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PART 2-Questions 9-20:

In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. The conversations will not be
repeated. There are four questions for each conversation. For each question,
choose the correct answer A, B, C .
Questions 9 to 12.
According to Victor and Olivia, academics thought that Polynesian migration from the east
was impossible due to
A. the fact that Eastern countries were far away.
B. the lack of materials for boat building.
C. the direction of the winds and currents.
Which do the speakers agree was the main reason for Heyerdahl’s raft journey?
A. to overcome a research setback
B. to demonstrate a personal quality
C. to test a new theory
What was most important to Heyerdahl about his raft journey?
A. the fact that he was the first person to do it
B. the speed of crossing the Pacific
C. the use of authentic construction methods
Why did Heyerdahl go to Easter Island?
A. to build a stone statue
B. to sail a reed boat
C. to learn the local language
Questions 13 to 16.
13The main aim of Dave's project is to
A describe a policy.
B investigate an assumption.
C identify a problem.
14Dave’s project is based on schemes in
A schools.
B colleges.
C universities.
15How many academic organisations returned Dave's questionnaire?

A 15
B 50
C 150
16Dave wanted his questionnaires to be completed by company

A Human Resources Managers.

B Line Managers.
C owners.
Questions 17 to 20.
In Shona’s opinion, why do fewer people use buses in Barford these days?
A. The buses are old and uncomfortable.
B. Fares have gone up too much.
C. There are not so many bus routes.
What change in the road network is known to have benefited the town most?
A. the construction of a bypass
B. the development of cycle paths
C. the banning of cars from certain streets
What is the problem affecting shopping in the town centre?
A. lack of parking spaces
B. lack of major retailers
C. lack of restaurants and cafés
What does Shona say about medical facilities in Barford?
A. There is no hospital.
B. New medical practices are planned.
C. The number of dentists is too low.

PART 3-Questions 21-35.

In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. The talks or lectures will not
be repeated. There are five questions for each talk or lecture. For each question,
choose the right answer A, B, C.
Questions 21 to 25

21 Why was the Film Festival started?

A To encourage local people to make films.
B To bring more tourists to the town.
C To use money released from another project.
22What is the price range for tickets?
A £1.00-£2.50
B 50p - £2.00
C £1.50-£2.50
23As well as online, tickets for the films can be obtained
A from the local library.
B from several different shops.
C from the two festival cinemas.
24Last year’s winning film was about
A farms of the future.
B schools and the environment.
C green transport options.
25This year the competition prize is
A a stay in a hotel.
B film-making equipment.
C a sum of money.
Questions 26 to 30.

26Phoebe’s main reason for choosing her topic was that

A her classmates had been very interested in it.
B it would help prepare her for her first teaching post.
C she had been inspired by a particular book.
27Phoebe’s main research question related to
A the effect of teacher discipline.
B the variety of learning activities.
C levels of pupil confidence.
28Phoebe was most surprised by her finding that

A gender did not influence behaviour significantly.

B girls were more negative about school than boys.
C boys were more talkative than girls in class.
29Regarding teaching, Phoebe says she has learned that

A teachers should be flexible in their lesson planning.

B brighter children learn from supporting weaker ones.
C children vary from each other in unpredictable ways.
30Tony is particularly impressed by Phoebe’s ability to
A recognise the limitations of such small-scale research.
B reflect on her own research experience in an interesting way.
C design her research in such a way as to minimise difficulties.
Questions 31 to 35.
What helped Rob to prepare to play the character of a doctor?
A. the stories his grandfather told him
B. the times when he watched his grandfather working
C. the way he imagined his grandfather at work
In the play’s first scene, the boredom of village life was suggested by
A. repetition of words and phrases.
B. scenery painted in dull colours.
C. long pauses within conversations.
What has Rob learned about himself through working in a group?
A. He likes to have clear guidelines.
B. He copes well with stress.
C. He thinks he is a good leader.
To support the production, research material was used which described
A. political developments.
B. changing social attitudes.
C. economic transformations.
What problem did the students overcome in the final rehearsal?
A. one person forgetting their words
B. an equipment failure
C. the injury of one character

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