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Let’s go to practice with verbal tense and comparatives

1.Betty and Mary________________________________ in the free time at the school Col Valencia (learn/want) (English/French) supe




__________________________ _______________________?

2. why ______ you___________________________________________________________ in that mall (perfecto/ buy) (sock/shoe)




____________________________________________________________________________________________________going to

_________________________________________________________________________________________________futuro progre

3. _____ it dress____________________ in the store? (cheap) _________________

4.Every body ___________________________________ in the picture last day ( Paint/progresive/always) (red ink/blue ink) Iguality


_______________________________________________________________________________________________? Perfecto /Inferio

______________________________________________________________________________________________?simple superiority

____________________________________________________________________________________________? Futuro perfecto pro

5.That student_____________________in the class (simple/develop) (difficult)

________________________________________________________________________________________________futuro perfecto




________________________ ______________________?

Practice with the used to como solia

Vamos a practicar el uso de «used to» como «solía». Rellena los espacios en blanco de las siguientes frases. Pueden ser frases
afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas, así que presta atención al contexto:

I _________________________________ walk to school every morning.

____________________________________________________________________? _____________________

______ you __________________ go on holidays to the beach? _________________________

I ______________________ like garlic in my food, but I love it now.

__________________________________________________________________? _______________ ________________?

We ____________________ eat lots of sugar, but we’re on a diet now.

__________________________________________________________________? __________________

She ____________________ come to our parties, but she’s started coming recently.

_______ he _________________ drink so much? I can’t remember seeing him like that before.

I __________________ believe in ghosts, but then I went to a haunted castle and I saw things I can’t explain.

She ____________________ come to our parties, but she’s started coming recently.

___________________________________________________________________________? ________________?

_______ he _________________ drink so much? I can’t remember seeing him like that before.

I __________________ believe in ghosts, but then I went to a haunted castle and I saw things I can’t explain.

She ____________________ come to our parties, but she’s started coming recently.

Practice with the used to como acostumbrar

Y ahora, prueba a hacer los mismo con estos ejercicios de «be used to» para hablar de cosas a la que uno está acostumbrado.
Recuerda que la estructura es diferente a la anterior, repásala si lo necesitas. Pueden estar en cualquier tiempo verbal, pero siempre
con el verbo «be»:

I didn’t like sharing a flat, but I _______________ it now.

They __________________ working with children, so they did really well.

_____________________________________________________________________________? ________________?

I ______________________ such large crowds, so I panicked.

She ____________________ being around dogs, so she’s a bit nervous.

____________________________________________________________________________? _________________

Don’t worry about us. We ____________________ travelling in extreme weather.


He might be a bit shy at first because he ____________________ speaking in public.


________ you ______________ dealing with dangerous situations? ____________________

I don’t even hear the noise any more, I _____________ it.



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