J. Lomugdang PRELIM EDUC. 220 ANS.

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Graduate School Program

Master of Educational Management
Tibiao Learning Center
Tibiao, Antique




Case 1
The case study is considered the source of valuable data regarding diversity and complexity of
educational commitments, settings, problems or conflicts and as well as basis on how to improve
educational strategies. It plays a vital role in putting theories into regular practice to test its efficacy
and real-life application whenever the situation permits. This is a big help in problem-solving, coping
with ambiguities and decision making in complex situations.
As a teacher, the case is an eye opener for me to see and relate to a real-life scenario that is
actually happening in the classroom. Yes, bullying comes in many forms and it may become worse or
serious in all means. Every student is prone to bullying hence as a teacher we cannot monitor each one
of them all the time. The findings in the case study gives us a glimpse that things like this can happen to
anyone and is relevant in today’s trend on education. We cannot just ignore this incident since it
creates a long-term effect on the child’s psychological aspect. School systems together with the
administrators should always be vigilant and should create a progressive step towards bullying.
Education is slowly degrading due to incidents like this one because it hinders a child’s development.
Case studies can be used as basis to school heads and the school in general in formulating effective
strategies that will tackle bullying and to help mitigate its effect on children who are victims.
I would recommend that bullies should be dealt accordingly in a manner that they will realize their
own mistake. We should never tolerate bullying to the degree that we might neglect its effect on the
bullied children. The important thing to remember here is we must let them see their own mistake and
acknowledge it. Reprimanding alone without reinforcing will only create another branch in the
problem. The punitive way of dealing with bullying is an outdated approach. If we want to stop bullying
we should be planting good seeds in the minds of children. They have different stories to tell and life
orientations to be dealt with in everyday of their life too. The most encouraging way I must think I
guess is to be kind and be love. To become a role model is one significant way to spread positivity
inside the classroom and always speak kind words, give time to listen and always let them feel they are
loved and they are accepted. Stop bullying before it starts. Educate the children about bullying. It is
possible that the child is having trouble reading social signs and does not know that what they are
doing is hurtful. Remind your child that bullying others can have legal consequences. Students who
experience bullying may feel overwhelmed, depressed, or anxious. If your child or student is having
trouble at school or with friends as a result of bullying, a mental health professional, such as a
psychologist, can help your child develop resilience and confidence. This will enable your child to be
more successful both socially and academically and be more potent in coping with stress and anxiety.
Case 2.
Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves imbalance of power or strength. It
is a repeated behavior and can be physical, verbal, or relational. While boys may bully others using
more physical means, girls often bully others by social exclusion. Time immemorial, bullying has
already been part of school, and even workplaces. More recently, thought, technology and a lot of
social media platforms has created a new venue for bullying to expand its reach and has offered
various ways to do it.
School is the institution for children, hence in this case school came out to be dangerous upon
children. Bullying has gone too far in this case. This is a wake-up call for all of us here in the education
system to be vigilant and be aware to the alarming cases of bullying in our school. Cases of bullying
should be taken seriously since can step-up to an utterly dangerous scenario of suicide. We are
reminded to be sensitive among our students whenever we feel there is something wrong with them.
This case is quite so serious to be dealt with since has elevated into a grave situation. Case study is a
research method which is used to answer how and why questions regarding an issue to be
investigated, with no control over the variables and when the case is current. It offers an opportunity
to learn from experiences and influence the practice of theories.
I would recommend to look deeper into the root cause of the problem and then deal with
accordingly. As a teacher, I can help trace back what really happened as far as my record will permit to
help solve the case. To review our strategies in dealing with the bullies and the bullied is greatly
challenged here. This is high time I guess to focus more in improving our ways to in making our
classroom more friendly, accommodating and safe rather than just making it beautiful and colorful
physically. We have to be knowledgeable and observant. Teachers and administrators need to be
aware that although bullying generally happens in areas such as the playground, crowded hallways or
even public places, and most of all in the cyber world to which most children take their time, it must be
taken seriously. If a teacher observes bullying in a classroom, he/she needs to immediately intervene
to stop it, record the incident, and inform the appropriate school administrators so the incident will
not escalate and be investigated immediately. Having a joint meeting with the bully and the bullied is
not recommended- it is embarrassing and very intimidating for the student that is being bullied.
Students and parents need to be a part of the solution and involved in safety teams and anti-bullying
task forces. Schools and classrooms must offer students a safe learning environment. Teachers and
administrators need to explicitly remind students that bullying is not accepted in schools and such
behaviors have consequences. The approach should never be punitive because that will only worsen
the behavior of the bullies. They tend to seek attention, approval and acceptance which in most cases
they have not found in their home or in community.

