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AKTET ISSN 2073-2244

Journal of Institute Alb-Shkenca

Revistë Shkencore e Institutit Alb-Shkenca Copyright © Institute Alb-Shkenca



AKTET VI, 3: 307-312, 2013

Albanian League of Prizren was an organization of all the Albanians that aimed to realize the Albanian National
Renaissance program: protecting the country's territorial integrity and the creation of Albanian national state. Its
activity was developed in very complicated political circumstances, because against the Albanians were the Ottoman
Empire and sultanists clerical circles. The fact that in Albania's political life operated a sultanists trend, that were
against the idea of an Albanian vilayet open the debate if the League of Prizren is an Albanian national league or an
Islamic league. All enemies of League, especially the Balkan monarchies and Tsarist Russia, used press at the time to
set the League of Prizren as an Islamic organization created by the Porte. League wasn’t Islamic even though its
leaders not declared war on the Porte at the time when PanChristianity demanded partition and occupation of the
Albanian territories.
Key words: League of Prizren, character, interpretations, activity

INTRODUCTION gap between assessment that the League of

Eastern crisis in the ‘70s of the 19 century Prizren is a national creation and assessment that
induced a risk for the Albanian nation. This crisis the League of Prizren is a creature in favor of
was provoked by Tsarist Russia, because its Turkish, even Islamic of Kahrar-name (Decisions
expansionist intentions aimed to dominate in the Act).
Balkan Peninsula, to penetrate in Mediterranean It’s unclear, at what point the Ottoman
Sea. After the victory of Russian arms, the Government has participated in the creation of
Albanian political forces were convinced that the League of Prizren. Often, it’s claimed that the
their lands would be divided between the Balkan League had been called by Shkodra’s vali, Hysen
monarchies, Russia's ally, after it was secede Pasha, instructed by the Sublime Porte. Probably
from the Ottoman Empire. So, in spring 1878, one the Ottoman government has encouraged recent
of the main issues had been the formation of the events in Prizren, we can accept that the
League, in which, the radical patriots and the creation of the League was convenient for the
moderate circles was defended its national Sublime Porte and was received with kindness,
character. and even financed by it, but isn’t enough:
League of Prizren was the creation of Albanians, a) memorandum that the League of Prizren sent
regardless, that often, it has been discussed, that to Lord Bikonsfild, leader of the British
in the first meetings of the Assembly of Prizren delegation at the Congress of Berlin, that
dominated sultanist delegates. Although has was written: “Albania wouldn’t be
been finely analysis about the character of the represented by the Ottoman government in
League, the report of political forces in the
Parliament or the ideological war motive 74
Bartl, Peter (2006), Albanian Muslims in the motion
developed within the Assembly, is deepened the for national independence, 1878 – 1912, p.145
Idem, p. 146

