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The diagram shows how a frozen fish pies are made from the delivery of the supplies up to dispatching
of products. A fish pie is the mixture of salmon fish, peas, and sauce, then topped with sliced potatoes. It
is packaged in a microwavable container for consumers.

The frozen fish pie production begins with the delivery of the ingredients. The delivery of the potatoes
could take a month before it reaches the production, while the Salmon would only take 12hours or less.
Once the potatoes were delivered it will go through a series of process, they will first be cleaned, and
then peeled. Potato peels will go to the waste disposal and peeled potatoes will be sliced and ready for
boiling. After boiling, it will be chilled and stored, ready to hit the actual production of the fish pies.
Fresh from delivery, salmons will be prepped for pie production. They will be seasoned with lemon juice
and salt, and steamed in an oven. After that, workers will manually remove the skin and bones of the
fish, and sent for inspection before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. Just like the potato peels, the
skin and bones removed from the salmon are being disposed in a proper waste disposal. After passing
the inspection, salmons will be mixed with prepared peas and sauce, topped with the sliced potatoes. It
will be wrapped ready for freezing while waiting to be dispatched.


Some countries begin their formal education as early as four years old, while other do not start until
seven or eight. I personally believe that education should start as early as possible as this will help
develops the child not just academically, but also socially.

Starting the child’s education as early as they possible will help them learn different things, not just
curriculum-based learning but also life learnings. Children tend to copy and do things that they see
around them, and exposing them early to a different environment and people just like adults, they will
learn through experience. Socialization will also help a child build and find their own character, their
empathy and how they act to people around them, their sense of independence, most especially, their
confidence. Starting the education as early as toddler year will be a great time because toddlers are like
sponge, they absorb learnings easily. Others countries, like Finland believes that starting a child’s formal
education late will help them build more characters because children are learning through experience
from the real world and not from the four corners of the school. For them, being stuck in school is like
being stuck in prison. However, doing so, there will be no one to instantly correct their action unlike
when they are placed in a proper education, there will people other than the parents who will correct
the children’s action immediately. They won’t be having rules to guide them, no curriculum to follow,
and no other source of counsel.
To conclude, it is better to start the child’s education early to help them learn not just academically, but
also behaviorally. They will be guided not just by their parents, their household, but also with trained
individual like the teachers and school counselors. Formal education doesn’t just mean learning by the
books and curriculum, there’s more to it.

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