Mystique Temple Constitutions

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THE ANTIENT AND ‘Primitive Hite of Basonry, ARTICLE XIil. Mystic Tempe, Grand CounciL GENERAL, 32ND DeGREE, PRINCES OF MEMPHIS. Sc. 1.—Any eleven Patriarchs possessing the 32nd, and three of them the 32rd Degree of the Rite, residing in any Kingdom or Territory where no Grand Mystic Temple Council General, or Sov. Sanctuary has been established, may, upon the recommendation of their Representative, and by petitioning in the manner after mentioned, obtain a Charter fora Grand Mystic Temple, Council General, which will empower them to create and establish Chapters, Senates and Councils, from the 4th Degree (Discreet Master,) to the 30th Degree (Sublime Master of the Great Work), inclusive, and shall return periodically the members for registration, and certificates to the Sov Sanctuary. Their subordinates shall work and confer the Degrees as enumerated in Article VI, and they shall pay for their Charters the sums prescribed in these Statutes. Szc. 2—In any Province where there are estab- lished three subordinate bodies of Antient and Primitive Masonry there may be, by the presiding officers of said bodies petitioning, in due form, a Charter granted by the Sovereign Sanctuary for a Mystic Temple, 32nd Degree, for such said jurisdiction ; said petition to be accompanied by the prescribed fee, and approved and sealed by the proper representative. ‘I‘hey shall have no power to issue warrants or dispensations. ARTICLE XIV. PRIVILEGES. Sec, 1.—Mystic Temples are legislative bodies, and have authority, under the Sovereign Sanctuary in their jurisdiction over all the Degrees, from the 4th to the 3oth Degree, inclusive; but shall not confer the Degrees from the 31st to the 32nd, unless by sfectal dispensation from the Sovereign Grand Master. Sec. 2.—It is the province of a Mystic Temple to explain and develope the dogmatic and moral portion of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry. It has the power to enforce the laws of the Rite for the government of Chapters, Senates, and Councils; to dedicate and consecrate their Temples, and install their officers ; also, to observe that the Statutes and Ordinances of the Rite be properly enforced. SxEc. 3.—No member of the Mystic Temple can be deposed, unless by action of the Sov. Sanctuary, which shall act only upon full and authentic reports of the Mystic Temple, vised by the Grand Master of Light and the Grand Representatives. Src. 4.—Decisions of the Mystic Temple only bear authority when they have the seal of the Grand Master of Light, and of the Gran:| Annalist, and have been registered in the great Book of Gold of the Mystic Temple. Sec. 5.—Each Mystic Temple shall regulate the internal affairs of its jurisdiction, and make such laws for their better government as shall be nec- essary for the locality in which they may be estab- lished ; provided, always, such do not conflict with the Statutes and Ordinances of Antient and Primitive Masonry. All such laws must be reported to the Sovereign Sanctuary. Src. 6.—Each Mystic Temple, and Grand Mystic Temple or Council General, shall make an annual report on or before the first day of June, to the Grand Secretary General of all Degrees conferred in Chapters, Senates and Grand Councils, within. its jurisdiction, accompanied by the Fees, as pres- cribed by Sections 2, 3 & 4, Article Iv., of these Statutes. Such report must be attested by the Grand Annalist and Grand Treasurer. ARTICLE XV. Or Granp OFFIcers oF A Mystic TEMPLE. A Mystic Temple is composed of eleven Grand Officers, who shall hold office for a term of three years, to wit: 1. The Prince Patriarch Grand Master of Light. 2. The Sublime Patriarch Grand Orator. ” ” +, Treasurer. ” ” » Annalist. ” ” »» Examiner. ” ” ;, Keeper of Rites. i i 35 Ceryee or Expert. Hydranos, or Master of Ceremonies. ” ” »» Conductor. 10, ” ”, »» Guard of the Council. 11 The Prince Patriarch Grand Representative. And of the Deputy Representatives, and of the first officers of each Grand Council, Senate and Chapter, who shall, by virtue of their office, receive the 32nd Degree, and represent their respective organizations in the Mystic Temple, The Grand Master of Light, and the Grand Representative, must possess the 33rd Degree (Grand Conservator of the Rite), and are actual members of the Sov. Sanctuary. oot xn Ses ° ARTICLE XVI. Tue Granp Masters oF Licut. Sxc. 1.—The Grand Master of Light for the Grand Mystic Temple, Council General of any Kingdom, shall have power to grant dispensations for the formation of Chapters, Senates and Grand. Councils on receipt of a petition, couched in appropriate language, from a constitutional number of Masons within his jurisdiction ; blanks for such Dispensations to be obtained from the Sovereign Sanctuary. He shall, moreover, appoint such officers of subordinate bodies as may be organized under dispensation. Sxc. 2.—The Grand Master of Light must be regarded as the legislative head of the Mystic Temple, and is entitled to the seat of honor, when present, at every Orient beneath the jurisdiction of his Mystic Temple, unless its presiding officer be an actual member of the Sovereign Sanctuary. He has the privilege to confer the Degrees from the 4th to the 3oth inclusive, at sight, upon a Master Mason in good standing, and he may grant a Dispensation to a Chapter, Senate or Council for the same. He shall also, in the absence of any officers of the Mystic Temple (except the Grand Represen- tative), appoint assistant Grand Officers from amongst those Patriarchs who possess the 32nd Degree, to fill the vacancy for the time being. He shall also preside at all public ceremonies, to wit; Installations and Consecrations. He shall, moreover, issue his dispensation for the public procession (funeral or otherwise) of any body within the jurisdiction of his Mystic Temple. Tue GRAND ORATOR. Src. 3.