Vaskovskaya 2018

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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

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Contribution of transmission and voltage constraints to the formation of T

locational marginal prices

Tatiana Vaskovskayaa, , Priyanko Guha Thakurtab, Janusz Bialekb
V.A. Trapeznikov of Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research University of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow,
Center for Energy Systems, Skolkovo Institute of Science & Technology, Moscow, Russia


Keywords: This paper develops analytical formulae for expressing Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) as the sum of com-
Locational marginal pricing ponents due to each of transmission and/or voltage binding constraints using full non-linear Alternating Current
Optimal power flow (AC) power system model. Each LMP component at a node consists of a price-bonding factor (PBF) multiplied by
Lagrange multipliers the marginal price of a corresponding marginal node. Hence PBF represents a price linkage between a marginal
and a non-marginal node due to a certain system operating constraint. The aim of the methodology is not to
determine LMPs but to decompose them in order to identify particular constraints that are affecting the for-
mation, thereby identifying those lines that may need upgrade. The methodology has been tested on 5-node PJM
and 2746-node Polish systems.

Nomenclature Parameters

Sets B ∈ + number of transmission lines in operation

N ∈  + number of nodes in the system
D binding transmission constraints CPg (CPd ) ∈ N generator (demand) real power bid prices at nodes
N all nodes in the system CQg (CQd ) ∈ N generator (demand) reactive power bid prices at nodes
mP ,(tP ) set of real power injection variables at marginal (non-mar- F ∈ B maximum allowable real power flow through lines
ginal or price-taking) nodes for active power Pg ( P g ) ∈ N vector of maximum (minimum) real power generator
mQ,(tQ ) set of reactive power injection variables at marginal (non- outputs
marginal or price-taking) nodes for reactive power Pd ( P d ,) ∈ N vector of maximum (minimum) real power demand
mθ,(tθ ) set of voltage angle variables at marginal (non-marginal or outputs
price-taking) nodes for active power Qg ( Q g ) ∈ N vector of maximum (minimum) capacitive reactive
mV ,(tV ) set of voltage magnitude variables at marginal (non-marginal power generator outputs
or price-taking) nodes for reactive power Qd ( Q d ) ∈ N vector of maximum (minimum) inductive reactive power
m unified set of active and reactive power injection variables mP demand and compensator outputs
and mQ (mP ∪ mQ ) V ( V ) ∈ N vector of maximum (minimum) allowed voltage magni-
mX unified set of voltage angle and magnitude variables mθ and tudes
mV (mθ ∪ mV ) θ ( θ ) ∈ N vector of maximum (minimum) allowed voltage angles
t unified set of active and reactive power injection variables tP λP (λQ ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to real
and tQ (tP ∪ tQ ) (reactive) power flow equations
tX unified set of voltage angle and magnitude variables tθ and tV μV ( μV ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to max-
(tθ ∪ tV ) imum (minimum) voltage magnitude constraints
μθ ( μθ ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to max-
imum (minimum) voltage angle constraints
νg ( ν g ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to maximum

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Vaskovskaya).
Received 27 June 2017; Received in revised form 21 February 2018; Accepted 4 April 2018
0142-0615/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

