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It is said that education is a fundamental right. It is a right of all

Filipino students to have access in education, but there are some factors that

may hinder this fundamental right, and one of this is financial aspect of an

individual especially in studying in College.

Due to financial problem, there are many and deserving poor students

who cannot continue to pursue their College education after their graduation

in high school.

Thus, the creation of Unified Student Financial Assistance System for

Tertiary education or UNIFAST gives help to those students who are willing

to pursue and continue studying in College but lack of financial capacity.

The creation of Republic Act 10931 or an Act promoting Universal

Access to Quality Tertiary Education by providing for free tuition and other

school fees secures the budget of the UNIFAST and its regular release to

every student who have qualified for this scholarship program.

This financial subsidy aims to help those Filipino students especially

College students to provide their basic needs in school and pay other related

fees in their studies.

This law was signed and framed last July 2016 and started its

implementation in the year 2017 in some public and private tertiary


The government highly recognizes the vital role of public and private

schools, hence UNIFAST is applied both public and private educational


Since the inception of this program, there are many students who have

already availed of this scholarship and able to graduate. It means that

through this scholarship, their financial problems in studying College were

able to cater and provided.

Hence, the researchers, as a fourth year Criminology students and

recipient of this Tertiary Education Subsidy program are inclined to study

how effective the grant of UNIFAST to College students taking a

criminology course in Colegio De San Juan Samar.

Through this study, the researchers will be able to identify personally

how it is effective in helping them in terms of financial assistance and to

their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to determine the effectiveness of granting

UNIFAST among college students in Colegio De San Juan Samar (CSJS):

towards their brighter future.

Specifically, it further seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How may the respondents profile be describes in terms of the




1.3Civil Status;

1.4Monthly Income/ Weekly Allowance; and

1.5Educational Attainment?

2 How is effectiveness of the UNIFAST granted to the College students of


3 What are the laws governing such scholar grants?

4 What are the problems encountered in the implementation of such law?

5 What are the solutions offered to the above cited problems?

6 How may the researchers findings be utilized towards their brighter


Conceptual Framework

This research tried to find out the effectiveness of granting UNIFAST

among College students in Criminology course in CSJS towards their

financial assistance and academic performance.

The implementation of UNIFAST provides a great help to those

students who aspire to enter College but lack of financial support. The law

that grants the UNIFAST provides the three main programs, the Tertiary

Education Subsidy, the Student Loan Program for short term and other

related benefits.

From the time it was implemented, millions of College Filipino

students were able to surpass and graduate in College because of UNIFAST.

It is more convenient to the students and with the amount which really

sustain to the needs and expenses of the College students who are grantee by

the said program.

De Vera (2020), education is an important factor to the success and

attainment of self-actualization of every individual. It is only through

education that an individual can get rid of ignorance and incompetence in

life, and it is the cardinal facet of attaining true success.

However, it is irrefutable that even in education there are varied

factors that hinder in achieving success. One of which is the characteristic of

education in the educational system in the Philippines and the financial

capacity of the students. This is the common denominator of all the factors

that hurdles the success of every individual.

On the other side, our educators are trying to cope up with this

problem. Educators are innovative and adaptable with the different strategies

and techniques that are useful in producing competent and globally

competitive citizens of the country.

Feria (2019), it is given emphasis that quality education is an

inalienable right of all Filipinos and it is the policy of the State to protect

and promote the rights of all students to quality education at all levels.

Therefore, the State shall take appropriate steps to make such education

accessible to all.

As a continuation of the conceptual framework and are being

illustrated in the paradigm, the three boxes, it is proper to discuss them on


Box I- the first box in the paradigm is the input. The input contains

six items as variables. These are respondents profile, effectiveness in

granting UNIFAST, laws, problems encountered, suggested solutions and

researchers findings.

The researchers will take it one a time in discussing all of these inputs.

The first input which is mentioned is the respondent’s profile. The

researchers will gather the basic personal background of the respondents

such as their age, gender, civil status, educational attainment and monthly

income without disclosing their identity.

The respondents profile is essential so that the researchers could be

able to draw a conclusion as to the extent of knowledge of the respondents

regarding the study.

The second part of the input is the effectiveness of granting

UNIFAST. Through this initiative of the government by allocating funds in

order to finance the students who are enrolled in College, poor but

deserving, it helps them a lot.

Third part is the law. The UNIFAST is being realized and

implemented due to the law that grants it. The law gives the reason why

UNIFAST was able to realize.

Fourth and fifth parts of the input are problems encountered and

solutions offered. Despite of the good intention of the law there are still

problems being encountered such as there are beneficiaries of the UNIFAST

who are capable on which their parents have financial ability to finance their

studies. Also problem on this program is the sustenance by the government

that the budget is being borrowed from other financial institution.

The last part of the input is researcher’s findings. The findings of the

researchers will be based from their personal interview and the questionnaire

they handed to the respondents.

Box II- the second box is the process. There are also six process based

from the input.

One of the process is the level of understanding of the respondents in

this study must be able to assess. It will be assess through the questionnaire

that will be handed by the researchers. The researchers will be able to know

through their answer if they grasp the meaning and intent of the


The second process is, the effectiveness of UNIFAST should be

maintained. Due to the help and assistance being provided by UNIFAST to

those beneficiaries of this program, it must be continued and maintained.

The third process is, strict implementation of RA 10931 must be

imposed for its effectiveness. The law that governs the UNIFAST is the RA

10931 which take effect in the year 2017. This law should be continued by

the next administration so that it will help the educational system of the


The fourth process is, problems encountered must be solved. The

problems were be able to solved through the solutions being offered as the

fifth process suggests.

The sixth process is the researchers findings could be utilized towards

their academic performance. One of the goal of this program is in order to

help the grantee excel in their academic and have a remarkable performance.

Box III- the third box is the output. There are also six outputs. These

are assessed, maintained, imposed, solved, considered and utilized.

