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1 JANUARY 2001

Detection of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning

(PSP) Toxins in Philippine Mussel
Samples by Electrospray Mass
Ma. Christina Grace Z. Floresca, Barbra Michelle Abad, Tabitha Amora,
Mary Angelica lim, and John Paulo Marquez
Chemistry Department, De La Salle University
2401 Taft Avenue, 1004 Manila, Philippines

Keywords: saxitoxin (STX), paralytic shellfjsh poisoning (PSP), red tide monitoring

The occurrence of toxic red tide outbreaks destructive and is not sufficiently
is an environmental and public health reproducible. We report a new procedure
hazard in the Philippines. Thus . it is for the rapid detection of components of
necessary to develop 'mo nitoring programs samples contaminated by Pyrodinium
to protect the shellfish industry and the bahamense var compressum using a
general public. Previo us methods for the combination of reverse-phase HPLC and
detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning e l ec trospray mass spe c trometry. The
(PSP) toxins make use of mouse bioassays procedure is fast and requires minimal
andlor fluorescence detection through High amounts of sa mple, so that purified toxins
Pe rformance Liquid C hromatography need not be derivatizated as a prerequisite
(HPLC). The mouse bioassay, while cheap for its det ection. In addition, results from
and rapid, requires a large amount of this study complement earlier findings that
sample, and is capable of detection of toxin th e main toxic components of Philippine
concentrations that are already near the toxic red tide are neosaxitoxin ,
reg ulatory limit. Fluorescen ce HPLC decarbamoylsaxitoxin . and gonyaulox;" .
analysis of derivatized PSP samples is

The existence of toxic red tide compounds a chromophore in its structure, it was not until
was demonstrated when saxitoxin (STX) was almost forty years later before Henry Rapoport,
first isolated by Sommer and Meyer by ion Jon Bordner, and coworkers were able to pnrify
exchange chromatography'. Due to its highly and crystallize saxitoxin in order to determine
polar and nonvolatile nature, and the absence of its structure 2 •


The mouse bioassay was first developed 100 g meat'. Nevertheless, the assay is simple
by Hermann Sommer as a means to monitor the and cheap to operate. Moreover, it is a direct
presence of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins measure of toxicity that is an important
(Figure I) and is still widely adopted for red tide consideration for seafood safety.
monitoring purposes ,. The mouse bioassay is The need for rapid and sensitive methods
significantly limited in its minimum detection for the detection of red tide toxins led to the
level of approximately 37 !-Ig/IOOg meat, which development of monitoring techniques
is close to the maximum allowed level of 80 !-Ig/ utilizing High Performance Liquid

" H H



H ,

Toxin R4 Molecular
Carbamate Toxins OCONH,
STX H H H 301.31
NEO OH H H 317.31
GTXI OH H OS03' 412.36
GTXII H H OS03' 396.36
GTXIII H OS03' H 396.36
GTXIV OH OS03' H 412.36
Sulfamate Toxins OCONHOS03'
BI H H H 380.36
B2 OH H H 396.36
C3 OH H OSO, 491.41
CI H H OS03' 475.41
C2 H OS03' H 475.41
C4 OH OS03' H 491.41
Decarbamyl Toxins OR
dc-STX H H H 258.28
dc-NEO OH H H 274.28
dc-GTXI OH H OS03' 369.33
dc-GTX II H H OS03' 353.33
dc-GTX III H OS03' H 353.33
dc-GTXIV OH OS03' H 369.33

