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Ôn khẩu ngữ unit 1-4:

Unit 1:
* Topic A

? question:
1. What it means
2. Do you think the same way?
3. How does it manifest?
Do you agree/ disagree?
The reason
Other qualities the leader should have
Phần mở:
A: you look too bad after woking hour! What’s happen?
B: My manager is impatient, he doesn't listen my explanations about my trouble so
I feel bad all day
A: If you don't mind, I know a saying that is “: A good manager should be good at
listening to his employee” and I think it's right for you in this case.
B: I couldn’t agree more.
Phần câu hỏi và trả lời:
?| A: It so intriguing? I want to know why you agree with it
- you can compare it with the real case which often happens with my boss. In fact,
A professional manager, they have ways of managing employees and the company by
listening to their colleagues and subordinates talk about any problems encountered.
A: You have a point there , I also have same think with u , i agrre with this statement
, actually i have had about 3 jobs before , and also communicated and worked
with and met many managers , so i realized that one of the most things Building
a good manager is about listening to idea of employees , How about the reson
for this , do you have any concern ?
- The reason:
T: If you were a manager, you would listen to employees to graph what trouble they
are facing so that you can find a way to solve them in a timely manner. your
subordinates are facing stress or are having trouble in some area, proactively find
positive solutions to get them out of the "quagmire".
Trang : oh , in this case, quagmire I've never heard of it can give me more knowledge
about this word ”
T: ok, quagmire in this case is: The employee has a glitch that cannot be solved and
needs the help of a manager. Do you have anything else?
Trang : The way I see it , It’s incredibly important for managers to listen to their staff
and the teams around them. All levels of staff should be encouraged to offer their
thoughts, ideas, and concerns, either to their direct supervisor or to management.
T: In addition,
+Listening does not run away from employee's initiatives or creative ideas. When
employees are heard, they feel valued. From there, it stimulates employees to
contribute more to the company.
+ When you put yourself in the shoes of your employees, you will concern their
thoughts and desires.
=> Listening like you take care of employees makes them feel shared. After all,
listening is the way to foster growth yourself.
Trang : so on , i think it's useful answer for this matter , beside that i will give you
some qualities that the leader person should have
Thủy : That sounds intriguing, I want to absorb about it
Trang : the first thing is essential for them to be approachable and good at
listening. When employees feel listened to, they will be more confident to share
their opinions and take initiatives.
Thủy: Do you want to work with grumpy person?
trang : yes, I'm so fasionate working with a grumpy person because for me they are
very well at controlling process work and I am the opposite, so working with the
grumpy can help me get the job done easier .
- beside, Decisive: The decisions they make will have a significant impact on the
business, and the best administrators know when it's appropriate for them to decide
and find an informed solution.
. What do you think about the ability to empathize?
Trang: yeh if an employee is sick and they cannot complete the deal on time, the
company gives them more time or has a better alternative than reprimanding them.
Thủy : if my leader were sensitive, he wouldn't make you stress like that. Being
empathetic and understanding will help employees not feel alone and they will always
assume that the company will be ready to help them.
Kết :
Trang : All in All , through my idea I can affirm that it is crucial pay close attention to
their staffs’ well-being and make sure they are satisfied, appreciated and motivated by
employees at work.

Topic B:

