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Part A:

The two characteristic symptoms used to diagnose schizophrenia are hallucinations of the
senses such as vision and smell and the change in behavior.Schizophrenia most notable
symptom is the hallucinations of the senses which tend to make the patients visualize and smell
things that are not currently present.The other symptom of schizophrenia is radical change in
the behavior where the patient tend to behave strangely in some form of paranoia where they
feel as though they are being hunted/chased after by someone/thing.Hallucinations and change
in behavior are the most common symptoms of schizophrenia there are many more which
develop into specialized cases such as hearing voices to do abnormal tasks.

A research finding that supports a genetic basis for schizophrenia is the study which overlooked
all demographics of schizophrenia patients.The study indicated that schizophrenia is more
prevalent for males and between family members.Schizophrenia is most common on the male
chromosome and than female as more than 60% of the cases of schizophrenia cases are from
males.The study also included how schizophrenia was common between family members as
the offspring of a patient could have a high chance of being passed schizophrenia as there was
a correlation of many family members being schizophrenic.

Brain imaging can be used to understand schizophrenia as schizophrenia is a brain disorder

and processes such as a MRI and Pet scan and be used to find schizophrenia.The process of
brain imaging can be used to look at how the brain is functioning and the overall structure of the
brain.The brain of a schizophrenic patient is vastly different from how a regular brain
functions.This allows MRI and PET scan machines to check the brains of the patients and spot
the differences between the schizophrenic brain and the regular and find how schizophrenia
really affects the brain.

The two key characteristics of DID that differentiates from schizophrenia are multiple
personalities and severe anxiety.Patients of DID have multiple personalities that make them act
strangely while schizophrenic patients usually act strangely due to paranoia.Patients of DID also
have severe anxiety or other issues such as depression because of their different
personalities.Schizopheric patients can be confused for DID because of the similarity of patients
with strange behavior but they both have different causes.

Part B:

Humanistic approach to schizophrenia treatment would be a great complement with the use of
antipsychotic medication.Humanistic therapy uses techniques such as active listening and good
recall questioning that makes the patient feel more comfortable and finds the true problems
through focus.A schizophrenic patient would feel more comfortable with their condition and
more likely to use the medication with the complement of humanistic therapy.

Group therapy approach to schizophrenia would complement the use of antipsychotic

medication for schizophrenic patients.Group therapy is where a group of people suffering from
the same conditions are sitting together and being consulted from a therapist,this method helps
the patients realize they aren’t alone and makes them more open about their
condition.Schizophrenic patient would be more open about their condition and accepting with
the thought of knowing that there are others such similar conditions.

Psychodynamic therapy would complement the use of antipsychotic medication for

schizophrenic patients.Psychodynamic therapy is traditional therapy where the patient opens
up about their problems to a therapist that helps them find a solution and make them feel overall
better about them.A schizophrenic patients can feel much better about their condition which
talking to a trained professional about their problems making them respond better to their

FRQ 2:

The research method used by Dr.Franklin was a survey and a correlational study.Correlational
research is a method of research that determines the relationship between two variables.In this
scenario Dr.Franklin was attempting to determine the correlation between stress and absences
among female school athletes thought the use of a survey.

The two key variables of the experiment were stress variables and absences during the past 6
months.Independent variable is a variable that the researcher manipulates to find the effect of
another variable called the dependent variable.In this correlational study Dr.Franklin was trying
to find how stress(the independent variable) affects the athlete absences(dependent variable)
through a survey.

Dr.Franklin appropriate ethical features of this study is that no harm was done to any of the
participants.The participants were also debriefed as they had to take a survey of their stress
level.The one inappropriate ethical feature of this study was there was no consent given to the
participants as they were called by the principal to partake in the study without any way to opt

One statistical technique that Dr.Franklin used would be correlational data as he graphed the
chart of correlation of stress and absences.Correlational data is statistical graphing of the size
and direction of a relationship between two or more variables to come towards a
conclusion.Two aspects that weaken is that all the participants were females and school
athletes this creates a bias in data that can only be credible for specific instances such as
finding the effect of absences from stress on females under a certain age.

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