(minimum) real generation constraints management [10]. Particularly, they are used to introduce congested
νd ( ν d ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to maximum zones [11], which are necessary, for example, for calculating certain
(minimum) real demand constraints power market indices in market monitoring issues [12].
ρg ( ρ g ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to max- Expression for reference node dependent components of LMPs are
imum (minimum) reactive generation constraints derived in [13–15]. LMP decomposition based on distributed slack is
ρd ( ρd ) ∈ N vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to max- proposed in [16]. However, the reference node dependent approach
imum (minimum) reactive demand and compensation con- (which also includes randomly selected distributed slack) has severe
straints limitations [17,18]. Such limitations are addressed with reference node
σ ∈ B vector of Lagrange multipliers corresponding to real power independent decomposition in [19–23] considering DCOPF and ACOPF
flow constraints respectively. However, different results may be produced by DCOPF
and ACOPF, as shown in [24]. In [19,23], the congestion component is
obtained in a reverse manner based on KKT conditions and marginal
losses. Approaches introduced in [20–22] do not work with non-line-
arized version of economic dispatch. Additional components are also
Optimization variables included in the LMP decomposition such as ancillary services like
spinning reserve, voltage and security controls in [25] and additional
Pg ,Pd ∈ N vector of generator (demand) real power injections risk component in [26]. Quadratic target function is studied in [27] in
Qg ,Qd ∈ N vector of generator (demand) reactive power injections which a connection between cost function and LMPs is proposed for
V ∈ N vector of node voltage magnitudes LMP decomposition. Study on dual space of economic dispatch to cal-
θ ∈ N vector of node voltage angles culate LMPs is performed in [28]. An in-depth analysis of orthogonal
space of Lagrangian multipliers is performed in [29,30]. The energy
reference is chosen based on an optimization problem resulting in
participation factors, the target function being the welfare of FTR
payments [31,32].
Other variables The above-mentioned literature does not emphasize the contribu-
tion of each binding constraint with respect to the marginal nodes of the
F ∈ B vector of real power flow through lines system on the formation of LMP at a node, that is, the response of the
P ∈ N vector of net real power injections marginal nodes to the system binding constraints is not captured.
Q ∈ N vector of net reactive power injections Hence, this paper attempts to measure such responses and bridge the
In the subscript of a matrix, an alphabet following a colon (:) implies gap between the system binding constraints and power flow that gen-
that all the columns of the matrix designated by the alphabet set are erates LMPs in the system, that is to introduce a physical sense to LMPs
considered, whereas a colon (:) following an alphabet implies that all and their components. The proposed methodology is based on power
the rows of the matrix designated by the alphabet set are considered. flow comprising of marginal nodes in the system.3
The specific contribution of this paper is the development of a de-
composition technique to calculate LMPs in terms of influences of each
1. Introduction
binding transmission and/or voltage constraints for full AC OPF en-
vironment.4 The developed methodology works also for linearized op-
In order to increase competition among different stakeholders
timization and expresses LMP at a given node as a linear combination of
electricity sector has been decentralized in many parts of the world
weighted bids at marginal generators (i.e. generators that do not op-
leading to rapid changes in industry structure and policies. Nodal pri-
erate at their limits). The weights are termed as price-bonding factors
cing of electricity has gained an increased importance in order to utilize
(PBFs) in this paper and they define a price linkage between a marginal
generation and transmission resources efficiently in a competitive en-
node and a non-marginal node with respect to a certain system oper-
vironment and manage system congestion, especially through the use of
ating constraint.
locational marginal pricing (LMP) [1,2]. LMP is one of the most pow-
The decomposed PBFs give a signal of sharing costs among the
erful means of congestion management in many electricity markets
market participants when e.g. a particular constrained line is re-
worldwide, such as in the United States, Australia, Russia, etc.
inforced. They can also help monitoring electrical energy markets and
The LMP at a particular node can be defined as the marginal cost
identifying zones for which market power indices are introduced [33].
that would be incurred to supply an additional increase of a load at that
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief overview
particular node while respecting all the security limits of the system.
of the mathematical background behind LMPs in a system. The pro-
The values of LMPs differ among the nodes due to the system hitting its
posed methodology to decompose LMPs in this paper is shown in Sec-
security limits and/or transmission losses.
tion 3. The methodology is applied on two test systems, the results of
LMP decomposition and nodal pricing were first introduced in the
which are shown in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 draws the conclusions
eighties [3–5]. Such a decomposition approach is termed classical, and
of the paper.
decomposes each LMP into energy, loss and congestion components.
LMP decomposition is based either on linearized1 or non-linearized2
optimization, and can either be reference node independent or depen- 2. Mathematical background behind LMPs
dent. The aim of calculating components is twofold. Firstly, the com-
ponents are used to calculate LMPs [6]. Secondly, components are This section reviews the mathematics behind LMP decomposition
calculated for the purpose of financial instruments such as Financial and is required to understand the proposed methodology of this paper.
Transmission Rights (FTRs) [7] and Loss Hedging Rights (LHRs) [8]. The basic security-constrained economic dispatch can be formulated as:
LMPs represent price signals and their components provide transpar- ⊺ ⊺ ⊺ ⊺
max CPd Pd + CQd Qd−CPg Pg−CQg Qg (1)
ency of pricing. LMP components produce useful information for pro-
moting investment in transmission system [9] and congestion
It can be applied only after solving the economic dispatch problem.
1 4
Direct Current Optimal Power Flow (DCOPF). In some countries, such as in Russian Federation, the wholesale power market utilizes
Alternating Current Optimal Power Flow (ACOPF). such a model both for day-ahead and intra-day markets.

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

s. t . ⊺
⊺ ∂f (V ,θ) ⎤⊺ ∂fQ (V ,θ) ⎤ ∂F (V ,θ) ⎤⊺
Pg−Pd−fP (V ,θ) = 0 : λP ⎛ ∂L ⎞ = ⎡ P λP + ⎡ λQ + ⎡ σ + μ V − μV
(2) ⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎝ ∂V ⎠ ⎣ ∂V ⎥ ⎦ ⎣ ∂V ⎦ ⎣ ∂V ⎦
Qg−Qd−fQ (V ,θ) = 0 : λQ (3) (17)
F (V ,θ) ⩽ F :σ (4)
∂f (V ,θ ) ∂fP1 (V ,θ) ∂fP1 (V ,θ)
⎡ P1 ⋯ ⎤
V ⩽V⩽V : μV ,μV ⎢ ∂θ1 ∂θ2 ∂θN

(5) ⎢ ∂fP 2 (V ,θ) ∂fP 2 (V ,θ) ⎥
∂fP 2 (V ,θ)
∂fP (V ,θ) ⋯
= ⎢ ∂θ1 ∂θ2 ∂θN ⎥
θ⩽θ⩽θ : μθ ,μθ (6) ∂θ ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥
⎢ ∂f (V ,θ) ∂fPN (V ,θ) ∂f (V ,θ)

⎢ PN ⋯ PN ⎥
P g ⩽ Pg ⩽ Pg : ν g ,νg (7) ⎣ ∂θ1 ∂θ2 ∂θN ⎦
∂F (V ,θ) ∂F1 (V ,θ) ∂F1 (V ,θ)
P d ⩽ Pd ⩽ Pd : ν d,νd (8) ⎡ 1∂θ ∂θ2


⎢ ⎥
∂F (V ,θ) ⎢ ∂F2 (V ,θ) ∂F2 (V ,θ)
⋯ ∂F2 (V ,θ)

