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Nama : Fardan Rasyid Arbi Ristanto

Kelas : TT6C
NIM : 2003332086

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

body language is non-verbal communication

Non Verbal Interpretation Explanation Picture


Brisk, erect confidence Brisk walking refers to taking

walk quick, regular steps while
walking. This is usually done to
achieve goals with efficiency
Upright refers to a body posture
that has a straight and upright
vertical position. It reflects a
strong, confident demeanor and
shows courage and courage in
dealing with situations.
Confident people usually have the
courage to take risks, speak
assertively, and face challenges
with a positive attitude.

Standing Readiness, Standing with your hands on your

with hands aggression hips is one gesture that can
on hips indicate readiness and possibly
aggression, depending on the
context and the facial expressions
that accompany it. This attitude is
often associated with being
dominant, confident, and ready
for confrontation.
Sitting with Boredom Sitting with your legs crossed and
legs crossed kicking a little can indicate
foot kicking boredom or a lack of interest in
slightly the situation at hand. This is often
a nonverbal sign that a person is
not fully engaged or interested in
what is going on around them.

Sitting, legs open relaxed Sitting with your legs apart and
apart apart suggests a relaxed and
comfortable demeanor. It often
indicates feeling relaxed and not
too tense or rushed. When a
person sits with their legs apart,
they create more space between
the legs, giving the impression of
freedom of movement and less
care of their surroundings.

Arms Defensiveness when someone crosses their arms

crossed on over their chest, it is often in a
chest defensive gesture. This action is
usually done in response to a
situation that makes a person feel
unsafe, uncomfortable, or

Walking with dejection someone walking with their hands

hands in in their pockets and slightly
pockets, disappointed shoulders, it often
shoulders indicates disappointment or
hunched dissatisfaction. This gesture
reflects pent-up feelings,
frustration, or low spirits.
Hand to evaluation, when a person places a hand on
cheek thinking their cheek or chin while looking
up or to the side, it often shows an
attitude of evaluation or deep
thought. This movement shows
that someone is in the process of
considering or analyzing

Touching, Rejection, This movement can indicate that a

slightly thinking person feels disapproved,
rubbing nose disinterested, or less enthusiastic
about an idea or situation being
discussed. By touching or rubbing
the nose, a person may be trying
to relieve anxiety, discomfort, or

Rubbing the Doubt, lying someone who rubs their eyes

eye while talking or asking certain
questions may be trying to avoid
looking into the eyes or portray
anxiety, which could be
interpreted as indicative of doubt
or deception.

Hands Anger, The person may be trying to

clasped frustration, control or hold back strong
behind back apprehension emotions. It can occur in response
to situations that directly cause
unwanted feelings of anger,
frustration, or fear. Clasping
hands may reflect attempts to
restrain oneself, avoid
confrontation, or mask feelings
associated with discomfort or

Locked Apprehension If a person feels scared,

ankles threatened, or uncomfortable with
the situation at hand, they may
unconsciously tense up the
muscles of their body, including
the ankles.
head resting Boredom This attitude reflects a lack of
in, eyes involvement or interest in the
downcast situation or topic being discussed.
With the head resting, which may
be supported by the hands or
resting on a surface, and the eyes
downcast, a person displays an
attitude of inactivity or lack of
focus on what is going on around

Rubbing Anticipation rubbing hands often detects

hands anticipation or expectation of
something. This gesture reflects
positive excitement or excitement
about something that is coming or
an anticipated situation.

Sitting with Confidence, With your arms folded behind

hands Superiority your head, a person conveys a
clasped relaxed and confident demeanor.
behind head, This action can give the
legs crossed impression that they feel
comfortable, confident, and in
control of the situation at hand.
Hands behind the head can also
indicate a sense of selfsatisfaction
or pride in oneself.

Open palm Sincerity, By keeping their palms open, a

openness, person is showing that they have
innocence no ulterior motives or dishonest
intentions. This gesture can give
the impression that they are ready
to listen, communicate honestly,
and are open to receiving
information or other people's
Pinching Negative, This gesture can reflect
bridge of evaluation disappointment, disapproval, or
nose, eyes critical judgment of the situation
closed or person being discussed. This
movement can be a physical
reflexive response to negative
feelings or evaluations that are
being made. Closed eyes may
indicate avoidance of the gaze or
directing attention to critical
thinking or judgment.

Tapping or Impatience Someone expresses a desire for

drumming things to move faster or expresses
fingers impatience with situations that are
slow or don't live up to their
expectations. This movement can
be a sign that a person is feeling
rushed or wants to move on to the
next step.

Pointing Authoritative This gesture can be used to show

fingers directions, give orders, or teach
something important. Pointing
fingers can also be used as a
nonverbal communication tool to
reinforce a message or clarify a

Patting/foldli Lack of Flapping their hair can also be a

ng hair selfconfidence; sign that a person is not feeling
insecurity confident about their appearance
or circumstances. This gesture
may reflect dissatisfaction with
their appearance or concern about
how others perceive them.
Tilted head Interest By minding the head, a person is
indicating that they are focusing
their attention on what is going
on. This gesture can describe
interest, curiosity, or a desire to
understand more about the topic
being discussed.

Stroking chin Trying to make This movement reflects an attitude

a decision of thinking and considering
something carefully before
making a decision. This
movement can be a sign that they
are considering various options or
are ordering information to reach
a better decision.

Looking disbelief By looking down, a person is

down, face indicating that they are unsure or
turned away lack confidence in the information
or situation at hand. Looking away
can also indicate reluctance or
discomfort in interacting. By
looking away, one shows an
attitude of rejection or
dissatisfaction with what is

Biting nails Insecurity, This gesture can reflect a person's

nervousness anxiety, tension and tension over a
particular situation or problem.
Pulling or indecision Pulling or flexing the ears can also
tungging at indicate that a person is in a deep
ear thought process or considering
multiple points of view before
making a decision. This gesture
can indicate that they are trying to
digest information or looking for
ways to clarify their

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