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Name: Ethan Vera

Piner High School Stem Certificate Level 1

Presentation title: Myths of Astronomy STEM Cafe

Presenters: Thomas Targett

Date: 4/13/23

Summary: The presentation that was presented by Thomos Targett exploring the common

myths about space due to the effect of film media and every day things such as the sun is

yellow. Then Thomas would talk about the myth and debunks it.

Refection: I think that the presenter Thomos Targett had a great presentation that was

extremely engadging topic. I really enjoyed this due to the fact that ive never even thought about

this topic and space is just in general really interesting and unknown. I learned some really

interesting and mind blowing facts. For example I thought it was really interesting that going into

space does not make you weightless but instead you feel weightless because there is no

external contact force pushing or pulling upon their body. This was crazy to hear because every

thing ive heard and know about astronauts was them floating around weightless, like feathers

but they actually aren't. This presentation was really interesting and fun. It really made me think

about space and all the things we dont really know about it. It also had me curious about what

other myths there were about space and other things in general.

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