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Nama Kursus:
Pengenalan Kepada Penyelidikan Dalam Pendidikan Muzik / Introduction To Research In Music Education
1 Course Name:

Kod Kursus/
Course Code:
Sinopsis: Kajian tentang teras historikal, falsafah, psikologikal, sosiologikal dan metodologikal pendidikan muzik dalam konteks perkembangan pendidikan muzik di
Malaysia. Isu dan cabaran semasa serta trend dan hala tuju amalan Pendidikan Muzik di Malaysia akan dibincangkan.

Synopsis: A study on the historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological and methodological foundations of music education in the context of the development of
music education in Malaysia. Current issues and challenges as well as trends and future direction of music education practice in Malaysia will be

Nama Staf Akademik/

3 1. Profesor Zaharul Lailiddin bin Saidon 2. Dr. Mahayuddin bin Abdul Rahim 3. Encik Husnil Amin Bin Zakaria
Name(s) of Academic Staff:
Semester dan Tahun/
4 Semester 2 Sesi / Session 2024
Semester and Year offered :
Nilai Kredit / Credit Value :
5 3

Prasyarat (jika ada): Tiada/None
Prerequisite (if any) :

Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus : Pada akhir kursus para pelajar sepatutnya boleh: (contoh) – menerangkan prinsip asas imunisasi (C2, PLO1)
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) : At the end of the course the students should be able to: (example) - explain the basic principles of immunisation
CLO1 Menunjukkan kefahaman asas tentang penyelidikan secara qualitatif dan quantitatif. (C3, PLO2)

Demonstrate a basic understanding of qualitative and quantitative research. (C3, PLO2)

CLO2 Mempamerkan isu etika dalam penyelidkan muzik. (A5, PLO8)

Display ethical issues in music research. (A5, PLO8)

7 CLO3 Membentangkan 3 bab dalam satu kertas cadangan penyelidikan. (A2, PLO4)

Present the 3 chapters of a research proposal. (A2, PLO4)

CLO4 Menuliskan 3 bab dalam satu kertas cadangan penyelidikan berdasarkan format yang diberikan. (C5, PLO2)

Write the 3 chapters of a research proposal based on standard research proposal format. (C5, PLO2)


Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus kepada Hasil Pembelajaran Program / Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

• Penulisan Ilmiah / Academic • Tugasan (Individu) / Assignment

✔ Writing
• Pembelajaran Berasaskan

Masalah / Problem Based Learning

CLO2 • Perbincangan / Discussion • Tugasan (Berkumpulan) /

✔ Assignment (Group)

CLO3 • Kaunseling Individu / Individual • Tugasan (Individu) / Assignment

✔ Counselling (Individual)

CLO4 • Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek / • Tugasan (Individu) / Assignment

✔ Project Based Learning (Individual)


Tunjukkan perkaitan antara CLO dan PLO dengan menanda “/” pada kotak berkaitan. / Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “/“ the appropriate
relevant box.
(Deskripsi ini mesti dibaca bersama dengan Standard 2.1.2, 2.2.1 dan 2.2.2 di Area 2 - muka surat 16 & 18 / This description must be read together with Standards 2.1.2 ,
2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in Area 2 - pages 16 & 18)

Hasil Pembelajaran Program:

PLO1 Mengaplikasi ilmu muzik dalam bidang pendidikan muzik (D1)

PLO2 Menaakul secara kritis dan kreatif dalam menyelesaikan masalah (D2)
PLO3 Mempraktik kemahiran amali secara berkesan dalam bidang pendidikan muzik (D3)
PLO4 Berinteraksi secara efektif dalam bekerja secara berpasukan (D4)
PLO5 Berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam penyampaian maklumat (D5)
PLO6 Mengaplikasi kemahiran teknologi digital secara efektif dalam bidang pendidikan muzik (D6)
PLO7 Mensintesis kemahiran numerasi dalam pengkaryaan, persembahan dan pengajaran muzik (D7)
PLO8 Melaksanakan tanggungjawab sosial secara profesional dan beretika (D8)
PLO9 Merancang kemajuan diri berterusan bagi persediaan kerjaya masa hadapan dalam bidang pendidikan muzik (D9)
PLO10 Melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti keusahawan dalam industri muzik (D10)
PLO11 Mengamalkan etika profesional dalam persekitaran pekerjaan sebenar (D11)

