Placement Test 8th - 2023

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Escuela República del Perú

Subject: English
Grade: 7th
Teacher: Miguel Sobarzo –

English Placement Test: 8ºA

7th Grade A: 2023

Class: Score: ___/ ___ points
 Objetive: to demonstrate knowledge about essential content studied in 2022 term.
 Content: The Present Continuous – Wh-questions
 Direction: Quiz must be finished in class, within 50 minutes.
Quiz must be answered in ENGLISH, Spanish answers are invalid.

Item I: Multiple-choice: Present Continuous

Circle to complete these 6 sentences to score your knowledge. (1 point each)

1. I am playing video games and my 2. My brothers _____________ (play)

mom outside in the street.
ater) the plants. a) are not playing
b) is playing
a) are watering c) am playing
b) is watering
c) am watering

3. Mark, what’s that noise? What 4. The kids ________________(work)

are______________? on an experiment.
a) you doing a) is working
b) he going b) am working
c) are doing c) are working

5. ________________listening? 6. _______________________now?
a) Who you are a) Is he reading
b) What are you b) Is they reading
c) What you are c) Are she reading

Score: ______/ 6 pts.

Item II: Multiple-choice: Wh-questions

1. (A) _________ do you live? 2. (A) _________do cows eat?

(B) I live in San Bernardo. (B) They eat grass.

a) How a) Who
b) Where b) Where
c) Who c) What

3. (A) _________ does Michael get to 4. A) _________is your name?

work? (B) My name is Michael.
(B) He drives to work.
a) Why
a) Who b) What
b) Where c) How
c) How
5. (A) _________ is that? 7. (A) _________did you stay
(B) It is a butterfly. home?
(B) I felt sick.
a) Where
b) What a) Why
c) Who b) How
c) Who

6. (A) _________is my cell phone? 8. (A) _________are your bags?

(B) I think it’s on the table. (B) They are over there.
a) Who a) Who
b) Where b) Where
c) How c) How
9. (A) __________ are you today? 10. (A) ________When can I star to work?
(B) I’m fine, thanks (B) You can start now.

a) Who a) Who
b) Where b) When
c) How c) How

Score: ______/ 10 pts

Item III: Complete the Chart

Direction 1:
Complete the charts with the correct answers, using the present continuous.
(1 point each)
Subject Verb to be Verb ING Spanish verbs
am (do)
are (say)
WE (make)
THEY (go)
HE (work)
is (call)
IT (use)

Score: ______/ 14 pts.

Item IV: Writing Down 1

Direction 1:
Translate the following sentences using the present continuous. (2 point each)
1. Yo estoy jugando con mi computador.


2. Mi mamá está durmiendo .

3. Ella está llamando a su mamá.


Score: ____/ 6 pts.

Item V: Writing Down 2

Item V: Writing Down the affirmative form. (+)

Direction 1:
Complete the following sentences with the present continuous. (2 points each)

1. My sister ________ ________________(watch) TV in the living room.

2. My friends _________ ______________ (play) tennis now.

3. My husband _______ ____________ (work) in the yard.

4. I ________ __________ (wait) for the bus.

5. Kelly is very tired. She _______ __________ (sleep) in her bedroom now.

Score: ____/ 10 pts.

Item V: Writing Down the question form. (?)

Direction 1:
Complete the following sentences with the present continuous. (2 points each)

1. Where _________you __________ Italian? (learn).

2. __________he ____________? (smoke)

3. ___________ the computer____________ the data? (process).

4. ____________they___________ their promise? (keep)

5. ______________the kids ____________ outside? (play)

6. Why ________ they ___________ in the rain? (run)

7. What movie __________ Mindy and Peter _____________(go) to see?

Score: ____/ 14 pts.

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