Berlin; Albanians have their national the Porte, for three years. This reality was
character “; possible only because the League was set up,
b) discourse held by Abdul Frasheri, Tuscany’s from the beginning, to June 15, 1878, on solid
delegate (Janina vilayet) on the first day of national foundations, which proves not only the
the Parliament, who, among others, said: League’s protests against the decisions of
“Intention of this meeting is to stop wild Albanian territories separation, but especially,
enemies by vowing to protect our lands that the autonomist program of the League of Prizren
we have inherited by our grandmothers and adopted on the same day, June 15, 1878.
great-grandfather”; Many foreign observers passed the Albanian
c) two petitions drafted in Parliament (one for territories in the 70s - 80s of the 19 century,
the Congress of Berlin and the other for the which can be called "eyewitnesses" of the
Sublime Porte) signed by four thousand Albanian events of that time. From this observers
people, by Muslim and Catholic together; group, can be distinguish five foreign observers,
d) the Assembly's decision to create the army of all independent of their governments' policies,
League, which would be formed with and supporting the thesis that the League had a
Albanian volunteer, independently by the national - patriotic character.
Sublime Porte; The American traveler, A. Mayhev, who visited
e) or the last decision of Assembly, which was Albania in 1880, wrote: "League is a purely
related to the political and legal equality of patriotic organization, which was composed by
all Albanians, regardless of their religious; Albanian of all levels". Mayhev noted that
to demonstrate the national and patriotic "League had secured in Albania and not from the
character of the League? Ottoman Empire the manpower and financial
Regarding the League’s program, an important resources; Five months later, the League
notice gives the Italian consul in Shkodra, Berio, dismissed every conspiracy and, already, it’s an
who possessed the text of the resolution that had accomplished fait its revolt against the Ottoman
approved the General Assembly, on July 2, yoke.”
1878, where, among other, was said: “League is The French scholar J. Carlus, who visited Albania
absolutely independent by the Porte. League has in the fall of 1880, claims with conviction that:
been formed to strengthen the nationality and "The League of Prizren was intended to refuse
the integrity of our country.” the partition of the Albanian lands in favor of
neighbor monarchies and to win the political
Is the League of Prizren a patriotic – national autonomy of the country. For this, proves the
League? proclamation of the Central Committee of the
League of Prizren represents a political, military League, in which it said that its further intent was
organization, even pan-state, which, was faced to create the Albanian national state."
with the intentions of the Balkan monarchies, The British traveler V. Chirol, who visited Albania
anti Albanian decisions of the Sublime in September 1880, expressed: "The current
Porte and the hostile position of the sultan and disturbances in Albania aren’t spontaneous. They
have their roots in the virtue of patriotism of the
Albanians, which has inspired them to revolt
Idem against the Great Powers and the Sublime Porte.”
Belegu, Xhafer (1939), League of Prizren, p. 20 85
Frasheri, Kristo (1989), League of Prizren 1878 –
The Italian-Albanian political personality Pietro
1881, p. 184
Idem, p. 185
Chiara, who, after visiting the territories where
81 83
Idem, p.201 Frasheri, Kristo cit. p. 10
82 84
Hadri, Ali (1979), The historical importance of Idem, p. 11
Albanian League of Prizren (1878-1881) p. 141-142 Idem

308 AKTET Vol. VI, Nr 3, 2013


the League operated, from Preveza to Shkoder, "Government will not interfere in the League’s
without going to the center of this League, affairs. Our League, also, will not interfere in the
summed up his impressions in an Italian volume internal affairs of government administration if it
entitled "L'Epiro, Gli Albanesi la Lega". The main doesn’t use violent measures that are proved".
axis of his work composed his thesis on the But what emphasized more its independent
national character of the League of Prizren. character was the right that the League won by
Chiara defends her patriotic character with three Kahrarname to organize armed forces, apart from
main arguments: the Ottoman imperial army, and to fight against
a) establishment of the League of Prizren was Foreign Powers, despite the attitude of the
dictated by the concern of the liquidation of Sublime Porte. League assumed some
the Albanians as a nation and not by the prerogatives in the administrative and judicial
order of the Sublime Porte; area.
b) statute approved by the League forced him to All these indicate that the reference in any case
fight for the protection of the Albanian of Islam, or the inclusion of the expression of
territories and non-Turkish; loyalty to the Ottoman Empire, didn’t determine
c) its Albanian characters confirms by League the true character of Kararname, didn’t violate its
which turned, in autumn v. 1880, in an basic content, which responded the aims of
Albanian provisional government, a fact Albanian National Motion in that period. In
indicated that Albania intended to cut the addition, this wasn’t the final program of the
connections with the Ottoman Empire; League, which will be approved in a general
The eminent Italian of the 19 century, Marco meeting of the Assembly, attended by
Antonio Canini, in his work published in 1879, representatives of all the provinces of Albania. In
entitled "The Epirus issue", he considered the another document, that General Assembly
League of Prizren, an Albanian patriotic approved in the same day (June 17, 1878), which
organization. "Porte - he wrote – didn’t create was called Talimat (Direction), were treated the
the League, but left it to the foundation when he political, military and organizational aspects of
was in difficulty by the defeat that suffered to the the League. Talimat, unlike Kahrarname, was
war with the Russians. League was founded in stripped by any reference to Islam, as well as the
Prizren, by an Albanian Parliament, with an aim declaration of loyalty to the Ottoman Empire. In
that the Albania would regain its addition, League’s government functions were
independence" more pronounced here. In Talimat was talked
“In Albania – the French ambassador reported to openly that the League will form a central
his Foreign Minister in Istanbul, Vadington, on administration in Prizren, consisting of
November 11, 1878 – it became a national representatives of each sanjak, from which would
motion. All are armed, regardless of the religion. depend the kaza’s local administrations. Except
They seek the independence of the past..... Porte this separated administration will be created an
is powerless to defeat this rebellion” army, separated from the Porte, which would
* depend by the League, directly. Through
* * Kahrarname, the General Assembly delegates
League was treated in Kahrarname as a political announced Prizren the League’s capital.
institution which was independent from the The Albanian League was the spirit of national
Sublime Porte. In its 14 Article said unity, the approach to the south and north,
testimony of which is the role of Abdul Frasher,
Idem, p. 12 that in reality wasn’t him who founded the
Idem, p. 14 League and even those who took part in the
Albania, on the eve and in the League of Prizren, historical meeting of Prizren on 10 June 1878, but
(1978), Doc. Istanbul, November 11, 1878 the League perpetuated the Albanian National

