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Santileces, Rosse Anne S.


Great Books

04 eLMS Activity 1 (Prefinal)

 What do you think the person you have chosen is an extraordinary one?
- I chose my mother as an extraordinary person because she has done many things
for us and other people she knows. I can see with my own eyes that she is a
wonderful person.

 How do you think the life and actions of your chosen person changed one's perspective and

- My mother, in my opinion, is a sweet and gentle soul. She has helped many
individuals find work, and even when she had nothing, she decided to help others.

 Would you consider the same thing as what s/he did? why?
- Yes, since that brings me inner happiness. If nothing remains of me, that's okay
with me as long as I helped others in some small manner. happy to lend a helping
hand without expecting anything in return

 How would you know if a person's story is good or bad?

- Good or Bad, it's All in the Perspective. Nevertheless, I might have made a
mistake that adversely affected someone's life. I'm not sure if it seems horrible to
me. If I feel awful about it too, then I must have acted improperly in order to harm
the other person. It all depends on your point of view whether I don't think it's that
horrible. Because not all people are bad. "Everybody is bad in someone's life
story" is not entirely true. There are some persons who have never harmed
another person in their lives. Considering such, it is impossible to declare the
sentence to be true.
 Why do you think people who read books or watch films are moved by the beliefs and
actions of a person?
- I have no personal beliefs. However, people are frequently moved by the opinions
and deeds of others because they can identify with, identify with, or be inspired
by them. A well-told tale can also provide light on the human condition and the
ways in which people deal with chances and obstacles in their lives.

 What makes a life story good?

- A good life story often has an engaging plot, believable people, and profound
themes or messages. It might also touch on common emotions like love, loss,
victory, and adversity. In the end, the criteria for what constitutes a good life story
are subjective and dependent on personal taste.

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