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ke The Baby Party by F Scott gerald Utes Ane ad a nce rag coun Seah Tek snes vc inat fs aer e e o Is ace tng nso hn er tigen Telrad smc he “ne cl hts cep ocane Imiowal wt cots nsf dy Tease py hn ad ae of sono Se ef ge ln yi ita ge si poy he chee nha a nt fe Ee ings ts gles Sel ccnp stern vee ih hs ns a an ihr nana a typi cot wy mbendcecn aio be ea gen accumu eva te im ne pce youth chit iti Heid en pa an Suc hagtsinny pach erent Hg a Rag ne ane darter ese, Are hee wy te cd ed Ne eee et ho hn bn md on Say sft ‘Shut dap se neem Tpke. oer oe LSE aenteaa 16 | The Baty Por up the ace of spate’, he al made asene that had reduced his wife to tears. This was absurd and John was ashamed of himself It was ‘inevitable cha such things would happen, and i was imple thar ile Bde should spend all her indoor hours in the nursery “upstairs when she was becoming, as her mother said, more neatly ‘real person’ everyday ‘She was two and a half and this afternoon, for instance, she was going to 2 baby pary. Grown-up Fath, her mother, had telephoned the information to the office, and litle Ede had ‘confirmed the busines by shouting ‘yam going to a pasty" into John’s unsaspecting left ca ‘Drop nat the Mackeys' when youget home, won't you, dear? resume! her mother. ‘el be funny. Ede’ going to be all dressed upin her new pink dress ~" ‘The conversation terminated abruptly with a squawk® which ‘dicated thatthe telephone had heen pulled violently «0 the floor. Joka. laughed and decided to get an early tain outs the prospect of baby party in someone eles house amused him "What a peach of a mess! e thought humorously.‘ dozen mothers and each one looking at nothing but hee own ebil Al the babies breaking things and grabbing atthe cake, and exch mama going home thinking about the subtle superiority of her own child to every other child thee. “He was in a good humour today ~all the things in hie life ‘were going better than they had ever gone before. When he gor off the train at hisseation he shook is head a an imporrunat taxi man, and began co walk up che long bl coward his house through the crisp December twilight!” Te was only sx clock bur the moon was our, shining with proud brilliance on the thin sugary snow thar lay over the lawns 9 scan one he ape ac af cad gue, he inher romer a nga 10 laatgheae hes 1 re nap We apf wel 12 fa cng at owt tnd oe ey 1B Sgt eng ses Bape ok The Baby Pars | 77 As he waked slong ding his ngs fl of ca ie hi happiness icresed and the Hea of «baby ray apeaed to him more and move. He bean 10 wander how Be compared coother children of her own ae, and if the pink dees she was to wear ws something radial and mat. Ieressing hi oit™ hecame insight hiro owe, where the ight ofa dence, Griemar eel blowemed i the window, but he continued cn past the walk The prey was a the Markey next dor "Ashe mounted the hick sep and rang the bl he became aware of oie, and he ws gla he wn to ate. Then iad his head and lated =the vices were no chiens ‘ices, ht they were lo and ptched high with ange: hee ‘rere a Tea hte of hem and one, which owe ase irene 0 ‘hye so he renee inmeditly hie “There'sbeen te trouble he though quickly Trying the door he fund it unlocked on pate open The baby party started at half past four, but Eth Andros, calcolating shrewdly chat the new dress would stand out more sensationally against vestments” already tumple!™, planned the snrival of herself and line Ede fr five. When they appeared it was already a flourishing” alfa Four haby gels and nine baby bos, each one curled and washed and dresed with all the care ‘of a proud and jealous heart, were dancing to the music of ‘phonograph, Never more than two or three were dancing at ‘once, but asl were continually in motion running to and from their mothers for encouragement, the general effect was the As Edith and her daughter entered the music was temporarily drowned ou byasusained chorss, consisting agey ofthe word cute and directed toward litle Ede, who stood looking timidly 1 ewe dace la 15 US eyuhacen once aor 16 tenuladevtenonene cro) 1 format cschenrmirwomey ape 18 saree em 1 meow 