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Prepared by:

Ma. Theresa R. Gorospe

Checked by:


Mark Jason U. Dayao

Cooperating Teacher

Recommending Approval:


Erasmo A. Madamba

R.S Coordinator



Edward D. Garcia. Ph. D.

Secondary School Principal II

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Define alliteration and onomatopoeia as figures of speech
b. Identify example of figures of speech
c. Write tongue twister using figures of speech

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Figures of speech alliteration and onomatopoeia
References: Anglo American Literature- Grade 9
Materials: video, cartolina, colored paper, marker, chalk and board.
Skills: reading, writing


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

A. Routinary Activities

B. Motivation
Before we proceed to our lesson for today
class let us first watch this video clip. As
you watch, I want you to sing along and try
to imitate what the people in the video are
Ma’am, I like the line Boom boom pow!
Now that we are already energized, I want
you to cite some lines from the video.
The line produces sound ma’am.
Boom boom pow? Interesting what do the
words produce?
Henry Hippo is Huge
Wow that is a nice observation! Now who
can give me other lines from the video clip.
The initial consonant sound is always repeated.
What is your observation in the line
“Henry Hippo is Huge”?
Letter “H” ma’am.
What is the initial consonant sound?

Indeed! Based from our two examples, let

us unlock our lesson for today. I want you
to arranged the jumbled letters flashed in
our TV screen.

Now that you already know what our

topic for today is, let us proceed to the
next activity.
C. Presentation Alliteration Onomatopoeia
1.Sans teeth, sans 1. I heard the ticking
I have here a graphic organizer containing eyes, sans taste, sans of the clock
two columns. Your task is sort out each everything
statement to which category do they 2. Sighing, he walked
2. She sells seashells away tearfully as her
along the seashore girlfriend abandoned
1. Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans 3. Love me like a her
everything lady not a girl 3.Speeding like a
2. I heard the ticking of the clock
3. She sells sea shells along the seashore 4. The brave boy ran tornado, the drunk
4. Love me like a lady not a girl inside the burning driver collides with
5. Sighing, he walked away tearfully as house to save Brenda another car which
resulted to a boom.
her girlfriend abandoned her.
5. Love is like a
6. The creaking sound of the door was 4. The creaking
poison that ends life
heard by everyone last night. sound of the door
7. Speeding like a tornado, the drunk was heard by
driver collides with another car which everyone last night
resulted to a boom.
8. The booing of the crowd becomes 5.The booing of the
louder when Lebron flaps on game 6. crowd becomes
9. The brave boy ran inside the burning louder when Lebron
house to save Brenda. flaps on game 6.
10. Love is like a poison that ends life.

D. Discussion
Let us check if your responses are correct.

What do you observe on the statements Ma’am the statements contained repeated
present in the first column? words.

Excellent, What else do you observe?

Ma’am the initial consonant sounds is often
Brilliant observation. What do we call the repeated.
statements on the first column? Alliteration ma’am

Based from the examples who among you

can now define alliteration? Alliteration is the repetition of consonant
sounds at the beginning of the words
Let us focus our attention on the second
What do the statements in the second
Ma’am the statements contain words that
column have in common?
suggest sounds
Bravo! Can anyone tell me the words that
The words that suggest sounds are ticking,
suggest sounds?
sighing,boom, creaking and booing.
What a very keen observation! What do we
Onomatopoeia is defined as a word, which
mean by onomatopoeia?
imitates the natural sounds of a thing. It creates
a sound effect that mimics the thing described,
making the description more expressive and
E. Drill
Let us see how far you have already
understand on our lesson. I will group you
into four groups. Pick up the paper beneath
your desk in order to find out which group
you belong.

I will give you five minutes to give

example of alliteration and onomatopoeia.
After 5 minutes, I want you to post your
answer on the board.
Students’ answer in the activity may vary.
Figures of Speech


Is the repetition of consonant sounds at the

beginning of the words.


_ Henry Hippo is Hungry


Is a sound devices used by poets to suggest

actions, movements and meaning.


_Slap! Flick! Swoosh! Whack!


F. Generalization
Congratulations! Based from the drill it
seems like all of you already master the
lesson. But to be sure let us have a recap.

What two figures of speech did we discuss Onomatopoeia and alliteration ma’am!
It is a sound device used by the poets to suggest
What is onomatopoeia? action, movement and meaning.

What a bright idea! So, who can give me Zip goes the jacket.
an example of onomatopoeia?

What about Alliteration? Repetition of consonant sound at the beginning

of the words.

Who can give me an example of doubting, drearing dreams no mortal enter

alliteration? dared to dream before.

Onomatopoeia is the formation of word from a

What is the difference between the two?
sound. Whereas alliteration is an occurrence of
the same letter or sound at the beginning of the

Why is it important to use figures of

It is important because it will create figures
speech in our daily lives?
(pictures) in the mind of the readers and

IV. Evaluation CRITERIA

Tongue Twisters Content 10

Lines must use at least five
Okay, please go back to your respective group. alliteration and onomatopeia
Your Final Task today is to compose a tongue Performance 10
twisting rap using alliteration and onomatopoeia. The Presentation must be
Don’t forget to insert a beat or tune and then accompanied with beat or tune
present it in front. Audience Impact 10
Must capture audience attention
I will give you 5minutes to prepare and 1 minute Total 30
to perform. Okay, this is the criteria for judging.

V. Assignment
For your output to be submitted on Friday,
write a poem about love using alliteration
and onomatopoeia

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