English Revision Essay

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Complete the task below.

Your classmate, Patricia, was sick and could not go on the hiking trip organized by the

university’s Adventure Club. Read her email asking about the experience she missed out.

From: Patricia

Subject: Hiking Trip to Gunung Datuk

Hi Mohsin,

How was the hiking trip to Gunung Datuk? I feel so frustrated that I was

unable to go due to poor health.

I heard everyone had so much fun and was happy throughout the trip.

So, what did all of you do on this trip?

I also heard that one of our course mates was injured. Is this true?

I was told that the Adventure Club will be organizing another hiking trip

next month and I will be participating in it. Would you be interested to join


I hope to hear from you soon. Take care!


Using all the notes given, write a reply of at least 100 words in an appropriate style.

From: Mohsin

Subject: Hiking Trip to Gunung Datuk

Hi Patricia,
Recently, I was on a trip to Gunung Datuk. The activities there were so fun. I felt bad that you can not
join us as well. It was a very exciting and interesting trip for all of us. Besides, we also found small and
unique insects when hiking there.

Other than that, we also went to a very beautiful river called Sungai Gajah. The river was full of fishes
and crystal clear too! We rest for 1 hour there before continuing our journey. Although there was so
many swimming equipment there, we were not allowed to swim as there maybe column of water or
drainage basin happened. So, we decided to have a picknick near the river only.

Unfortunately, while we were hiking, Ariana who was walking with me trip over a big root. I tried to
catch her hand, but it slipped away, and she was falling for about 10 meters. I was in horror so I shouted
as loud as I can. Fortunately, one of the expert guides saw us and immediately save her. She was taken
into emergency and were later informed that her hand was broken. I was so thankful that was the only
bad things happened there. After that, we were told to be more careful and cautious.

Yes, that is true. I will try to ask my parents first but even if my parents allowed me to join, I would
preferably go with you. I heard that we will be hiking in Sarawak. That sounds so fun!

I hope we could go together there and please don’t be sick again.

I hope to hear from you soon. Take care!


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