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The scope of this study is to focus on the impact of Academic Stress

on high school student Mental Health and overall well being. This
study focuses on the Effects of Academic Stress to the Academic
Performance of High School Students at Lyceum of Alcalal. The data
collection will beconducted to randomly selected students at Lyceum
of Alcala who will represent the population. This study will not cover
other problems that are not consider as one of the stressors and
depressants. Each of the respondents is given the same
questionnaires toanswer. The results of this study will be applicable
only to the respondents of this study and will not be used as a
measure to the effects of Academic Stress to the academic
performance of the students who do not belong to the population of
this study. The main source of data will be the questionnaire, which
will be prepared by the researchers.

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