Figure 1. Structures of the paralytic shellfish toxins


Chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence The use of mass spectrometry coupled to

detection""·, Depending on the toxins present, HPLC as a tool for the rapid detection of red
the limit of detection for HPLC can be as low tide toxins is fast gaining acceptance",I2,
as 10-30~g STX/lOOg and accuracy can be +/ Accordingly, we now apply the use of this
-10%',5,., When toxin levels are approximately technique for the detection of paralytic shellfish
200~g or below by the mouse bioassay, the poisoning toxins in Philippine mussel samples,
fluorescence HPLC method for toxin detection In this study, we report the detection of
is used, However, this method is destructive decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX) and neosaxitoxin
to the toxins, thus the need to have large (NEO) in mussel samples (Perna viridis)
amounts of samples in order to isolate and contaminated with the toxic red tide causative
purify them,,5,., organism Pyrodinium bahamense var
The first reported outbreak of toxic red compressum, Samples were analyzed by a
tide in the Philippines occurred in June 1983 in combination of reverse-phase HPLC and
Maqueda Bay, in Samar', This was followed by electrospray mass spectrometry for the rapid
several incidents of toxic red tide in various detection of components of paralytic shellfish
locations later in the year. Analysis of the poisoning contaminated sample, Unlike
causative organism by Professor Rudolf Hermes previous methods for the isolation ofPSP toxins,
revealed the presence of Pyrodinium bahamense this technique is rapid, requires a small amount
var compressum " Since the red tide outbreak of sample, and allows for the simultaneous
of 1987, toxic red tide blooms have occurred determination of structurally related compounds,
annually in the Philippines, During this time, Thus this procedure can be used for monitoring
several methods for the detection of toxic red contaminated mussel samples as well as for the
tide have been adopted, Among these methods preparation of purified PSP toxins,
are the estimation of cell density from plankton
sampling, the mouse bioassay, the fluorescence MATERIALS
HPLC assay, and the blowfly bioassay', In the Mussel samples were a generous donation
Philippines at present, the methods employed for from Dr, Lourdes J, Cruz and Ms, Cecile Conaco
red tide monitoring are the mouse bioassay and of Marine Science Institute, U,P, Diliman,
the estimation of cell density from plankton Samples were taken from a toxic red tide
sampling', outbreak which occurred in July 1993 in Limay,
Rubinson suggested an HPLC method for Bataan, Three-week old white mice were
separation of toxins generated from synthetic purchased from BioResearch, Hydrochloric acid
reactions by using an analytical C-IS HPLC (HCI), dichloromethane (DCM), and Sodium
column and a refractive index detector lO , The Chloride (NaCI) were of analytical grade and
mobile phase used was water with 25 mM formic were purchased from Sigma Chemical Corp, (SI.
acid and 3 to 4 mM pentanesulfonic acid, With Louis, MO),
a flow rate of 1.5 mLimin the separation can be
completed in about 10 minutes, The solutes in METHODS
the effluent were detected using a Waters model
R40 I to measure differential refractive index, Sample Preparation and Toxin Isolation
The results of Rubinson's study showed that Mussel meat (wet weight: 391.42 grams)
there were about 2 unresolved products, one of was homogenized in 0,1 M HCI using a Waring
which is saxitoxin as shown by bioassayl°, We Blender. The slurry was filtered through
substituted the ion pairing reagent, 0, 1% Whatman Filter Paper, An aliquot of the
heptanesulfonic acid in water for our mobile supernatant fluid was set aside for mouse toxicity
phase and monitored our samples using a assay, Nonpolar organic constituents were
wavelength of 235 nm, removed by extracting with dichloromethane