A group of sheep led by a lion would defeat a group of lion led by a sheep
Mean: The simple meaning is that a group is as effective as the one leading it. Lion
here represents those who are daring, determined or desirous in their quest, whereas
sheep represents those who are sloppy , slack or sluggish in character. However
talented and experienced a group is, if the leader is ineffective, that group will never
be able to achieve any corporate success. The quality of an army does not lie in its
manpower but in its leadership
Mở đầu:
A: What do you think about the leadership?
B: In a word, Clever. There is a proverb that says: “...”
A: what means?
B: The simple meaning is that a group is as effective as the one leading it.
Phần câu hỏi và trả lời:
A: How do you understand a proverb?
- Lion here represents those who are daring, determined or desirous in their quest,
whereas sheep represents those who are sloppy , slack or sluggish in character.
However talented and experienced a group, if the leader is ineffective, that group will
never be able to achieve any corporate success. (Sư tử ở đây đại diện cho những người
táo bạo, quyết tâm hoặc ham muốn trong công cuộc tìm kiếm của họ, trong khi cừu đại
diện cho những người luộm thuộm, xuề xòa hoặc chậm chạp trong tính cách. Dù tài
năng và kinh nghiệm trong một nhóm, nếu người lãnh đạo không hiệu quả, nhóm đó sẽ
không bao giờ có thể đạt được bất kỳ thành công nào của công ty.)
A: Absolutely, I’d go along with that.
- Leaders always hold importance, they greatly affect the performance of the whole
organization, so choosing a leader is not a trivial thing.
- I've seen organizations with great potential, but they had a bad leader and they ended
up going bankrupt, which is unfortunate.
-A: which qualities do the leaders have?
- The first is about the ability: of course the leader must be a talented person, they are
fluent in the knowledge of the field they manage. In addition, they also have the
experience to solve and lead the development organization
- The second indispensable thing is the quality: as a person who always listens and
understands employees, you will be surprised at the creative initiatives of that
employee; A leader should also put himself in the employee's shoes to solve the
problem, employees will see they are cared for and they will contribute more to the
- Be a consistent person: Consistency is not stubborn, defiant and certainly not

Unit 2:
Topic A:
Mở đầu:
A: that’s messy, My house must cleaned right now.
B: you are really neat
A: I abominate with something that is dust, yellow stains, messy,... ect
B: I know the sayings is: “Neatness is not a virtue. It’s ok to be a little disorganized”
Câu hỏi và trả lời:
A: do you know the benefits of being a bit messy
- Research by the University of Minnesota found that geniuses' messy desks are
actually related to their intelligence. They don't spend a lot of time cleaning around
because their mind prioritizes more important things.
Reason: Clutter can boost creativity and productivity
- Arranged in a messy manner: Have you ever been in a situation where you don't
know where the stapler is, in which drawer should the documents you need to file be
placed, where is your wallet, etc. So waste time searching for things again? necessary-
should-not-find if left messy. So sometimes not moving is more productive, right?
- Take time to be too neat: A person with a creative mind spends most of their time
doing only one thing: Create! So sometimes you don't have time to organize and clean
everything neatly.
- Clutter isn't laziness: Not all messy people are lazy. They're just creating a place for
things to be easy to remember. For example, if you put the headset on the microwave
and you always leave it like that, the next day you will still remember where you put
it, not where it should be.
B: Would you like to be more organized?
Topic B: ( trang and thuyr )

Vẻ bề ngoài với chất lượng làm việc, nghĩ gì về một người luộm thuộm, liệu họ sẽ ít
quan tâm đến công việc hay không
Mở đầu:
A: You look very stylish, I guess you are a very careful person at work.
B: uh hmmm, Do you think a person's appearance and work quality are equated?
A: Yepp, I believe that the person has neatness, the qualities - work and so on.
B: woppp... I reckon If you see a person with a sloppy appearance, you will judge that
person as a careless person, right?
A: yahhh, Absolutely
Câu hỏi và trả lời:
A: what the connection between the look and productivity at work
- Mối quan hệ:
In lots of ways. Our appearance influences what people think of us. The way you
dress. It meaning if you dress well, people will think you’re more success or more
competent. They’ll treat you more respectfully and will help you succeed. It defently
Prooved that you really care about yoursefl
+ The way the dress does not reflect the quality of the employee's work, I once saw a
person who looked shabby but he did his job right and in contrast, there was once an
employee who dressed stylishly but Her way of doing things is unacceptable, they are
+ I believe that when someone dedicates their best to their work, they are usually not
too picky about their appearance
+ Thus, From my point of view, The look and Productivity at work aren’t related.
+ however, In fact, a good appearance will not only make people feel good but also
create an appealing working environment. Moreover,a professional appearance when
you are meeting other organizations will create a impression in positive manner and
business can also be developed inadvertently ˌɪn.ədˈvɝː.t̬ ə Besides, a neat style
shows respect for the partner
The fact that everyone else that appearance affect how other people react to you, but
not everyone needs to be neat and well dressed. You kow your appearance also
involves your style, and you can use that help fit into the group you want to be in.
Most people want to work with people who are well-groomed, dress modestly, and are
suitable for the work environment.
A: Some corporations regulate business dress codes, isn't it? What do you think about
B: that’s right, usually they are required to wear a uniform, which is good as
colleagues won't be discriminated against too much
- As you know, eye-catching uniforms impress the partners, they can easily recognize
their colleagues in the same company and show solidarity.
- On the other hand, uniforms help to waste money and time choosing clothes every
* they can also ask employees to wear business style attire, for example men in suits
and women in white shirts with black skirts
=> anyway, the dress code helps employees look neater, polite without frills.
Unit 3:
Topic A:
Which of the following best determines the transition from childhood to adulthood.
An age ( like The United Nations age of 18)
An event (like graduating, getting married or moving into your home)
Responsibilities ( like caring for younger siblings or helping around the house)
Mở đầu:
A: what do you think about the age of transition from childhood to
adulthood ?

