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Nama: Muhammad alexandro syahdan hariri

Kelas: X IPS 1

6 months ago I attended the "Inauguration of Prospective Enforcers" event on September

13,14,15. On that day, I went to school before 6am. Arriving at school, all students must
gather on the basketball court, there are some students who are punished for coming late.
Then we checked in and checked our belongings to get ready to leave. Our camp was
located in Kuningan, it was quite far from the school so we all used truck vehicles to get to
the campsite.

Many interesting, funny and unexpected things happened there. starting from the men's toilet
lacking clean water, until my friend used a mineral bottle to defecate there. We did some
interesting activities and competitions. In the evening, the students were gathered in the
field, but me and some of my friends hid in the bushes because we were tired from the
previous activities.

On the last day of the camp I cleaned up my belongings and packed to go home, but before
going home we were gathered for the closing ceremony, inauguration and distribution of
scarves. While waiting for our vehicle to arrive, my four friends and I sat and gazed at the
beauty of Mount Ciremai and dreamed of climbing the mountain. Before going home I had a
photo session with my brothers and sisters in the Ganapala extracurricular. We got home
safely and had a great experience.

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