SOAL B. INGGRIS 7 K13 - Mohammad Ahyat

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VII

Hari / Tanggal : Waktu : 120 Menit


1. What do you say to people that you meet at 07.00 pm?
A. Good morning
B. Good afternoon
C. Good evening
D. Good night
2. X : how are you today?
Y :…………………
X : So, you should buy some medicines.
The appropriate expression to complete the dialog is…
A. Very well thank you
B. I am great
C. I am so sleepy
D. I am sick
3. Mom : good morning Tania
Tania :……………….
Mom : here is your breakfast and go to school then.
The appropriate expression to complete the dialog is…..
A. I am fine mom
B. Good morning mom
C. Good night mom
D. I am tired mom
4. “The bell is going to rings 5 minutes more. I should be going now”.
The underlined sentence is expressing …..
A. Greeting
B. Take-leaving
C. Apologizing
D. Thanking
5. George : it’s almost midnight and I am so sleepy
Jasmine : go to bed now.
George :…………….
Jamine :night and have a nice dream, George.
What is the best expression to complete the dialog above?
A. See you tomorrow
B. Good day
C. Good night
D. Have a nice time
6. X : Today is a busy day.
Y : yes, I am so tired.
X : time to go home now, see you tomorrow
Y :…………………..
The right expression to complete the dialog is …..
A. See you
B. Good day
C. Have a nice dream
D. I see
7. Nana : Rama, I have been waiting you for half an hour. Why are you so late?
Rama : ... , my bike has a flat tire.
A. Thanks.
B. I’m sorry.
C. No problem.
D. It’s okay.
8. Your friend : would you please lock the door?
You : sure.
Your friend : Thank you.
You : ...
A. Thank you.
B. I’m sorry.
C. No problem.
D. I’m fine. Thanks
9. Indah : May I use your cell phone to text my mom? I want to tell her that I’m gonna be late.
Anita : Sure. Here it is.
Indah : Thanks.
Anita : ...
A. You are good friend
B. I’m not well
C. No big deal.
D. I’m fine. Thanks
10.Noval : Good evening, Dad.
Mr. Tony : Good evening, Son. I feel tired. I want to take a bath and have dinner.
Noval : I will help mom to prepare your dinner, Dad.
Mr. Tony : ... , my Son.
A. Good bye.
B. Next time.
C. Thanks
D. Hello
11.Intan : May I borrow your pen? My pen is left in the house today.
Danny : ... , Intan. I’m still using it.
A. Thanks.
B. I’m sorry.
C. No problem.
D. It’s okay.
12. Edwin says, “I’m sorry, Dad.”
What does he express?
A. He greets his father
B. He apologizes
C. He says thanks
D. He says well

Read the text to answer question number 13-16

She is Raisa Al Rasyid. She is my best friend. She is in the seventh grade at State Islamic Junior
High School 1 Jombang. She was born in Jombang on August, 17th, 2006. Her father is a teacher
and her mother is a house wife. She has one old and young brothers and one little sister. Her
brothers’ names are Rakha and Ridwan. Rakha is in College while Ridwan is in the Elementary.
Her little sister is Ranum. She is in Kindergarten. She likes listening to music and watching movies.
Her favourite subjects are English and Science.

13.How old is Raisa Al Rasyid?

A. She is twelve years old
B. She is thirteen years old
C. She is fifteen years old
D. She is seventeen years old
14.Who is Ridwan?
A. He is Raisa’s father
B. He is Raisa’s sister
C. He is Raisa’s young brother
D. He is Raisa’s old brother
15.What are her hobbies?
A. Her hobbies are English and Science
B. Her hobbies are teacher and house wife
C. Her hobbies are college and elementary
D. Her hobbies are watching movies and listening to music
16.Where does she study?
A. She studies at Kindergarten
B. She studies at State Islamic Junior High School
C. She studies at Elementary
D. She studies at College

Complete the following text below! (for question number 17-20)

Hello, my ... (17) is El Jalaludin Rumi. You can call me El. I am from Central Java. I ... (18) in
Kenanten village. My favourite food is fried rice. My ... (19) is travelling. I study at State Islamic
Junior High School of Solo 1. I am in the seventh ... (20). Nice to meet you friends.
17. A. nick name
B. full name
C. father’s name
D. brother’s name
18. A. stay
B. study
C. come
D. live
19. A. subject
B. food
C. hobby
D. colour
20. A. grade
B. years
C. school
D. student

Read the text and answer questions number 21 – 23

This is my living room. It is small but clean. There are a table and some sofas around it. There is a
neswpaper on the table. There is also a vase beside the newspaper.
21. How is the livingroom?
A. It is small and dirty
B. It is not big but clean
C. It is small and dark
D. It is not big but beautiful
22.The following are the things in the livingroom, except ....
A. table
B. vase
C. sofas
D. magazine
23.Where is the vase?
A. On the sofa
B. On the newspaper
C. On the table
D. On the floor

Read the text and answer question number 24 – 26.