AKTET Vol. VI, Nr 3, 2013 309


Renaissance, more precisely, the Albanians spirit, although it didn’t receive a lot of votes.
patriotism. In all acts, addressed to Great Powers, Statute, entitled "Kahrar-name" (Book of
Muslim and Christian residents protested as decisions), was summarized in three principles:
Albanians, as members of a unique nation. In 1. The organization that was created was called
many cases, popular meetings participants drew "Islamic Cemiyet" (Islamic committee) and
up petitions addressed to the Sublime Porte, not the Albanian League;
which required autonomous reforms in Albania. 2. this organization pledged to fight for the
protection of all the borders of the Ottoman
Was the League a Muslim motion? Empire;
Many people may think that the League of 3. Muslims of the Balkans will never be
Prizren had an Islamic character based by the separated from the Sultan;
expression of Abdul Frasher "better with Turkey Although there were made many changes in
than with Greece" during a meeting in Rome, in Kahrar-name, it again expressed loyalty to the
April 1878, with the eminent Italian personality of Sultan, where there was penetrated the Islamic
the 19 century, Marco Antonia Canini. spirit.
Abdul Frasher represented the nationalist wing Since in the 1 Article of the Kahraname it was
and wanted to see by the League a motion where said that the purpose was "to preserve the
would attend all Albanians, regardless of religion, territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire, the
but during the League works were noted some Sultan and the Shariah law in the Balkan
divergence of opinion between the delegates. Peninsula"; in the 2 Article, the League of
Conservatives, consisting of pashas, beys and Prizren would see as an enemy anyone who
Muslim clerics, who had a strong support of the would try to oppose the authority of the Ottoman
93 th
sultan, demanded that the Albanian unified government, and the 6 Article of it noted "the
vilayet, was an Islamic organization. armed struggle to defend these territories, and
In the League’s meetings, the Ottoman the prevention of Bulgaria to take the territories,
administration officials and their sultanist and if the Serbian and Montenegrin state doesn’t
supporters practiced a potent pressure to forced issue Muslim territories, then it will be sent
the participants to signed their protest not as an akinxhinjtë (bashibozukët) to get them.”
Albanian citizen, but as a national Islamic related Initially, the Sublime Porte supported the League
to the Ottoman Empire. of Prizren and Kahrarname, but pressured on
Soviet historian I. Senkevic separates the League them to be more Ottoman than Albanian.
of "first period" from the League of "second According to Kahrarname, the Albanian League
period". For her, the League of June 1878 was was primarily religious and based on Islamic
created as a pan-Islamic organization, where religious solidarity.
delegates with an ottoman opinion, together Many of historians see the League of Prizren as
with some Muslim delegates, Turks and Bosnians, an Islamic organization constructed by Muslims
who were invited to the Assembly, demanded of Bosnia and Gegeri with the support of Sultan
that the League to returned in an Islamic Balkan Abdylhamitit II to defend Balkan Muslims after
organization, to follow the interests of the the Congress of Berlin.
Sublime Porte. After a week of debates, on June By reading the book of Peter Bartl “Albanian
17, 1878, it was approved a statute with Islam’s Muslims in motion for national independence
(1878 - 1912)" the author, when tries to discover
89 the causes of the creation of the League of
Bozbora, Nuray (2002), Albania and Albanian
nationalism in the Ottoman Empire, p. 170
Prizren, says: In 1878, at the end of the Russo -
Idem, p. 169 Turkish war (1877-1878), the Ottoman Empire
Albanian People History (2002), vol. II, p.153
Puto, Arben (1968), Albanian question and
diplomacy of the Great Powers, p. 92 Albanian People History, cit., p. 157

