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Assignment 3: Learning styles test and self-reflection 1

3. Psycholinguistics 2: Induvidual factors in the learner’s development

Unit 1: Cognitive influences on language learning

Assignment 3: Learning styles test and self-reflection

Jessica Chávez Sotero

Universidad IEXPRO, Maestría en Enseñanza del Inglés

Mtra. Verónica Andrea Escobar Mejía

August 21st, 2022

Assignment 3: Learning styles test and self-reflection 2



the importance of recognizing the different learning styles in your students and
how you would implement learning strategies in your classes.
In the following thext, it will be expressed the importance of recognizing the different
learning styles in the students and then, how the autor would implement the learning
strategies in their classes.

In my opinion, teachers should recognize the importance of the learning styles the
students could have since they are a useful tool we could use in order to make
students learn better a second language.

As Oxford and Crookall claim, learning strategies are defined as “steps taken by the
learner to aid the acquisition, storage and retrieval of information”
(Universidad IEXPRO, n.d., p.15).

In other wordrs, the fact that a teacher is aware of their students learning strategies
means that the teacher is aware of all the contexts their students are involved, that
the teacher is concerned about their students strategies to learn the language, and
what is more important, that the teacher would use that information to help students
acquire the second language.
Assignment 3: Learning styles test and self-reflection 3

Personally speaking, now that I know the different learning strategies I consider that
I have been teaching students with some of them. However, I would adapt some
strategies to make them better for my students, for example:
• Every time I give them any note, students will be able to write them in they
way they are more comfortable with: mind maps, conceptual maps,
infographics, key words, etc
• Every time we learn a new word, in addition to drawing the word, they would
have to report it, writ the pronunciation and write some examples
• If any student know any word or concept and the others don’t, I woul let
him/her do mimic or explain it with different words.
• We will practice more speaking in pairs, for example, an interview or an
unplanned conversation.
• When students have an assignment, I would play some music to time them.
• When grading students assignments, I will always use a rubric or a checklist
and then, give them feedback.
• I will foster teamwork.
• For homework, I will ask them to be in contact with the language, for example:
listening to songs in English, watch videos on YouTube in English, watch
series or movies in English, read something in English, etc.

Universidad IEXPRO. (n.d.). Second Language Acquisition.

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