before the aqueous layer was concentrated by

using a rotary evaporator and purified by ion Mass Spectroscopy Analysis
exchange chromatography. Aliquots from each All samples from HPLC were injected
layer were tested for toxicity by mouse bioassays. directly into a Finnigan-Mat LCQ LC-MS
electro spray mass spectrometer.
lon-Exchange Chromatography
The crude contaminated extract was RESULTS
purified initially by ion-exchange Figure 2 shows the results from ion exchange
chromatography on an Amberlite strong cation chromatography. Using the plot at 253 nm
exchanger (column dimensions: 450 x 3.5 cm) wavelength, three peaks were observed. The
equilibrated with I % acetic acid. The crude first peak (the highest peak) was observed to be
extract was eluted by using a concentration in fractions I to 5. Each of the peaks were tested
gradient of I % sodium acetate in I % acetic acid. for their toxicities through the mouse bioassay
Fractions (25 ml) were monitored by UV-Vis method (Table 2). Only peak 1 demonstrated
spectrophotometry (Hitachi U2000) at 235 nm toxicity in mouse bioassay, although mice
and 330 nm. Equal number of fractions were injected with aliquots from peak 2 suffered from
combined to form four pools (125 ml per pool). uncontrollable scratching and shivering which
All pools were dried by evaporation in an oven eventually wore off.
(80 ·C) before analysis by mass spectroscopy Peak 1 was further purified using HPLC.
and further purification by HPLC. The HPLC chromatogram of peak I is shown in
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Figure 3. Good resolution of the components was
Dried pooled fractions were redissolved in achieved although some of these components
solvent buffer and filtered through a Sep-Pak were not fully resolved. Figure 4 shows the
column prior to injection into a Merck HPLC trace of 3 nanomoles (3 x 10.9 mol)
Lichrosphere analytical reverse phase C 18 column saxitoxin standard using HPLC conditions
(LKB Bromma 2248 HPLC system). Samples were identical to that used in the contaminated
eluted with 0.1 % heptanesulfonic acid at a flow mussel samples. Data shows the presence of
rate of I mLlmin and monitored at 235 nm. two small, unresolved peaks eluting at 8.847
Individual peaks from each run were collected and 10.140 minutes which is believed to be
from HPLC and submitted for MS analysis. saxitoxin and neosaxitoxin, respectivelylO. The

0 2.5
c _ _ 235nm
_____ 330nm
0 1 .5
<{ 1
·0.5 10 15 20 30 40
Fraotion No.

Figure 2. Plot of the absorbances of the fractions from ion-exchange chromatography at 235 nm and 330
nm. Hatched peak in this chromatogram denotes the toxic fractions from mouse bioassay.


Table 1. Purification Table of Mussel Samples

Sample Volume of Weight of Death Time Mouse Total MU

Sample Mouse (g) Units
Injected (ml) (MU)

1 14.30 0:14 * 1486.5
13.24 6:39 0.965
12.10 5:55 1.017

Aqueous Layer 1 10.06 1:37 6.950 5212.5

Pool 1 1 10.99 12:01 0.588 17640.0
Pool 2 1 8.21 - inactive
Pool 3 1 8.99 - inactive
Pool 4 1 8.93 - inactive

retention time of the two peaks (denoted by sample. Oshima theorized that the absence of
arrows) from Figure 3 are consistent with neosaxitoxin in Philippine mussel samples was
published results 10. due to the instability of the toxin and the inherent
Each individual peak from HPLC were inability of the fluorescence HPLC method to
submitted for electrospray mass analysis (ESI-MS). detect for this particular compound. Thus, the
The mass spectral profile of the hatched peak from presence of neosaxitoxin could only be
Figure 2 is shown in Figure 5. A m/z at 265.8 conj ectured based on the toxin profiles of
and 318.9 was observed which corresponds to Borneo and Palau 13 A study on the toxin profile
[dcSTX+Naj+ and [NEO+Hr. of Pyrodinium bahamense var compressum
demonstrates the presence of neosaxitoxin,
DISCUSSION decarbamylsaxitoxin, and gonyautoxin 14 • Our
Toxin amounts of 9.05 x \0.9 g can thus results are in agreement with these findings.
be detected using HPLC and electro spray mass Furthermore, the mass spectral profile of peak
spectrometry. In comparison, the detection limit 1 (prior to injection intoHPLC) shows m/z peaks
for the mouse bioassay is 37 x 10.6 g, although at 282.9, 318.7, and 412.0 which corresponds
results can be obtained within 6 minutes. to [dcSTX+Na]+, [Neo+H]+, and [GTX+H]+
Quantitative and qualitative data for the presence (data not shown).
or absence of PSP toxins can be obtained within In summary, the use of reverse phase
a time span of ten minutes, using a sample HPLC and electro spray mass spectrometry is an
volume of 20 x 10.6 liter. In contrast, acceptable alternative for the rapid detection of
quantitative analysis can be obtained in the samples contaminated with the toxic red tide
mouse bioassay only after repeated injection into causative organism Pyrodinium bahamense var
mice. compressum. Data obtained is in agreement with
The results from this study is in agreement previous findings using the mouse bioassay
with earlier findings on the presence of technique and the fluorescence HPLC technique.
decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX) in Philippine mussel A more compelling evidence for the presence of
samples". In addition to decarbamoylsaxitoxin, these toxins could be provided by the use of
neosaxitoxin (NEO) was also detected in the same tandem mass spectrometry.