310 AKTET Vol. VI, Nr 3, 2013


was defeated and delivered large territories in founders ideal was Islam. Although the southern
Rumeli to Russia and its allies, the new Sultan Bektashis of League of Prizren were conductors
Abdylhamiti II, as well as Balkan Muslims, were of Renaissance ideas and antagonistic to the
concerned about the tragedy that brought the Ottomans, the general character of the League
war. In the Treaty of San Stefano (Yeshil Koy-t) was dominated by Muslims and the Ottoman
and then in the Berlin Congress signed on July 13, government that made the war in the name of
1878, the Empire was forced to delivered more Islam and Shariah.
than two-fifths of its territory in the Balkans, According to Kirby Green consul, Albanian
where among others, there were included the Motion should be seen as an attempt by Islamic
territories populated by Bosnian and Albanians millet, by Ottoman nation, surrounded by the
Muslims. Considering that the Albanians were risks almost insurmountable and the only hope
Islam and were constituent element of the that they had was to learn and to be led in
empire and in cases of war, fought with the resolving the issue by the British. They consoled
Ottomans against Christians, the Berlin Congress themselves with religious obligation that had to
refused their demands. The frequent use of the share their destiny with Caliph (vicegerent of the
Muslim term by the author indicates that he was Prophet Muhammad - Sultan).
convinced and defended the Islamic character of
the League as an organization created by CONCLUSION
Albanian Muslims promoted by sultanist circles. League of Prizren represents an organization with
On May 3, 1878, the British consul to Shkodra, the general Albanian character in Albania’s
Kirby Green noted that among the Muslims of political life, which was placed on religious and
northern Albania was infiltrating the League, an regional divisions, that brought together all the
organization that was mobilizing Muslims and Albanians under its direction, Muslims and
threatened to massacre Christian men who Christians, Gheg and Tosk and created, a real
believed they were Bulgarians. Consul noted that political and national unity of Albanian people,
the local Christians were afraid by the tense based on common interests of all social forces of
situation of Muslims. the country, to protect the integrity of the
Also, Noel Malcolm, in his book "Kosovo A Short country and its liberation.
History" says: the Motion is more a religious than Thanks to the political, diplomatic and military
a secular, and is guided by myftilerët, ulama and activity, the League won the right to citizenship in
kadij .... I think it’s clear that the Sublime Porte the world of historiography. League wasn’t a
and the League had the same opinion and were "Porte’s instrument", "an Islamic organization" or
working to realize a common purpose - protecting an expression of "the war of the Muslim element
the province. against the Christian", an "explosion of Islamic
In Prizren meeting, except Kosovo Muslim leaders xenophobia" used by Istanbul to avoid territorial
went delegates from Shkodra, as: Yusuf Age losses after the Treaty of San Stefano. Often, in
Sokol, Selim Bey and Mulla Yunus Efendi. Maybe this conclusion emerges foreign historiography,
this selection by the Shkodra’s elites was especially Yugoslav historiography.
intentional, because none of them was a The Sublime Porte tried to present the Assembly
Christian, but the three men had been Muslims. of the League and its activities as an organization
Even though in the League were included with Islamic character, but, fortunately, it didn’t
Bektashi southern beys as Abdul Frashër, who
presented a platform opposed to the platform 97
Shkodra on November 11, 1878, The British
processed by the sultanist circles in Istanbul, its Museum, London, Accounts and Papers (38). 1878 – 9,
LXXIX, 79, 538 – 539
94 98
Bartl, Peter cit., p.142 Prifti, Kristaq (1998), League of Prizren and the issue
Public Record Office, London, F.O.195/1186 of the National Union of Albanians (1878 - 1881), p.
Malcolm, Noel (1999), Kosovo a short history, p. 222 136