2 aja anon 1 Sec wna ondear whe 8 | The Baby Pry about and fingering the edges of her pink dress. She was not kissed this isthe sanitary age but she was passed along arow of mamas each one of whom said ‘cu-s-ute! ro her and beld her pink litle hand before pasing heron to the next. After some ‘encouragement and afew mill pushes she was absorbed into the ‘dance, and became an ative member of the parry. dich stood near the door talking ro Mis Markey, and keeping an eye on the tiny igure inthe pink dress. She did not care for Mrs Markey, she considered her both snippy® and common, ‘but John and Joe Markey were congenial and went in together ‘on the commuting tui every morning, so the rwo women kept tp an elaborate pretence of warm arity". They were aways reproaching each other for ‘noe coming to see me’, and they ‘were aways planning the kind of partes that Bega with ‘You hhaveto come todinner with us soon, and we'll goto the cheat, but never matured farther “Lie Ede looks perfectly dating”, sid Mes Markey smiling and moistening her lips in 9 way char Edith found particulaely repulsive. So grown-yp~ Lean bavi" Edith wondered if ile Ede’ refered to the fat that Billy Markey, though several months younger, weighed almost five ‘pounds more. Accepting a cup of rea she took a sear with 140 ‘other ladies on a divan and launched into the real business fof the afternoon, which of course lay in relating the recent sccomplishments and insouciances* of her child ‘An hour pased. Dancing palled and the babies took 10 sremer port. They ran into the dining-coom, rounded the big table, ancl essayed™ the kitchen door from which they were rescued by an expeditionary force of mothers. Having been 2 te amy lig ele en ere ee ed 18 emetic anigs eo pe tare 1 Siang nylon om lon al ae 3 Gendy denn conyers reais pny merce poe ofl 3 vopmnve pooh sho sc nwa neta tance “TheBaby Pony | 19 rounded up* they immediatly broke loose, and rushing back to the dining zoom tied the fall swinging door again. The word ‘overhested bogan tobe used, and small white brows were dried with small white handkerchieis. A general atempe t0 make the babies sit down began, bur the babies squirmed off laps with peremptory cries of Down! Down” and the rash into ‘the fascinating dining-room began anew. "This phase of the party came to an end with the arrival of refreshments, a lange cake with two candles, and saucers of vanilla icecream Billy Markey, a stout laughing baby with red haie and legs somewhar bowed", blew out the candles, and placed an. experimental thumb on'the white frosting”. The refreshments were distributed, and the chilren ate, greedily ‘but without confusion = they had behaved remarkably well, all afternoon. They were meder babies who ate and slept at regular hours, so their dspostions* were good, and their faces, healthy and pink ~ such a peacefl party would noe have been posible thirty years ago. After the refreshments gradual exodus began, Edith slanced anxiously her watch ~ twas almost six, and John had ‘notated. She wanted him to se Ede with the other children = to ce how dignified and polite and intelligent she wat and hhow che only ice-cream spor on her dress wes some that had roped from her chin when she was ogale fom behind, “You're a darling,’ she whispered to her ehild, drawing” her suddenly against her knee. ‘Do you know you're a darling? Do you kaw you're adarling” 22 gl mah par eer pth 29 fal eng eae rey mine ae aco 3 GS emes ly fm te el a Sta mma nse tone pe 27 lam of pce ner he meine 238 Tvl noe dee iene memes 2 phn dente eit mone sane 80 | They Pay Ede laughed. ‘Bow-weow she said suddenly. "Bow-wow? Edith looked around. “There isnt any bow ow "Bow-wow? repeated Bde ‘I want a how-wow” Edith followed the small pointing finge. “That isn't a how-wou, dearest, thar’s a teddy-bear? Beat? “Yes, chat’ a redy-bear, and it belongs to Billy Markey. You done want Billy Markey’ teddy-bear, do you? Ede did want i ‘Shebroke say from her motherandapproached Billy Marky, who held the toy closely in his arms. Ede stood regarding him with inscrutable eyes, and Billy laughed. Grown-up Edith looked at her watch again, this