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Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019

E-Commerce in Supply Chain Management:

its Introduction and Prospects in the Light
Sergey N. Kashurnikov1, Viacheslav V. Sevalnev2, Yuri V. Truntsevsky3, Ekaterina V.
Cherepanova4, Olga G. Berestneva5
Department of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russia
Department of Methodology of Combating Corruption, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law
under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Department of Information Technology, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Abstract - The research deals with current trends of e- Planning). Supply chain management refers to
commerce in supply chain management through the coordinating, planning and controlling of
example of light industry. It is shown that one of the procurement, production and supply of products
current trends in supply chain management is human
and services. The introduction of SCM in the
labor reduction and almost complete automation of
enterprise requires a number of significant changes:
warehouse and transport operations. The practice of
domestic online stores in e-commerce is regarded. It
creation of a unified information space within the
has been revealed that for domestic stores there is a company, automation of the processes and analysis
lag in using innovative means. This is explained by of the received information. Supply chain
the small volume of sales. The introduction of management is an integrated and systematic
innovations, which include business analytics, mobile approach that requires simultaneous consideration
technologies and applications, omni channel logistics, of many supply and sales operations. Therefore,
the use of electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles and there is a need for further study of the problems
drones, the use of cloud computing technologies, e-
related to the formation of complex supply chains,
commerce, automatic identification and data
the creation of new technologies for managing
collection, 3D printing, has not become popular in
domestic online stores.
chains in international business environment, as
well as the definition of further development
Keywords -e-commerce, supply chain management, prospects. At the same time, as our country is a
payment systems, delivery, warehouse automation. country with an economy in transition, the
introduction of such technologies is an urgent task
1. Introduction since we have not accumulated the relevant
The use of e-commerce to manage business experience and the corresponding technologies
processes in modern economy is not something have not been developed.
new. The digital transformation of the industry has
led to the emergence of such concepts as Industry 2. Literature review
4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Digital Manufacturing, The term “supply chain management” (SCM –
Internet of Manufacturing and Open Manufacturing Supply Chain Management) appeared in 1982. The
[1,2]. In turn, these concepts have led to development of this concept and its active use in
fundamental changes in the logistics industry, practice in Western countries dates back to the
particularly in the supply chain management. The second half of the 1990s. At the present stage of the
concept of “supply chain management” is quite economy development, supply chain management
extensional. It includes some definitions that were is regarded in the context of e-commerce.
used earlier. They are ECR (Efficient Customer According to e Marketer, sales through e-
Response) and DRP (Distribution Resource commerce in the world in 2018 increased by 23.5%
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)
Copyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (

Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019

compared with 2017 and made up about $ 2.84 competition between providers of transport and
trillion (11.9% of the total retail sales). By 2021, storage services in the Russian market. The use of
global Internet sales are expected to be $ 4.9 trillion e-commerce to manage supply chains at the light
[3]. Today, e-commerce is a major factor in the industry enterprises was considered in [9]. In his
economy development [4]. Summing up the study he showed that the use of modern logistic
empirical research in the use of e-commerce when methods when distributing goods at knitwear
forming complex supply chains, we can say that the enterprises is the determining factor that ensures
use of e-commerce has shifted the center of the sustainable economic development of enterprises;
logistics system from retailers to consumers. In this and the significance of distribution systems
sphere there are two groups of organizational increases with the concentration of orders for the
decisions: regulation of operational processes supply of products [11]. The literature review
(automation of receiving and processing orders, allows us to conclude that for historical reasons
electronic document flow, sales accounting, etc.) Russia is lagging behind in terms of the use of e-
and optimization of further processes (demand commerce in supply chain management. It means
forecasting, calculation of optimal delivery that the problem is not sufficiently developed for
schemes, sales analysis and planning) [5-10]. Ref. the countries with transition economies. This fact
[5] discusses practical aspects of e-commerce in helped us to formulate the purpose of our research.
supply chain management [4]. In their study they The purpose of our research is to determine the role
examine the global practice of its implementation of e-commerce in supply chain management in the
and the corresponding models and methods. They context of international business conditions and its
show that the activities of typical logistics restructuring taking into account the specifics of
companies from North America, Europe and the logistics solutions in terms of globalization and
Asia-Pacific region are impossible without big data competition through the example of light industry.
analysis technologies, deployment of smart sensors
in equipment and production lines, the introduction 3. Research methods
of cloud technologies, as well as the end-to-end
The information base for the research is the data
automation and integration of production and
presented in the publications of practitioners and
management processes into a single information
market experts. The study of the role of e-
system. At the same time, SCM is not only
commerce in supply chain management in the
designed for large corporations having production
Russian market and its development prospects is
units in different regions and working with a large
based on analysis, synthesis and generalization
number of distributors in the markets of many
countries. This statement is true, however, even if
the company owns several units (or even one unit)
and works with a small number of permanent 3.1. Research results
distributors and suppliers, the use of SCM solutions It should be noted that the problem of supply chain
can significantly reduce costs and bring the management in the light industry is complex and it
company real profit [6]. Since the market economy should be considered along with the following
appeared in our country not so long ago and the business processes: demand forecasting based on
market for integrated supply chain management big data analysis, search for suppliers and
services started to form in the second half of the automation of cargo transportation, robotic
2000s, the Russian market for integrated supply automation of warehouse and transportation
chain management services is characterized by activities. This area is characterized by changes in
strong fragmentation, lack of consistency and supply chain management caused by modern
underdevelopment [8]. In Russia a relatively low innovations. Table 1 shows how global innovation
level of market development is also observed affects supply chains.
because small companies mainly provide simple
services, such as transportation, storage and cargo
handling. It can be expected that in the near future
in Russia the demand for system services from
foreign and large domestic companies will increase.
Therefore, we should expect an increase in the

Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019

Table1. Impact of e-commerce and innovations on programs that analyze important business
supply chains information in order to help the company
Impact The use in Trial logistics management better understand the market and their
commercial projects own business, as well as make timely management
decisions. Business analytics underlies such
high Business autonomous
analytics, mobile vehicles and concepts as “Smart Factory”, “Big Data”, “Smart
technologies, big drones Data” and “Smart Logistics”. E-commerce tools
data make the supply processes transparent: at any time
technologies, the customer can track the goods using a mobile
robotic phone application, evaluate consumer experience
automation of by rating it and so on. The concept of transparency
warehouses and
is ensured through automatic identification and data
electric cars
Medium Internet of Smart collection, embedded systems and mobile
things, automatic production applications.
identification and - 3D printing technology is used to obtain
data collection individual parts and components, as well as
Low Cloud computing customized spare parts. This eliminates the need to
technologies maintain large warehouses for various parts and
components. They can be replaced with virtual
The main innovation and e-commerce trends,
warehouses containing computer data on the
affecting supply chain management are:
necessary parts.
- miniaturization of electronics, which is the basis
- the use of autonomous vehicles means that there
for the development of such technologies as
are independent navigation systems. In logistics,
automatic identification and data collection, radio
such technologies can be used for courier delivery
frequency identification, robotics, communication
of parcels to consumers, as well as for autonomous
between machines. This affects the elements of the
motor transportation of goods. The usefulness of
supply chain management system. Namely,
such innovations is to increase the security of
automatic or radio frequency identification is used
supplies, as well as to reduce the delivery cost in
to collect, analyze and manage data during the
the future.
transportation process throughout the entire supply
- Omni channel logistics provides for the use of all
available logistical channels and communications
- The Internet of Things is a network of objects
in sales, their absolute integration, the same prices
with artificial intelligence that are automatically
and range, any payment method in any sales
organized. They exchange information and data, as
channel, a single database of customers and their
well as allocate resources for different actions in
preferences. Channels of customer interaction
various conditions. At the same time, the Internet
include offline retail shops, service terminals,
of Things reduces human involvement in
websites, mobile applications, social networks, e-
production and logistics processes. In practice, the
mails, etc.
concept of the Internet of Things is to track the
Insufficiently developed legal framework and
status of assets, equipment, vehicles, cargo, real-
imperfection of information security are the main
time work of people in any part of the supply chain.
obstacles in the development of e-commerce
It analyzes “bottlenecks” in the supply chain and its
business in the Russian Federation. In addition, e-
overall efficiency. This contributes to business
commerce development in the light industry is
forecasting and optimizes costs. Appropriate
hampered by some psychological factors: the
monitoring sensors and cargo chipping makes it
management of the enterprise is not ready to do
possible to fully track and plan the route of
business in a new form, lack of experience in using
such technologies.
- Nowadays e-commerce is the basis for organizing
At the same time, light industry enterprises mainly
and forecasting sales. It allows automatic
fulfill large contracts and the goods are sold either
processing of both large and small orders and it
through online shops or small retail shops.
monitors stock reserves based on the demand level.
Let us consider what e-commerce tools are used by
At the same time, business analysts suggest the use
the most popular online shops of light industry
of methods, technologies, systems, practices and

Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019

goods. At the present stage of development the delivery time quite often increases due to the fact
most common form of sales of light industry goods the goods offered in the online store list are
is online sales (Table 2). temporary out of stock. A significant number of
online stores do not have special warehouses for
Table2. E-commerce tools used by the most storing goods and keep them directly in the office
popular online shops of the online. The ability of an online store to
Online shop manage the delivery can also be affected by the
chosen delivery method: by means of engaged transport and specialized courier services or on its
own. In fact, all online stores do not have their own
delivery service and use the services of existing
public and (or) special delivery systems, which act
as the so-called "third" party to fulfill orders.
Sometimes several counterparties are involved in
the delivery process (in case of the use of multi-
modal transport scheme). The quality of the
International express + + delivery in such systems cannot be considered high,
delivery because in fact domestic online stores do not
Own express delivery + + + consolidate small shipments to the same
Postal services + + + geographical areas, but send individual purchases.
Self-delivery + + + One of the reasons for this may be the fact that the
Own transport + + + + range of goods presented in online stores is adapted
The use of payment + + + + for small shipments. It should also be noted that the
The use of CRM –systems - - - -
customers themselves, as a rule, try to consolidate
Chipping of goods - - - - purchases, ordering together several goods or a
Automation of warehouses + - - - relatively big number of goods. Domestic online
Demand forecasting based - - - - stores do not actually use any finished goods
on big data
warehouses or distribution centers of the
enterprises producing goods that are sold in this
According to Google Analytics, the location of online store. As a result, they can’t create a flexible
goods providers mainly in the capital of the country system for placing stocks of goods and
and several regional centers is one of the main decentralized order processing by manufacturers (in
features of the organization of goods delivery this case acting as supply planners).
systems in e-commerce in Russia. Such location
allows them to use various types of public 4. Discussion
transport. In fact, most online stores can use postal From the perspective of international supply
services and transport, including railway. Based on management, it is important to review all possible
the above-mentioned information, we can single supply strategies. For example, they can be
out several main features of supply chain improved by using the concepts of Single Sourcing
management for domestic online stores. (minimum number of suppliers), Global Sourcing
According to Google Analytics, domestic online or Eine Quelle Versorgung (sole supplier),
stores are characterized by the fact that their production-synchronous procurement, Just-in-time,
customers are concentrated in the area next to the Zuliefer integration (integration of suppliers in the
shop or sometimes in regional centers. That is most development of production). When building global
of the customers live in the area next to this store supply chains all solutions are reduced to the
and there are practically no customers from rural following:
areas. At the same time, most customers are not - changing consumer needs and the emergence of
wholesale buyers, they are fragmented and the new expectations;
average purchase price is low. Delivery time is - Network economy;
another important factor in organizing the delivery - Globalization and complexity of logistics;
of goods in e-commerce. In some online stores, it - Environmental instability;
ranged from one day to 30 days, and the average - System sustainability;
value of this indicator was 6 days. In this case, the

Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019

- Growing risks. companies took the Quick Response initiative;

The formation of e-commerce systems is based on consumer retailers in Europe and the United States
modern software, accelerated development of widely promoted a campaign called Efficient
information technologies and reach of dispersed Consumer Response, while the US grocery
consumers, as well as the creation of e-commerce manufacturers introduced the Efficient Food
infrastructure for the delivery of goods and service Response program. The above-mentioned
payments. As the studies have shown, the main companies and manufacturers relied on the speed of
problem of supply chain management of domestic activities and cost effectiveness, which are popular
enterprises is the lack of a supply management goals in supply chain management. An interesting
strategy. Supply management is not referred to as a fact is that the orientation of the companies
complex problem. The introduction of individual changed along with the economic cycles. At the
elements is observed. That is, there are only time of rapid development managers focused on
individual signs of supply chain management: maximizing speed and when the economy was
functions of planning, fulfillment and control of slowing down, they tried to minimize operating
order; information exchange between costs. This is proved by the last global crisis [16,
counterparties and a focus company. The 17].
information exchange goal is to coordinate efforts
to meet the demand and minimize costs, 5. Conclusions
computerize processes, as well as to expand the Ensuring the delivery of goods ordered by
supply chain – respond to customer needs from the customers of a particular e-commerce enterprise is
moment of their formation to the disposal of one of the most difficult tasks in organizing e-
products [12-15]. commerce systems. At the same time, the practice
of selling goods is lagging behind the world trends.
Domestic e-commerce enterprises do not develop a Due to low sales of domestic online stores, the
comprehensive management strategy to manage following is observed:
supply chains, since the goods are delivered from - Relatively small customer reach: as a rule, online
larger warehouses and the store’s customers are stores are located in large cities and do not cover
mainly concentrated in a small area [16, 17]. Thus, rural residents;
a general concept of supply chain management, a - Lack of specialized warehouses and modern
combination of functions and processes are not automation tools;
developed; the extent and range of outsourcing is
not determined; there are no concepts of stock - Lack of demand forecasting, not using of big data
management, information management, processing systems and CRM-systems;
distribution and cost management, transportation. - Not using of finished goods warehouses or
That is, domestic online stores have a mediating distribution centers of enterprises producing goods
role in the purchase and delivery of goods from that are sold in this online store;
multinational online platforms. That is why the use - Lack of clear supply chain management
of e-commerce tools is often impractical for them. strategies, both traditional and using e-commerce
In this regard, we should take into account the tools [18, 19].
experience of leading foreign companies, which The introduction of innovations, which include
restructured their supply chains to deliver finished business analytics, mobile technologies and
goods and services to customers as quickly as applications, the use of electric vehicles,
possible. Thus, the most successful supply chains omnichannel logistics, the use of autonomous
are characterized by the following: vehicles and drones, cloud computing technologies,
- High delivery speed and low costs; e-commerce, automatic identification and data
- Flexible response to market structure changes; collection, 3D printing, has not become popular
- take into account the interests of all participants of with domestic online stores.
the supply chain. It is obvious that to improve efficiency most
Some leading companies implemented joint companies should look for innovations. As a rule,
projects with their partners to improve the the innovations appearing in this sphere are the
procedure, establish technical standards and invest result of direct customer requests (reactive model)
in common logistics infrastructure. For example, in rather than proactive innovation activities of
the early 90s of the 20th century US clothing companies.

Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8, No. 4, August 2019

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