The Effect of Different Training Exercises On The Performance Outcome On The Da Vinci Skills Simulator

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Surg Endosc and Other Interventional Techniques

DOI 10.1007/s00464-016-5240-z

The effect of different training exercises on the performance

outcome on the da Vinci Skills Simulator
U. Walliczek-Dworschak1 • M. Schmitt1 • P. Dworschak2 • I Diogo1 •

A. Ecke1 • M. Mandapathil1 • A. Teymoortash1 • C. Güldner1

Received: 14 May 2016 / Accepted: 6 September 2016

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract among the three groups. A significant skills gain was

Background Increasing usage of robotic surgery presents recorded between the first and last exercises, with
surgeons with the question of how to acquire the special improved performance in overall score, time to complete
skills required. This study aimed to analyze the effect of and economy of motion for all exercises in all three groups.
different exercises on their performance outcomes. Conclusions As training with different exercises led to
Methods This prospective study was conducted on the da comparable results in robotic training, the type of exercise
Vinci Skills Simulator from December 2014 till August seems to play a minor role in the outcome. For a robotic
2015. Sixty robotic novices were included and randomized training curriculum, it might be important to choose exer-
to three groups of 20 participants each. Each group per- cises with comparable difficulty levels. In addition, it
formed three different exercises with comparable difficulty seems to be advantageous to limit the duration of the
levels. The exercises were performed three times in a row training to maintain the concentration throughout the entire
within two training sessions, with an interval of 1 week in session.
between. On the final training day, two new exercises were
added and a questionnaire was completed. Technical met- Keywords da Vinci Skills Simulator  Robotic surgery
rics of performance (overall score, time to complete, education  Training program  Robotic surgery
economy of motion, instrument collisions, excessive
instrument force, instruments out of view, master work The increasing use of robotic surgery makes it necessary to
space range, drops, missed targets, misapplied energy time, take a further look at the possibilities of training for this
blood loss and broken vessels) were recorded by the sim- special kind of surgery. This is important especially against
ulator software for further analysis. the background of more than 100 individual product lia-
Results Training with different exercises led to compara- bility lawsuits in 2014 in the USA alone, and accusations of
ble results in performance metrics for the final exercises insufficient surgeon training [1–3]. The required skills for
robotic surgery can be developed through surgical simu-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this lation systems such as the da Vinci Skills Simulator
article (doi:10.1007/s00464-016-5240-z) contains supplementary (dVSS) (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). To
material, which is available to authorized users. evaluate the quality of simulation training, face, content
& U. Walliczek-Dworschak
and construct validity are useful tools. Face validity eval- uates whether a test measures what it is supposed to [4],
whereas construct validity identifies whether the simulator
Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck is able to differentiate the performance of experts from
Surgery, University Hospital of Marburg, University of
Gießen and Marburg, Baldingerstraße, 35043 Marburg,
novices [5]. Content validity assesses appropriateness and
Germany correctness, in other words whether the simulator training
Center of Orthopedics and Traumatology, University
is useful [4]. Multiple studies have demonstrated the face,
Hospital of Marburg, University of Gießen and Marburg, content and construct validity of the dVSS [5–11], which is
Marburg, Germany

Surg Endosc

Fig. 1 Exercises selected for trainings curriculum: left column group middle: ‘‘Peg Board 2’’; below: ‘‘Ring and Rail 2’’), right column
1 (above: ‘‘Peg Board 1’’; middle: ‘‘Match Board 2’’; below: ‘‘Needle group 3 (above: ‘‘Ring and Rail 1’’; middle: ‘‘Thread the Rings’’;
Targeting’’), middle column group 2 (above: ‘‘Match Board 1’’; below: ‘‘Match Board 3’’)

the reason to apply it for the present study. It works with different training exercises on the performance outcome in
the Mimic virtual reality training software (Mimic Tech- order to contribute to the development of such a curriculum
nologies, Seattle, WA), which contains more than 35 (Fig. 1).
exercises for robotic skills training, including basic tasks
such as camera control and more advanced exercises such
as suturing and needle driving [3]. According to Gomez Materials and methods
et al., seven main robotic skills need to be achieved during
a training curriculum: camera control, energy control, The study was conducted from December 2014 until
EndoWrist manipulation, basic needle driving, advanced August 2015 on the dVSS in the operating theater of the
needle driving, needle control and fourth arm control [12]. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Sur-
They allow surgeons to develop the necessary skills to gery, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. Sixty
master the robotic console. The present study was designed robotic novices, residents in the first training years who
so that all seven of those skills were trained by undertaking performed no robotic operations and did not have experi-
the chosen exercises. ence with the dVSS, were included in this study and were
To our knowledge, at present there is no standard pro- distributed randomly into three equal groups. To minimize
ficiency-based curriculum for training on the dVSS. Thus possible effects of age, only persons between 20 and
the aim of the present study is to analyze the effect of 33 years were included. The training was introduced with a

