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IHIAICIK/E/RIS| Marsce [52 gi] Molo] So1Anjz Az420] Ap Im Part 12 S10} APASLE= BO] ASS Ae] Uo} AMARA SHE MEE, Eu] A[Z 2b 454 / StH AlZE 2b 45a Bol AVS ony Ao] 7ese7+7 #1 Welcome to the Pendleton Shopping Center. Our mall will be holding the biggest sale of the season. Today, the cosmetics and fashion departments are offering special Christmas discounts on selected items, including Savannah, Holidays, and Valrhona, Blasting deals are scheduled every day, so please come and visit us for this huge Christmas sale. #2 The Kensington radio station has launched a new GPS system that collects traffic information, analyzes it, and suggests new traffic information to all users, The system is designed to relieve traffic congestion in the city, and users can find alternate routes to cut down their travel time. Itis free of charge, so why don’t you download the new application today? www, Hackersingang,com Part 2 Sidi) AIAISIE ARIS AtMIs] Vole QApHE MES Bb) AlZt 45% / EH ANZ 45% Boz Azle] Fa SS! GAH + WEI? EH AZ! Bel 1, AKIO] As] SAE? in an office, 2.58 He Awoman in the foreground, - wearing a green dress ~ has her hair tied back - is looking at some binders is holding her phone 3. Bet chat In the background, there are two office workers - both sitting in chairs, + The office is very organized. + All of the office furniture is white. 4,548 a a typical office setting. www, Hackersingang,com LEVEL 6 & AAO] AS BA This picture was taken in an office. esas Well, | see a woman who is wearing a green dress. She has her hair tied back. | guess, she is trying to find some documents. TAS In the background, there are two office workers, They are both sitting in chairs, and (are) working hard. The office is very organized. # LY ¥ ola Overall, it seems like a typical office setting. LEVEL 7,8 & AO] al BA This picture was taken in an office, esa ne What I notice first is a woman in the foreground wearing a green dress, She has her hair tied back as well. She is looking at some binders on a bookshelf, She is holding her phone in her hand while she looks, e THe In the background, there are two office workers. They are both sitting in chairs, One is a woman wearing a white top. Across from her, is a man wearing a white shirt. There are computers on the desk and what looks to be a printer. The office is very organized. ecugoa All of the office furniture is white. www, Hackersingang,com KALPAL ABI OZ BAF SQ HS Aman is resting his chin on his hand, at AHF ELS ZICH, A woman is bending over the table, a Of2pt elle Fz Folch. A woman is typing on a keyboard. at Oly EFoPmstD aict, A man is leaning back on the chair. at LIAIE 21a}ol| ZicHol etc. A man is talking on the phone while taking a note. ot LAP Ew 7IafO AsHstCh, wKAGA AR BA BA SQ BA The book is placed on the table, AMO] E030] SO} tc. The office supplies are scattered on the table. AMPBSSO El So] Soli Ach. The lid of the machine is lifted up. JIAlo| FBO| Beisict. The desks are divided by partitions. AMSSS UAOS Loa Uct. The potted plant is placed beside the door. SHEO] ZB Bol] SO} Qtch. www, Hackersingang,com Part 3 StL}2] & Blo} caf ASS Z[1z} SHS sD YALL AS AAfo| Bolsa che say SOM, SATt TAS! M] 72] BEW FoS IS. Zul Al2t 2p 3 Gel Al2t 4,541 152, 6H 302, SO BE SS GS H+ WIV Q4,. How many hours do you usually spend watching TV programs, and what kinds of devices do you prefer the most when watching them? LEVEL 6 | usually spend two hours watching TV programs every day. | always watch them on a TV. | like it so much, LEVEL 7,8 lam not sure how many hours | watch TV on a daily basis, but | guess it is two or three hours a day. | always watch TV programs on TV, because 'ove to watch programs on its big screen, Extra: I always eat some snacks when watching TV. I'm happy being a couch potato, Q5, When was the last time you signed up for a cable TV service? Which company did you choose, and why? LEVEL 6 It was 2 years ago, | chose Rogers Wireless, because the company is very popular, LEVEL 7,8 The last time | signed up for a cable TV service was 2 years ago, and | chose a company named Rogers Wireless, because the company is famous for running a 24-hour customer center, and their service rate is relatively cheap compared to the others’ www, Hackersingang,com Extra: Ihave been using it for more than 10 years, They offer regular check-ups free of charge. Q6. When choosing a cable TV service, what do you consider the most besides its price, and what are your reasons for that? LEVEL 6 | think, customer