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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Field Study 6- On Becoming

a Teacher

Learning Episode 1
Prepared by:

In this learning episode, you are expected to:

 Evaluate oneself based on the Beginning Teacher
Indicators of the Philippine Professional Standards for
 Reflect on one’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of
personal and professional attributes on becoming a
 Perform a micro demo-teaching of a lesson plan that
they had prepared.
Activities or Learning Tasks
This episode will require you to accomplish three learning tasks.

 Task 1
 Accomplish the Self-assessment to see how far you have gone in achieving the
Beginning Teacher Indicator (BTI) stipulated in the Philippine Professional.
Determine which indicators you have not realized yet.

 Task 2
 When you graduate in your baccalaureate degree, it is expected that you
have achieved all the indicators in the BTI; to a point that you are already
demonstrating/applying them in real life. Moreover, you are expected to
continue your professional development through relevant personal and
professional engagements. To help you visualize your personal and professional
goals, you are going to present your self-assessment; indicating present
opportunities and possible constraints or barriers to your journey as well as
possible counter measures to overcome them.
Slightly Achieved

Not Achieved (Without evidence to Moderately Achieved Fully Achieved

Domain 1: Content Knowledge and support claim of
(Without any evidence to (With one (1) evidence to (With two or more
Pedagogy achievement, but with (Attach link or soft copy
support claim of support claim of evidence/s to support
ongoing engagement/s of evidence/s)
achievement) achievement.) claim of achievement.)
which could support claim
of achievement.)
1.1.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and
its application within and/or
curriculum teaching areas.

1.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of
research-based knowledge and principles
of teaching and learning.

1.3.1 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to
facilitate the teaching and learning process.

1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching
strategies that promote literacy and
numeracy skills.

1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies that develop
critical and creative thinking, and/or other
higher-order thinking skills. ✔
1.6.1 Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English
to facilitate teaching and learning.

1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the
range of verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies that support
learner understanding, participation, ✔
engagement and achievement.

Indicators that are not yet achieved:

Slightly Achieved
Not Achieved Moderately Achieved Fully Achieved
(Without evidence to support Evidence
Domain 2: Learning Environment (Without any evidence to claim of achievement, but (With one (1) evidence to (With two or more
(Attach link or soft copy
support claim of with ongoing engagement/s support claim of evidence/s to support
of evidence/s)
achievement) which could support claim of achievement.) claim of achievement.)
2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of policies,
guidelines and procedures that provide safe
and secure learning environments.

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of learning
environments that promote fairness, respect
and care to encourage learning.

2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of managing
classroom structure that engages learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery and hands-on
activities within the available physical

learning environments.

2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of

supportive learning environments that
nurture and inspire learner participation.

2.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of learning
environments that motivate learners to work
productively by assuming responsibility for ✔
their own learning.
2.6.1 Demonstrate knowledge of positive
and non-violent discipline
management of learner behavior.
in the ✔
Indicators that are not yet achieved:

Slightly Achieved

Not Achieved (Without evidence to Moderately Achieved Fully Achieved

support claim of
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners (Without any evidence to (With one (1) evidence (With two or more
achievement, but with (Attach link or soft
support claim of to support claim of evidence/s to support
ongoing engagement/s copy of evidence/s)
achievement) achievement.) claim of achievement.)
which could support claim
of achievement.)

3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of differentiated teaching to
suit the learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
interests and experiences.

3.2.1 Implement teaching strategies that
are responsive to the learners’ linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious
3.3.1 Use strategies responsive to learners ✔
with disabilities, giftedness and talents.

3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the

special educational needs of learners in
difficult circumstances, including: ✔
geographic isolation; chronic illness;
displacement due to armed conflict, urban
resettlement or disasters; child abuse and
child labor practices.
3.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching
strategies that are inclusive of ✔
learners from indigenous groups.

Indicators that are not yet achieved:

Domain 4: Curriculum and Not Achieved Slightly Achieved Moderately Fully Achieved
Planning (Without any evidence to (Without evidence to
Achieved (With two or more Evidence
support claim of support claim of evidence/s to support
(With one (1) evidence
achievement) achievement, but with claim of achievement.) (Attach link or soft
to support claim of
ongoing engagement/s copy of evidence/s)
which could support claim
of achievement.)
4.1.1 Prepare developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning
processes to meet curriculum ✔
4.2.1 Identify learning outcomes that are
aligned with learning competencies. ✔
4.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge in the
implementation of relevant and ✔
responsive learning programs.
4.4.1 Seek advice concerning strategies
that can enrich teaching practice. ✔
4.5.1 Show skills in the selection,
development and use of a variety of
teaching and learning resources, ✔
including ICT, to address learning goals.
Indicators that are not yet achieved:

Slightly Achieved Moderately
Fully Achieved
Not Achieved (Without evidence to support Achieved Evidence
Domain 5: Assessment and
claim of achievement, but with (With two or more evidence/s
Reporting (Without any evidence to
ongoing engagement/s which (With one (1) evidence to to support claim of
(Attach link or soft copy of
support claim of achievement) support claim of evidence/s)
could support claim of achievement.)
achievement.) achievement.)