Surg Endosc

brief demonstration of the da Vinci System provided by the addition the ‘‘Needle Targeting’’ (NT) exercise, where
study team to familiarize the participants with the da Vinci colored needles are positioned into two color-matched
console and its handling. Thereafter trainees were allowed targets of different sizes, and the Thread the Rings (TTR)
to familiarize themselves with the da Vinci console by exercise, which required the participant to pass a needle
performing 3 min of the exercise ‘‘Playground.’’ The through different eyelets were trained. The final exercises
training consisted of two sessions with an interval of comprised ‘‘Stacking Challenge,’’ in which the task was to
1 week in between. Exercises of comparable difficulty build the highest possible tower using different tokens and
levels were matched to the three groups. Each group had to ‘‘Energy Dissection 2,’’ which required the participants to
perform three exercises, which consisted of an easy, a cauterize and cut branching blood vessels anchored to a
moderately difficult and a difficult exercise, in a defined vessel truncus. The cauterized small vessels tended to re-
order (Table 1; Fig. 2) three times in a row. On the last bleed, so the participants needed to be attentive to the
study day, two previously unseen exercises were added: whole surgical field to minimize blood loss. Each task was
‘‘Stacking Challenge’’ and ‘‘Energy Dissection 2’’ (Fig. 3). initiated by a short verbal explanation of the exercise to
These two exercises were completed just once by all three follow. The participants then performed the robotic training
groups. autonomously in the presence of the study team. After
Exercises chosen for this study comprised the ‘‘Match successful completion of each exercise, the program ter-
Board’’ (MB) exercises, whose aim is to position three- minated automatically and a detailed performance report
dimensional wooden letters and numbers in corresponding was generated by the Mimic da Vinci Trainer software.
preformed pattern outcuts. From MB 1 to MB 3, the The measured metrics were time taken to complete the
required dexterity rises and extra robotic arms need to be exercise, economy of motion, number of instrument colli-
used to free the pattern outcuts where the objects need to be sions, excessive instrument force, instruments out of view,
placed. The second set of exercises chosen for this study is master work space range, number of drops and overall
the ‘‘Ring and Rail’’ (RR) tasks. Here colored rings are led performance score (all metrics combined). For the ‘‘Needle
along a color-matched rod toward the correct platform. Targeting’’ exercise, the number of missed targets and for
Furthermore the ‘‘Peg Board’’ (PB) exercises were selec- the final exercise ‘‘Energy Dissection 2’’ misapplied energy
ted. They consist of picking up and transferring colored time, blood loss and broken vessels were additionally
rings from a peg board wall to a single peg on the floor. In recorded.

Table 1 Training curriculum of

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
all three groups
Exercise 1 (easy) Peg Board 1 Match Board 1 Ring and Rail 1
Exercise 2 (moderately difficult) Match Board 2 Peg Board 2 Thread the Rings
Exercise 3 (difficult) Needle Targeting Ring and Rail 2 Match Board 3
Final exercise 1 Stacking Challenge Stacking Challenge Stacking Challenge
Final exercise 2 Energy Dissection 2 Energy Dissection 2 Energy Dissection 2

Fig. 2 Final exercises: On the left the exercise ‘‘Energy Dissection 2’’ is shown, on the right the exercise ‘‘Stacking Challenge’’ is pictured

Surg Endosc

Fig. 3 Overview of the performance outcome for the overall score column shows the results for group 1, the middle column shows the
for exercises of different difficulty levels (at the head easy, beneath results for group 2 and the left column shows the results for group 3
moderate difficulty, at the bottom difficult exercises). The left middle