time impatiently. "The party had dwindled uni, besdes Ede and Billy, chere were only two babies remaining ~and one ofthe two remained ‘only by virtue of” having hidden himself under the dining-r0om table, Iwas selfish of John not 0 come. showed so lite pide in the child. Other fares had come, balf a dozen of them, to call fr their wives, and they had stayed for awhile and looked “There was a sudden vail Ee had obtained Billys edy-beat by pling forcibly from his arms, and on Billys atterapt co recover tse had pashod him casually ro the floor “Why, Ede” cried her mother, repressing an inclination 10 laugh. Joe Markey, a handsome, broad-shouldered man ofthirey-fivey picked up bis son and se him on his fet. You're a fine fellow’ hh sid jovaly. ‘Ler agi knock you over! You're afin fellow? "Did he bump his head?” Mas Markey returned anxiowsy from bowing! the next to lst remaining mother out of the door ‘No-o-o-y' exclaimed Markey. He bumped something ese, dlda't you Billy? He buraped something else 16 tes deg ly chien wen ing echo {2 Kee nly erie cnr et ne ul io thing emie Hoe sion ‘TheBoly Pary | 81 Billy hadsofar forgotten the bump that he was already making fn arcempt to recover his property: He seized a ley of the hear hich projected from Ede'senveloping arms and tugged ati it without success, "Noy sad Ede emphatically, Suddenly, encouraged by che success of het former halt scvidental manoeuvre, Eile dropped the tedy-bear, placed her bands om Billy's shoulders and pushed him hackward off his feet. ‘This time he landed less hormlesly; his head hit the bare flor just off the rug with a dall hollow sound, whereupon he slew in his breath® and delivered an agonized yel: [Immediately the oom was in confison, With an exclamation Markey hurtied to his son, but his wife was fist ta reach the Injured baby and catch him up into her arms “Oh, Billy’ she cried, ‘what a terrible bump! She ought to be spanked, Edith, who had rushed immediately eo her daughter, heard this remark, and het lie came sharply together "Why, Eide’ she whispered perfunctory, "you bad gl! Ede pur back her litle head suddenly and laughed. It was a loud laugh, triumphant laugh with victory i it and challenge and contempt. Unfortunately ie was also an infectious laughs Before her mother realize the delicacy ofthe situation, she too had laughed, an audible distinct langh not unlike the baby’s, and partaking of” the same overzanes ‘Then, as suddenly, she stopped. Mas Matkey’s face had grown red with anger, and Mackey, wwho had been feeling the back of the baby’s head with one finger, looked ar her, owning, “Its swollen already’ he said with a note of repro in his voice‘ ge some witch-havcl" 45 ha rw i ke ho at te 4 npdaria ons sone ane ds But Mrs Markey had lost her temper.“ don't see anything funny about a child being hurt!” she sid ina trembling voice LitleEdemeanhilehadbeen lokingather mother curiously. ‘She nored thae her own laugh had preduced her mother’s and she wondered ifthe same cause would always produce the same effect. So she chose this moment to throw back her head and laugh agin ‘To her mother the addtional mirth® odded the final touch of hysteria co the situation. Pressing her handkerchief to her ‘mouth she giggled irepresbly. It was more than nesvousnese ~ she fle that ina peculiar way she was laughing with her child they were laughing together {owas ina way a defiance ~ those wo agains the world, While Markey rushed upstairs co the bathroom fr ointment, Is wife was walking up and down rocking the yelling boy in het “Please go home!” she beoke out sufenly ‘The chik’s badly ‘hur, and if you haven’ the decency ta he quiet, you'd better go home? "Vey well said Edith, hr ow temper ising. Tve never seen anyone make such a mountain out of ‘Get out! cred Mrs Markey fantcaly, There's the door, get ‘ut = I never want to see you in our house again. You or your brat either!" ith had taken her daughter's hand and was moving quickly towards the door, but a this remark she stopped! and turned around, her face contracting with indignation "Don't you dare call her that! Mrs Markey di not answer bur continued walking up and down, muttering to herself and to Billy in an inaudible voice. Edith began to ery "Twill get out! she sobbed, ‘'ve never heard anybody so nude and e-common in my life. Tm glad your baby did get pushed down —he' nothing bute ft lite fool anyhow? 