________________________
each gap.
Emily You look worried, Harry. _________________________________________
Harry Yeah, I am. I’m going to a concert in ___ / 10

Marshfield with Isabella, but she’s late.

TOTAL ___ / 50
Emily Oh yeah, I forgot! How 1_________ is it
2_________ here?
Harry It’s about 20 kilometers away. We need to
get the bus soon.
Emily 3_________ 4_________ does it take to
5_________ there?
Harry It takes about 45 minutes, I think.
Emily Don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll be here soon.
___ / 5

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

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