Having finished each exercise participants were able to Results

ask questions and receive feedback on how they could
improve their performance. After the second session of Evaluation of the training
practical training, each participant was asked to fill out a
questionnaire, where different items should be rated on a In the present study, a total of 60 robotic novices 34 male
5-point likert scale (see attachment). (57 %) and 26 female (43 %) mean age 24.4 years
Statistical data analysis was performed using the pro- (20–33 years) were enrolled. Most participants were right
gram SPSS 22.0 (SAS Statistics, Cary, NC, USA). The handed (57 (95 %) vs. 3 (5 %)). There were no significant
performed statistical test was the two sample test for differences between the three groups regarding age and sex
independent and dependent variables under the assumption (p [ 0.05).
of equal variance for the population. The test was per- A significant skills gain in overall score, time to com-
formed with the arithmetic mean of the overall score, plete and economy of motion was seen for all exercises of
respectively, the individual parameters of one session day, all three groups from the first to the final session (Table 2;
in accordance with the exercises. A p value B0.05 was Fig. 1). The time required for each exercise significantly
considered statistically significant. reduced between the first and second training days in all

Surg Endosc

Table 2 Overview over the development of the outcome metrics of the entirety of the exercises performed
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Easy Peg Board 1 Match Board 1 Ring and Rail 1
First trial Last trial p value First trial Last trial p value First trial Last trial p value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Overall 70.9 14.62 90.25 5.12 0.000 60.00 12.3 79.80 7.66 0.000 76.20 12.28 92.75 4.89 0.000
Time to 110.8 44.50 56.85 12.09 0.000 253.35 65.05 150.50 23.72 0.000 73.90 28.02 32.75 10.24 0.000
Economy of 182.55 64.11 129.55 16.91 0.001 381.95 101.43 256.30 33.89 0.000 72.20 38.96 53.45 10.92 0.030

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Medium Match Board 2 Peg Board 2 Thread the Rings
First trial Last trial p value First trial Last trial p value First trial Last trial p value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Overall 53.5 12.70 79.9 6.94 0.000 80.10 6.97 91.65 5.27 0.000 46.90 21.25 79.20 7.21 0.000
Time to 248.15 90.53 126.15 19.91 0.000 140.15 31.35 95.3 29.9 0.000 274.30 99.80 147.30 28.55 0.000
Economy of 398.15 134.52 270.05 46.20 0.000 269.80 40.44 222.35 28.95 0.000 351.40 132.58 229.50 31.38 0.000

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Difficult Needle Targeting Ring and Rail 2 Match Board 3
First trial Last trial p value First trial Last trial p value First trial Last trial p value
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Overall 71.85 25.76 90.95 10.65 0.001 50.65 19.34 70.90 17.07 0.000 29.60 10.42 61.60 17.09 0.000
Time to 277.00 135.00 147.85 56.41 0.000 382.55 114.29 240.50 86.04 0.000 562.55 200.55 262.55 46.19 0.000
Economy 329.95 211.9 209.90 58.69 0.009 558.30 171.14 432.9 87.87 0.005 896.30 296.04 542.60 76.94 0.000
of motion

three groups (Table 5). Group 1 trained in average questionnaire, most of the participants rated the training
22.25 ± 6.65 min per day, group 2 29.25 ± 6.71 min per on the dVSS as useful (83.3 %) and pleasant (96.7 %)
day and group 3 30.33 ± 8.74 min per day. Proficiency and stated furthermore that they even think that this kind
level, defined as overall score [80 % according to the of training should be integrated into residency programs
recommendation of the developer, was reached in two (71.6 %) (see attachment). The duration of the training
exercises (PB 1, NT) in group 1, in one exercise (PB 2) in was rated as acceptable as most participants could
group 2 and in one exercise in group 3 (RR1) (Table 2). maintain their concentration during the whole training
For the final exercises, a slight significant difference in period (83.3 %). Concerning the effects of the training,
the performance metrics overall score (group 1 vs. 3 most of the participants reported that their dexterity
p = 0.34; group 2 vs. 3 p = 0.47) and points (group 1 vs. 3 (90 %), their handling of the da Vinci instruments
p = 0.32; group 2 vs. 3 p = 0.47) between groups 2 versus (88.3 %) and their three-dimensional visualization (75 %)
3 and groups 1 versus 3 was found for ‘‘Stacking Chal- improved subjectively after the training. A few partici-
lenge’’ (Table 4). pants reported pain in the wrists (20 %) and neck (8.3 %)
after the training, although 60 % thought that their hand
Evaluation of the questionnaire posture improved during the robotic training. Body pos-
ture also subjectively improved for 25 % of the trainees
Almost all participants (59 of 60) (98 %) completed the (see attachment).
16-item survey. Analyzing the main results of the

