Annotated Bibliography

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Why school should start later

Annotated Bibliography
Ap Lang B3


Walker, Tim. “Later School Start Times More Popular, but What Are the
Drawbacks?” NEA,

This article talks about how children do not get enough sleep because of
early school starting times which negatively impacts their mental and academic
wellness. The claim of this article is that if schools starts at a later time such as
8:30 then it fixes majority of the fallout of mental and academic wellness seen in
students.The article first showcases a research from a 2018 study which
compares 2 schools that delayed their school starting time and then compared
the results from before and after delaying their starting time which resulted in
delayed school starting time to get 4.5% higher academic scores and an
average of 34 extra minutes of sleep for students.The article also does an
overall survey with parents,adults and teachers to see how much of the
population would like to change school timing which showcased that majority of
the population would change school to start later on.

This source is an article written by the national education association

which is a primary source because the website is a popular choice for educators
and students to get information about education.The source is very credible as
it links to studies and resources used to showcase the benefits of later
schooling.This source can be used in an argument paper in many different ways
first as a source that showcases the academic benefits of later schooling and
secondly how majority of people will prefer the transitions and easily adapt to
later schooling.In conclusion this source can be very useful in a final paper as
the article is very credible and can be used to argue multiple points for the
benefit of later schooling.


Anayat, Durrani.“4 Benefits of Later School Start Times | K-12 Schools-” US


This article talks about the multiple benefits of having delayed school
starting times.The author is claiming that when school starts later it will result in
better academic performances and ensure safety for the community.The article
first showcases a research about how students get a increase in academic
scores with the average of 2% points in math and 1.5% points in English
increased when the school starting time is delayed by an hour due to students
getting more sleep.The article also mentions studies about how car crash rates
drop significantly due to delayed school time because traffic is lowered and the
increase in better drivers as more high school drivers are well rested.
This source is an article written by us news which makes this a secondary
source because the us news doesn’t have any educational ties.The source is
credible as it uses multiple studies and research to why having delayed school
starting time is a positive change for education and safety as a whole.This
source can be used in an argument paper for delayed school starting time in
many different ways first as a source that showcase the academic benefits and
secondly for the of reduced risk of car accidents and injuries because of
delayed schooling.In conclusion this source can be very useful in a final paper
as the article is credible and shines light to unique benefits of delayed schooling
such as reduced car injury risk which can bring a new perspective towards an
argumentative paper for delayed schooling.


Sparks, Sarah D. “Later School Start Times Could Help Teachers, Too.”
Education Week, Education Week, 29 Nov. 2022,

This article talks about how later school time greatly helps student sleep
schedules making them more alert in classes and also help teachers as well.The
author is making the claim that delaying school starting time will help teachers
with their sleep schedule and increase their morale for teaching.The article first
shows a study where over 50,000 high school teachers in California were over
75% of teachers responded with having trouble sleeping or lack of sleep due to
their work times.The article also lists research showcasing the negative effects
of adults not sleeping and being sleep deprived which the article then connects
it to teachers not getting sleeping thus harming their health because of early
school starting times.

This source is an article written by education week which makes this a

primary source as education week is a blog section strictly meant for educators
dealing with school and education related information.The source is credible as
it uses valid studies to showcase teachers having trouble with their sleep
because of the early school starting time similarly like the students.This source
can be used in an argument paper to showcase how delaying school starting
times can have a positive effect on both students and teachers making school a
much better learning environment.In conclusion this source can be very useful
in a final paper as the article is credible and can be used to show that later
school starting times not only benefit the students but the teachers as well.


Patterson, Lan. “Why Schools Should Start Later.” The Somerville Times, 4
Jan. 2023,

This article talks about how students suffer because of their lack of sleep
due to early school start times.The author claims that because of early school
start times students are worse academically and physically as they don’t get
enough sleep to fully develop their body.The author first links an article that
showcase a study about how young teenagers can’t combat early school times
by sleeping early because their growth hormones suppresses melatonin
production making it harder for them to sleep before 11 meaning they will not
be able to get a full night of sleep need to fully develop.The author also links a
study showcasing how the average teenager need about 9-10 hours of sleep
and only get about an average of 7.1 hours of sleep per night because of early
school starting times.

This source is an article written by a teacher for the Somerville times,this

source is a primary source as it is written and expressed by a teacher who
experience the effects of early school starting times.The source is credible
because the author uses different articles and studies to back up his point of
early school ruining students' development.This source can be used in an
argument paper to showcase how early school starting times are ruining the
development of young teenagers.In conclusion this source can be very helpful
in a final paper as the article is credible and can be used to show that early
school time is hurting the development of teenagers which can have lasting
effects long after school.

Otman, Haley. “Despite Health and Learning Benefits, Half of Parents

against Later School Start Times.” [Home], 2017,

This article talks about how parents in the Michigan area are ignorant of
the effect of proper sleep for students and how important sleep is for
developing teens.The author claims that developing teenagers need as much
sleep as they can get and typical teenagers cardiac rhythms lasts more than
the 24 hours making it harder for them to sleep earlier and that matched up
with waking up early to go to school makes it so teenagers are lacking sleep
needed to develop.The article also lists about a survey research where it
showed there was a 50-50 opinion split with parents about school starting time
with about 51% of parents preferred school a later time and about 49% of
parents preferred not changing school starting period showcasing that majority
of parents being unaware of the benefits of later schooling.

This source is an article written by Michigan university by their medical

department,this article is a primary source because it is written by an
established University which is a known researcher of medicine and health.The
article is credible as Michigan is very credible for medical and educational
information.This source can be used in an argument paper to showcase how
early school starting times are ruining the development of young teenagers and
to convince parents to open their minds to the option of delaying school
starting time.In conclusion this source can be very helpful in a final paper as the
article is credible and can be used to show that early school time is hurting the
development of teenagers and to showcase how many parents are unaware of
the benefits of later school starting times.

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