Programme Learning Outcomes:

PLO1 Apply the music knowledge in the field of music education (D1)
PLO2 Reasoning critically and creatively in solving problems (D2)
PLO3 Apply practical skills effectively in the field of music education (D3)
PLO4 Interact in teamwork effectively. (D4)
PLO5 Communicate in the delivery of information effectively (D5)
PLO6 Apply digital technology skills in the field of music education effectively (D6)
PLO7 Synthesize numeracy skills in music composition, performance and teaching (D7)
PLO8 Perform social responsibilities professionally and ethically (D8)
PLO9 Planning for continuous self development for future career in the music education (D9)
PLO10 Engage in activities relating to entrepreneurship (D10)
PLO11 Practice professional ethics in real work environment (D11)

*Untuk Kursus Universiti Sahaja / For University Courses Only:
Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus kepada Hasil Pembelajaran Institusi / Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Institutional Learning Outcomes

Course Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO)

(CLO) ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO ILO Teaching Methods Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Tunjukkan perkaitan antara CLO dan ILO dengan menanda “/” pada kotak berkaitan. / Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and ILO by ticking “/“ the appropriate
relevant box.

Hasil Pembelajaran Institusi
*Senat Kali Ke-162 Bil. 1/2018 (30 Januari 2018)

ILO1: Menyampaikan ilmu bagi pembentukan insan yang berakhlak, berdaya saing dan berdaya tahan sesuai dengan aspirasi negara.
ILO2: Menguasai kemahiran teknikal termasuk penggunaan teknologi pendidikan dan ICT.
ILO3: Mengamalkan profesionalisme, nilai, sikap dan tingkah laku yang beretika.
ILO4: Menjalankan tanggungjawab sosial serta peka terhadap isu-isu semasa dan global.
ILO5: Berkomunikasi secara efektif, berkeupayaan memimpin dan boleh bekerja dalam pasukan.
ILO6: Cekap mengurus maklumat dan mampu belajar sepanjang hayat.
ILO7: Berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis serta berupaya menyelesaikan masalah.
ILO8: Menguasai kemahiran pengurusan dan keusahawanan.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

*Senat Kali Ke-162 Bil. 1/2018 (30 Januari 2018)

ILO1: Deliver knowledge for the development of human beings who are ethical, competitive and resilient in accordance with the aspirations of the state.
ILO2: Mastering technical skills including the application of educational technology and ICT.
ILO3: Practice professionalism, values, and ethical attitude.
ILO4: Carry out social responsibilities and be aware of current and global issues
ILO5: Communicate effectively, be able to lead and work in teams.
ILO6: Efficient in managing information and capable for lifelong learning.
ILO7: Think creatively and critically and able to solve problems.
ILO8: Mastering the skills of management and entrepreneurship.

Kemahiran yang 1. Dapat memberi gambaran sejarah perkembangan pendidikan muzik di Malaysia.
boleh dipindahkan
(jika berkaitan): Able to describe the historical development of music education in Malaysia

Transferable Skills 2. Menulis dengan yakin status pendidikan muzik formal di Malaysia.
(if applicable): Confidently write the current status of formal music education in Malaysia.
(Skills learned in
the course of study 3. Berupaya melakukan pembentangan tentang pendidikan muzik dari aspek sejarah, falsafah, psikologi, sociologi dan methodologi.
which can be Capable of presenting the historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological and methodological foundations of music education in Malaysia.
useful and utilized
in other settings)
4. Kajian semula isu isu, cabaran, trend, arah tuju dan masa depan pendidikan muzik di Malaysia.
Review issues, challenges, trends and future direction of music education in Malaysia 6
Pengagihan Jam Pembelajaran Pelajar / Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