service is very important. Firstly, | can get some help easily. | want to be able to call them anytime | want. Second, | want to enjoy extra services, such as a phone repair. Therefore, customer service is very important. LEVEL 7,8 When choosing a cable TV service, my main consideration besides the price is what kinds of channels they are offering. First, | am a big fan of all kinds of sports, so | hope to have many channels broadcasting various sports from all over the world, particularly kickboxing and soccer. Second, | usually relieve my stress by watching some foreign dramas. Some cable companies do not even have an option to purchase foreign dramas, so | am very picky about this. Therefore, the kinds of channels they have are my determining factor. Besides PRICE 7} OFL|SIC}o17 I consider the price the most, First, [0H] 2, 249#] | want to save my money, These days, the economy is not so good, so | am very concerned about my economic situation, Because of this, people do not like to spend money on a cable TV service, because it is a waste of money, | also don't want to spend too much money on that, Also, cable TV companies offer similar services, so there is no point of considering how many channels they have or kinds of options to choose from. That's all, www, Hackersingang,com Part 4 FOU BS Bs F BS SO} Lc 2 SAIS A] 7H] S| Aretol | - EOWA 20} - Btst7] Bb) Alt HO] 45% / Sash 2p 3a Gl AlZ: 7,8 Yt 152, 9H 302 HOA FS BOF OHH B+ REA fin BL Woodbury Library Program List All sessions: 10 am to 6pm, Room 8A July 1* Basic Corel Draw Charlie Winters July 2°¢ Discussion on “Lord of Magic’ David Franklin July 14" Mastering Graphic Tools Jina Cho Sept 13" Re-installing Microsoft Outlook Charlie Winters | Sept 21* Making 3D using Graphic Tools Kevin Delia | Sept 30" | Erasing Netscape Jason Chang Question 7 Q : What times do the sessions start and where should | go to take the classes? LEVEL 6 All sessions will start at 10 am, You should go to Room 8 A, LEVEL 7,8 All sessions offered at Woodbury library will start at 10 am every time, and will finish at 6pm. And you should go to Room 8A. www, Hackersingang,com Question 8 Q: Um | heard that David Franklin would be leading a discussion on “Lord of Magic” on Sept 21", is this correct? LEVEL 6 Oh, no~, He will lead a discussion on ‘Lord of Magic” on July 2°. LEVEL 7,8 Oh, that’s incorrect, He is scheduled to be leading a discussion on “Lord of Magic” on July 2", Please note that it is not on Sept 21%, You have to check on this, Question 9 Q: Would you tell me all classes related to “Graphic Tools”? LEVEL 6 The first is mastering graphic tools on July 14", and the instructor is Jina Cho. The second is making 3D using graphic tools on Sept 21%, and the instructor is Kevin Delia, LEVEL 7,8 Sure, there will be two sessions related to “graphic tools”, Firstly, you will have a chance to master graphic tools on July 14", and the instructor who will be teaching this class is Jina Cho, The other one on the list is making 3D using graphic tools by Kevin Delia, and it will be held on Sept 21%. www, Hackersingang,com Part 5 St Bol Atetol Salaoil Chet =I: S| USO|LE SAO] Qe eweIVE sz! AS} AALS SD, Ol] CHEt AWS HAMS 2S} oA[2| BAOS aPAlste DPE, Z| ANZ! 452 / SA AlZt 602 HAMS AALS} DSAZhe “Se447| ofa] wep LO sA7] W : | have one important issue to talk about before we finish the monthly meeting, Our apartment complex is located right next to the Selbourne Shopping Center, and shoppers visiting the mall often come here to park their cars, Right now there is a lot of anger amongst the residents because the parking lot is full, and it is absolutely hard to find a spot even in the morning. M : Oh, yes. I was supposed to raise the issue, but you brought it up, | think what makes it even worse is that there is no way to impose fines. We have to call the police every time. It is a big hassle, and the police are very busy with their urgent matters. W : So, we need to come up with a way to kick strangers out of our apartment, and | need some ideas, If anyone has plans, please call me or record a message. LEVEL 6 Hello, this is Say calling. [il 2141] From what you mentioned during the meeting, | understand that You are having a hard time dealing with strangers using our parking lot. [#24] This is indeed a problem, but | have some solutions, Firstly, We should make a security gate, and check every car. Um.. Second, we should give a warning to the shopping mall, Also, we can call the towing company Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, www, Hackersingang,com