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Republic of the Philippines


Aliaga, Malasiqui, Pangasinan
A.Y. 2022- 2023

SCHOOL: Aliaga National High School GRADE LEVEL: VII

STUDENT TEACHER: Maria Katherine T. Martinez LEARNING AREA: Environmental Science
COORDINATING TEACHER: Princess Cassy R. Centeno

DATE: May 12, 2023 QUARTER: Fourth

I. Objectives
At the end of a 180-minute lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Define conservation;
b. identify and describe different types of Earth's resources; and
c. Understand the importance of conserving Earth's resources.

I. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Conservation of Earth’s Resources

b. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, Smart TV, chalkboard,
chalk, paper.
c. References:
 Science Fourth Quarter Module 2
d. Processes Involved: Communicating, inquiring, and inferring.
e. Values Integration:
 Maintaining the Earth’s resources.
f. Science Concepts:

1. Conservation- It is the care and protection of these resources so that they

can persist for future generations.
2. Earth’s Resources- It refers to the various materials and substances present
on our planet that are utilized by humans for various purposes.
3. Reduce- It refers to the action of minimizing the amount of waste or
consumption of resources.
4. Reuse- It involves finding ways to use items or products again instead of
throwing them away.
5. Recycle- It is the process of collecting and transforming waste materials
into new products or raw materials that can be used again.

II. Procedure
a. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Opening Prayer
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Review
b. Motivation
Activity 1: The students will play the game “Family Feud”

INSTRUCTIONS: The students will be grouped into 2 groups. Just like the
game in the TV Show the FAMILY FEUD they will guess the top answer
and if they want to continue, they will say PLAY if not they will say PASS.

c.Presentation of the Lesson

 The words that were revealed are all related to the topic which is about
Conservation of the Earth’s Resources.

d. Development of the Lesson

Essential Questions:
1. What is Conservation?
 Conservation is the care and protection of these resources so that
they can persist for future generations.
 It includes maintaining diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems,
as well as functions of the environment, such as nutrient cycling.
 Conservation can include small-scale clean-up projects along
roadways or building fences to prevent dune erosion to large-scale
beach renourishment. Planting trees is another way to support
conservation as trees are too often removed without being replanted.
 The phrase “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” has been a catch phrase of
the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
1. REDUCE- means minimizing the amount of waste we create.
2. REUSE - refers to using items more than once.
3. RECYCLE- means putting a product to a new use instead of
throwing it away.
2. What are the different types of Earth’s Resources?
1. Forest resource
 A forest is a large area covered with trees grouped so their foliage
shades the ground.
 Every continent except Antarctica has forests, from the evergreen-
filled boreal forests of the north to mangrove forests in tropical
 Forests provide habitats for animals and plants. They store carbon,
helping reduce global warming.
 Deforestation is the process of clearing away forests by cutting them
down or burning them.
2. Soil resource
 Soil is vital to food production.
 We need high-quality soil to grow the crops that we eat and feed to
 Soil is also important to plants that grow in the wild.
3. Biodiversity
 Biodiversity is the variety of living things that populate Earth.
 We need a rich mixture of living things to provide foods, building
materials, and medicines, as well as to maintain a clean and healthy
 We need to protect biodiversity to ensure we have plentiful and
varied food sources.
4. Fossil fuels
 Fossil fuels are fuels produced from the remains of ancient plants
and animals.
 They include coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas. People rely on
fossil fuels to power vehicles like cars and airplanes, to produce
electricity, and to cook and provide heat.
5. Minerals
 Earth’s supply of raw mineral resources is in danger. Many mineral
deposits that have been located and mapped have been depleted.
As the ores for minerals like aluminum and iron become harder to
find and extract, their prices skyrocket. This makes tools and
machinery more expensive to purchase and operate.
6. Water
 Water is a renewable resource.
 We will not run out of water the way we might run out of fossil
 However, most of the planet’s water is unavailable for human use.
While more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water,
only 2.5 percent of it is freshwater.

3. Why is it important to conserve the Earth’s Resources?

 Sustainability: Earth's resources are finite, and their excessive
consumption can lead to depletion. By conserving resources, we
ensure their availability for future generations, enabling sustainable
development and meeting their needs as well.
 Environmental Protection: Many of Earth's resources, such as
forests, water, and biodiversity, are intricately linked to ecosystems
and play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Conserving
these resources helps preserve habitats, protect endangered species,
and maintain biodiversity, which are essential for a healthy and
thriving planet.
 Climate Change Mitigation: The extraction, production, and
consumption of resources often result in greenhouse gas emissions
and contribute to climate change. By conserving resources, we can
reduce the energy consumption and associated emissions, mitigating
the impact of climate change and working towards a more
sustainable future.
 Economic Stability: Earth's resources are the foundation of our
economies. Conserving resources helps ensure their availability for
industries and businesses in the long run, promoting economic
stability. It also encourages the development of sustainable practices,
green technologies, and renewable energy sources, which can create
new jobs and stimulate economic growth.
 Reduced Waste and Pollution: The extraction and disposal of
resources often generate waste and pollution, leading to
environmental degradation and health hazards. By conserving
resources, we minimize waste generation, promote recycling and
reuse, and reduce pollution, creating a cleaner and healthier
environment for all.
 Social Responsibility: Conserving Earth's resources is a matter of
social responsibility. It involves recognizing the interconnectedness
of all life on the planet and understanding that our actions can impact
others, both present and future generations. By conserving resources,
we demonstrate care for the well-being of humanity, foster equity,
and work towards a more just and sustainable world.

