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NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

2085/2017 *ANGOLA - Buoyage. Automatic Identification System.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Ef{ and associated Automatic Identification System, AIS,
with Ef
7° 27´·3S., 11° 32´·6E.

3357/2017 *CONGO - Submarine pipelines. Legends. Restricted areas. NM Block.

Source: Total E&P Congo

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 5° 08´·9S., 11° 38´·5E.


3472/2017 *ANGOLA - NM Block. Pilot boarding place.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 7° 15´·3S., 11° 24´·6E.

 7° 04´·1S., 12° 29´·7E.


5858/2017 ANGOLA - Development area. Pilot boarding place.

Source: New Edition of GB Chart 307 published 14 December 2017.

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Insert limit of development area, pecked line, joining: 7° 28´·5S., 11° 24´·8E.
(S border)
7° 19´·8S., 11° 24´·8E.
(existing limit)
 7° 04´·1S., 12° 29´·7E.

0517/2018 *ANGOLA - Platform. Well.

Source: mv Bourbon Explorer 502

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

¼{ with åWell 6° 03´·8S., 11° 05´·9E.

Document Query (Charts): Aus 306
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

1932/2018 *ANGOLA - Mooring buoys.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

RfFl 7° 15´·1S., 11° 15´·4E.
7° 24´·1S., 11° 24´·3E.

2115/2018 *ANGOLA - Buoyage.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

EfFl(5)Y.25s Kaombo North 7° 14´·4S., 11° 18´·7E.

EfFl(5)Y.25s Kaombo South 7° 21´·9S., 11° 18´·1E.

2343/2018 *ANGOLA - Moored storage tanker.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

éKaombo North 7° 14´·2S., 11° 17´·1E.

2389/2018 ANGOLA - Radar beacons.

Source: Esso Exploration Angola Limited

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Delete symbol, radar beacon, Racon(N), at moored storage tanker 6° 19´·2S., 11° 03´·1E.
symbol, radar beacon, Racon(B), at moored storage tanker 6° 21´·1S., 11° 09´·1E.

3167/2018 ANGOLA - Moored storage tanker.

Source: UKHO

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Amend legend to, FPSO Kaombo Norte, at Moored storage tanker 7° 14´·2S., 11° 17´·1E.

Document Query (Charts): Aus 306
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

3206/2018 CONGO - Pilot boarding places.

Source: French Notice 23/147/18

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

 4° 23´·4S., 11° 06´·3E.
 4° 16´·4S., 11° 10´·9E.

3708/2018 CONGO - Platform. Restricted area. Submarine pipeline. Well.

Source: French Notice 27/149/18

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

¼{ (a) 4° 24´·9S., 11° 02´·2E.
circular limit of restricted area, radius 1M, Ç , centred on:
(a) above
submarine pipeline, È, joining: (a) above
4° 28´·3S., 11° 05´·5E.
å, close N of: (a) above

3963/2018 *GABON - Wells. Moored storage tanker. Pilot boarding place.

Source: Alliance Marine Services LP
Note: Former Notice 3099(P)/18 is cancelled.

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

åWell 4° 10´·8S., 10° 41´·0E.
4° 15´·2S., 10° 48´·4E.

é{FPSO BW Adolo 4° 14´·8S., 10° 49´·1E.

 4° 11´·8S., 10° 51´·0E.

4612/2018 *CONGO - Mooring buoy.

Source: Alliance Marine Services LP

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

R 4° 15´·6S., 10° 51´·0E.

Document Query (Charts): Aus 306
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

5739/2018 *ANGOLA - Development area. Legend.

Source: UKHO

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Insert circular limit of development area, radius 1000m (0.54M),
pecked line, centred on: (a) 5° 46´·2S., 11° 55´·2E.
legend, Development Area (see Note), close NE of: (a) above

0914/2019 ANGOLA - Moored storage tanker.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

é{FPSO Kaombo Sul 7° 21´·9S., 11° 22´·5E.

1644/2019 ANGOLA - Automatic Identification System. Radar beacon.

Source: Total E&P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Insert Automatic Identification System, AIS, at FPSO Kaombo Norte (a) 7° 14´·2S., 11° 17´·1E.
radar beacon, Racon(N), at FPSO Kaombo Norte (a) above

2041/2019 *ANGOLA - Legend.

Source: UKHO
Note: Radar beacon remains unchanged.

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Delete legend, AIS, at FPSO Kaombo Norte 7° 14´·2S., 11° 17´·1E.

4506/2019 *ANGOLA - Buoy. Legend. Platform.

Source: Cabinda Gulf Oil Company

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

o 5° 33´·9S., 11° 58´·6E.
legend, Ru, centred on: 5° 33´·8S., 11° 59´·6E.
¼{ Kali with ¼ Kali 5° 33´·9S., 11° 59´·1E.

Document Query (Charts): Aus 306
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

6041/2020 CONGO - Platform. Restricted area. Legends. Pilot boarding place.

Source: French Notice 43/170/20

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Â, from: 4° 23´·4S., 11° 06´·3E.
to: 4° 25´·7S., 11° 05´·1E.

1156/2022 *ANGOLA - Restricted area. Buoy.

Source: Total E & P Angola

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Insert semi-circular limit of restricted area, radius 6M, Ç, centred
on 7° 28’·2S.,12° 06’·3E, joining: 7° 28´·5S., 12° 00´·3E.
7° 28´·5S., 12° 12´·3E.

1840/2022 *ANGOLA - Buoy. Restricted area. Legend.

Source: Chevron

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

Delete symbol, mooring buoy, Mo(B) and associated circular limit of
restricted area,Ç , centred on:
5° 26´·2S., 12° 05´·0E.

2340/2022 CONGO - Platform. Submarine pipeline.

Source: John Lovell

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

¼{ (a) 4° 11´·0S., 10° 39´·0E.
submarine pipeline, È, joining: 4° 14´·8S., 10° 49´·1E.
(a) above

Document Query (Charts): Aus 306
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

2884/2022 CONGO - Platforms. Submarine pipeline.

Source: French Notice 24/170/22

Chart 306 (INT 2814) WGS84 DATUM

¼{ 4° 33´·5S., 11° 34´·6E.
(a) 4° 32´·4S., 11° 33´·8E.
(b) 4° 31´·5S., 11° 33´·0E.
(c) 4° 30´·7S., 11° 32´·7E.

¼{ NENE-AEP 4° 33´·1S., 11° 34´·1E.

submarine pipeline, È, joining: (a) above
(b) above
(c) above

Document Query (Charts): Aus 306

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