Set Induction (3 Minutes)

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Week/ Day/ Date 35 / Thursday/ 1 December 2022

Time/ Subject 8.45 – 10.15 / 2M / ENGLISH

Theme/ Topic World of Knowledge / At the beach (128)
Language Focus Review of Let’s + verb + noun
Content Standard Writing 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and
digital media
Listening 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Standard 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of simple sentences
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Spell the activities they can do at the beach correctly.
2. Listen and understand the song by numbering the picture according to the correct sequence.
Success Criteria Pupils are successful if they can:
1. Spell at least 5 activities that they can do at the beach correctly.
2. Listen to the song and number 5 out of 7 pictures correctly.
Activity Set Induction (3 minutes)
1. Pupils look at the pictures of the beach shown by the teacher. Pupils look at the pictures and tell
what they see in the picture.
2. Pupils and teacher discuss about the pictures.

Presentation (5 mins)
1. Teacher recaps back on vocabulary (activities at the beach) by asking pupils whether they still
remember them. Pupils say out the activities.
2. Teacher shows pictures of activities and drills the pupils.

Activity 1 (10 mins)

3. Pupils are introduced to the listening task. Pupils are going to listen to a simple song (Student’s
Book page 108) and they need to number the pictures according to sequence the song.
4. Teacher plays the recording twice.
5. Teacher calls out pupils name at random and ask them to share their answer.
6. The others will listen and gives feedback.

Activity 1 (10 mins)

7. Writing task – pupils take out their super minds Workbook (page 108). Pupils are required to write
more lines to the song.
8. Pupils need to fill in the blanks with the suitable activities.
9. Once they are done, teacher asks volunteers to come to the front and sing their own version of
the song.

Closure (2 mins)
10. Pupils recap back on the language focus by playing mime game.
HOTs / CCE Understanding & Applying / Values
Teaching Materials Song
Week/ Day/ Date 35 / Thursday/ 1 December 2022
Time/ Subject 10.15-12.05 / 1M / ENGLISH
Theme/ Topic World of Knowledge / Lunchtime(119)
Language Focus Imperatives: Help me, Come and take him out
Content Standard Listening 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Standard Listening 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of very simple phrases and
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Listen to the song and match the food correctly.
Success Criteria Pupils are successful if they can:
1. Listen and match 4 out of 5 food combinations correctly.
Activity Set Induction
1. Teacher shows pictures of food and asks pupils to name them. Teacher listens and checks pupils

2. Teacher recap on food vocabulary and calls out pupils name to spell out the name of the food
shown using the flashcards.
3. Pupils then are introduced to the song entitled ‘Tommy’s in the kitchen’ in Super Minds Student’s
Book page 48.
4. Teacher plays the song and asks them to sing along.

Activity 1
5. Pupils then are introduced to the listening task. Pupils look at the pictures of food (Activity 2).
6. They are going to listen to the song and match the food with the correct combination based on the
song. (I’ve got an apple on my sandwich)
7. Teacher plays the recording twice.
8. Pupils and teacher then discuss the answers together.

9. Pupils are given a piece of paper – they need to reflect on today’s lesson and what are the
improvements that can be made.
HOTs / CCE Understanding & Applying / Values
Teaching Materials Song

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