Surg Endosc

Discussion trained skills sufficiently to achieve comparable results

with the other groups that reached proficiency level more
Increasing usage of robotic surgery systems makes it nec- frequently. The exercises in which the overall score was
essary to address the question of how to sufficiently pre- rather far away from the 80 % proficiency level were RR2,
pare for this particular kind of surgery. Here, specialized MB3 and TTR. This is not surprising as they seem to be
skills need to be acquired before performing surgery. A more advanced as indicated by their low starting overall
possible simulator for robotic training is the dVSS, which scores and longer times required for completion. In fact
was used in this study. Multiple studies have demonstrated MB 3 and RR 2 seem to be the most difficult exercises with
its face, content and construct validity [5–10]. In addition it the lowest overall starting scores and most trainees being
has been rated as very meaningful for resident training by rather far away from reaching the 80 % level.
expert robotic surgeons [10]. Other working groups have These findings are comparable with a previous pub-
demonstrated the advantages of using a simulator for lished study [16] emphasizing the advanced level of these
warming up before surgery [13, 14]. At present to our exercises. In contrast two exercises just failed to reach the
knowledge there is no recommended structured training 80 % score in the present study: MB1 and 2. The type of
curriculum for the dVSS. Therefore, the aim of the present exercise chosen seems to play a minor role for the out-
study was in general to clarify the necessary foundations of come, and it might be important though to choose exercises
a possible training curriculum and in detail to analyze of comparable difficulty levels. In this study, an interval of
whether training outcomes are strongly dependent on the 1 week between the two training sessions was chosen, to
chosen exercises. Three groups of 20 robotic novices were perform the study in a time-efficient manner. For the same
recruited, and different exercises of comparable difficulty reason, a total of six exercise repetitions were selected,
levels were allocated to the groups. The chosen exercises although it was known that this repetition frequency might
with a basic difficulty level in this study were PB 1, RR 1 not be sufficient to reach proficiency level in the more
and MB 1. For the intermediate difficulty level MB 2, PB 2 advanced exercises [12, 16]. However, other studies had
and TTR were selected. For the more advanced difficulty reported reaching proficiency level after 4–5 attempts on
level NT, RR 2 and MB 3 were chosen. Compared with average [18]. We therefore suggest choosing a frequency of
prior published studies regarding training on the dVSS, this six repetitions for a training curriculum. The duration of
study had a high number of participants and comprised 11 the training in the present study was subjectively accept-
exercises in total, providing a good overall picture of able for most participants as they could maintain their
robotic simulation training. For all exercises, a significant concentration during the whole training period (83.3 %)
improvement in the main performance metrics (overall (see attachment). According to the survey, more than half
score, time taken to complete and economy of motion) of the participants rated the training as useful and pleasant
after the training could be demonstrated (Tables 2, 3). This believing that the training improved their dexterity and
finding is in agreement with various previous studies handling of the robotic instruments. These findings are in
[12, 15, 16]. Lyons et al. [17] reported differences in those agreement with a study published by Tergas et al. [19],
metrics between novices and experts, which might suggest involving 20 medical students and gynecology trainees. In
that evaluation of these parameters could be used to eval- contrast to their findings, only a few participants of the
uate increased proficiency of robotic novices. It is our present study reported adverse effects such as wrist sore-
belief that especially the economy of motion parameter is ness (20 vs. 42 %) or neck pain (8.3 vs. 16 %) caused by
an important factor that can show how efficiently a surgeon the robotics training [19]. Possible explanations might be
works. Improved economy of motion might help to mini- the longer training time (60 min) per session in their study
mize damage of the tissue surrounding the operating field. and that they chose suturing exercises. Depending on the
Other metrics did not reach significance for the exercises in kind of exercises performed, the duration of robotics
the present study, which might be explained by the low training should be adjusted to avoid adverse muscu-
mean numbers of the listed metrics, so that the benefit is loskeletal effects. Most of our participants believe that the
difficult to interpret. Participants reached the proficiency use of robotic surgery will increase during the next years
level in four out of nine exercises (two exercises (PB 1, and would appreciate the integration of robotic training
NT) in group 1, one exercise (PB 2) in group 2 and one into residency programs. In the future structured and
exercise in group 3 (RR1)) (Tables 2, 3). One could expect, standardized virtual training programs might be integrated
therefore, that in the final exercises group 1 would achieve into residency programs, to familiarize surgeons with
better results than the other groups, but interestingly this robotic surgery systems through videos and practice with
was not found (Table 4). This indicates that although the the console’s hand control instruments and foot pedals
proficiency level was not achieved, these exercises still (Table 5).