Q g ⩽ Qg ⩽ Qg : ρ g ,ρg (9) = ⎢ ∂θ1 ∂θ2 ∂θN ⎥
∂θ ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥
⎢ ∂FB (V ,θ) ∂FB (V ,θ) ∂FB (V ,θ) ⎥
Q d ⩽ Qd ⩽ Qd : ρd ,ρd (10) ⎢ ⋯
⎣ ∂θ1 ∂θ2 ∂θN ⎥ ⎦
The main objective of Eqs. (1)–(10) is to maximize economic social ∂fQ (V ,θ) ∂f (V ,θ) ∂fQ (V ,θ)
In a similar manner ∂θ , P∂V , ∂V and ∂F (V ,θ) can be represented.
welfare. The stated mathematical framework can be applied both for ∂V
Equating (12)–(17) to zeros yield the KKT conditions for optimality.
centralized (cost-based) and decentralized (market-driven) electricity
The classical Jacobian matrix of the power flow solution is re-
markets. Eq. (1) is the objective function that maximizes the social
presented as:
welfare in the system. Costs CPd,CQd,CPg , and CQg denote prices for
generating and consuming active and reactive power (both inductive ∂f (V ,θ) ∂fP (V ,θ)
⎡ P ∂θ ∂V

and capacitive). Eqs. (2) and (3) represent the real and reactive power J = ⎢ ∂f (V ,θ) ∂fQ (V ,θ)

balance constraints at each node of the system respectively. Eq. (4) ⎢ Q ⎥
⎣ ∂θ ∂V ⎦ (18)
represents the real power flow transmission constraint. The constraint is
considered such that Fij ⩽ Fij and Fji ⩽ Fji , in which i and j are the two Let,
end nodes of the transmission line. Eqs. (5) and (6) represent the upper
A = ⎡ ∂F ∂(Vθ ,θ) ∂F (V ,θ)

and lower bounds on system node voltage magnitudes and angles re- ⎣ ∂V ⎦ (19)
spectively. The angle limits are included in order to simply the re-
presentation of the PBF formulae. Eqs. (7)–(10) represent the upper and
lower bounds on generator (demand) active and reactive powers re- X = [θ⊺ V ⊺]⊺ (20)
spectively. It is to be noted that elements of the vectors Pg and Qg (Pd and Then, Eqs. (16) and (17) can be re-written in matrix form as:
Qd ) are zeros corresponding to the nodes where no generators (de-

mands) are present. The same applies for CPg ,CPd,CQg ,CQd, P g ,Pg , P d,Pd ⎛ ∂L ⎞ = ⎡ ∂L ∂L ⊺
⎤ = J ⊺λ + A⊺ σ + μ
Q g ,Qg , ν g ,νg , ν d,νd, ρ g ,ρg , ρd , and ρd . ⎝ ∂X ⎠ ⎣ ∂θ ∂V ⎦ (21)
The Lagrangian function for the above problem can be written as: where, λ =

[ λP λQ⊺ ]⊺
and μ = [ μθ⊺ μV⊺ ]⊺−[ μθ⊺
The zeros in the μ μV⊺ ]⊺.

L = CPg ⊺
Pg + CQg ⊺
Qg−CPd ⊺
Pd−CQd Qd vector correspond to the voltage angles (zero for slack node and the
nodes without constraints) in the system. Optimal solution to the pro-
− [Pg−Pd−fP (V ,θ)]⊺λP −[Qg−Qd−fQ (V ,θ)]⊺λQ
blem (1)–(10) is considered for further derivations. It is to be noted that
+ [V −V ]⊺μV + [ V −V ]⊺ μV + [θ−θ ]⊺μθ + [ θ−θ]⊺ μθ in further derivations the costs CPd,CQg and CQd are considered to be
zeros while P d = Pd, Q d = Qd . Eq. (21) forms the basis for the standard
+ [F (V ,θ)−F ]⊺σ
and proposed decomposition techniques.
+ [Pg−Pg ]⊺νg + [ P g−Pg ]⊺ ν g + [Qg−Qg ]⊺ρg + [ Q g−Qg ]⊺ ρ g
+ [Pd−Pd]⊺νd + [ P d−Pd]⊺ ν d + +[Qd−Qd]⊺ρd + [ Q d−Qd]⊺ ρd (11) 3. Proposed LMP decomposition

Taking partial derivatives of (11) with respect to Pg ,Qg ,θ,V yield: Solving the OPF problem (1)–(10) also identifies marginal gen-
⊺ erators besides calculating LMPs. LMP at a marginal node is always
⎛ ∂L ⎞ = C −λ + ν − ν equal to the bid at that node due to their ability to change their output
⎜ ⎟ Pg P g g
⎝ ∂Pg ⎠ (12) under a small system perturbation as they do not operate at their limits.