CLO* Teaching and Learning Activities

(please tick (√)) Guided Learning (F2F)
Week Course Content Outline Guided Independent SLT
Learning Learning





L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Pengenalan kepada penyelidikan dalam

pendidikan muzik
Menjelaskan maksud pendekatan penyelidikan
secara sistematik dalam pendidikan muzik

Introduction to research in music

Explaining the meaning of the systematic ✔ 3 2 5 10
research approach in music education


3-4 Perbincangan tentang permasalahan serta

tajuk kajian
Membincangkan tentang permasalah dalam
pendidikan muzik serta membimbing pelajar
membina tajuk penyelidikan mereka

Discussion on problems and the title of the

Discuss problems in music education as well as ✔ 3 2 5 10
guide students to build their research titles

5-6 Membincangkan tentang pembinaan topik
serta sub topik dalam bab 1
Perbincangan dan penjelasan mengenai topik
yang terkandung dalam bab satu seperti;
pernyataan masalah, tujuan, objektif ,
kepentingan serta persoalan kajian.

Discuss on the construction of topics as ✔ 3 2 4 9

well as sub topics in chapter 1
Discussions and explanations on topics
contained in chapter one such as; statements of
problems, purposes, objectives, interests and
questions of study.

7-9 Tinjauan Literatur

Membimbing pelajar mencari, memilih
maklumat yang berkaitan dengan tajuk
penyelidikan serta menulis bab 2 dengan
dengan jelas

Literature review
Guide students searching, choosing information
related to their research title as well as writing
✔ 3 2 4 9

chapter 2 clearly

10-12 Methodology penyelidikan

Menjelaskan perkara perkara yang berkaitan
dengan metodologi kajian serta membimbing
pelajar dalam penulisan bab 3

Research methodology
Explain the subject matters related to
methodology and guide students in writing
✔ 6 4 8 18

chapter 3

Penulisan dan pemurnian proposal
Membimbing pelajar dalam penulisan proposal

Proposals writing and editing

Guiding students in proposal writing

✔ 8 4 28 40



Total 96

Continuous Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT

1 Tugasan (Individu)/Assignment (Individual) 20 3 3 6

2 Tugasan (Berkumpulan)/Assignment (Group) 20 4 2 6
3 Tugasan (Individu)/Assignment (Individual) 20 2 4 6
4 Tugasan (Individu)/Assignment (Individual) 40 2 4 6
5 0
6 0
Total 24
Final Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 0
2 0
Total 0
**Please tick (√) if this course is Latihan Industri/ Clinical Placement/ Practicum/ WBL using 2-weeks, 1 credit formula GRAND TOTAL SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F=Non Face to Face
*Indicate the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in Item 8.

Mengenalpasti keperluan khas atau

sumber untuk menyampaikan kursus
(cth: perisian, nursery, makmal
komputer, bilik simulasi dll) /
Identify special requirement to deliver
the course (e.g: software, nursery,
computer lab, simulation room, etc):

Main Reference:

Donald A, Lucy, J., Christine K. Sorensen I, David W (2018). Introduction to Research in Education, Cengage

Other References:

Johnson, B., and Christensen, L. (2014). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches,
Fifth edition. Sage Publications.

Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., & Sorensen, C. & Walker, D.A. (2014) Introduction to Research in Education, 9th edition.
Rujukan / References :
13 (include required and further readings,
and should be the most current)

Maklumat tambahan lain /

Other additional information :


Disediakan/ Dikemaskini oleh: Disemak oleh:

Prepared/ Updated by: Checked by:

Tandatangan: Tandatangan:
Signature: Signature:

Jawatan: Jawatan:
15 Designation: Designation:
(Penyelaras Kursus/ Course (Ketua Jabatan/ TDA&A/Dekan)
Coordinator) (HOD/Deputy Dean (A&I)/ Dean)

Cop Rasmi: Cop Rasmi:

Official Stamp: Official Stamp:

Tarikh: Tarikh:
Date: Date:


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