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Ways on how students in boarding schools can look after themselves

and manage their studies during the Covid-19 lock down

By: Ang Yik Hoe
The Covid-19 pandemic 疫情 has changed the norm 常态 of
today’s society and that includes how students studied during the
lockdown in their respective 个别 boarding schools. The virus has a
mortality 死 亡 rate of 3.4% and causes difficulty in breathing,
fatigue 疲劳, headaches and inability 不能 to taste food. But how
can you, as a student, do that? It is remarkably 明显 simple and so I
will share some advice and ways you can do so!
First and foremost, 首先 students must not have any kind of
physical 肢体 contact with one another during the first two weeks of
entering the boarding school premise 宿舍. This means no hugging,
hand shaking 握手 or any other kind of physical form of contact in
general 普 遍 . Corona virus spreads 传 播 via inhalation 吸 入 of
droplets 口 沫 containing the virus or touching objects that are
contaminated 污染 with these droplets.
Moreover, students also are encouraged to wash their hands
frequently 时常 using soap and water or alcohol-based disinfectant
消毒液. This is especially important if you are about to prepare food
or when you get back to the dormitories 宿舍. This is to ensure 确保
that the pathogen 病 毒 does not enter your body via 通 过 your
hands when they touch the mucus 粘 膜 membrane of eyes, nose
and mouth.
Furthermore, students are advised to keep their distance and
avoid 避 免 crowds 人 群 . This means that every student needs to
keep the greatest distance from other people when coughing 咳嗽,
at least one metre to avoid breathing droplets which could carry the
corona virus if the person is infected 感染. This technique 方法 of
social distancing 社交距离 can help prevent 避免 the transmission
传染 of Covid-19 between different individuals in a community 社群.

These tips and ways on how students can look after 照 顾

themselves and manage their studies are designed 定 下 to keep
student safe from the pandemic while still allowing them to study.
Remember that the strict 严 格 rules and guidelines 指 南 are
imposed on the students is to protect them. Every single one of the
students plays a role 角 色 in curbing 抑 制 the rate of spread of
corona virus within the student community 社群.

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