The LMPs at other nodes (called price taking nodes) are equal to a
⎛ ∂L ⎞ = C −λ + ρ − ρ linear combination of bids of marginal generators. The same theory
⎜ ⎟ Qg Q g g
⎝ ∂Qg ⎠ (13) applies for marginal demand.
The proposed methodology is based on the concept of marginal

nodes for active (mP ) and reactive (mQ ) power. Indeed, considering
⎛ ∂L ⎞ = −CPd + λP + νd− ν d
⎜ ⎟
active power, Lagrange multipliers νg , ν g for such generators or νd, ν d for
⎝ ∂Pd ⎠ (14)
such demands are equal to zeros. According to (12) and (14), LMP for
⊺ active power at such a node is the offer or bid price. This can be the case
⎛ ∂L ⎞ = −CQd + λQ + ρ − ρ
⎜ ⎟
d d for both generation and demand at one node simultaneously if they
⎝ ∂Qd ⎠ (15)
have same offer/bid prices. Same argument applies to reactive power.
⊺ ∂f (V ,θ) ⎤ ⊺
∂fQ (V ,θ) ⎤ ⊺ ⊺ The set of active (reactive) power variables is denoted as tP (tQ ) .
⎛ ∂L ⎞ = ⎡ P λ +⎡ λ +⎡
∂F (V ,θ) ⎤
σ + μθ − μ θ Notations mθ and tθ are used for voltage angle variables at the marginal
⎝ ∂θ ⎠ ⎢
⎣ ∂θ ⎦ ⎥ P ⎢ ∂θ ⎥ Q ⎣ ∂θ ⎦
⎣ ⎦ and non-marginal nodes for active power respectively, whereas nota-
(16) tions mV and tV are applied for voltage magnitude variables at the

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

marginal and non-marginal nodes for reactive power respectively. ⎛ pf ⎞

⊺ ⊺ ⊺ ⊺
Let Cm = [CmP CmQ ] = [Cm⊺ P 0⊺] be the vector of price-forming λj = ∑ k + ∑ k jid + ∑ k uji + ∑ k jil Ci
⎜ ji ⎟
bids at the marginal nodes. The Jacobian matrix J can be divided into i∈m ⎝ d∈D u∈V ( V ) l ∈ θ ( θ) ⎠ (30)
four parts based on the type of nodes m and t. Hence, Eq. (21) can be re- where Ci is the price of the i th bid (price forming offer). and k jil kjipf ,k jid,k uji
written as: represent the PBF of each bid initiated due to power flow (2) and (3)

μ and binding constraints (4)–(6). All the PBFs are computed analytically,
⎡ JmmX JmtX ⎤ ⎡Cm ⎤ + [ A: m A: t ]⊺σ + ⎡ mX ⎤ = 0
⎢ J J ⎥ λ X X
⎢ μ the algorithm of which is described in Appendix A. The sum of obtained
⎣ tmX tt X ⎢
⎦⎣ ⎦ t ⎥ ⎣ tX ⎥
⎦ (22)
components is equal to LMPs traditionally computed with OPF proce-
JmP mθ JmP mV ⎤ JmP tθ JmP t V ⎤ dure.
where JmmX = ⎡ , JmtX = ⎡ , JtmX =
⎢ JmQ mθ JmQ mV ⎥ ⎢ JmQ tθ JmQ t V ⎥ Marginal nodes address the power flow solution which is required
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
for computation of the PBFs. In a power flow calculation the reduced
⎡ JtP mθ JtP mV ⎤, J = ⎡ JtP tθ JtP t V ⎤, λ = [ λ ⊺ λ ⊺ ]⊺, A
tP tQ : mX =[ A: mθ A: mV ], Jacobian matrix is obtained from its full counterpart by eliminating the
⎢ JtQ mθ JtQ mV ⎥ ttX ⎢ JtQ tθ JtQ t V ⎥ t
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ corresponding rows and columns of voltage magnitudes and angles of
⊺ ⊺ ⊺ ⊺ ⊺ ⊺
A: tX = [ A: tθ A: t V ], μmX = [ μmθ μmV ] and μtX = [ μtθ μt V ] . slack and PV nodes. Applying the same for marginal nodes (as the
Considering the second row of Eq. (22) the LMPs at price-taking voltage magnitudes and angles are known) results in JttX , as obtained in
nodes can be expressed in terms of other nodes. Eq. (29). Increasing 1 MW of demand at a node requires increasing
generation at the marginal nodes. Thus the power flow PBF for node j
( )−1 (Jmt⊺
λt = − Jtt⊺X X Cm + A:⊺tX σ + μtX ) (23)
can be defined with respect to marginal node i as
It is to be noted that the sub matrix JttX represents the Jacobian
matrix for the Newton Raphson power flow calculation, when the rows kjipf = ,
and columns corresponding to marginal nodes for active and reactive

PF with MN (31)
power are eliminated as the outputs for them are not known. A careful
observation of Eq. (23) reveals that it can be decomposed into three where PF refers to power flow and MN refers to marginal nodes. In such
components: the power flow, a case the power flow PBFs form a participation vector for adjusted
marginal nodes.
λtpower flow = − Jtt⊺X( )−1Jmt⊺ X Cm (24) In this process the binding constraints get shifted. Power injections
at marginal nodes need to be changed in order to shift binding flows or
the transmission congestion
voltages within their allowable limits. For example, for d transmission
λttrans. cong. = − Jtt⊺X ( )−1A:⊺t X σ (25) constraint it can be expressed as

and the voltage congestion ⏞

∂Fd ∂Pi
k jid =
λtvolt. cong. = − Jtt⊺X
( ) −1μ
tX (26)
∂Pj ∂Fd

PF with MN (32)
By definition, Lagrange multipliers are equal to the derivatives of
Hence, a PBF is directly attributed to a particular constraint and shows
the objective function with respect to a constraint limit. Hence,
the appearance of corresponding LMP component. When congestion is