The first output is assessed. The researchers were able to assessed if

the respondents are truly knowledgeable on the study particularly about the


Maintained meaning that the programs regarding UNIFAST should be

maintained in order to help many Filipino College students to finish their


The law must be imposed and be continue by any administration

because of its necessity that helps the educational system of the country.

The problems will be solved through upholding and following the

solutions being offered into.

Utilized means that the findings of the researchers will be used for the

purpose of this study.



 The level of  Assessed

 Respondents understanding of the
Profile respondents in this
study must be able to
 Effectiveness of
 The effectiveness of  Maintained
Granting Unifast
UNIFAST should be

 Strict implementation of
 Laws RA 10931 must be
imposed for its
 Imposed

 Problems encountered
in the implementation
 Problems of Universal access to
 Solved
Encounter quality education must
be solved

 Suggested solutions
 Suggested should be given  Considered
Solution considerations
Figure 1

 Researcher’s Findings
could be utilized
 Research
towards their brighter  Utilized

Figure 1

Assumptions of the Study

The following are guided by the following assumptions:

1. That the variables and indicators of the study have significance in the

outcome of this research, and further that the respondents socio-

demographic profile has relevance in the realization of the conduct of

this research.

2. That the implementation of UNIFAST has help many College

students and were effective in sustaining their financial needs

especially in coping those necessary material in connected to their


3. That the enactment of RA 10931 which is the law that gives birth this

UNIFAST will be continue and be supported by the legislators in

order to continue helping more College students to continue their

studies .

4. That the problems encountered on the implementation of Universal

Access to Tertiary Education Subsidy must be assessed and studied

well to addressed issues concerning the lapses and other factors that

affects its establishment.

5. The solutions that are being gathered through the assessment and

studies made should be applied and given consideration for the

holistic application of the law and attain its objectives which is to

have quality education through scholarship subsidy.

6. That the findings of the researchers relating to UNIFAST for financial

assistance and academic performance of the College students who are

recipient of the scholarship subsidy will be able to graduate in


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on the effectiveness of granting UNIFAST among

College students in Colegio De San Juan Samar towards their brighter


This study focused on answering the relation of financial assistance

and academic performance of those students who have availed of this

program and how it helps them personally in their studies.

The respondents of this study will be those students enrolled in CSJS

and have availed the UNIFAST scholarship program.

This study will be conducted in Colegio De San Juan Samar situated

in Barangay Libertad, Lavezares, Northern Samar.

The time frame of this study will be the first semester of Academic

year 2022-2023.

Significance of the Study

This study would be helpful and significant to the concerned parties in

identifying how effective is the grant of UNIFAST to its recipient.

For the Teachers who played as motivators, this will be of great help in

making effective and efficient teaching strategies and techniques to make the

students improve their studies. This will help them also to give just

compensation to the students who are less performing in the class.

For the administration who is the prime movers of the institution, this will

give them factual information of the status of the in the institution to the

performance of the students and for them to give an appropriate action with

the undesirable performance of the students.

For the parents who are general guide of their children, this will give them

an insight on how important is the education and the performance of the

students and their success in education.

And for the students as a whole, this will enlighten their behavior towards

the importance of studying and doing their task as students. The students

will realize the support of the government through the scholarship program

provided to them.

The National Government- through this UNIFAST, and other scholarship

program that are being provided to College students , by continuing its

advocacy and project to have a quality education for all.

Commission on Higher Education- as the agency of the government who

facilitates the implementation of Tertiary Education Subsidy, to strengthen

its policies in order to secure the welfare of those students who are

underprivileged but has potential in their chosen field.

Definition of Terms

This study used specific jargon to present the idea and facts of the

research. It is necessary to define the following terms:

Academic Performance. is the outcome of education — the extent to which

a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals.

Colonial. Refers to the characteristic of education as influenced by other


Commercialized. Refers to the characteristic of education which is designed

principally for financial gain; profit-oriented.

Educators. An administrator in education or one who is skilled in teaching.

Education. The action or process of educating or of being educated and the

field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in


Educational System. The system of formalized transmission of knowledge

and values operating within a given society.

Fascist. Refers to characteristic of education which believes in a totalitarian

state rule by a supreme leader (dictator) who controls everything possible

and treats people harshly -- to gain the leader's own success.

Students’ Performance. Is a term used for students based on how well and

bad they are doing in their studies and classes.

Students’ Behavior. Refers to the manner on how the students behave in

the school.



Local Literature

Pimentel (2019), A student loan program is one that is given to low-

income yet talented and skilled individuals who wish to enroll in higher

education by providing a loan that will cover the cost of education and other

incidental expenses, the payment of which will be in the future after the

student has completed the program.

Usher (2005) provided a picture of how the government subsidies

student loan across different countries using three approaches—zero-

nominal, zero real, and cost of government borrowing. The zero-nominal

approach has the largest government subsidy and was taken by countries

such as Canada, United States, and Germany. The loan shrinks while the

student remains in school. The zero-real interest approach is taken by

Australia and other countries. It has also government subsidy but less than

that of the zero-nominal approach. In contrast, Netherlands charges students

the government cost of borrowing while Sweden makes use of rate based on

the cost of borrowing. Both countries have no government subsidy but

students benefit from the intervention of the government since they would be

unable to receive such a rate on their own in the private market.

Gomez (2019), The importance of investing in higher education cannot be

overemphasized. It can affect individuals’ income as well as the nations’

progress in terms of the quality of its labor force. However, the participation

rate in the Philippines in higher education over several decades has remained

relatively stagnant compared with our neighboring countries like Thailand

and Korea. Part of the reason for the low participation rate can be attributed

to poverty issues as well as the financing problems of the able students who

lack sufficient funds to cover the cost of education. Individuals and even

organizations always seek the help of capital markets to address such issues

of inadequate funds. However, the capital market is not perfect. One cannot

use his/her skill or promise for the rendition of service in the future as a form

of collateral in exchange of borrowing funds.

