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To be honest,What really caught my eyes was…

I was really impressed with

You’re obviously ..
Enthusiasm and persistence ( nhiệt tình và kiên trì )
Challenges and setbacks without falling into frustration and anger
(thử thách và thất bại mà không rơi vào thất vọng hoặc tức giận
I remarked that tend to keep around in good spirits as well,which is a plus
Negotiating (đàm phán)
Hypothetical situation (tình huống giả định )
One definitely comes to mind
I acknowleged
It shows up in…. when
Take a moment to think about something you’ve stuggled with
Occasionally : Thi thoảng
I’m in the same boat on that one
That’s helpful. It’s goof to know…
As I mentioned before I’m inrterested in..
Bouncing ideas (nảy ý tưởng,
Can you tell me a litter bit more about
That makes sense. I really appreciate that
That’s really good point
We’re going to study…to figure out …
Blaming other or speaking ill will likely reflect poorly on you
It’s played out again and again that (hết lần này đến lần khác )
That’t great tip, I never thought about that, but if you make the effort to go to a coference
and meet people face to face, that’s really going to help build your network
I’ve heard of people talking to
Easy on the eyes : easy to look at, attractive , someone or something that is good to
look at
Let your hair down : to behave in an uninhibited or relax manner,
Ex: after a long day at work, the office worker needed to let their hair down
Lose your head : Lose seft control, lose one’s composure
Ex: he usually stays every calm in meeting, but this time he just lost his head
Eye-opener : mở tầm mắt
Ex: the movie was a real eye- opener for me.
This was good but…I didn’t understand = this part went over my head
Racking his /her brain : cố gắng vận dụng đầu óc vào việc gì đó ( nghĩ vắt não)
He’s racking his how to deal with the situation
Nêu quan điểm :
Im not cartain, but…
It seem to me that..
As I see it
My personal view is that
I cannot deny that ( tôi không thể phủ nhận rằng )
Đồng ý : There is no dout about it that
That’s just what I was thinking
Đồng ý một phần :
That’s partly true, but..

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