59 may ey ay ae 51 tc gi ob eed Joe Markey reaches the fot ofthe stairs jus in time to ear this remark “Why, Mrs Andros’ sid sharply, ‘an’ you see the chills hare. You realy ought ro contro youre? “Control anys exclaimed Edith broken. "You better ak hier to c-conttol herself. 've never head anybody so c-common in my life” ‘Shes inslring me!" Mrs Markey was now livid with rage". “Did you hear what she said, Joe? [wish you'd pu her out Ifsbe ‘won't go just take herby the shoulders and "Dont you dare touch me!” cred Edith. quick as Lean find my e-coat” ‘Blind with tears she tole a step toward the hal, Ie was jus a this moment thatthe door opened and John Ancios walked sony in john!" cre! Eat, and led coir wildly ‘What the matte? Why, what’ the mater” ‘They're ~ they're pursing me out!" che wailed collapsing gains him. He'd jst started to take me by the shoulders and put me out. Lane my coe!” “That's not true’ objected Markey hurriedly. ‘Nobody’ going to put you out He tumed to Jol. "Nobodys going ro put you tout’ He tured to John, ‘Nobodys going to put hor cut,’ he repeated. She's” “What do you mean “put her out" demanded John abrupdy ‘What al his tall, anyhow” ‘Oh, lee’ go!” ried Edith. T wane to go. Theyre so common, John!" "Look here!" Markey face darkened, ‘You've said that about ‘enough. You're acting sort of erary? "They called Edea brat! For the second time tha afternoon tle Ee expresed emotion at an inopportune moment. Confused and frightened at the 52 pea thy ese ng 53 ay een ef so a BH | The Bay Por shouting voices, she began to ery and her tears had the elec of conveying that she flt che insult in her heart. "What's the ides of this!” broke out John. Do you insult your ‘gests in your own house?” Ie scems to me ifs your wife that done the insulting!” answered Markey crisply. "In foc, your aby there started all the recuble? John gave contemptuous snort ‘Are you calling names at 2 lve baby? he inquired. That a fine manly busines" "Don't tlk to him, John snssed Each, ‘Find my coat!” “You must be ina bad way went on John angrily, 'f you have ro takeout your temper on” aheples lite bab” never heard anything so damn’ ewisted” in my li Shoutedl Markey. I that wife of yours would shut her mouth for “Wait a minute! You're not calking to a woman and child "There wasan incidental nteruption. Edith had been fumbling fon a har for her coat, and Mrs Markey had been warching her with hot, angry eyes. Suddenly she laid Billy dwn. on the sofa, where he immesiately stopped crying and pulled himself Upright, and coming into the hall she quickly found Eith’s cose fad handed ito her without a word, Then se went back tothe sofa picked up Bll, and rocking him in her arms looked again ft Edith with hor, angry eyes. The incerruption had taker les ‘han halfa minute "Your wife comes in here ad begins shouting around about how common we ae, burst out Markey violently. "Well if we're 0 damn common, you'd beter stay avay! And what more, you'd better ger out now!” “Again, John give a shor, contempruous laugh 54 comming eae elidel 3 ian eat acme a 56 lr cto a Yon re, eel ben nyt 5 fl ig insted The Baby Pay | 85 "You're not only common, he rtumed,you'e evidently an ful bully ~ when there’ any helpless women and children around’ He fele fo the knob and swing the door open. ‘Come on, Edith.” king up her daughter in her arms his wife stepped outside and John, still looking contempraously at Markey, started t0 fallow. "Wait minute! Markey cokastep forward he was trembling slightly, and ewo large veins on his temples” were suddenly fll of blood. ‘You don‘ think you can gee away with tha, do you! With me” ‘Without a word John walked our the door, leaving it open. Edith sill weping, had stared forhome. Ate flloming her with his eyes uni she reached hee own walk, John turned back towards the lighted doorway where Markey was slowly coming down the slippery steps He toakaff