Lapid (2019), The very reason why the government enacted the

Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education Act

(R.A. No. 10687) or UniFAST last May 11, 2016. It aims to allow citizens

full access to quality education by providing adequate funding and to

increase the participation rate in tertiary education. In order to adhere to its

objectives, the UniFAST Act (2016) will offer qualified applicants different

Students Financial Assistance Program (StuFAP) namely (a.) scholarships,

(b) grant-in-aid, (c) National Student Loan Program (NSLP), and (d) other

modalities of StuFAP. However, the main focus of this article is on the

evaluation of the NSLP in terms of addressing the capital market


The UNiFAST Act (2016) provided both strengths and issues that

need great attention from the Board. Positive features includes: (1) UniFAST

board will be partnered with both Government Service Insurance System

(GSIS) and Social Security System (SSS) in conducting feasibility study to

create a system that will automatically deduct from the salary of the

members with unpaid student loans; (2) the NSLP of the UniFAST Act will

give priority to the top 10 best students of all public schools; and (3) the

program will provide a beneficial mode of payment installment basis for the

students. Such payment will only happen after the student finished his/her

program and graduated from the chosen institution. On the other hand, the

UniFAST Act also has some issues to be addressed which include: (1) it

failed to identify what type of management set up is deemed necessary. If

this management will be run by a hierarchical system, this means that part of

the cost of the program will go to the salary of this unidentified

management. Will it be more efficient if the budget will be given to

additional qualified scholars instead?; (2) the Act only provided the

responsibilities of the not yet identified management of the program such as

prevention of overfunding of the cost of tertiary education, establish

accountability mechanisms, sanctions, and incentives conducive to the

effective and efficient collection of loan repayments, yet there were no

specific details in terms of the mechanisms appropriate to use as well as the

sanctions and incentives for the student and the lender respectively. A

system that will keep a detailed allocation of funds is necessary to monitor

the cost of the program as well as where and how the funds were used. In

addition, an accountability mechanism should be a system that will strictly

monitor the loans of the student-borrower from the time he/she availed the

loan up to the repayment of the loan. It is also important to note that the

system includes the dates, the interest rate, as well as the persons responsible

for the transaction for ease of tracking. Although the Act stated that it shall

encourage private sectors participation, it failed to identify whether it

includes private banks. Is the program open from the participation of the

private banks? If such, what are the incentives the Bangko Sentral ng

Pilipinas is willing to give that will entice private banks to actively

participate in the aforementioned program?; (3) it did not provide a

sophisticated process flow from the application up to the repayment of the

loan that will guide potential students to avail the program. It is not stated in

the IRR the coverage of the loans, the requirements for the applicants, the

process of application, and the system for the repayment of the loans.

Foreign Literature

Browne (2010) proposed a program where access and finance to

higher education will be possible to students who have potential. The

proposal seeks more investments in higher education. The government will

initially spend for the upfront cost of higher education through the Student

Finance Plan. The demand for payment of the government costs to enter

higher education is possible only once they are enjoying the benefits of that

education. Payments will be linked to income, so those on low incomes pay

nothing. Payments stop when the Student Finance Plan is complete. The

Philippines also value the access to higher education by providing student

loan and subsidies. A student can get a partial or full subsidy of the tuition

fee by becoming a student assistant in the university/college he/she is

enrolled in. In the event the students do not meet the requirements of the

scholarship grant offered, he/she can avail of the student loan from the

government, which can be paid at a later date. The primacy of investing in

education helps people in becoming productive citizens, increase their

earnings, and avoidance of poverty.

(Colclough, 2009), Studies have shown that there is 10% increase in

wage for every one additional year of education. Moreover, in the study of

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, in 1999 an

adult with a bachelor’s degree earned 75% more over a lifetime than a high

school graduate; by 2009 the premium had grown to 84%. Access tom

education greatly affects labor market. First, specialized skills developed

increases the entrepreneurial intention or participation of an individual in the

labor market. Second, occupational opportunities available for an individual

will be based on the quality and level of education he/she gained. Lastly,

human capacity to perform highly-specialized tasks determines the income

level of an individual reported that investing in tertiary higher education

among countries resulted in having both individuals and social advantage.

On the individual level, across OECD countries, the long-term economic

advantage of having a tertiary degree instead of an upper secondary degree

(USD175,067 for men and USD110,007 for women) is roughly twice as

large as the advantage that a person with an upper secondary education has

over someone with a lower level of education.

Studies also revealed that increases in the number of years of

schooling result in significant increases in income generating capacity. In the

country level, the net return on the public costs to support a man in tertiary.

Moreover, there are also nonpecuniary benefits after getting a college

degree. Recent studies showed that employees who gained more schooling

enjoy better health conditions; more independence and social interactions;

more creativity and high sense of accomplishment

Oreopoulos (2013); social awareness on the laws; proper payment of

taxes; people’s awareness on social, cultural, and political issues; awareness

in the community and research; and innovative skills, management contract

could be managing a single school or an entire district. Three major types of

management responsibilities are: financial management, staff management,

longter planning and leadership. Examples of private management of public

schools include charter schools in the United States and Fe y Alegría schools

in Latin America.

However, a good example of professional services is that of the Sabis

Network from Lebanon for curriculum design and implementation services

(World Bank, 2006). Support services are found to be more expensive on

public rather than private schools. In a number of countries, support staff in

public schools are paid higher salaries relative to similar jobs in the private

sector. Food services, for example, are rarely run by public school

authorities in OECD countries. Virtually all school-bus service in England

and New Zealand is provided by contractors, as is 80% in Canada (World

Bank, 2006). Education service is when governments contract the enrollment

of students in private schools or buying outputs. In this way, the government

expenditures on constructing and equipping new schools are lessened. It

allows the targeting of low-income, disadvantaged, or “problem” students.