5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the design,

selection, organization and use of diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment ✔
strategies consistent with curriculum
5.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring
and evaluation of learner progress and
achievement using learner attainment data.

5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of providing
timely, accurate and constructive feedback to ✔
improve learner performance.
5.4.1 Demonstrate familiarity with a range of
strategies for communicating learner needs,
progress and achievement.

5.5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the role
of assessment data as feedback in teaching
and learning practices and programs.

Indicators that are not yet achieved:

Slightly Achieved Moderately
Fully Achieved
Not Achieved (Without evidence to support Achieved Evidence
Domain 6: Community Linkages
claim of achievement, but with (With two or more evidence/s
and Professional Engagement (Without any evidence to
ongoing engagement/s which (With one (1) evidence to to support claim of
(Attach link or soft copy of
support claim of achievement) support claim of evidence/s)
could support claim of achievement.)
achievement.) achievement.)

6.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of

knowledge of learning environments that are
responsive to community contexts.

6.2.1 Seek advice concerning strategies that
build relationships with parents/guardians and
the wider community.

6.3.1 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws
and regulations that apply to the teaching
profession, and become familiar with the
responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics

for Professional Teachers.
6.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge and

understanding of school policies and
procedures to foster harmonious relationships
with the wider school community.
Indicators that are not yet achieved:

Domain 7: Personal Growth and Not Achieved Slightly Achieved Moderately Fully Achieved Evidence
Professional Development Achieved
(Without any evidence to (Without evidence to support (With two or more evidence/s (Attach link or soft copy of
support claim of achievement) claim of achievement, but with to support claim of evidence/s)
(With one (1) evidence to
ongoing engagement/s which achievement.)
support claim of
could support claim of

7.1.1 Articulate a personal philosophy of ✔

teaching that is learner-centered.

7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviors that uphold the ✔

dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting
qualities such as caring attitude, respect and
7.3.1 Seek opportunities to establish ✔
professional links with colleagues.

7.4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how ✔

professional reflection and learning can
be used to improve practice.

7.5.1 Demonstrate motivation to realize ✔

professional development goals based on
the Philippine Professional Standards for

Indicators that are not yet achieved:


A successful teaching demonstration ultimately comes down to careful planning and practice. I honestly plan for this
demo teaching and practice it in front of the mirror before going into the field. Before the D-Day, I almost got kicked-out by my
Resource Teacher as I asked if it’s possible for me to have my demo teaching after I wrapped up a few things in Manila,
unfortunately, it wasn’t granted because the topic that was given to me was part of students periodic exam. Of course, I
prioritized my teaching journey over my small business and fortunately I made it just in time. So here comes the most awaited
teaching demonstration. I was scheduled last March 10, 2023.
I got so nervous at first because it’s my first time teaching lots of students but when you know what you’re doing and you
plan ahead of time despite of all other circumstances, you will gain confidence and the trust of students. I found myself having
fun with the students and I know they are learning. After the discussion, I grouped them into four and have some activities in
connection with the topic, it’s called “Hula-rawan” or guess the pic. I decided to have some fun activity because there is one
student who napped in front of me, maybe because of my scheduled time at 1:00PM to 2:30PM. It’s really the time that students
gets sleepy and thankfully, it worked. They enjoyed playing at the same time, I asked them some questions to assess them if they
learned something and fortunately, I was happy to know they learned many things with the discussions I’ve made.
Real life experience is always the best, teaching in front of the students made me realized a few things. There are
challenges that made me think of some possible counter measures that will help me overcome them.
One of the common challenges I’ve faced during demo teaching was the allotted time, I was given one and a half hour
and I need to deliver the discussion within the limited time frame. Aside from that, I noticed that students, took a lot of time when
given an activity. They consumed 30 minutes of the time for the activity, So I need to properly managed the time. As time went
by, I successfully finished the discussion within the allotted time. As future teacher, I realized that time management is really
important. All of the objectives should be achieved within the limited time frame.
I also gave a quiz and oral assessment to assess students throughout the lesson. It’s an effective way of assessing students
learning while the lesson’s still going on. They tell us what students learned, how well they learned it, and where they struggled.

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