Activity - Zakat Computation

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Zakat Computation
(Group: Bank Muamalat & RHB Islamic)

Saqina’s Case
Saqina is a training manager in a private company, drawing a salary of
RM10,000 per month and she lives in Selangor, alone. She contributes
11% of her salary to EPF. She has a landed house in Bangi and she rents it
out to her friend with the rental amount, amounted to RM1000/month.
She also has jewellery as her family heirloom whereby she estimates her
gold jewellery is about 60g. Find out Saqina’s zakat obligation.

Kindly refer to Table 1

(Group: Bank Islam & Maybank Islamic)

Zaleha’s Case
Zaleha is a physio-therapist and has many years of experience in the
healthcare sector. She is currently lives in Selangor as a single mother of two
(2 and 3 years old, respectively). However, since she is prioritizing parenting
during her children’s early years, she is now a freelance writer and is often
invited to speak on health issues at conferences. Her income from various
projects averages at RM4,000 per month. She does not contribute to EPF.
Recently, she received royalty of RM15,000 for the publication of a book she
co-authored. At the moment, she maintains her own individual savings
accounts with the balance of RM50,000. Find out Zaleha’s zakat obligation
Kindly refer to Table 1
(Group: HSBC Amanah & CIMB Islamic)

Luth’s Case
Luth is the eldest in a family. His parents has passed away. As a bright young
man, he was privileged to study abroad on scholarship. Now that his parents
are gone, Haniff is currently assisting his sister and brother financially and
both of his siblings are still studying at IIUM Gombak. He works as an IT
analyst with a gross monthly salary of RM15,000. His take home pay is
arrived after deducting 11% EPF. Recently, he abruptly found the gold
jewellery that his mother owned during her lifetime, after years she passed
away. He estimated that the weight of the gold is about 100gram. Find out
Luth’s zakat obligation
Kindly refer to Table 1
Table 1

Had Kifayah
Breadwinner RM12936/ year

Dependant (< 6 years) RM1,740 per person/ year

Dependant (7-17 years RM4,008 per person/ year

Dependant (IPT Students) RM 7,104 per person/ year
Unemployed Adults (18 years RM2,172 per person/ year
and above)
Working Adults (18 years and RM4,848 per person/ year
Nisab for income
Nisab for gold (jewellery)

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