∂f ⎞ relieved ∂Pi/ ∂Fd becomes zero. In case of no congestion PBFs due to
⎝ ∂F ⎠ (27a) them are also zeros. Proofs of (31) and (32) are given in Appendix B.
It is to be noted that the loss components are not dealt with in this

μtX = ⎛
⎜ −
∂f ⎞

paper. For both the unconstrained and constrained (OPF) power flows
⎝ ∂X t ∂ Xt ⎠ (27b) the changes in generation at marginal nodes already include losses to
cater the changes in demand at the corresponding node.
The piece-wise form of (1) and the ability to change the output only
for variables at marginal nodes aids in expressing σ and μtX in the
4. Illustrative examples
following forms5:
∂P ⊺ ∂X ⎞⊺ Simulations are performed on 5-node and 2746-node Polish systems
σ = −⎛ m ⎞ CPm = −⎛Jm : Cm
⎝ ∂F ⎠ ⎝ ∂F ⎠ (28a) in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
⊺ ⊺
Matpower [34] is used to perform the simulations.
∂P ∂P ∂X ∂X ⎞
μtX = −⎛ m − m ⎞ CPm = −⎛Jm :
⎜ −Jm :
⎟ Cm ⎜ ⎟

⎝ ∂Xt ∂ X t ⎠ ⎝ ∂Xt ∂X t ⎠ (28b) 4.1. 5-node PJM system

∂X ∂X ∂X
where = ⎡ ∂θ ⎤. ∂X can be represented in a similar way. The
⎣ t ∂Vt ⎦ ∂ X t The proposed approach is demonstrated on the small system of [35]
∂P ∂P
derivatives ∂Ft , ∂Vt and ∂Pt at non-marginal nodes are zeros. Substituting which is often used for performing power economic studies. Results of
t ∂Vt
(28a) and (28b) in (23) yields the economic dispatch (1)–(10) are shown in Tables 1 and 2 for nodes

and lines respectively (see the initial case). LMPs differ from those in
∂X ⎞⊺ ⊺ ∂X ∂X ⎞ ⊺ ⎤
( )−1 ⎡⎢−Jmt⊺
λt = Jtt⊺X X + A:⊺tX ⎛
⎝ ∂F ⎠
Jm : + ⎛
⎜ − ⎟ Jm : Cm

[35] due to the difference in constraint (4) which in this paper refers to
⎣ ⎝ Xt ∂ X t ⎠
∂ ⎦ (29) real power rather than apparent power in [35]. Nodes 3 and 5 are
considered to be the marginal nodes for active power, the bidding
Calculation of the derivatives in (29) is performed by sensitivity ana-
prices of which are 30 and 10 $/MW respectively, and are colored pink.
At the same time, nodes 4 and 5 balance the reactive power in the
Finally, for each price-taking node j Eq. (29) can be expressed as a
system. They are marginal for reactive power and colored orange.
sum of prices at marginal nodes multiplied by the PBF of power flow,
Hence, Pm = [ P3 P5 ]⊺, Qm = [Q4 Q5 ]⊺, Pt = [ P1 P2 P4 ]⊺,
transmission and voltage constraints. It can be represented as:
Qt = [Q1 Q2 Q3 ]⊺, θt = [θ1 θ2 θ4 ]⊺, Vt = [V1 V2 V3 ]⊺, λt =
[ λP1 λP 2 λP 4 λQ1 λQ2 λQ3 ]⊺, Cm = [Cg3 Cg5 0 0 ]⊺.
Whenever mp is used in conjunction with vector P, suffix p is omitted. The same is The solution of ACOPF results in one binding transmission con-
applied to other variables. straint between nodes 4 and 5 and a voltage constraint at node 3. The

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

Table 1 Table 3
Node data for ACOPF for the PJM 5-node system. PBFs and LMP components of price-taking nodes for the PJM 5-node system.
Ci ($/MW) Power flow Binding constraints Formed LMPa
kjipf k jiF5 − 4 k jiV 3 ∑ kji

Price-taking node 1
C3 = 30 0.1819 0.1641 0.0000 0.3459
C5 = 10 0.8181 −0.1666 0.0000 0.6516

LMP componentsb 13.64 3.26 0.00 16.89

Price-taking node 2
C3 = 30 0.7780 0.0465 0.0000 0.8246
C5 = 10 0.2258 −0.0473 −0.0000 0.1786