—The Grand Orator is the second officer of the Mystic Temple; in the event of absence, sickness or death of the Grand Master of Light, he shall assume the duties of the Grand Master of Light ; at other times he shall perform the duties assigned to his office, by the Ritual of the Rite. Tue GranD TREASURER. Sxc. 4.—The Grand Treasurer shall render to the Mystic Temple at its convocations, a full account of its finances, with vouchers as to receipts; and no moneys shall be paid out except by vote of the same, or upon the written order of the Grand Master of Light, countersigned by the Grand Orator and Grand Annalist. THE GRAND ANNALIST. Sxc. 5.—The Grand Annalist shall have charge of the correspondence of the Mystic Temple. He shall register all Neophytes and Members of Chapters, Senates, Grand Councils and Grand Tribunals returned to him by subordinate bodies within the jurisdiction of his Mystic Temple, with the particulars thereunto belonging. He shall receive and safely preserve in the archives of the Mystic Temple all documents of the same. He shall attest and seal all instruments of the Mystic Temple, and act as Collector of the Sovereign Sanctuary. He shall, furthermore, act as cashier of the Mystic Temple, keeping a correct account of all moneys due and paid to the same, which he shall disburse to the Grand Treasurer. He shall attend all meetings of the Mystic Temple, keeping a correct account of all moneys due and paid to the same, which he shall disburse to the Grand Treasurer. He shall attend all meetings of the Mystic Temple, with the necessary books and writings, and transmit to the Sovereign Sanctuary, and to the several Mystic Temples, a certificate of the election of Grand Officers, and of Subordinate Officers, authenticated under his hand and seal, and that of the Grand Master of Light. Tue GRAND EXAMINER. Src. 6.—The Grand Examiner is charged with the supervision of the Rituals, Dispensations, &c., issued by the Sovereign Sanctuary to the Mystic Temple; also to visit officially the subordinate bodies, in order that no irregularities may corrupt the harmony of the work. Tue Granp Keeper or Ritks. Sec. 7.—The Grand Keeper of Rites shall keep a clear copy of the transactions of the Mystic Temple ; for the information of the Grand Repre- sentative and the Sovereign Sanctuary, and shall read the balustre at the opening of the Mystic Temple. Tue GRAND CERYCE OR EXPERT. Sc. 8.—The Grand Ceryce shall present the claims, petitions and correspondence of such subordinate bodies as may desire official intercourse with the Mystic Temple. Tue Granp Hypranos, oR Master oF CEREMONIES. Src. 9.—The Grand Master of Ceremonies shall explain and develope those portions of the Antient and Primitive Rite which relate to Initiations and Receptions, and enlighten the less instructed brethren in the knowledge of our sublime institu- tion, and impress upon them the importance of propagating Truth, Justice, Science, Honour, and Wisdom. Tut Granp ConDUCTOR. Src. 10.—The Grand Conductor shall introduce visitors to the Mystic Temple, attend at the installations in subordinate bodies, and shall more- over have the custody of the banner of the Mystic Temple. THE GRAND GUARD OF THE COUNCIL. Sc. 11.—The Grand Guard of the Council shall have charge of the inner gate of the Mystic Temple, and of the insignia and paraphernalia of the same, which he shall cause to be in readiness, when required, at each and every convocation of the Mystic Temple. Tue Granp REPRESENTATIVE. Sgc. 12.—The Grand Representative shall fulfill the duties prescribed in Article V, of the Statutes. MEMBERS OF A Mystic TEMPLE. Sc. 13.—Every Sub. Dai of a Grand Council, 30th Degree; Sub. G. Commander of a Senate, zoth Degree ; and each Most Wise of a Chapter, 11th Degree, are, and shall be during their term of office, actual members of the Mystic Temple. ARTICLE XVII. Convocations oF Mystic TeMpLEs. Sec. 1.—There shall be held one regular yearly Convocation on the first Monday (or other day’ fixed) in June. Sc. 2.—There shall be a triennial meeting for the election of all the officers of the Mystic Temple which meeting shall be held on the first Monday {or other day fixed) of June, of the third year after that upon’ which the grand officers received their appointments, the elected officers each to serve three years. Sxc. 3.—Quarterly Convocations may be held for the dispatch of any business of the Mystic Temple. Szc. 4.—Special Convocations may be convened at any time, and in any place, within the jurisdic- tion of the Mystic Temple, by the Ill. Patriarch Grand Master of Light. ARTICLE XVIII. GRAND DEFENDER OF THE RITE, 31st DEGREE. Src. 1.—This Council is composed of those officers of subordinate bodies who possess the 31st Degree, to wit, of 1st and 2nd Mystagogues, Senior and Junior, Knight Interpreters, Senior and Junior Knight Wardens of Grand Councils, Senates, ‘and Chapters ; and is held within the bosom of a Mystic Temple, and when convened by that body is styled Tribunal of Grand Defenders of the Rite.

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