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Topic for discussion Architect

How to become a good programmer? Effective Code Reviews

How to become a Tech Lead? Promoting Reuse (Avoiding Duplication - Code, Components, Frameworks, Standards)
How to become an Architect? Productive Teams (Deployment, IDE, Releasing, Automation)
How to approach code reviews? Reducing Coupling and Increasing Cohesion
What are the best practices? (REST API/microservices/design/architecture/......) Extreme Programming Practices
How to approach learning new things? Setting up Clean Architecture
What books do you read? Architecture and Design Reviews
How to choose a framework? Setting Enterprise and Project Standards
Real world architecture discussions - Suggestions invited KISS
Why should you learn Functional Programming? Ensuring Scalability
Is TDD important in 2022? Ensuring Reliability
Are Design Patterns important? Ensuring Availability
Is Pair Programming useful? Setting up Governance
Is Code Quality important?
How do I do a Code Review?
Why should you learn Unit Testing?
Are Design Patterns important?
Why are coding standards important?
Why is readable code important?
How to reduce Technical Debt?
Is Code Coverage important?
What is Evolutionary Design?
How do you keep your design simple?
How to be a good architect?
How to become a good mentor?
Why should you do "Continuous Learning"?
When should you go Hands-on?
Software Architecture - Why do you build a Vertical Slice/Prototype?
Software Architecture - What should build applications in multiple layers?
Software Architecture - Separation of Concerns
Software Architecture - Event Driven Architectures and Asynchronous Communication
The Boy Scout Rule (97 Things)
Automate Your Coding Standard (97 Things)
Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say (97 Things)
Continuous Learning (97 Things)
Deploy Early and Often (97 Things)
Distinguish Business Exceptions from Technical (97 Things)
Don't Repeat Yourself (97 Things)
Know Multiple Programming Languages (97 Things)
Learn to Estimate (97 Things)
Put Everything Under Version Control (97 Things)
The Single Responsibility Principle (97 Things)
Write Small Functions (97 Things)
Write Tests for People (97 Things)
Your Customers Do not Mean What They Say (97 Things)
How to decide "what to learn next"? Especially when you are searching for a new job!

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