node at which the voltage magnitude is controlled is colored green. The LMP components 25.60 0.92 0.00 26.52
calculated PBFs for price-taking nodes are shown in Table 3.
Two marginal nodes define prices at price-taking nodes. Node 1 has Price-taking node 4
two infra marginal generators, node 2 has a load and node 4 has a load C3 = 30 0.4027 1.0948 −0.0000 1.4975
C5 = 10 0.6041 −1.1117 0.0001 −0.5075
and an extra marginal generator. Consider node 4 with the highest LMP
of 39.85 $/MWh. Its power flow component is obtained from regular LMP components 18.12 21.73 0.00 39.85
power flow with marginal nodes (31). The derivatives ∂P3/ ∂P4 and
∂P5/ ∂P4 are equal to 0.4027 and 0.6041 respectively. The nodal marginal The last column shows summarized PBFs for offers at marginal nodes and
power injection at node 4 leads to a shift of the flow through trans- the final LMPs.
mission line 4–5, the sensitivity ∂F4 − 5/ ∂P4 of which is 0.3526. To bring LMP components are obtained as weighted sum of marginal prices with
the flow back to the allowable limit re-dispatch of marginal nodes is corresponding PBFs.
required. Lowering transmitted power by 1 MW to respect the flow limit
requires the output of the cheaper marginal generator at node 5 to be
decreased by 3.1524 MW and increase the more expensive one at node Table 4
3 by 3.1046. Multiplying those numbers by 0.3526 according to (32) Node data for ACOPF for the modified PJM 5-node system.
the PBFs of transmission congestion 1.0948 and −1.1117 are obtained
for nodes 3 and 5 respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that the for-
mation of the LMP at node 4 stipulates the sensitivity of 0.4027 MW at
marginal node 3 due to power flow and 1.0948 MW more due to
transmission congestion. Marginal cost of this change is 30 $/MWh.
Also 1 MW rise in demand at node 4 requires changing of generated
power at node 5 by + 0.6041 MW due to power flow and by −1.1117 MW
due to transmission congestion. Bid price of such changes equals 10 $/
MWh, resulting in LMP of 39.85 $/MWh.
The proposed methodology also helps in identifying the impact of
individual transmission constraints on the LMPs in a congested area.
The effect of several congested lines is exemplified by lowering trans-
mission limit in line 1–2 to 250 MW (modified case). The results are obtained by first multiplying each PBF in corresponding columns by the
given in Tables 4 and 5. Since marginal generators have been changed, corresponding bids of marginal generators and then adding them. It
LMP representation in the system also changes. New PBFs for nodes are represents the transmission and voltage components of LMP at that
given in Table 6. A careful investigation of the table reveals that the particular node. In this example voltage component is insignificant.
influence on the LMP at price-taking node 2 is due to congestion at line The table confirms that the LMPs at price taking nodes appear as a
1–2, whereas the LMP at a price-taking node 4 is influenced by 5–4. It is linear combination of the bids at marginal nodes. The LMPs at the
evident that the contribution of line 5–4 is 46 % of the LMP in this case. marginal nodes are independent of each other and have no other
Hence, it needs an upgrade if it is a major contributor to increasing components.
LMPs on a regular basis due to daily generation load patterns. Hence,
the proposed methodology helps to identify the exact influence of a
particular system constraint on the determination of LMPs at price- 4.2. 2746-node Polish system
taking nodes.
It must be noted that the LMP components in Tables 3 and 6 are In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology on a
bigger system 2746-node Polish system at winter peak is considered.

Table 2
Branch data for ACOPF for the PJM 5-node system.
Branch 1–2 1–4 1–5 2–3 3–4 4–5

Pij starting end (MWh) 253.11 187.68 −230.80 −48.43 −24.49 −238.45
Pji receiving end (MWh) −251.57 −186.63 231.15 48.63 25.08 240.00
Qij starting end (MVAr) −25.03 73.72 108.81 −138.27 153.40 −39.86
Qji receiving end (MVAr) 39.66 −63.95 −108.89 137.99 −148.23 54.56
σ ($/MW) – – – – – 61.61

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

Table 5
Branch data for ACOPF for the modified PJM 5-node system.
Branch 1–2 1–4 1–5 2–3 3–4 4–5

Pij starting end (MWh) 250.00 186.38 −236.21 −51.49 −23.58 −238.52
Pji receiving end (MWh) −248.51 −185.42 236.60 51.67 23.94 240.00
Qij starting end (MVAr) −16.92 50.61 123.80 −129.61 118.09 −13.79
Qji receiving end (MVAr) 31.00 −41.77 −123.60 129.15 −115.30 27.85
σ ($/MW) 8.93 – – – – 47.18

Table 6
PBFs and LMP components of price-taking nodes for the modified PJM 5-node
Ci ($/MW) Power flow Binding constraints Formed LMP
kjipf k 2Fi1 − 2 k 2Fi5 − 4 ∑ k2i

Price-taking node 2
C1 = 15 0.2735 −1.2925 0.0013 −1.0177
C3 = 30 0.7289 0.4477 0.0001 1.1767
C5 = 10 0.0015 0.8415 −0.0013 0.8417

LMP components 25.98 2.46 0.01 28.45

Price-taking node 4
C1 = 15 0.3318 −0.0017 2.5538 2.8839
C3 = 30 0.3398 0.0006 0.1591 0.4996
C5 = 10 0.3350 0.0011 −2.7226 −2.3865 Fig. 1. Spatial LMP representation for the Polish system. Black circles represent
marginal generators, red lines represent congested transmission lines. (For in-
LMP components 18.52 0.00 15.86 34.38 terpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