... t<V". .,j I·...:

~ 1 fU~ I


Figure 3. HPLC chromatogram of peak 1 from ion exchange chromatography. Hatched peak eluting at
retention time of 10.799 minutes denotes location of neosaxitoxin from mass spectrometry.

Figure 4. HPLC profile of 3 nanomoles saxitoxin standard.


C"-"-' _'Q
:'::i f~al:vzol.o.~'-


,..... . . tl
.u.. -,....,_
~ ....
.. _._. .
.- - -- -- - --
. . .__ • • >.t ..... .... .... ag:.
.... _ s;."
-, '""" "'.'

Figure 5. Electrospray Mass Spectra of hatched peak from Figure 3. M, denotes

decarbamysaxitoxin (dcSTX) while M, denotes neosaxitoxin (neo).

7. Gonzales, C.L. In Hallegraeff, G.M. and

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Maclean, J.L. eds. Biology, Epidemiology,
and Management of Pyrodinium Red Tides,
The authors wish to thank Mr. Marte (ICLARM, 1989).
Villena and the members of the Analytical 8. Mendigo, M.A. and Azanza-Corrales, R.
Services Laboratory ofU.P. Diliman for the ESI- eds. Field and Laboratory Manual on
MS data. Philippine Red Tide Monitoring and Data
REFERENCES 9. Corrales, R.A., and J.L. Maclean. J. Appl.
Phycol. 7, 151-162, (1995).
I. Sommer, H., and Meyer, K. F. Arch. Pathol. 10. Rubinson R.A. Biochim. et Biophys. Acta,
24,560-598, (1937). 687:315-320, (1982).
2. Bordner, J., Thiessen, W.E., Bates, H.A. 11. Draisci, R., et aI., Toxicon, 33(12),1591-
and Rapoport, H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 97(21), 1603, (1995).
6008-6012, (I975). 12. Lewis, R.A. et aI., Anal. Chem., 71, 247-
3. Hurst, et al. "Intercomparison of Various 250, (I999).
Assay method for the Detection of Shellfish 13. Oshima, Y. In Hallegraeff, G.M. and
Toxin". Toxic Dinoflagellate, Proceedings Maclean, J.L. eds. Biology, Epidemiology,
of the 3,d Int'l Con/. Elsvier, NY, 427-432 and Management of Pyrodinium Red Tides,
(I985). (ICLARM, 1989).
4. Laycock, M.V. et aI., Nat. Toxins, 2, 175- 14. Usup, G., Kulis, D., and Anderson, D.M.,
183, (1994). Nat. Toxins, 2, 254-262, (1994).
5. Sullivan, et al. "The Application of HPLC
in a PSP Monitoring Program". Seafood
QualityDetermination, Elsvier, NY, 357-
371, (1987).
6. Sullivan, et al. "The Determination of PSP
Toxin by HPLC and Autoanalyzer". Toxic
Dinoflagellate, Proceedings of the 3,d Int'l
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