Case 3.
One of the most prevalent problems in school is truancy where students escapes school premises
and do whatever they like outside. These ae students who are less motivated and uninterested to
study and attend to their classes. Truancy refers to the deliberate and unauthorized absence from
school., whether it be for valid reasons or not. In this case, a student miss classes on their own free
will. It does not include legitimate excused absences that could occur due to situations like illness or
tragedy. Truancy has existed for many decades, and permanent solutions have not yet been found.
Two key features that have not changed over the past century are economic circumstances and social
welfare. There is a direct link between absenteeism and social class. Certain working-class groups do
not value education highly and children from low-income families ae likely to become truant. Cases of
truancy is obviously and undeniably one of the reasons why literacy and numeracy rate among our
students are slowly going down each time we look into their progress reports on in research studies
report. We can always say that truancy has greater impact why children cannot grasp what we can
teach since they feel indifferent, uninterested and impassive during our lessons and would rather
choose to be truant in school. The task of being a teacher is so challenging to motivate the students
during their class and to help maintain the momentum of learning and to sustain that kind of drive in
teaching our lesson. The act of truancy destroys our goal to inculcate and nourish our students
intellectually and emotionally as one of the prime purposes why we are here. Lessons are being wasted
for good and our efforts are taken for granted when truancy is perpetuated.
I would like to recommend that as teachers we should always look on how we can make our
students motivated and interested to enter the classroom and be attentive. We know for a fact that
attention span for children in this span of age is too short and they really can’t hold much information.
The motivation part in every lesson that we offer each day is so important to catch their attention and
help them stay focused. School administrators should make sure that school premises are being
guarded and secured to contain the students and prevent them from escaping. In general, schools
must be looking into ways on how to lessen the cases of truancy by providing enough teaching
materials that will make the children a little bit busy during their stay inside the classroom. Schools can
mitigate this challenge by conducting stricter monitoring. However, it is difficult in areas where
education is not valued. Another issue is the lack of change in the structural framework for dealing
with the problem. Many initiatives have been implemented to mitigate absenteeism though changes
may not seem visible.
The main impact of truancy on the education system are poor academic performance and higher
number of dropouts. Students who frequently skip school suffer negative consequences that include
lower achievement, course failure, increased risk of dropping out and disengagement from academic
matters according to research and studies. There are several strategies that can be applied in
combating truancy. Instructional, community-based, and behavioral interventions have been
effectively implemented in many cases to lower rates of absenteeism. Each of these strategies focuses
on specific factors, and their effectiveness differs significantly. This is a serious problem that has
adverse effects on students, communities, families, and the society at large. It has numerous causes
that range from the environment, parents, and youth-related issues. The learning environment is a key
indicator of whether students enjoy the experiences o not. For example, an environment in which
bullying is condoned creates a lot of pressure on some students, who prefer to stay at home or hang-
out with peers rather than go to school.

1. What is the importance of the vision and mission of the department to you as a teacher.

The vision and mission of the department serves a blueprint or a map to navigate the
department in its course towards the goal. The statement itself becomes our sense of direction
in our endeavor and attempt to make every child learn and ready to face the life outside of
school. Having the vision and mission makes us all united to work towards a common goal
leading us on the path of excellence. The vision and mission provide an optimal work standard.
With the department’s vison and mission, teachers know what their goals are and how they
should work to help realize the institution’s goal. It has become the end-goal of teaching.
 The vision and mission statements define the purpose of the organization and instill a
sense of belonging and identity to the employees. This motivates them to work harder
in order to achieve success. Hence, it gives the right mindset to grow professionally and
be work more efficiently. When the purpose is defined clearly, we do not depart or
deviate from it.
 The mission statement provides the direction that is to be followed by the organization
while the vision statement provides the goal or the destination to be reached by
following the direction. Thus, it gives a clear way on where to go how to do things in
accordance with the standards.
 It helps to properly align the resources of an organization towards achieving a
successful future. It saves time, effort, and resources to facilitate the plan and gives a
more concrete planning to be achieved.
 The mission statements provide the teachers with a clear and effective guide for
making decisions, while the vision statement ensures that all decisions made are
properly aligned with what the organization hopes to achieve.
 The vision and mission statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone
with the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose.
This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization.
In general, we can only say that vision and mission statements are very essential for
organizations like ours. Without vision and mission statement organization do not have the goals
and if there is no goal, how can organization survive?
A vision and mission statement are a born of every planning and strategy of the department
and they can be best described as a compass and destination of the department respectively.
However, we can say that vison and mission statements are the base of organization as not doing
so would be like going to a journey without knowing the direction you are to follow or the