The corresponding marginal nodes for active power are 58, 382, 736,
neighborhood of the considered optimal solution. A close look at Fig. 3
1996, and 2096.6 The bids at the marginal nodes are 45, 4, 41, 36 and
reveals that the marginal node 382 has a negative influence on the LMP
62 $/MW respectively.
at node 417. A study of the effect on main components of the LMP at
The limits of the transmission lines between nodes 340–9, 389–20,
node 417 (Fig. 4) is conducted by changing the LMP at node C382 . Node
417–379, 1244–1359, 1559–1454 and 1964–1996 as well as the lower
382 remains marginal while changing C382 from 0 to 75 $/MWh. Be-
limits of voltage constraints at nodes 212, 301 and 505 are altered in
cause of close connection between node 417 and marginal node 382 the
order to create congestion in the system deliberately. The input data
power flow component of node 417 is approximately equal to C382 . As a
with the corresponding changes, ACOPF results and calculated PBFs can
result, the difference in LMPs before and after recalculation is
be found in [36].
∑ k 417 382 C382 . It is worth mentioning that in general the dependency is
LMPs, marginal generators, and congested lines are shown in Fig. 1.
nonlinear but according to tests this nonlinearity is not that significant.
In the figure, dotted lines show impact zones of the corresponding
In order to see the contribution of line 417–379 to the high value of
transmission constraints. High prices in the four zones in the middle are
LMP at node 417, the maximum permissible active power flow for line
caused by the generator at node 2096 which has the highest price
417–379 is increased from 67.5 MW to 82.5 MW. Upgrade of the line
among all the marginal ones. An increasing trend on prices in those
leads to decreasing transmission congestion component. Fig. 4 depicts
areas can be observed. The green areas with dots represents the nodes
the changes of λ417 P
and its main components: power flow and trans-
having significant impact of a voltage constraints.
mission line 417–389 components as an effect of increasing maximum
Fig. 2 shows the LMPs at all nodes in the system. It can be seen that
allowable real power flow through line 417–389. The power flow
a significant number of nodes have very high and low values of LMPs,
component of the LMP at node 417 is rather small and the value of LMP
out of which nodes 417 and 1559 have the highest 458.96 and lowest
is defined completely by the component of transmission line 417–382.
−17.16 values respectively. The conventional LMP decomposition is
When the limit increases generator 382 is able to increase its output
unable to detect the exact reason behind those values.
too. When the limit is greater than 73.4 MW the generator achieves its
Fig. 3 shows the reason behind such high and low values of LMPs at
capacity and becomes inframarginal. This explains the rise of power
the above-mentioned nodes. A close observation of the figure reveals
flow component. Continuing upgrading of the line leads to decreasing
that the bottleneck for the high value of LMP at node 417 is the
LMP at node 417 and its congestion component. The latter decreases to
transmission congestion on line 417–379. The LMP is determined by the
zero when the congestion is relieved.
marginal generators at nodes 382 and 2096. Similarly, the low value of
Applying the proposed methodology over an extensive period of
LMP at node 1559 is due to the congested line 1559–1454. The LMP is
time will be beneficial to make planning decisions of expanding
determined by the marginal generators at nodes 58 and 2096.
transmission network. For example, the transmission line 417–379
The LMP at node 212 is determined by the marginal generators 58,
needs to be upgraded if it continues contributing high LMP components
382 and 2096 due to voltage constraint at that node. The same gen-
for different loading patterns. Similarly voltage supporting device may
erators are responsible for the LMP at node 505 due to the voltage
need to be installed at node 212 if it continues to contribute to high
constraint at that node. Unlike transmission constraints the contribu-
values of LMP for an extensive period of time.
tion of voltage constraints to LMP formation is not very high.
A test is performed in order to show the linearity of Eq. (30) in the
5. Conclusion

The other generators are non-marginal and operating at their limits. This paper proposes a new methodology to decompose Locational

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

Fig. 2. LMPs at all nodes of the system.

Marginal Prices (LMPs) at price taking nodes into a linear combination power flows in order to calculate LMPs in a system. Such approach has
of components due to each transmission and/or voltage constraints in severe limitations especially when the system is constrained due to
the system. Each LMP component at a price-taking node consists of a system voltages. This paper exploits the direct use of ACOPF in order to
price-bonding factor (PBF) multiplied by the marginal price of a cor- calculate the LMPs which helps to reflect the voltage constraints in the
responding marginal node. Hence PBF represents a price linkage be- system in determining the LMPs. The developed methodology provides
tween a marginal and non-marginal node due to a certain system op- transparency and can generate price signals that can support useful
erating constraint. This decomposition is done with respect to the information about the necessity of expanding the transmission infra-
offers/bids at marginal nodes in the system and is independent of the structure to manage system congestion. The methodology can be ex-
reference node. This is the advantage over classical reference node tended in determining congestion zones due to each binding transmis-
dependent LMP decomposition. Moreover, the proposed decomposition sion constraints for either short or long terms. The decomposed PBFs
shows the changes in output of marginal generators and consequently give a signal of sharing costs among the market participants when e.g. a
in marginal cost of the system due to the impact of transmission and/or particular constrained line is reinforced. It can also help in monitoring
voltage constraints in the system. electrical energy markets. The methodology has been tested on a small
Most of the commercial softwares use linear approach of the AC and a big system.

Fig. 3. PBFs for 4 price taking nodes. The x-axis

shows the congested lines or voltage constraints
whereas the y-axis represents the PBFs representing
the influence of each congested line in the two
subfigures on the left while the influence of voltage
constraints in the two subfigures on the right. The
color representation shows the contribution of each
corresponding marginal node. (For interpretation
of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

Fig. 4. LMP at node 417 and its main components – power flow and transmission line 417–389 components vs bid price of marginal generator 382 and transmission
limit in line 417–389.

Appendix A. Algorithm of the proposed methodology

This section describes the algorithm behind calculating the PBF that form the LMP at each non-marginal node of the system.