his overcoat and hat, rss them off che path onto the snow. Then, sling a little on the teed walk, he tok 2 sep forward At the fst blow, they both slipped and fell heavily to the sidewalk half sing then, and again pled each other on the round. They found a beter foothold inthe thin snow to the side of the walk and rushed at each other, both swinging wildly and presing ou the snow into a pasty® mud undefoor. “Te street was deserted, and except for thee short ied gaps and the padded sound as one ot the other slipped down into the slshy* mud, they foughe in silence, cleerly defined to each ‘other by che fll mocalight as well as by the amber glow that shone out of the open door. Several vimes they both slipped «down together, an then fore while the conic chreshed about wildly on the lawn For ten ificen, twenty minutes they fought there senseless in the moonlight. They had both taken off coats and vests at some silently agreed upon interval and now thie shits dripped 58 eee vo ino hg mcone he antes berth eye 53 fhe ttn nerd ral ete paps key nt phn once tran ne 86 | The Raby Pony ie aie ern fom their backs in wet pulpy shred. Both were torn and bleeding and so exhausted that they could stand anly when by thee position they mutually supported each other ~the impact, the mee effort ofa blow, would se them both to their hands and knees, Bar It vas not weariness that ended the busines, and the very meaninglesiness ofthe fight as areaon for not stopping. ‘They stopped because once when they were staining at each ‘other onthe ground they head a man's footsteps coming along the sidewall. They had rolled somehow into the shadow, and when they head these foosteps they stopped fighting, stopped ‘moving topped breathing, ly huddled together like 10 boys playing Indian” until the footsteps had pase. Then, staggering to thie feet, they looked at each other like ewe drunken men. "TI be darnned if I'm going on with this ching any anor, cred Markey thickly, “Ym not going on any more either’ said John Andros, ve hnad enough ofthis thing” ‘Again they looked at each othe, sulkily this time, as if each suspected the other of urging him to a renewal of the fight. Markey spat out a mouthfl of blood from a cut lip; then he cursed softly and picking up his coat and ves, shook off the snow from them in a surprised way, a if cele comparative dampness was his only worry in the world ‘Want ro come in and wash up" he asked saddenly, "No, shanks, sid John, Tought tobe going home my wife the worried” He too picked wp his coot and vest and then his overcoat and hat. Soaking we and dipping with perspieation, sesemed absurd char les than half an hour ago he had been wearing all these clothes 1 pie gy guy cg 1 swt son you apy nyo watng lk were Restate pete 6 Usp ah wa yam psy yourtadean fe ‘The Baby any | 87 SSuckdenly they walked towards each other and shook hands. Ie ‘wan no perfunctory hand-shake: John Andros’ arm went around ‘Mackey’ shoulder, and he patted him sofly om the back for 8 Trae while “No harm done! he said broken! “No= you? "No, no harm done "Well ad John Ants after a minute, "Tues! TU say god night “Lamping slightly and with his cloches over is arm, Joba ‘Anuloe cured away. The mooolight wassil bright ashe left the {krk parc of trampled ground and walked over the intervening Tawa, Down atthe station, half mile away, he could ea the ‘tumble of the seven o'clock ran “Bur you must have been crag cried Edith brokenly.‘T houshe you were going to fix? it all up there and shake ands. Thats ‘why T went away” "Did you want us tof ie up? “Of coure not, never want to see them again. But I thought ‘ofcoue that was what you were going todo. She was touching the bruises on hisneck and back with iodine ashe sat placily fnva hor bath, ‘Tm going to get the doctor she said insistent ‘You may be hurt internally He shook his head Nota chance, he answered." don’t want thistogetall over the town. “Tdon't understand yet how it all appenes” ‘Neither do’ Fle smiled real 'T gues these baby parties are prety rough afar? “Well ome thing ~" suggested Faith hopefully ‘'m certainly dad we have Beef steak in the house fo tomorrows