2. Due to the pandemic the education system in the Philippines identified several learning
modalities. In your school, what are the different learning modalities applied in your school.
Give only two. List 5 positive and 5 negative effects on the learners and to the teachers.

The alternative learning modalities applied were under the category of distance learning namely the
modular approach (printed) and the online classes.
The positive effects on the learners and teachers were as follows:
1. Flexible scheduling opportunities.
 For many students and teachers, school is only one half of the story. Luckily,
distance learning offers more flexibility with scheduling than traditional classes. Both
students and teachers may have an easier time balancing both work and school with
virtual or modular classes. While education is deemed important, every family and
student’s financial situation is different, and distance learning helps to
accommodate that reality.
2. Accessibility
 Though the world continues to make strides, there are unfortunately still places that
aren’t accessible to everyone. Adding remote learning especially the modular
scheme to your education system opens up new doors for students who can’t
always make it to a physical classroom. Allowing students to learn where they are
comfortable also reduces missed lessons and contributes to better learning.
3. Self-paced Learning
 Offering the student, the chance to learn at their own pace comes with many
advantages. Students can feel more engaged in the material without adding
pressure from classmates- whether they’re worried about being a ‘know-it-all’ or if
they’re concerned about falling behind.
4. No more commute
 Distance learning and remote education have one big thing in common-there’s no
commute. That means you save on gas and fare, money and time. Also, you do not
have to worry about being late or tardy in school.
5. Parents can see what their child is learning
 By being able to see the modules and hear online classes, parents can turn the
information learned into meaningful conversation, furthering their child’s learning
experience. It is important for parents to show interest in their child’s education.
With distance learning, that’s easier than ever.

Although there are many different advantages to distance education, there can be some places where
students and teachers struggle. Being aware of these pitfalls can help them prepare to make the most
of distance learning in a digital era.
The negative effects on the learners and teachers were as follows:

1. Strong self-motivation is required.

 Because students are in control of setting aside time to learn and complete
assignments, they must be able to focus. Learning on their own requires a sense of
responsibility, self-control, and the willpower to work on things even when the
subject matter is challenging or motivation is lacking.
2. Lack of practical experience
 While you can learn many things through videos, some skills require physical
exercises to learn properly. Even simulators cannot replace live practice. For
example, an automotive student can learn a lot through online courses, but hands-
on experience is important for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
3. May hinder student’s communication skill development
 Because most of the learning is done digitally, a virtual classroom may result in little
human interaction with others. This can make it difficult for younger students or
those who struggle with communication to further develop those skills. There’s also
the learning curve of having to communicate via a device or modules.
4. Complicated technology
 Any student or teacher to enroll for distance learning program needs to invest in a
range of equipment including computer, webcam and a stable internet connection.
This overdependence on technology is a major drawback to distance learning. In
case of any software or hardware malfunction, the class session will come to a
standstill, something that can interrupt the learning process.
5. Questionable credibility of scores in modular learning
 Despite the convenience and accessibility, distance learning is still not the best
option for many due to lack of quality and credible results. Students opt to take this
opportunity for granted where they neglect the real essence and purpose of having
such modality in times of a pandemics. The modules are being answered by others
and counted in their credit.
Despite its numerous drawbacks, advantages and disadvantages, distance learning still provides
better learning option for students as well as teachers wishing to enjoy greater convenience and
flexibility in pursuing a course. However, distance learning limits social interaction, involves use of
complex technologies and has a negative perception among some students and teachers. Generally,
distance education can be the perfect option for working students and teachers who still wish to
function as a mother to their children while being a teacher.

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