B: This is the process that no one marker appears to be able to define. The
transition to adulthood is marked by new roles and responsibilities in such
as education, employment, and family formation. In this period, young
people contend with multiple opportunities and challenges that can have
important implications over the life course
Câu hỏi và trả lời:
The ideas you favor the most and the result why?
B: Personally, I think responsibilities.
- If you feel responsible to yourself and to others, that's when you're an adult
When you were a child, your parents, the ones who took care of you, you were
carefree during that time and didn't need to worry about anything.
- and then when you reach adulthood, they are about 20 years old, you have your own
plans, have your own witness, make your own decisions and develop without relying
on your parents . Moreover, you can also take care of your parents.
- Living responsibly is also a way for you to grow up, for instance you take care of
younger siblings. when you are not the youngest child in the family and you are
responsible for taking care of the children, you learn to be like adults used to take care
of you, you push yourself to think of others and take care of yourself and the problems
that arise with them
A: the reason why you don’t choose the other two ideas?
B: Speaking for myself, The other two ideas are not enough to be the best determinants
of the transition from childhood to adulthood.
- An age: Age does not determine a person's maturity, there are children who have a
young age but they have more mature thoughts than those who are older than them and
vice versa, there are older people but they are still immature.
- An Event: An event can have maturity conditions, they can create valuable
experiences from which to grow more mature but that is not enough to create a new
breakthrough, they are just the building blocks for a person to become more mature in
the process of development.
A: Can you give specific examples to demonstrate your choice?
B: One day you realize that if you don't study, in the future you won't have money to
take care of your family, if you don't try you will lose your chance, ... specifically, I
realized I am more mature when I take responsibility for myself. when I went to
college and was alone, I learned to be more responsible than myself for my studies,
health and social relationships, then I realized that without my parents beside me, I
must be more mature and responsible

Topic B:

“Everyone is the age of their heart”