dinner. "Why! nue se oom asst tik ey oe tonne a me 88 | The Baby Party “For your eye, of course, Do you know I came within an ace ‘of ordering veal? Was that the luckiest ching” Lal an hour lates, dressed excepr that his neck would accommedate” no ella, John moved his limbs experimentally before the gla‘ believe Ml gee myself i better shapes be said though. must be getting ol "You mean so that next rime you can beat hin” "Tad beat his, he announced. ‘At least eat him as much she bear me. And there isn goingr bea next time, Don't you bealling people common any moze. Ifyou get in any trouble, ‘ou just take your coat and go home, Understand?” “Yes dea she said meekly. ‘I was very foolsh and now 1 vuderstand ‘Out in th hal, he paused abruptly by the baby’s door “Isshe asleep” “Sound asleep, Bur you can goin and peek ater — just 0 say good night” "They diptoed in and bent together over the bed. Lite Fede, her chesks flushed with health her pink hands clasped tosether, was sleeping soundly in the cool, dark room, Joho Teached over the railing of the bed and passed his hand lightly ‘over the sien" hit “She's asleep’ he marmared in 9 pusled way ‘Naturally, afer such an afternoon.” ‘Mie Arideas’ the coloured” maid’ stage whisper floated in from the hall. Mr and Miz Markey downstairs an’ want to see you Mr Maskey he ll eut up in pieces, mam. His face lok Tike a rons bet. An’ Mis Markey she pear mighty mad 11 paw ne whine meting ney stg is 1. promles plce 0m forme 11 pe ade Shing 7 wel) 3 ai ete ie fe Hak ‘einen key man eh ‘The faly Pay | wT | “Why, what incomparable nerve®” exclaimed Eich, Just cll them we’ not home. I woulda’ go down for anything in the sword "You most ceresinly wil! John’s voice was hard and set. What?” "Youll go down right now, and, what’ more, whatever that ‘other woman does, you'll apologize for what you ssid this aftemoon. After that you don't ever have to we her again’ "Why Joho, lean.” "You've got to. Anat just remember that she probably hated to come over hetervice ax much a you hate to go downstairs?” “Aren't you coming! Do Ihave to go alone?” “Tithe down in just a minute John nidros waited uni she ha closed dhe door behind hers then he reached over to the hed and picking up his daughtes, blankets and all, sat down in the tocking-chair holding her tightly in his arms. She moved a litle, and he held is breath, Tut she was sleeping soundly, and in a moment she was resting quietly in the hollow of his elbow. Slowly he bent his bes ttl ie cheek was against er bright aie. ‘Dear liele gl’ he whispered, ‘Dear litle gil, deat lil gel” John Andros knew at length what i¢ was he foughe (or so savagely that evening. He had it now, he possesed it forever, and for sme time he sat there rocking very slowly to and froin the darknes. 6 nde ie aly soe yc he mab cthr cle ror shaping ct ool el {1 neon ay hr methane ts am 90 | The Bay Poy Post-reading exercises ‘Understanding the story 1 Use there questions help you chick that you have understood she ston. Jn 1 Whee doo John wore Where dows e lve? 2. What arpens every afternoon at thee oclock? 5. Hw old ihn? What hari ben ike! What iit ike now? 4 How does he el tout his dashter™ 5 Where the bby pry song to Be 6 What eine year tit 1 What dos cin hear ase approaches the Markey howe? The far ‘Why does Eth decide otk Fer he pay a ve eck? How many tae area the party? ‘Whi do Eh rd Ms Macey rte to ke each ther ‘What do he culen do when they ve ished anc ‘When do mo pens begin to leave he party? ow many chien se there tthe end tte acy? ‘Why docs Ee ph Billy? Why dows heey? ‘Why you think Eh laughs! ‘Why doce Mrs Marky tll Eth eave? What does Mis Make cal Ee? How dees Eh ect? “Why Jon angry? Why J ange Aft pars 19 Whi does John Inve the doe apes whe he leaves the Markey? hou! 20. Wheve des the fhe take pace! Why do the men top hing? 21 What the men do bef hey lene exch ther” 22 Dees John think he won the Bake 23, What des oh ell ah to do inthe ore! 24 What are Join al Eich dong when the Markey ave? 25. What doesn ell Eh she sus do? 2 Why docs’ John go dows with hs wie The Baby Pay | 91

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