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Table 3 Comparison of the performance metrics of the different groups among each other
Group 1 versus Group 2 Group 1 versus Group 3 Group 2 versus Group 3
Easy exercise Peg Board 1 versus Match Board 1 Peg Board 1 versus Ring and Rail 1 Match Board 1 versus Ring and Rail 1
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value

Overall 70.90 ± 14.62 60.0 ± 13 0.015 70.90 ± 14.62 76.20 ± 12.28 0.222 60.00 ± 12.30 76.20 ± 12.28 0.000
First trial 90.25 ± 5.12 79.8 ± 7.66 0.000 90.25 ± 5.12 92.75 ± 4.89 0.122 79.80 ± 7.66 92.75 ± 4.89 0.000
Last trial 110.80 ± 44.50 253.35 ± 65.05 0.000 110.80 ± 44.50 73.90 ± 28.02 0.004 253.35 ± 65.05 73.90 ± 28.02 0.000
Time to complete 56.85 ± 12.09 150.5 ± 23.72 0.000 56.85 ± 12.09 32.75 ± 10.24 0.000 150.50 ± 23.72 32.75 ± 10.24 0.000
First trial 182.25 ± 64.11 381.95 ± 101.43 0.000 182.55 ± 64.11 72.20 ± 38.97 0.000 381.95 ± 101.43 72.20 ± 38.97 0.000
Last trial 129.55 ± 16.91 256.30 ± 33.89 0.000 129.55 ± 16.91 53.45 ± 10.92 0.000 256.30 ± 33.89 53.45 ± 10.92 0.000

Medium exercise Match Board 2 versus Peg Board 2 Match Board 2 versus Thread the Rings Peg Board 2 versus Thread the Rings
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value

Overall 53.50 ± 12.70 80.10 ± 6.97 0.000 53.5 ± 12.70 46.9 ± 21.25 0.241 80.10 ± 6.96 46.90 ± 21.25 0.000
First trial 79.90 ± 6.94 91.65 ± 5.27 0.000 79.90 ± 6.94 79.20 ± 7.21 0.756 91.65 ± 5.27 79.20 ± 7.20 0.000
Last trial 248.15 ± 90.53 140.15 ± 31.35 0.000 248.15 ± 90.53 274.3 ± 99.80 0.391 140.15 ± 31.35 274.30 ± 99.80 0.000
Time to complete 126.05 ± 19.91 95.30 ± 29.9 0.001 126.05 ± 19.91 147.30 ± 28.55 0.010 95.30 ± 29.90 147.30 ± 28.55 0.000
First trial 398.15 ± 134.52 269.80 ± 40.44 0.000 398.15 ± 134.52 351.4 ± 132.58 0.275 269.80 ± 40.44 351.40 ± 132.58 0.012
Last trial 270.05 ± 46.20 222.35 ± 28.95 0.000 270.05 ± 46.20 229.50 ± 31.38 0.003 222.35 ± 28.95 229.50 ± 31.38 0.459

Difficult exercise Needle Targeting versus Ring and Rail 2 Needle Targeting versus Match Board 3 Ring and Rail 2 versus Match Board 3
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value Mean ± SD Mean ± SD p value