e. Fixing Skills
ACTIVITY 2: Let’s Conserve Our Natural Resources
I. Direction: Draw a if it shows importance to sustain Earth’s resources and if it is
not. Write your answer before the number.
__________1. Maintains ecological balance
__________2. Preserves natural resources.
__________3. May cause destruction of habitat.
__________4. It may result in a limited supply of natural resources.
__________5. May cause the drying up of bodies of water like lakes and river.
II. List down 5 simple ways you can do to conserve Earth’s resources.

f. Generalization
1. What is Conservation?
2. What are the different types of Earth’s Resources?
3. Why is it important to conserve the Earth’s Resources?

III. Evaluation
Directions: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer. Write it on one
(1) whole sheet of pad paper.
1. What is the primary cause of deforestation worldwide?
a) Mining activities
b) Urbanization
c) Agricultural expansion
d) Climate change
Answer: c) Agricultural expansion

2. Which of the following practices contributes to water conservation?

a) Leaving the tap running while brushing teeth
b) Taking long showers
c) Fixing leaky faucets promptly
d) Watering the lawn during the hottest part of the day
Answer: c) Fixing leaky faucets promptly

3. What is the purpose of recycling?

a) To reduce the need for new raw materials
b) To increase pollution levels
c) To deplete natural resources faster
d) To encourage waste generation
Answer: a) To reduce the need for new raw materials
4. Which of the following actions helps conserve energy in households?
a) Leaving lights on in empty rooms
b) Using energy-efficient appliances
c) Keeping windows open while using air conditioning
d) Using incandescent light bulbs
Answer: b) Using energy-efficient appliances

5. What is the term used to describe the wise and sustainable use of natural resources?
a) Preservation
b) Exploitation
c) Conservation
d) Extraction
Answer: c) Conservation

6. Which of the following is an example of a greenhouse gas?

a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Helium
Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

7. What is the process of turning waste materials into reusable materials called?
a) Incineration
b) Landfilling
c) Recycling
d) Extraction
Answer: c) Recycling

8. What is the primary purpose of biodiversity conservation?

a) Preserving rare and endangered species
b) Promoting invasive species
c) Maximizing resource extraction
d) Creating artificial ecosystems
Answer: a) Preserving rare and endangered species

9. What is the term used to describe the practice of using water efficiently to avoid waste?
a) Water pollution
b) Water conservation
c) Water extraction
d) Water overuse
Answer: b) Water conservation

10. What is the main cause of coral reef degradation?

a) Climate change
b) Coral mining
c) Overfishing
d) Pollution
Answer: a) Climate change

11. What is the term used to describe the total amount of water on Earth available for
human use?
a) Groundwater
b) Surface water
c) Freshwater
d) Water cycle
Answer: c) Freshwater

12. Which of the following is a strategy for reducing energy consumption in buildings?
a) Installing energy-efficient windows
b) Keeping lights on when not in use
c) Using old, inefficient appliances
d) Setting the thermostat to a constant high temperature
Answer: a) Installing energy-efficient windows

13. Which of the following does NOT show the proper way of conserving natural
a) Illegal logging
b) Proper waste disposal
c) Use of 3r’s
d) Using of organic fertilizer
Answer: a) Illegal logging

14. Your community is rich in mineral resources. Which of the following should the
community undertake in order to conserve such precious mineral deposits?
a) Use all of it to earn money
b) Put up tunnels to harvest all metallic minerals
c) Formulate laws and ordinances to regulate the mining of minerals.
d) Use dynamites to clear out the mountains and reveal the mineral deposits.
Answer: c) Formulate laws and ordinances to regulate the mining of minerals.

IV. Assignment

ESSAY: Give at least 2 to 3 sentences in every question. Write it on one (1) whole
sheet of pad paper. (30 points)

• What are the main challenges and obstacles in conserving Earth's resources,
and how can they be overcome?
• Discuss the role of government policies and regulations in promoting the
conservation of Earth's resources.
• Explain the importance of public awareness and education in fostering a
culture of resource conservation.
Analytical Rubric Example
Excellent (30) Good (20) Satisfactory (15) Needs
Idea Explanation Thoroughly Ideas explained Ideas somewhat Little or no
explained ideas explained explanation of
Coherency Extremely coherent Coherent writing Somewhat coherent Lacks coherency
Grammar Few errors Some errors Many errors Many errors that
hurt the

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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