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Physiotherapy : Teguh Sugiarto, Amd.FT

1. patient identity
Name : Ny. R
age : 25 tahun
sex : woman
job : Nurse
medical diagnosis : frozen shoulder dextra
2. The main complaint:
the new patients had their first child less than 1 month ago weighing 3 kg.
he would always hold the baby when breastfeeding and had two weeks this
patient felt pain in the shoulder, there are also bumps his armpit. This time
the patient also complained of flu, sore throat, and swollen gums.
3. Examination of muscle strength
Flexors (5), extensor (5), abductor (5), adductor (5), Eksorotator (5),
Endorotator (5), Horizontal abductor (5), Horizontal adductor (5)
4. Examination of motion
S 45 -0-130
F 115-0-35
T 20-0-70
5. examination pain
Using scala with pain VAS 5
6. List of issues physiotherapy
shoulder pain, edema, limited range of motion due to shoulder pain,
immune disorders such as flu, sore throat and swollen gums
7. The purpose of physiotherapy
Reduce shoulder pain, reduce edema, increase shoulder range of motion,
increase immunity to reduce the symptoms of flu and strep throat, reduce
swollen gums.
8. physiotherapy modalities
Using manual drainage lymphe vodder
9. Pelaksanaan fisioterapi
 Ke 1 basis ( all 3x) + respiratory
 Ke 2 basis ( all 3x) + respiratory
 Ke 3 basis (profundus dan occiput-terminus 3x) + colon +
 Ke 4 basis (profundus dan occiput-terminus 3x) + face + palatum
 Ke 5 basis (Prof & Occ-Terminus 1x) + all abdomen +
 Ke 6 basis (Prof & Occ-Terminus 1x) + Colon + respiratory +
major theraphy
 Ke 7 basis (Prof & Occ-Terminus 1x) + respiratory + major
 Ke 8 basis (Prof & Occ-Terminus 1x) + respiratory + major
 Ke 9 basis (Prof & Occ-Terminus 1x) + respiratory + major
 Ke 10 basis (Prof & Occ-Terminus 1x) + respiratory + major
theraphy + ask patients dating again after 1 month
10. implementation of the evaluation
After therapy to two flu and strep throat symptoms began to diminish, in
therapy for four disorders swollen gums begin to decrease. Edema in the
underarm area began to disappear. After primary therapy shoulder pain
began to decrease so that the range of motion is increasing and
approaching normal.

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