There is a dustbin at the corner of my classroom. It is gray and small. We always put the rubbish into it.
Every morning a student empties it in turns.
24. Where is the dustbin?
A. In the middle of the classroom
B. At the corner of the classroom
C. In front of the classroom
D. Behind the classroom
25. What do the students put into the dustbin?
A. Rubbish
B. Test paper
C. Dust
D. Books
26. What does a student do every morning?
A. Put rubbish into the dustbin
B. Put the dustbin at the corner
C. Empty the dustbin
D. Move the dustbin
27. Mrs. Vira : Excuse me, ...?
Mrs. Rani : It is quarter to ten.
A. What is the date today
B. What is the time now
C. What month is it
D. What is it today
08 : 20
Syifa : When will the train depart?
Arga : At ...
A. Twenty minutes to eight
B. Twenty minutes past eight
C. Eight twenty-five
D. Twenty minutes to nine
29. Marissa : Why don’t you plan a trip? You have a holiday this month, right?
Erika : No, I will have a holiday next month.
Marissa : It is November. You will have a holiday in ... then.
Erika : Yes, you’re right.
A. August
B. September
C. October
D. December

The following dialog is for no. 30-33

Berliana : What time is it, Mom?
Mrs. Herlina : It’s 05:30 p.m.
Berliana : I don’t see Daddy, where is he?
Mrs. Herlina : He has to work overtime.
Berliana : Will we have dinner with him?
Mrs. Herlina : Sure. He will arrive home soon. He said on the phone that he would arrive 30 minutes again.
Please wait.
30. Who are talking in the dialog?
A. Two sisters
B. Two friends
C. Aunt and niece
D. Mother and daughter
31. When does the dialog probably take place?
A. In the morning
B. At noon
C. In the evening
D. At midnight
32. What happens to Berliana’s father?
A. He will arrive home late.
B. He arrives at home on time.
C. He has dinner outside.
D. He has dinner with his client.
33. What time Berliana’s father will arrive?
A. At 05:30 a.m
B. At 06:00 p.m
C. At 06:30 p.m
D. At 07:00 p.m

The following schedule is for no. 34-36

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Flag Ceremony Mathematics Physical Education
Civics Culture and Art English
Science Social Studies Religion
Javanese Indonesian Mathematics

34. According to the schedule, what subject do the students have twice?
A. English
B. Science
C. Mathematics
D. Civics
35. How many languages do the students learn?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
36. What do the students study on Wednesday before religion?
A. English
B. Science
C. Mathematics
B. Civics
37. Arrange the jumbled words below!
Wednesday – study – we – on – science.
1 2 3 4 5
A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
B. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5
C. 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 1
D. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1
38. Arrange the jumbled words below!
Do – usually – on – do – morning - ? – Sunday – what – you
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 8–1–9–2–4–3–5–6–7
B. 8–1–9–2–4–7–3–5–6
C. 8–1–9–2–4–3–7–5–6
D. 8–1–9–2–4–3–7–6–5
39. Arsya : Let’s go to ...
Andy : What for?
Arsya : for the final of an Interschool football competition. Our school team will play!
Andy : Really? Let’s go then.
A. Stadium
B. School
C. Harbor
D. City Hall
40. Adit : Where are you going?
Arman : I’m going to ...
Adit : Is there a new movie?
Arman : Yes, today is the premiere.
A. Supermarket
B. Hospital
C. Hotel
D. Cinema


41. Read the schedule below!

Fahmi’s schedule of extracurricular activities in a week
Time Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday
07:00 a.m-09:00 a.m - - - English club
09:30a.m-11:00 a.m - - - Football club
02:00 p.m-04:30 p.m Pencak Silat - Scout -

A. How many days is Fahmi free from extra-curricular activities in a week?

B. When does Fahmi practice his English skills?
42. Read the dialog and fill the blank!
Agung : Where are you going, Tyo?
Tyo : I am going to the school (A). ...
Agung : Where is it?
Tyo : It’s in the upstairs between laboratory and the hall, it’s quiet place. I love reading books,
and I always go there to borrow the books or novels.
Agung : After that we can go to (B). ..., I feel hungry. I want to buy meatball and a glass of juice.
Tyo : All right.
43. This place is for Moslem to prepare for the purpose of offering the five daily prayers. Shubuh, dzuhur,
Ashar, Maghrib and Isya’. It is ...
44. My brother has a pet. His pet has long ears, white furs, and short tail. What animal is?
45. This thing is very useful. We can know something or knowledge by reading it. We can get many
information around the world from it. Sometimes, I borrow it from library. What is it? It is ...

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