Examples of this type of contracting have been used in New Zealand to

provide adequate education to children who are not responding to the

traditional methods and in the Philippines to support the enrollment of low-

income students in private schools in areas where there is a shortage of

public high schools. They also include voucher programs such as those in

Spain, Colombia, and Chile. Although various research proved that private

operation of schools with public funding raises student achievements leading

to efficiency gains and improve the quality of achievement scores.

Alba (2010), there are some policy questions that are relevant in the

discussion of PPP programs. First, which is the best way to give public

funds for privately-produced education— (supply side) funds given directly

to private schools per student grant or (demand side) public funds are

directly given to families as a voucher per child? In India, supply side

funding did not yield good results. Some of the problems identified in this

method are the lack of incentives among the private schools that led to poor

student learning outcomes; and teachers of aided schools wanted to be paid

directly from the state government treasury (as public school teachers. are

paid), rather than continue to be paid locally by their private school

managements, who received the government grant. Schools in Columbia

made use of this PPP supply side funding. On the other hand, demand side

funding (school vouchers to parents) was practiced in countries such as

Chile, Colombia, New Zealand, and the US. Compared with supply side

funding, voucher funding for private schooling is generally associated with

improved student outcomes. A great example using this method was in

Columbia, wherein the On the other hand, demand side funding (school

vouchers to parents) was practiced in countries such as Chile, Colombia,

New Zealand, and the US. Compared with supply side funding, voucher

funding for private schooling is generally associated with improved student

outcomes. A great example using this method was in Columbia, wherein the

government’s way of giving school vouchers is through the lottery. This

foster competition between private schools and attracted the attention of the

parents, which promoted beneficial effects to student’s education both short-

term and long-term. Second, what are the equity effects of demand-side

public funding for private education?

Ladd (2002) believed that the voucher system may be good only for

well-off families. These families have the freedom to choose better private

schools, leaving poor families within public schools. However, he suggested

that careful design of the voucher system will change the ball game. The

amount of voucher should be inverse to family income, whereby the poorest

families would receive the highest value vouchers. Third, question for policy

concerns the feasibility of voucher PPP schemes in low income countries.

There is no way to deal with this than for the governments considering PPPs

to try out both supply side per-student funding and demand-side voucher

funding PPPs on a trial basis. Fourth, should education be free and publicly

funded by the government. He believed that education should not be free

especially in public schools for the following reasons: 1.) It is only but

proper for the students to invest in their education since the expected rate of

returns in both private and public colleges is high; 2.) There is even higher

expected rate of returns among public colleges than in private colleges in

courses such as the Arts, Business, Education, Engineering, Health,

Mathematics and Statistics, Physical Sciences, and Social and Behavioral

Sciences; 3.) The budget amounting to PhP8 billion is insufficient to cover

the expenses of 1.4 million students in SUCs in the country; 4.) It will

weaken private colleges and universities and, thus, lead to poor quality of

education; 5.) There are numerous benefit both for the individual as well as

to the county if one pursue tertiary education.

In contrast, Gatchalian (2017), argued that the abolition of tuition

fees in SUCs through the enactment of the Free Higher. Education Act could

be viewed to be a sensible and viable strategy. The estimated cost

isjustifiable given its personal and social gratification.

Related Studies

In general, UniFAST Act is at its infancy stage since it was just

approved in May 2016. However, for it to be effectively and efficiently put

into action, detailed rules and regulations must be crafted by the Board. This

could be the gateway for the Philippines to increase its participation rate in

higher education just like what happened in Korea and Thailand. The

success of UniFAST is yet to be discovered and for it to materialize, there

are still a lot of works left for the Board to do. The importance of investing

in higher education cannot be overemphasized. It can affect individuals’

income as well as the nations’ progress in terms of the quality of its labor

force. However, the participation rate in the Philippines in higher education

over several decades has remained relatively stagnant. Data from World

Bank revealed that there is relatively slow growth rate year-on-year in the

Philippines compared with other East Asian countries like Korea and

Thailand. During the 1970’s, participation rate in the Philippines is

somewhat high at 17.65%. After two decades, it is up to 35.75% in 2014.

Korea on the other hand, made a dramatic increase from 7.25% in 1971 to a

soaring high of 94.21% in 2014 while Thailand from 2.86% in 1971 to

52.51% in 2014. Part of the reason of the low participation rate can be

attributed to poverty issues as well as the financing problems of the able

students who lack sufficient funds to cover the cost of education. The

inability of students and families to secure funds in the capital market.

because of the presence of market imperfection is the focus of the paper.

The significance of capital market is to link the suppliers of funds (lenders)

to those who demand funds (borrowers). In most cases, a borrower will issue

a receipt to the lender as a promise of repayment. The said receipt can be

sold or bought with interest or dividends as compensation.

(Gould, 2013). However, funding higher education through capital

market is too risky since it is obviously difficult to finance an individual

without collateral. One cannot use his/her skill or promise for the rendition

of service in the future as a form of collateral in exchange for borrowing

funds. The paper seeks to evaluate whether the Unified Student Financial

Assistance System in Tertiary Education (UniFAST) will address the capital

market imperfection in higher education since the amount of benefits from

finishing a higher degree of education is tremendous to both the individual

as well as to the society. Scholarship grant is another program given by the

government and some private institutions to students with talents and skills

but have no means to cover the expenses of education. In the Philippines, a

number of government agencies, private companies, special academies, and

private individuals offer academic scholarships. This type of scholarship

usually caters to high school students who are Valedictorians, Salutatorians

or part of the upper 10% or 20% of their graduating class. There are also

international scholarships provided by foreign organizations and government

agencies. On the other hand, there are also non-academic scholarships

available like athletic scholarships, cultural scholarships, cadet scholarships,

publication scholarships, scholarships for student leaders, band member

scholarships, and beauty queen scholarships. There are also special

scholarships like for the Overseas Filipino Workers and their beneficiaries

and the beneficiaries of former members of the rebel groups.