LEVEL 7,8 Hello, this is Say calling, [2A 141] From what you mentioned during the meeting, | understand that We need to find a way to stop non-residents from parking their cars in our parking lot, and we can’t call the police every time as they are so busy with some bigger matters, [2] This is indeed a problem, but | have some solutions, First of all, make a guard gate at the entrance, and have the guard check all cars coming into our apartment complex. Second, we have to put up a large banner in front of the parking lot that says it will tow away a nonresident's car. Of course, the parking lot must be checked and towed every hour. Oh, one more! We could call the mall headquarters and say that their business is causing us too much trouble. If they do not resolve their parking issue, we could start legal action and get compensation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, EXTRA Al@ zed BS Bel 1 AS BHA - AYO] eto} so/eo] ch. [ASE 224] CE BAe ON BFE ACH Solution idea 1 : Make a waiting area, and offer customers some free drinks, so that they can appease their hunger. Solution idea 2 : Start a reservation system! Nobody has to wait! EXTRA Al@ ated Ble Bel 2 AAS YO] Dstoj, Farso| FFstch. [Ale 224] AQ AASol| AS 7D 22] Beya sa Zl ech. Solution idea 1 : Operate a shuttle bus, because most employees live close to the company. Solution idea 2: Start using flexible working hours so employees can avoid the rush hour traffic. www, Hackersingang,com 10 EXTRA Al@ ze tle Bel 3 DEUA wa DACA PRE cHoj S1& 4240] g042Ich, BY SYHO Joe 77H Ho] Sajolct. Solution idea 1 : Get a deposit when renting the towel, this is the best way! Solution idea 2 = big loss. If people continuously take them home, you need to stop the free towel rental, because it is a www, Hackersingang,com Question 11: Express an opinion Part 6 SA FAIol| CHst AZO} Alo] OAS erst F oy chet ost BA Sse ME, Bul Alt 45 eh AI2E 60% SAO CHEE IAS 1022 of at! Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Schools should bring their students to cultural places and events like museums and musical performances.” Give specific reasons and details to support your position, LEVEL 6 [12] | agree that schools should bring their students to cultural places and events, [= 1] First, young students can relieve stress, [22 2] Second, most students don't have money. If schools pay, students can experience diverse cultural events and arts, [HAI] For example, when | was a high school student, we went to the national museum on a school trip. | could relieve my stress. [Bz] That's all, LEVEL 7,8 [12] | agree that schools should bring their students to cultural places and events, [#2 1] First, students can help their bodies and mind tired from studying by attending cultural events, They can recharge their energy. [2 2] Second, not all students are allowed to visit cultural places. Because the students' family background and economic situation are all different. Schools should give students in their growing years a chance to experience various things. [O14l] For example, | visited an art festival on a field trip in high school, It was an impossible experience in school, and for the first time I had a chance to think about art and culture, That day still remains a very happy experience in my memory, [B=] Therefore, schools should provide those opportunities to students, www, Hackersingang,com 12 EXTRA OA|Z8t 30] 7kS [M2] | agree that schools should bring their students to cultural places and events. First, young students can relieve stress, Also, If schools pay, students can experience diverse cultural events and arts, For example, when | was a high school student, | had a chance to visit the national museum ona school trip. It was so fascinating to see various artworks, Also, we paid for a guide, and it was very informative, He told us some interesting stories about the painting. | could relieve my stress. After the trip, | could fresh myself, and I could focus on my study. Therefore, schools should provide those opportunities to students. SAL BICHE AW Ya] we eecHstch “SS H4SS SACI Brot HSzollt Sor Faz ZH First, students should focus on their studies, I mean, students have a lot of things to study, and schools should create an atmosphere where students can focus on their studies, Second, schools won't be able to pay for all the trips students will have, so the parents will have to pay for it. ro BALE Gle{7toF Stch.” www, Hackersingang,com 13

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