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To: nelson@email.

Subject : Tina’s Birthday
Hi Nelson,
I think I have an idea where we could host 举 办 the party –
Forest Valley Hall. It is located 位于 near your house in Kepong and
rent 租金 is rather cheap for such a grand 豪华 hall!
Moreover, the catering 食物 service is good and the hotel can
help organise a multitude 多方面 of fun activities both for adult and
children. I think we should do both since we want to satisfy 满 足
both family and friends. That’s all the ideas I have for now. Bye!
Part 2
The school library was one of the most used places to study
among the students of SMK Jinjang. Despite 尽管 this, the library has
been neglected 忽略 these past few years. This causes a decrease in
cleanliness and service by the library staff 员工. I have a few ideas on
how we can improve the condition 情况 of the library back to what
it used to be 曾经 or may be even better!
First and foremost, the library lacks 缺少 a head librarian 主席.
This is because the organisation 组 织 dissolved 解 散 a few years
back leaving the librarians without a leader. To fix this, the library
needs a new staff that will act as the leader of the remaining
librarians. This is to ensure 确保 a new organisation be built thus 如
此 allowing the library to managed more systematically 系统.
Moreover, the library also lacks helpers in terms of librarians
amongst 当 中 the student. To combat 解 决 this problem, the
current members of the librarian team could organise 举 办 a
campaign 活 动 or create posters to recruit 招 聘 more members.
The library committee could also put up the benefits 好处 of being a
member of the library. This could attract 吸 引 others to join the
Finally, the library lacks books that can be used by students
during study sessions. The fact that many books are outdated 过期
also means that students are consuming 吸 取 false 错 误
information or information that is irrelevant 不相关 for the current
time. To overcome this, the schools must increase the amount of
funds 资金 to increase the number of books that are provided 提供
in the library.
Part 3
How to Combat Stress
By: Esther Lai
What is stress? Stress is a combination of physical, mental and
emotional feeling that result from pressure, worry and anxiety 紧张.
These pressures are called stressors 压 力 . Some examples of
common stressors are family problems, illness, change of
environment, exams, peer pressure 同 辈 压 力 and financial
problems. So, what are the signs of stress, why does it happen and
how can a teenager overcome stress?
Signs of stress are easy to miss but if you see someone feeling
preoccupied 出 神 all the time, having difficulty concentrating and
trouble thinking flexibly 有可能 he or she might have stress. This is
because stress forces 逼 people to overthink little things causing
them to feel irritated 生气, angry and rebellious 造反 all the time.
First, school seems to be main cause of stress. Teenagers must
encounter daily attacks 攻击 from school. For example, the heap 一
堆 of homework they get every day, the difficult exams and high
expectations 期望高 cause them to feel burdened 压力 . Students
nowadays also get a lot of extra work.
To overcome stress, one should avoid negative 负面 thinking.
Acknowledge 珍 惜 the positive things in your life and begin to re-
establish some balance in your emotion 情绪 . Avoid focusing 专注
on only the bad things that happened during your day. You should
always stop and count your blessings 幸运.
Finally, eating properly 正确 is one of best ways to overcome
stress. Your body needs to be healthy, happy and properly fuelled 补
充 to help you tackle 面对 stress. Hence by eating properly, your
body may relieve 释放 stress on its own if given enough time.

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