How you interpret the above proverb
Whether you agree or disagree with it & why
- những người có vẻ ngoài và hành động trẻ hơn so với tuổi thực của họ (with
people looking and acting younger than their actual years)
- Mỉm cười là một bài tập tốt khác khi bạn già đi - cười thậm chí còn tốt hơn.
- Vốn kiến thức phong phú, sự tò mò khó hiểu và tính hài hước thường xuyên khiến
mọi cuộc gặp gỡ với ông ấy đều trở nên thú vị.
- ông ấy tích cực lắng nghe những gì bạn nói và ghi nhớ, đặt những câu hỏi hay,
nghe câu trả lời của bạn và sau đó sẽ theo dõi sau đó với những câu trả lời có liên
Mở đầu:
A: Nowadays, the elderly are increasingly rejuvenated through activities. I find it
very useful to have fun clubs for the elderly.
B: you’ve hit the nail on the head, the proverb is: Everyone is the age of their heart,
that's exactly what you're seeing
Câu hỏi và trả lời:
A: How would you interpret that proverb?
B: From my standpoint, proverbs refer to people looking and acting younger than
their actual years.
- Some elder or people of retirement age often lead a closed lifestyle, they think
they should just stay at home and live a boring life. However, others lead an active
lifestyle their age.
- For example, a person is 70 years old but their lifestyle is very young, they go to
beauty, they still contribute to society such as participating in volunteer activities,
or participating in art clubs in the locality where they live. Don't think that old
people will become barren for the rest of their lives, they will surprise you.
- They may be old, but their souls and enthusiasm are always young, they still live
their lives for their passion.
B: Do you know Sweetheart – it's an adorable name, right?
- She is an 80-year-old with a passion for green and was known as "the green lady"
or “Elizabeth Sweetheart” by everyone, she lives in New York. She spent a whole
lot of time collecting and searching for green clothes and gadgets. she looks so
unique, young and charming in her passion
- how people want to look younger than their age: they try to integrate and
understand the latest technologies, they listen more closely to what young people
are aiming for. they almost forget their age, they participate in funny street dances,
they do all the things they like instead of just staying at home taking care of their
children and grandchildren
A: Do you agree with this?
B: I couldn’t agree more. You know, in their youth, they may not have been able to
do what they wanted or they missed opportunities to fulfill their passion, then in old
age, it's time for them to do it. Older people have a youthful lifestyle that makes
them more comfortable and healthy both physically and mentally. they have more
time for things when they are younger they don't have time to do.
Unit 4:
Topic A:
Should schools teach crafts to all children as part of the curriculum?
Mở đầu:
A: crafts are very useful, do you think schools should teach crafts to all children as
part of the curriculum.
B: that’s not bad idea
Hỏi và trả lời:
- teaching crafts can help children develop creativity and imagination. Without it, they will
struggle to grow into dynamic, individual thinkers when reaching adulthood. Furthermore,
some children are particularly gifted in their creative abilities and making craft can help them
nurture their talents.
- absolutely, also they can express their emotions and feelings. You know at that age they
may not be good at telling what is in their mind by words yet, in that case making something
by hand can be beneficial to them. It is useful to unwind by the way. 
- Additionally, there is a study that shows one craft activity called quilting, which is sewing
small pieces of garment to brand new stuff, like clothes and blankets - help students in lots of
subjects like math. 
- I studied crafts in primary school. We were taught to make objects and animals with colorful
sheets of paper, they are simple to make, all you need to prepare is a sheet of paper,
scissors and glue. It's so intriguing
- it is inappropriate for secondary school and high school students. As far as i know they
have to study science subjects and craft subjects are omitted and be in agreement with it. In
fact, in that age they do not need an instructor to use tools to make crafts, they can learn to
make products through Internet sources, groups with the same passion for crafts without a
separate course about it. 
- You know Some children with a love for crafts have created their own handicraft products
and sold them. I have known some products such as bamboo woven baskets, wind chimes
made from cups. They mean a lot to me. It is something worth encouraging for children.
- In conclusion, we both agree that schools can teach crafts to all children as part of the
curriculum in primary school if they want. It may bring children a lot of happiness and be
helpful to their emotional growth . And I assume, for secondary school and high school level,
it should be a hobby and not necessarily included in the curriculum.

Topic B:
Many people enjoy making things by hand, but some people might say it is a waste
of time. They say that people should pay someone else to do them so that they can
spend their time more productively.
(Nhiều người thích làm những thứ bằng tay,
nhưng một số người có thể nói rằng đó là một sự lãng phí thời gian.
Họ nói rằng mọi người nên trả tiền cho người khác làm việc đó để họ có thể dành
thời gian của mình một cách hiệu quả hơn.)
* Mở đầu:
A: Do you like making things by hand? Something like craft?
B: oh of course, they are very intriguing to me
A: Some people might say it is a waste of time. They say that people should pay
someone else to do them so that they can spend their time more productively. Have
you got any thoughts on this?
Hỏi và trả lời:
- Making things yourself is the most wonderful thing, it will be more meaningful
than buying them from someone else because it is created by you. This may take a
lot of your time, but it makes sense
- Crafting will help you be more creative and make the finished products your own,
it will bring your own personality.
- doing things by hand is a way to learn creativity, practice thinking and
- I used to make my own paper window blinds, I used paper and folded them into
the shapes of stars and cranes, and then threaded them into hanging strings. it took
me 1 month to make it and the result was worth all my efforts. it was so awesome
A: What do you think about pay someone else to do them so that they can spend
their time more productively?
B: It's also a way to help others. I also love handmade products and buy them to
display in my home. I buy other people's finished products because they make
better products than I do. and I also got them without taking too much time.

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