Overall 71.85 ± 25.76 50.65 ± 19.34 0.006 71.85 ± 25.76 29.60 ± 10.42 0.000 50.65 ± 19.34 29.60 ± 10.42 0.000
First trial 90.95 ± 10.65 70.90 ± 17.07 0.000 90.95 ± 10.65 61.60 ± 17.09 0.000 70.90 ± 17.07 61.60 ± 17.09 0.003
Last trial 277.00 ± 135.00 382.55 ± 114.29 0.011 277.00 ± 135.00 562.55 ± 200.55 0.000 382.55 ± 114.29 562.55 ± 200.55 0.001
Time to complete 147.85 ± 56.41 240.50 ± 86.04 0.000 147.85 ± 56.41 262.50 ± 46.19 0.000 240.50 ± 86.04 262.55 ± 46.19 0.319
First trial 329.95 ± 211.9 558.3 ± 171.14 0.001 329.95 ± 211.9 896.30 ± 296.04 0.000 558.30 ± 171.13 896.30 ± 296.04 0.000
Last trial 209.90 ± 58.69 432.90 ± 87.87 0.000 209.90 ± 58.69 542.60 ± 76.94 0.000 432.90 ± 87.87 542.60 ± 76.94 0.000

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Table 4 Comparison of the metrics of the final exercises

Final exercise Energy Dissection 2 Energy Dissection 2 Energy Dissection 2
Group 1 versus Group 2 Group 2 versus Group 3 Group 1 versus Group 3
Score ? SD Score ? SD Score ? SD Score ? SD Score ? SD Score ? SD

Overall 70.6 ± 9.17 71.5 ± 6.65 71.5 ± 6.5 70.5 ± 5.02 70.6 ± 9.17 70.5 ± 15.02
Time to complete 233.45 ± 74.20 225.15 ± 35.27 225.15 ± 35.27 218.4 ± 57.25 233.45 ± 74.20 218.4 ± 57.25
Economy of motion 220.9 ± 50.31 229.0 ± 34.54 229 ± 34.36 227.2 ± 49.53 220.9 ± 50.31 227.2 ± 49.53
Final exercise Stacking Challenge Stacking Challenge Stacking Challenge
Group 1 versus Group 2 Group 2 versus Group 3 Group 1 versus Group 3
Score ± SD Score ± SD Score ± SD Score ± SD Score ± SD Score ± SD

Overall 28.4 ± 10.10 28.45 ± 12.25 28.45 ± 12.25 19.85 ± 14.13 28.4 ± 10.10 19.85 ± 14.13
Points 42.2 ± 15.16 42.15 ± 18.43 29.25 ± 21.15 42.2 ± 15.16 29.25 ± 21.15

Table 5 Overview of the time needed for each exercise, respectively, each day
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Mean (in minutes) ± SD p value Mean (in minutes) ± SD p value Mean (in minutes) ± SD p value

Exercise 1
Time for exercise day 1 4.65 ± 1.5 10.50 ± 1.88 3.10 ± 0.85
Time for exercise day 2 3.3 ± 0.86 0.001 8.25 ± 1.37 0.000 2.00 ± 0.79 0.000
Exercise 2
Time for exercise day 1 9.70 ± 2.15 6.40 ± 1.57 11.00 ± 3.03
Time for exercise day 2 6.70 ± 0.92 0.000 5.10 ± 1.17 0.000 7.80 ± 1.74 0.000
Exercise 3
Time for exercise day 1 11.85 ± 4.22 15.90 ± 4.27 22.25 ± 5.81
Time for exercise day 2 8.2 ± 2.9 0.000 12.35 ± 3.03 0.000 14.40 ± 2.87 0.000
Time for the day
Time for day 1 26.15 ± 6.52 32.80 ± 6.36 36.20 ± 8.13
Time for day 2 18.35 ± 4.03 0.000 25.70 ± 5.04 0.000 24.45 ± 4.24 0.000
Time for day in total 22.25 ± 6.65 29.25 ± 6.71 30.33 ± 8.74

Conclusion Compliance with ethical standards

Disclosures Drs. Ute Walliczek-Dworschak, Marie Schmitt, Philipp

For the establishment of a training curriculum to achieve Otto Georg Dworschak, Isabel Diogo, Anja Ecke, Magis Mandap-
robotic skills, the type of exercise chosen seems to play a athil, Afshin Teymoortash and Christian Güldner have no conflicts of
minor role for the outcome, it might be more important to interest or financial ties to disclose.
choose exercises of comparable difficulty levels. Further-
more it seems to be crucial to limit the duration of the
training to an acceptable length to be able to maintain the
concentration throughout the whole training period and to References
avoid possible adverse side effects caused by the training.
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neous maintenance of participants concentration during the 2. Bernstein Leibhard LLP. da Vinci robot lawsuit information
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quency of six times.

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