AKTET Vol. VI, Nr 3, 2013 311


succeed. League Leadership, on June 15, 1878 circles, sometimes revolutionary patriots. In
addressed the Porte a petition that said: "When addition, the maps of its driving forces weren’t,
homeland invites us for help, personal interests as claimed J. Haxhivasiljevic geographical
should be cursed. In our League we have decided character (feudal or reactionary in North,
to stay away from the religion because, primarily, intellectuals or progressive in South), but always
we are Albanians". This document, from the a social character in national plans.
beginning, argues that Albanians, regardless of After all, if the League of Prizren would have a
religious, were determined as a founded nation pro-Turkish Islamic character, it wouldn’t be
on the principle of a national programmatic destroyed by the Turkish – European army.
The Albanian League of 1878 - 1881 notes the BIBLIOGRAFY
first frontal fighting organized by Albanian people 1. Acts of the Albanian Renaissance
against the Ottoman occupiers and the Great 2. Albania, on the eve and in the League of
Powers, which wanted to change that, a frontal Prizren, (1978), Doc. Istanbul, November 11,
clash with the expansionist policies of 1878
neighboring countries, where League defended 3. Albanian People History (2002), vol. II
his national unity. 4. Bajraktari, Jusuf (2011), League of Prizren -
"We - declare the delegates assembled in Prizren national state project, in the League of
– wouldn’t accept, hereafter, that any occupiers Prizren 1878 – 1881
tyrannized us and crushed the residents of our 5. Bartl, Peter (2006), Albanian Muslims in the
lands." With the concept occupiers, these motion for national independence, 1878 –
delegates meant not only Serbian and Greek 1912
Balkan monarchies, but even the Turkish sultan 6. Belegu, Xhafer (1939), League of Prizren
and his empire. 7. Bozbora, Nuray (2002), Albania and Albanian
To Novak Razhnatovic, as Vladan Gjeorgjevic said nationalism in the Ottoman Empire
once, the League wasn’t nothing else than a 8. Buda, Aleks (1978), Albania opposite Eastern
propagandist assemblage, created by the Porte to Crisis, 1878-1881
justify war against Montenegro for the protection 9. Frasheri, Kristo (1988), League of Prizren and
of the Ottoman Empire territories. its historical importance
Soviet historian I. Senkevic, in her monograph 10. Frasheri, Kristo (1989), League of Prizren 1878
"Albania in the Eastern Crisis", published in 1965, – 1881
tries to emphasize the anti-Turkish direction of 11. Hadri, Ali (1979), The historical importance of
the League. She believes that the League of Albanian League of Prizren (1878-1881)
November 1878, which adopted the program of 12. Malcolm, Noel (1999), Kosovo a short history
autonomy, became the Albanian national motion. 13. Prifti, Kristaq (1998), League of Prizren and
the issue of the National Union of Albanians
League of Prizren was, till the end, an Albanian (1878 - 1881)
patriotic organization, even though its direction 14. Puto, Arben (1968), Albanian question and
had, alternately, sometimes moderate patriotic diplomacy of the Great Powers ..

Bajraktari, Jusuf (2011), League of Prizren - national
state project, p.21
Buda, Aleks (1978), Albania opposite Eastern Crisis,
1878-188, p. 14
Acts of the Albanian Renaissance, p. 41
Frasheri, Kristo (1988), League of Prizren and its
historical importance in Historical Studies nr. 4, p. 126
103 104
Puto, Arben cit., p. 92 Kristo Frasheri, cit., p. 21

312 AKTET Vol. VI, Nr 3, 2013

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