1. Run ACOPF (1)–(10) and obtain the Jacobian matrix J from the solution.
2. Filter JmtX and JttX sub-matrices out of J. These matrices represent an incremental change of X at non-marginal nodes on system injections at
marginal and non-marginal nodes respectively.
3. Compute kjipf , which is the dot product of the j th -row and i th -column of the matrix −(Jtt⊺)−1Jmt

∈ |t | × | m|. It represents the power flow PBF of i th
marginal node on the LMP of the j non-marginal node. Multiplying by Ci results in the component of the i th marginal node power flow price.
∂X ⊺
( )
4. Compute k jid . In order to calculate them two matrices need to be calculated separately: −(Jtt⊺)−1A:⊺t ∈ |t | × | D | and ∂F Jm⊺ : ∈ |D | × | m|. Dot product of
j th column of the former matrix and the i th row of the latter matrix yields a |t| × |m| matrix of PBFs due to d th transmission constraint. Hence, k jid is
the j th row and the i th column of that particular matrix.
∂X ⊺ ⊺
5. Compute k uji and k jil . In order to calculate them again two matrices need to be calculated separately: (Jtt⊺)−1 ∈ |t | × | t| and

( )J
∂Xt m: ∈ |t | × | m|

⎣ ( )
⎡or ∂ X Jm⊺ : ∈ |t | × | m|⎤7 For each tQ where active voltage constraints are observed, k uji or k jil are obtained by iterating each j th column of the former

matrix and the i th row of either of the latter matrices depending on the corresponding violations.
6. Finally, the LMPs at price taking nodes are obtained according to Eq. (30) by substituting the corresponding values of the PBFs computed
according to the steps stated above. The sum of LMP components should be equal to LMPs obtained in OPF solution.

Appendix B. Proofs of Eqs. (31) and (32)

Theorem 1. Every PBF kjipf at a price-taking node jcorresponding to a marginal bid Ci for a given OPF result represents per unit increment of output at a
marginal node i associated with increasing the demand at node j.
Proof. A small incremental change of power at price-taking nodes [ dPt⊺ dQt⊺]⊺ results in a change of voltages at the same nodes:

⎡ dθt ⎤ = J −1 ⎡ dPt ⎤.

⎣ dVt ⎥
⎦ ⎢
⎣ dQt ⎥
⎦ (B.1)
For solving PF problem equations for marginal nodes are not considered. Voltage angles are fixed and known from OPF solution. Voltage
magnitudes are fixed at nodes balancing reactive power. The output at marginal nodes then changes accordingly:

⎡ dPm ⎤ = Jmt ⎡ dθt ⎤ = Jmt J −1 ⎡ dPt ⎤.

X X ttX
⎢ dQm ⎦
⎣ ⎥ ⎢ dVt ⎦
⎣ ⎥ ⎢ dQt ⎦
⎣ ⎥ (B.2)
Representing the demand change as a negative identity matrix [ dPt⊺ dQt⊺]⊺ = −I yields

⎡ dPm ⎤ = −Jmt J −1 I = −Jmt J −1.

X ttX X ttX

⎣ dQm ⎥
⎦ (B.3)
Transposing (B.3) results in the factors in (24):

( )−1Jmt⊺
λtpower flow = − Jtt⊺X X Cm = ⎡ m ⎤ Cm.
⎣ dQm ⎥
⎢ ⎦ (B.4)
Theorem 2. For a given OPF result, every PBF reflects the change in real power flow through a congested line d that resulted due to a change in power
k jid
demand at node j which in turn is met by change in generation at the marginal nodes.
Proof. According to (B.1) a small incremental change of power at price-taking nodes [ dPt⊺ dQt⊺]⊺ results in voltage changes at the same nodes. Voltage

Voltage at a particular node can violate either its upper or its lower limit.

T. Vaskovskaya et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 101 (2018) 491–499

angles (magnitudes) are fixed at the marginal nodes for active (reactive) power. The change of real power flow through the lines can be given as:
dθ dPt ⎤
dF = A: tX ⎡ t ⎤ = A: t Jtt−X1 ⎡ .

⎣ dVt ⎥
⎦ ⎣ dQt ⎥
⎢ ⎦ (B.5)
[ dPt⊺ dQt⊺]⊺ = −I yields:
dF = −A: tX Jtt−X1. (B.6)
Hence the following can be obtained for (25)
∂P ⊺
λttrans. cong. = − Jtt⊺X
( )−1A:⊺t X σ = dF ⊺ ⎛ m ⎞ CPm.
⎝ ∂F ⎠ (B.7)
Theorem 3. For a given OPF result, every PBF k jid
reflects the change in voltage magnitude (angle) of a node u (l) that resulted due to a change in power
demand at node j which in turn is met by change in generation at the marginal nodes.
Proof. This proof is similar to the one introduced above. According to (B.1) perturbation [ dPt⊺ dQt⊺]⊺ = −I exerts the change of voltages at price-
taking nodes:

⎡ dθt ⎤ = −J −1 I = −J −1.
ttX ttX
⎢ dVt ⎦
⎣ ⎥ (B.8)
Putting (B.8) into (26) yields
⊺ ⊺
dθ ∂P ∂P
λtvolt. cong. = − Jtt⊺X
( )−1μt = ⎡ t ⎤ ⎛ m − m ⎞ CPm.
⎜ ⎟
X ⎢ dVt ⎦
⎣ ⎥ ⎝ ∂Xt ∂ X t ⎠ (B.9)

Appendix C. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at

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