To allow the citizens full access to quality education by providing

adequate funding and to increase the participation rate in tertiary education,

a new law was enacted. “The Unified Student Financial Assistance System

for Tertiary Education Act (R.A. No. 10687) is the declared policy of the

state to promote social justice and was approved and signed by the Board

last May 11, 2016. This gives preference to the poor but academically

proficient and highly motivated students”

There are several objectives of the Act namely: “(1) to properly

allocate and utilize all government resources intended for students through

effective beneficiary-targeting; (2) to ensure consistency, continuity and

efficient coordination of student financial assistance policies and programs;

(3) to ensure equity in the distribution of student financial assistance slots to

the regions; (4) to produce through talent-based scholarships, a pool of

proficient and competent graduates and technical experts who will contribute

to the country’s high-level labor force; (5) to facilitate access to quality

education through grants-in-aid for students belonging to marginalized

sectors and (6) to assist through student loans students with liquidity issues”



This chapter gives the concepts on the methodologies to be processed

by the researchers in the study of the effects of granting UNIFAST among

College students in Colegio De San Juan Samar towards their brighter


Locale of the Study

As to the locale of the study, the researchers discusses its significant

point’s relevance to the study.

This study was be conducted in Colegio De San Juan Samar. This

school is situated in barangay Libertad, Lavezares, Northern Samar.

From its inception since 2002, it has produced quality graduates who

are now employed in different agency of the private and government sectors.

The said school was built and established by its humble founder who has

experienced what is being nothing which leads her to help to those who are

incapable of studying.

True enough, since its establishment the school continue to grow and

make it a landmark not only in Lavezares but in the whole province of

Northern Samar.
Currently, the said school offers complete secondary high school

courses including junior and senior high schools.

The school is subsidized under FAPE and most of its teachers are

licensed and passionate to their works.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are College students enrolled in CSJS

who are UNIFAST grantee, teachers, parents of the grantee and


A total of 100 respondents are included and randomly selected by the


The Variables of the Study

In this study personal profile of the respondents are the dependent

variables and on the other hand the independent variable would be the

effectiveness of granting UNIFAST to the College students. The process of

the study or the intervening variables would be the different factors and

methods that would help in getting the target output of the study.

Research Design

This study used a descriptive research design. As descriptive method

it described the profile of the respondents which they possessed during the

conduct of the study. The descriptive design proceeds from the formulated

questions through the actual gathering of data and information relevant to

the problems. Further this method also serves as a design to assess the

effectiveness of granting UNIFAST among College students in CSJS

towards their brighter future.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a questionnaire as an instrument to obtain the

information. The questionnaire has six (6) parts. Part I How may the

respondents profile be described. Part II How effectiveness the UNIFAST

granted to the college students of CSJS? Part III What are the laws

governing such scholar grants. Part IV. What are the problems encountered

in the implementation of such laws. Part V. What are the solutions offered to

the above cited problems? Part VI How may the researchers findings be

utilized towards their brighter future.

Scoring and Interpretation of the Data

The items in the survey questionnaire that is administered to the

respondents is scored and interpreted with the following qualification.

As to the study of the effectiveness of granting UNIFAST among

College students of CSJS is based on the Likert’s system of scale measure.

Level Scale Rating Interpretation

5 4.20-5.0 Highly Effective
4 3.40-4.19 Fairly Effective
3 2.60-3.39 Effective
2 1.80-2.59 Less Effective
1 1.0-1.79 Not Effective

Validation of the Instrument Used

To further validate the instrument, the researchers distribute 10

sampled questioners to the selected sample respondent to answer and test the

validity. After which, researchers collected and found out some vague

statements and revised then submitted to the research adviser for approval

the result from the sampled respondents will not be included in the final

counts on the interpretation of data.

Administration and Retrieval of the Instrument

The researchers purposively distribute the questionnaires to the target

respondents and give an ample time to answer the data. After the

respondents answered the questionnaire the researchers personally collected

the questionnaires to ensure a high percentage retrieval of the instrument.

Population and Sampling

In order that the population will be represented completely, the

researchers used the purposive sampling where 100 respondents in the locale

of study who are mostly College students and grantees of UNIFAST scholar

on the topic are used with the purpose to assess the effectiveness of the said

scholar program. A total of 100 respondents are included in this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used the following procedures in gathering data. First,

the researchers personally asked permission through a letter from the School

deans to allow them to conduct a survey. Second, the researchers distributed

and collected the answered questionnaires from the respondents. For more

clarification of the questions, researchers also explained it to the


The answered questionnaires were checked, tallied, interpreted and

analyzed for the use of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered is analyzed. To determine the profile of the

respondents, and to assess the effectiveness of granting UNIFAST to

College students, frequency counts, percentages and weighted mean and

distribution is used. The frequency will be used for the purpose quantifying

the occurrences of scores in the distribution. The percentages are likewise

used to determine the hierarchy of score distribution based on the scale of

100% accruing to the data is gathered. Further, the weighted mean is

adopted for the purpose of quantifying the averages and the measures of

tendency of data from the highest to the lowest.

Thus, the presentation is indicated in terms of numerical value

consistent with the data that will be obtained.

Frequency counts and percentage are use to analyze the data on the

profile of the respondents


P = f x 100
P = percentage

f = frequency
N = number of cases
100 = constant number

Weighted mean will be used for assessment on the result of the survey

X = fe__

X = mean
fe = summation of frequency
N = total number of respondents



I. On the Personal Profile

Table 1.1
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to Age
Age(years) Frequency Percentage Ranking
20-below 8 8% 2
21-30 83 83% 1
31-40 4 4% 4
41-50 5 5% 3
Total 100 100%
Table 1.1 presents the age distribution of the respondents’ responses,

out of 100 respondents, 8 or 8% are at the age bracket of 20 years old and

below, 83 or 83% are at the age bracket of 21-30 years old, 4 or 4% are at

the age bracket 31-40 years old, and 41-50 years old has a frequency of 5 or


It signifies that respondents are mostly 21- 30 years old. This is

parallel to the purpose of the respondents that due to their study which the

UNIFAST, most of their respondents are the beneficiaries of the said


Table 1.2

Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage Ranking
Male 46 46% 2
Female 54 54% 1
Total 100 100%

The table 1.2 presents the gender of the respondents. It shows that

female has the most participated in the study with a frequency of 54 or 54%

and male has a frequency of 46 or 46%. The preponderant of the respondents

are female.

