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3 Arrangement
After we have invented the ideas to write, we need to follow another step of writing process: the
arrangement of our materials into an essay. This is the second of step of the writing process in
which we into its arrange the material format. For example, if it is an essay, we need to arrange
the ideas into introduction, body and conclusion. Here, we discuss an example of how we make
the arrangement of our ideas into an essay.

First, we need to recognize the suitable pattern of our writing for our topic. Recognizing a
pattern means finding the suitable style of writing for our topic. As a student, most of the time,
we are already given a task. There is no problem about the topic but what we need to do is to
decide what kind of topic needs which type of writing. Generally, there are different types of
essays such as descriptive essay (हाम्रो ५ SENSE ओर्गन ले FEEL , TOUCH , हेर्दा ..बाट थाहा हुने ) , narrative essay(कु नै कहानी को बारेमा) ,
persuasive/argumentative essay, classification essay, comparison and contrast essay, cause and
effect essay and so on. We need to recognize what type of essay we should write for a certain
topic. This understanding is called recognizing a pattern.

After that ( TOPIC अनुसारको pattern recognize भए पछी ), we need to understand the parts of the essay and start
making points accordingly. When we have to talk about the parts of an essay, the rule is same:
we need to arrange the introduction, body and conclusion. For the introduction should be
composed very carefully. Introduction paragraph should be short and effective. It should
introduce the topic, create interest and state the thesis. For making our introduction interesting,
we can begin in many ways. It is better to start in a new way. The most common way is to begin
with background information about the topic. Second, we can begin with a definition of the term
or the topic. Third, we can begin with an anecdote ( छोटो कहानी ) or a short story related to the idea of
the topic. Fourth, we can begin with a rhetorical question ( ans को demand होइन तर strategically focus गर्न ) . Fifth,
we can begin with a suitable quotation. Next, we can start with a surprising statement,
contradiction, fact or a statistics. But there are also some ideas that we should not do in the
introduction paragraph. They are:

- Don’t apologize
- Don’t begin with a dictionary definition
- Don’t announce what you intend to do ( मा यो type को लेख्न्दै छु , मा यति सब्द लेख्छु धन्यबाद...etc ) and
- Don’t wander ( to the point छैन, जेरी जस्तो घुमको छ )
After we write the introduction paragraph, we come to the body paragraphs. The middle section
of our essay is called body paragraphs. These paragraphs develop our idea given in the
introduction and support it with some facts and examples. Our audience will be convinced that
our idea is reasonable. For making our body paragraphs effective, each paragraph should be
unified, coherent and well developed.

First, lets talk about unity in body paragraphs. Unity in a paragraph means that all the
sentences are related to the main idea of the paragraph. Each paragraph must deal with a single
idea and that the main idea should be given in a topic sentence. Like the essay's thesis statement,
a topic sentence is the sentence which carries the main idea of the paragraph. Generally, a topic
sentence is given at the beginning of the paragraph. All other sentences should support the idea
given in the topic sentence. Second, let's talk about coherence in a paragraph. Coherence
means the serial order of the ideas that follow some logical and convincing order. When there is
random order, there is no coherence and our writing is not effective. There are some simple rules
of order like the order of importance, order of time, order of space or the logical order. We can
follow any order to make our writing coherent and effective. Third, let's talk about development
of our paragraphs. It is commonly understood that an effective essay should be well developed.
A good development is that the main idea of a paragraph should be supported by examples,
reasons, facts, statistics, details, expert opinions, personal experiences, and visuals. They should
support the topic sentence and all the topic sentences should support the thesis statement of the

Finally, we come to the conclusion paragraph of our essay after we write the body paragraphs.
Conclusion is very important because readers remember best what they read at last and we need
to end our essay with such a conclusion which reinforces our thesis statement. Conclusion
paragraph should also be short like the introduction. We can make the end of our conclusion by
reviewing key points or restating the thesis in slightly different words. Second, we can end the
essay with a recommendation of some course of action. Third, we can make a prediction and
forth, we can use some relevant quotation. These are better ending of our essay but there are also
some ideas that we should not do in conclusion. They are:

- Don’t end repeating the exact words from the thesis ( introduction ko same hunu bhayena)
- Don’t end with overused clichés ( sunda sunda dikka lageka proverbs)
- Don’t introduce new points in conclusion and
- Don’t end with unnecessary announcement

When we have made our material ready, we might construct a formal outline of our essay which
includes all the points in the perfect order. When we construct a formal outline, we write the title,
thesis statement, group of ideas, make lists of the points, use topics and subtopics. In this way,
we make the arrangement of our material into an effective essay.

( MINIMUM 5 PARAGRAPH हुनै पर्छ ) essay लेख्दा

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