Table 1.3
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to Civil Status
Civil Status Frequency Percentage Ranking
Single 92 92% 1
Married 8 8% 2
Total 100 100%

Table 1.3 shows the distribution of the respondents as to civil status. It

shows that single has a frequency of 92 or 92% while 8 or 8% are married.

Table 1.4
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to their Educational
Educational Frequency Percentage Ranking
College Level 92 92% 1
College Graduate 8 8% 2
Total 100 100%

As shown in the table, the educational attainment of the respondents

are 92 or 92% are single while 8 or 8% are married.

Table 1.5
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to Monthly
Religion Frequency Percentage Ranking
P 10,000 and 92 92% 1
P 10,001-20,000 6 6% 2
P 30,001 and 2 2 3
Total 100 100%

As shown in the table, respondents monthly income/allowance are

mostly 10,000 and below with 92 percent, monthly income between

P10,001-20,000 has a frequency count of 6 or 6 percent while there are 2 or

2 percent which has P30,001 and above.

II. On how effectiveness the UNIFAST granted to the College students of

Table 2
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to the Effectiveness of

Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking

5 4 3 2 1
1. It helps the students pay their 13 16 35 24 12 100 2.94 8
tuition fees and other
miscellaneous expenses
2. It serves as their personal 27 16 23 15 19 100 3.17 6
3. It provides them pay their rental 30 30 20 13 7 100 3.63 1
or boarding houses
4. Grantee are persevere to study 24 34 19 18 5 100 3.54 3
due to the financial allowance they
5. Helps the grantees parents to 14 11 37 23 15 100 2.86 10
have less burden of sending their
children to school
6. Encourages more students to 24 26 23 18 19 100 3.48 4
study in College due to the said
scholarship program
7. Students can provide to purchase 38 18 18 14 12 100 3.56 2
motor cycle which they could use
in going to school
8.Helps the students attain their 16 20 17 29 18 100 2.87 9
9.Upgrade their economic status 18 26 15 21 20 100 3.01 7

10.Graduates of UNIFAST scholar 19 23 30 18 10 100 3.23 5

easily finds job
General Mean 3.22

Legend: 1.00-1.79- Not Effective 4.20-5.0- Highly Effective

1.80-2.59-Less Effective
2.60-3.39-Fairly Effective
3.40-4.19- Effective

The distribution of Respondent’s Responses on how effective the

UNIFAST granted to the College students of CSJS.

The researchers come up a result based on the statistical used that first

is it provides them pay their rental or boarding houses with a mean of 3.63,

followed by The students can provide to purchase motor cycle which they

could use in going to school by a mean of 3.56 and third the grantee are

persevere to study due to the financial allowance they receive a mean of


There are other reasons as how effective the UNIFAST to the

students, these are it helps the students pay their tuition fees and other

miscellaneous expenses, It serves as their personal allowances, It help the

grantees parents to have less burden of sending their children to school and

It encourages more students to study in College due to the said scholarship


III-On the Laws Governing Such Scholar
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to laws

Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking

5 4 3 2 1
1. The Republic Act 10931 or 27 24 26 19 9 100 3.56 1
universal Access to quality Tertiary
Education Act
2. Republic Act 10687 or the 25 21 28 16 10 100 3.35 2
Unified Student Financial
Assistance System for Tertiary
General Mean 3.45

Legend: 1.00-1.79- Strongly Disagree

2.60-3.39-Fairly Agree
3.40-4.19- Agree
4.20-5.0- Agree

Table III shows the distribution of respondents’ responses on the laws

governing such scholar.

There are only two existing law that govern the UNIFAST scholar.

The Republic Act 10687 or an Act providing for a comprehensive and

Unified student financial assistance for tertiary education (Unifast), thereby

rationalizing access thereto.

Then, there is a repealing law the Republic Act 10931 or an Act

promoting Universal access to quality tertiary education by providing for

free tuition and other school fees in State Universities and Colleges and
State run technical- vocational institution, establishing the tertiary education

subsidy and student loan program, strengthening the Unifies student

financial assistance system for tertiary education and appropriating fund


The respondents mostly in affirmation to Republic Act 10931 or

universal Access to quality Tertiary Education Act with a mean of 3.56.

This is the new law repealing the RA 10687 which has a wider scope

as to the benefits of the students.

Then the Republic Act 10687 or the Unified Student Financial

Assistance System for Tertiary Education with a mean of 3.35.

IV. On problems encountered in the implementation of such laws

Table 4
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to the problems encountered
Indicators Responses Total Weighted Ranking
5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. 17 22 19 28 14 100 3 6

2. 18 15 23 27 17 100 2.9 7

3. Some students spend the 26 29 24 13 8 100 3.52 1

money not for academic
purposes but for their personal

4. It limits the number of 20 24 25 12 19 100 3.14 3

College students to be included
in the scholar program

5. The parents of the grantee 28 25 22 14 11 100 3.45 2

rely only to the UNIFAST for
the expenses of their students

6. Some Unifast grantee are 20 21 28 12 19 100 3.11 4

inefficient in spending the
financial allowance they

7 19 20 26 18 17 100 3.06 5

General Mean 3.16

Legend: 1.00-1.79- Never Encountered

1.80-2.59-Seldom Encountered
2.60-3.39-Sometimes Encountered
3.40-4.19- Almost Always Encountered
4.20-5.0- Always Encountered

Table 4 is on the Respondent’s Responses as to problems encountered

in the implementation of such law.

Firstly, Some students spend the money not for academic purposes but

for their personal pleasure with the mean of 3.52

Rank 2 - The parents of the grantee rely only to the UNIFAST for the

expenses of their students with the mean of 3.45

Rank 3- It limits the number of College students to be included in the

scholar program mean of 3.14.

The data shows that most of the indicators are problems encountered

in the implementation of such laws.

V- On the Solutions Offered to the Above Mentioned Problem

Table 5
Distribution of Respondents’ Responses as to the solutions offered
Indicators Responses Total Weighted Ranking
5 4 3 2 1 Mean
1. 20 26 34 13 7 100 3.39 5

2. 13 23 35 10 19 100 3.01 7

3. Students should use the 25 32 25 11 7 100 3.57 2

money only for their academic
and avoid spending it to their

4. The current number of 28 29 17 20 6 100 3.53 3

grantee must be increase and
includes those really poor but
intelligent and has the
perseverance to graduate

5. The parents of the grantee 26 31 26 10 7 100 3.59

should also help their children in
terms of financial absence of the
release of the UNIFAST
6. 24 32 22 10 12 100 3.46 4

7. 21 28 26 18 7 100 3.38 6

General Mean 3.41

Legend: 1.00-1.79- Strongly Disagree

2.60-3.39-Fairly Agree
3.40-4.19- Agree
4.20-5.0- Agree

Table V presents the distribution of respondents’ responses on the solutions

offered to the above mentioned problem.

Rank 1, The parents of the grantee should also help their

children in terms of financial absence of the release of the UNIFAST with a

mean of 3.59

Rank 2, Students should use the money only for their academic

and avoid spending it to their vices with a mean of 3.57.

Rank 3 The current number of grantee must be increase and

includes those really poor but intelligent and has the perseverance to

graduate with a mean of 3.53.

Table 5 are the indicators which are the underlying solutions to

the problems encountered.

VI- On the researchers findings be utilized towards their brighter future

Table 6
Distribution of Respondent’s Responses as to the Researcher’s Findings
Indicators Responses Total WM Ranking
5 4 3 2 1
1. Result of the study will be utilize 30 29 14 10 17 100 3.45 3
by the grantee scholar to be more
prudent on their studies

2. Findings will be used by the 21 33 26 9 11 100 3.44 4

parents and UNIFAST grantee on
how to be financially responsible
for the allowance they receive in
order to attain their dreams

3.It could be utilized in improving 21 29 28 12 10 100 3.39 6

the academic status of the grantee
scholar through this study

4 Result of the study will help the 24 26 33 9 8 100 3.49 5

academic institution in the aid of
the students who are scholar to
finish their studies

5. Students who are UNIFAST 21 25 34 11 9 100 3.38 7

grantee will be more enthusiastic in
studying due to the scholar

6. The grantee will more persevere 30 24 22 18 6 100 3.54 2

to look other alternative that will
improve their economic status by
aid of the UNIFAST

7. Through this study, it will 31 25 26 11 7 100 3.62 1

encourage more students to pursue
tertiary level due to the benefits
provided by this program

General Mean 3.44

Table VI presents the Distribution of Respondents Responses on the

researcher’s findings be utilized towards their brighter future.

Rank 1 – Through this study, it will encourage more students to

pursue tertiary level due to the benefits provided by this program with 3.62


Rank 2- The grantee will more persevere to look other alternative that

will improve their economic status by aid of the UNIFAST with a mean of


Rank 3- Result of the study will be utilize by the grantee scholar to be

more prudent on their studies with a mean of 3.45.

The data are findings that could be utilize by the students for their

brighter future.




This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the effectiveness of granting UNIFAST among

College students in Colegio De San Juan Samar (CSJS): towards their

brighter future.

Summary of Findings

The findings of the study revealed the following:

1. As to the respondent profile,

a. on their age distribution of the respondents, out of 100

respondents, 8 or 8% are at the age bracket of 20 years old and

below, 83 or 83% are at the age bracket of 21-30 years old, 4 or

4% are at the age bracket 31-40 years old, and 41-50 years old has

a frequency of 5 or 5%.

It signifies that respondents are mostly 21- 30 years old. This is parallel to

the purpose of the respondents that due to their study which the UNIFAST,

most of their respondents are the beneficiaries’ of the said scholar.

b. the gender of the respondents. It shows that female has the most

participated in the study with a frequency of 54 or 54% and male has a

frequency of 46 or 46%. The preponderant of the respondents are female.

c. As to civil status. It shows that single has a frequency of 92 or 92%

while 8 or 8% are married.

D. As to the educational attainment of the respondents are 92 or 92%

are single while 8 or 8% are married.

e. as to respondents monthly income/allowance are mostly 10,000 and

below with 92 percent, monthly income between P10,001-20,000 has a

frequency count of 6 or 6 percent while there are 2 or 2 percent which has

P30,001 and above.

2. As to how effective the UNIFAST granted to the College students

The researchers come up a result based on the statistical used that first

is it provides them pay their rental or boarding houses with a mean of 3.63,

followed by The students can provide to purchase motor cycle which they

could use in going to school by a mean of 3.56 and third the grantee are

persevere to study due to the financial allowance they receive a mean of

3.53. There are other reasons as how effective the UNIFAST to the students,

these are it helps the students pay their tuition fees and other miscellaneous

expenses, It serves as their personal allowances, It help the grantees parents

to have less burden of sending their children to school and It encourages

more students to study in College due to the said scholarship program.

3.As to the laws governing such scholar

Rank 1 – “The Republic Act 10931 or universal Access to quality

Tertiary Education Act with a mean of 3.56.

Rank 2- Republic Act 10687 or the Unified Student Financial

Assistance System for Tertiary Education with a mean of 3.35.

4. As to the problems encountered in the implication of such law.

Respondent’s Responses as to problems encountered in the

implementation of such law are:

Firstly, Some students spend the money not for academic purposes but

for their personal pleasure with the mean of 3.52

Rank 2 - The parents of the grantee rely only to the UNIFAST for the

expenses of their students with the mean of 3.45

Rank 3- It limits the number of College students to be included in the

scholar program mean of 3.14.

5. The solutions to the problems

The solutions to the problems are:

Rank 1, The parents of the grantee should also help their children in terms of

financial absence of the release of the UNIFAST with a mean of 3.59

Rank 2, Students should use the money only for their academic

and avoid spending it to their vices with a mean of 3.57.

Rank 3 The current number of grantee must be increase and

includes those really poor but intelligent and has the perseverance to

graduate with a mean of 3.53.

6. The Distribution of Respondents Responses on the researcher’s

findings be utilized towards their brighter future.

Rank 1 – Through this study, it will encourage more students to

pursue tertiary level due to the benefits provided by this program with 3.62


Rank 2- The grantee will more persevere to look other alternative that

will improve their economic status by aid of the UNIFAST with a mean of


Rank 3- Result of the study will be utilize by the grantee scholar to be

more prudent on their studies

The data are findings that could be utilize by the students for their

brighter future.


The following conclusions are based on the key findings of the study

and in line with the major research questions:

1. The findings revealed that respondents are thankful for the

implementation of the law granting the UNIFAST.

2. The students who are currently grantees of the UNIFAST are enjoying

its benefits.

3. The law that govern the UNIFAST law is Republic Act 10931 which

was enacted at the time of President Duterte.

4. The most problems encountered by this law are the students who are

grantee spend their money for personal use and other students who

deserves are not included.

5. The solution to the problem is that the Program coordinator of CHED

and UNIFAST must evaluate the status of the grantee about their

financial management of the allowance.

6. The findings of the researchers could be utilized in order to improve

the status of the UNIFAST distribution.


Based on the main findings, the study makes a number of


These are directed towards individuals , namely Grantee (scholar),

Government, CHED and community.

1. Grantees (students)

The students should be efficient on how they will spend the money given to

them by the government. They should think that the money are intended for

their studies.

2. Government

The Government must see to it that the money are directly receive by the

beneficiaries and not tainted by any anomalies and corruption so that the

purpose and intent of the law will be realized.

3. CHED and Community

The CHED should provide a policy which would include all indigent

college students and to remove those students who are included but can


The community must participate in changing the system of

“palakasan” just to be included in the scholar in the Philippines. They must

choose deserving students and leaders not just of fame and money but by

leadership and advocacy.

4. Suggestions for Further Research

Further studies on the UNIFAST and other scholar program should be


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Unpublished Thesis/ Dissertation

Du Plessis, A.H. (2008). Exploring Secondary School Educator

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Name: _______________________________ (optional)

Direction: Please check (/) the items that correspond your choice based on the given

Part I. On personal profile of the respondents

1.1 Age
[ ] 20 years old and below

[ ] 21-30 years old

[ ] 31-40 years old

[ ] 41-50 years old

[ ] 51 years old and above

1.2 Gender
[ ] Male

[ ] Female

1.3 Civil Status

[ ] Single

[ ] Married

[ ] Widow

[ ] Separated

[ ] Annulled

[ ] Cohabitation

[ ] others, please specify ________

1.4 Educational Attainment

[ ] Elementary Level

[ ] Elementary Graduate

[ ] High school Level

[ ] High school Graduate

[ ] College Level

[ ] College Graduate

[ ] Others, please specify_____________

1.5 Monthly Income

[ ] P 10,000 below

[ ] P 10,001-20,000

[ ] P 20,001-30,000

[ ] P 30,001 above

Instruction: Please check the box (/) that correspond your choice based on a given scale
below. Feel free on answering each item. There is no right or wrong answer to the given

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Undecided

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree

Part II. On how effective the UNIFAST granted to the College students of CSJS

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. It helps the students pay their tuition fees and

other miscellaneous expenses
2. It serves as their personal allowances

3. It provides them pay their rental or boarding

4. The grantee are persevere to study due to the
financial allowance they receive
5. It help the grantees parents to have less burden of
sending their children to school
6. It encourages more students to study in College
due to the said scholarship program
7. The students can provide to purchase motor cycle
which they could use in going to school
8. Helps the students attain their dream

9. Upgrade their economic status

10. Graduates of UNIFAST scholar easily finds job

Part III. On the Laws Governing Such Scholar

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. The Republic Act 10931 or universal Access to

quality Tertiary Education Act
2. Republic Act 10687 or the Unified Student Financial
Assistance System for Tertiary Education

Part IV. On problems encountered in the implementation of such laws



3. Some students spend the money not for academic

purposes but for their personal pleasure
4. It limits the number of College students to be
included in the scholar program
5. The parents of the grantee rely only to the UNIFAST
for the expenses of their students
6. . Some Unifast grantee are inefficient in spending the
financial allowance they received

Part V. On the possible solutions to the above mentioned problem



3. Students should use the money only for their

academic and avoid spending it to their vices
4. The current number of grantee must be increase and
includes those really poor but intelligent and has the
perseverance to graduate
5. The parents of the grantee should also help their
children in terms of financial absence of the release
of the UNIFAST


Part VI. On the Researcher’s findings be utilized towards their brighter


Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. Result of the study will be utilize by the

grantee scholar to be more prudent on their
2. Findings will be used by the parents and
UNIFAST grantee on how to be financially
responsible for the allowance they receive
in order to attain their dreams
3. .It could be utilized in improving the
academic status of the grantee scholar
through this study
4. Result of the study will help the academic
institution in the aid of the students who are
scholar to finish their studies
5. Students who are UNIFAST grantee will be
more enthusiastic in studying due to the
scholar program
6. The grantee will more persevere to look
other alternative that will improve their
economic status by aid of the UNIFAST
7. Through this study, it will encourage more
students to pursue tertiary level due to the
benefits provided by this program

Prepared by:



4TH year Crim


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